Target: Totino’s Party Pizza Only $0.05 Each (After Rebate)
Just a reminder to be on the lookout for specially marked boxes of Totino’s Party Pizza (like the picture below). These specially marked boxes state, ”Get $5 Grocery Cash (After Rebate)”. Basically you’ll just need to purchase 4 participating boxes of Totino’s Party Pizza, then go to the website found here and enter the 4 codes found inside the boxes to score either a FREE $5 rebate check by mail or via PayPal! How sweet is that?!
(Photo Credit: Reader, Casey)
Totino’s Pizza boxes are regularly priced around $2 and go on sale for $1 quite often, so possibly a moneymaker with the $5 Grocery Cash offer. Plus, check out the deal you can score at target…
Totino’s Party Pizzas $1.25 (Price Cut through 2/16)
Buy 5 for a total of $6.25
Use the $1/5 Totino’s Crisp Crust Party Pizza coupon found here
Pay $5.25
Submit for $5 Rebate found inside specially marked boxes
Final cost $0.25 for 5 – just $0.05 each!
* Note that this promotion ends 6/1/2013 and is limited to one per household.
(Thanks, My Litter!)
Be careful with this, got the rebate check, bank will not take nor will Grocery store. Not made out to “Name” just “customer”
Mine had my name and address on it
My bank took the rebate with no issues. My name was on check.
My bank took it but she was hesitant since it said Pay out to Totino’s customer. and Didn’t have my name on it. Maybe keep the whole envelope they send to show them so you don’t have issues.
Ugh i bought four pizzas last week all the boxes are gone.I gave 2 to my sister.Thanks.
Great deal but you should never feed your kids this on a regular basis. Look at the trans fat on the back. That will do irreversible damage to your body.
couldn’t agree more with u Chrissy. Health is wealth!
thanks for pointing that out! I didn’t know that and I ate a lot of that as lunch!!! oh! I’m so regret now.
So true, my son’s teen friend eat one of these a day. His friend is really fat and has bad acne, but he loves this kind of pizza I guess because he showed my son his freezer full of them when my son was at his house. Wish my son could say something to him that would help him and not hurt his feelings.
Winco Had these aan sale for $0.95each a nd I had the save $1.10/5 coupon from the box top site. I made money buying these. I love when they pay us to shop don’t you.
have it sent to your pay pal account, I did and had it in like 2 days. I bought these and feed them to kids only occasionally, great for when there are a bunch of kids over.
is this the same rebate as the toaster strudels that had the $5 rebate or is it different? i’d hate to buy these and not get the rebate because i did the toaster strudels a while back.
the toaster strudel is a different one, but same company.
sweet! i knew it was the same company. that’s why i wanted to make sure it was a different rebate offer.
I got my check a couple days ago and cashed it at my bank no problem.
Make sure to check the boxes when you buy them! I was at Target earlier and they had tons of the pizzas on the shelf and only 3 of them were the “specially marked boxes” that will work on the rebate.
$1.10/5 printable coupon from boxtop website
Does anyone have an extra code? I purchased 4 pizzas and I have misplace one of the codes. Thanks!!