Starbucks 7 Star Holiday Dash: Earn 7 Stars and Get Free $5 Starbucks Card (12/17-12/25)
Calling all you fellow Starbucks junkies! If you have a registered Starbucks card, you’ll definitely want to take note of this offer. Beginning today, December 17th, head on over here and enter your email address to sign up for the 7 Star Holiday Dash. Just earn 7 Stars from December 17th through December 25th and you’ll earn yourself a FREE $5 Starbucks Card eGift! Keep in mind that you earn 1 Star every time you pay with your registered Starbucks Card or Starbucks mobile app at a participating Starbucks.
* Don’t have a registered Starbucks card?! Click here to register your card and then go back and sign up for the 7 Star Holiday Dash!
My DD loves the kids cocoa and it’s earns a star for only $1.25. It “costs” $8.75 to buy 7 of them but with the $5 gift card back it is a nice treat for her!
That is a neat idea- and a good deal!! Thanks for sharing! I will have to treat my 5 year old son!!
Thank you for sharing….I have been a Gold Card member for awhile now, and I never get any notices of these promos.
Go into your account,click on your profile and you have to opt in for email communications by checking that box. Then you will start to get the promotions.
Star #1 CHECK!
They have an iced green tea, it is the best after a Christmas shopping experience. It’s only $1.50 for a tall.
These are great ideas!
I was just there this morning downing a white chocolate, peppermint latte. Thanks for the info.
LOL this is for true starbucks junkies! That’s almost a star a day, unless you’re buying 7 cake pops at one time all in separate transactions. I don’t go to Starbucks that often, and only ever order one drink.
I think it’s great that they are “celebrating our general awesomeness.”
That just made me giggle. Thank you for the info. I’m like cjs I never get notified of these promotions.
Also, don’t forget, if you are buying more than one, do them in separate transactions to rack up the stars.
(at Panera, you earn rewards for any purchase, so you can earn sweet treats super fast if you order items separately because you get credit for each individual purchase/vist)
FYI – I just talked with Starbucks and this is what they said…
This promotion is for invited rewards members only – as Starbucks calls it “by invitation only”. Only if you received an email in your inbox and clicked and filled out the email address, you will receive the $5 ecard.
Also to get these promotions you need to have in your profile on My Starbucks Reward – that you would like email promotional information.
Thats weird because at the bottom it says “You MUST be a registered My Starbucks Rewards Member in order to participate in the 7 Star Holiday Dash. If you are not a registered My Starbucks Rewards Member click here to register your Starbucks card and then come back to this page to join the challenge!” If you sign up now, you obviously would not have received an email about the promo. The print says its okay so I say, go for it!
Thank You!
ok so how long until we get the ecard sent to us? I did the 7 drinks, anniversary so hubby and I got one and then also treated the kids another day.
Entered the contest, earned 7 stars, haven’t heard word one from Starbucks. Not a cheer along the way! The 3 different Starbucks stores I go to had never even heard of this contest. Hmmm.
Same here Cathie!
I registered hit the 7 stars & then some & haven’t heard anything! Kinda bummed!
Hit the 7 drinks a few days ago and haven’t heard word one. Do they send you the card or upload it to your card?
I’m sure we won’t hear from them or receive the ecard until after the promo period is over.
Has anyone received “cheers” along the way? I have 6 stars and don’t want to go out of my way to get another today if this thing isn’t even real
Check your email today. I got an email saying thanks for playing and if I did complete my 7 stars I can expect another email in a few weeks. HTH!
So- for all those wondering where the e-card is. You do need to have an invite and had pre-registered. So if you did not get any “cheers” its bc your efforts are not being reconized.
I never got cheers along the way. But that’s just them trying to hype you up anyway. They had this promotion last year. Same thing happened. This year, I signed up through the email I got. Received an email back from them confirming that I signed up and that they’d cheer me on along the way. I finished getting 7 stars. After Christmas, just like kristi I received the message that I’d receive the card in (I didn’t read the part about a few weeks) But from last year, I do remember there was a little lapse in the time the promo finished to when they “paid up”.They sent the card via e-mail. Here’s to hoping we’ll get it soon!
Just got my email from Starbucks today with instructions on how to redeem eGift. Must have taken them awhile to process all those stars.
I got my my email today too. It was in my spam folder so make sure you check it.