New $0.75/1 Smuckers Jelly, Jam or Preserves Coupon = Only $0.67 at Walmart
WooHoo! Here’s a great new coupon for ya perfect to save on all those PB&J Sandwiches that many of us will be making like crazy soon! Head on over there and to print a new $0.75/1 Smuckers Jam, Jelly, or Preserves coupon (no size restrictions!).
Then consider heading to Walmart where you should be able to find select varieties of Smucker’s jelly priced around $1.42 so just $0.67 after the coupon!
(Thanks, Coupon Hound Hunt and Photo Credit, Penny Pinchin Mom!)
Zip code? I don’t see it.
It’s directly linked, when I click on the link it brings me to with it already clipped.
If it’s not, then I don’t know. Did you try 90210? That usually seems to turn up a lot of them.
Yes it works when I click the link, but I like to get all my coupons from Swagbucks and I can’t locate it on there with any of the usual zip codes. Guess I’ll just use the clipped one instead this time.
same here, I couldn’t find it through swagbucks either
I wondered the same thing and found the answer this a.m. thanks to another poster.
Go to the top Local tab is what they said, and click on that. You should be able to change the zip, then click on coupons. Haven’t tried it yet, but will be forever grateful if it works!
I’m sorry for being so dum, but I can’t seem to print two of the same coupon on anymore. Is is just me?
When you go to the link there are numerous coupons clipped to print. If you do not want these to print, you will need to look through all the coupons and uncheck the ones you do not want. Always trying to save paper/ink.
I just did “check all”, then unchecked it, then re-checked the Smuckers coupon, since it was the very first one.
that way I didn’t have to search to find which ones were clipped that I didn’t want.
For me, this coupons is awesome!! when this jelly is $2.00 I think it’s a good deal! I hope my Walmart has the same low price right now. I buy it for my birds. Thanks!!!!!
With a sale and some doubling this should (hopefully) yield us some for free jelly. Perfect for stocking up for those school lunches. With those pb coupons as well it’s going to be great.
Is it me, or has become NON user friendly? There’s not a “uncheck all” button and you have to keep pushing “Show more coupons”.
Yes! I really dislike the new changes.
I see it has changed, but I don’t have to uncheck any of them. Only what I choose is checked. I don’t like button on bottom for “see more coupons”. Of course I want to see more…..
The price of the jelly at my Wal-Mart is $1.98.
limit 1??? what’s with that!
My local Harris Teeter has these listed for $1.67 and doubled that would make grape jelly $0.17. Good deal!