How Coupons Saved My Life

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I am sharing a video with you today… a very personal video. A video I filmed back in 2012. A video I wasn’t ready to release.

Now I am ready. Ready to share my story. My story about addiction, depression, and how those little things called coupons have done so much more than save me money.

*Please keep in mind that this video may not be suitable for children.

[youtube] If you can’t see the video, click here.

If you are currently suffering from drug addictions, food addictions and/or depression, I strongly encourage you to reach out to a friend or family member, doctor, counselor or pastor and seek help.

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Comments 1088

  1. sheila

    Collin this video is incredible. You are such an inspiration to so many people including myself. I follow your site daily, watch all your videos and have learned so much from you. I got pregnant out of highschool and struggled with many different things. If my husband wasn’t the strong, supportive, understanding person he is I wouldnt be where I am. God pulled me out of more than one bad situation and my family has always stood by me. This video made me cry and you have a beautiful family. You are very blessed!

    • nicolegammeter

      Thank you, Sheila! Glad you’re surrounded by lots of love and support! 🙂

    • Rebe

      Hi Collin, I feel I care so much about you that I held my breath when I read the title and tears starting running down my checks before even seeing it, because I knew it was going to be a “different” video. After watching it, I just want to say that I admire your courage, passion and endurance more than ever, you are truly a blessing in so many different ways. God bless you and your family! 🙂

  2. vmm

    wow, thank you so much for opening your world up to all of us.
    and as always, I’m thankful for all the hard work that benefits so many of us.

    Blessings to you and yours!

    • nicolegammeter

      You’re so welcome! 🙂

  3. Victoria

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for all the info you give us! God bless

    • nicolegammeter

      Glad to help, Victoria! 🙂

  4. Casey

    Collin, you are my hero. Thank you for being you!

    • nicolegammeter

      Awww… 🙂

  5. Lorna

    awesome video & thank you for sharing 😀 Thank you for making me save more money! God Bless always ❤️

    • nicolegammeter

      You’re welcome, Lorna! 🙂

  6. Linda

    You are loved, Collin! I have been with you since 2008 and you have helped me SO MUCH. You are such a fun person, your site is my absolute favorite!! I know you work so hard at your business. You are honest and care so much about your readers. I am a devoted Hip2Saver and tell all my friends and family about your wonderful site! Thanks for sharing your video, how brave of you to share it. You are a wonderful person 🙂

    • nicolegammeter

      Thanks so much for hanging with me through the years! 🙂

  7. Maureen

    Hugs to you. Thank you for being honest about your struggles.

    • nicolegammeter

      Hugs to you too! 🙂

  8. shirley brown

    Collin you are an inspiration. Your videos and site have helped me and my family so much over the last few months. You’ve even inspired us to start a youtube channel of our couponing or saving discoveries. Thank you for sharing your journey! God loves and bless you and thank God for your wisdom to share so much of yourself with the rest of us. You are a phenomenal woman!

    • nicolegammeter

      I appreciate your kind words! 🙂

      • Jinuwine240

        Collin, you are an inspiration to everyone who reads your blog; especially me!

  9. Alena

    You are amazing!!!! And now look at all the people you help!!!!

    • nicolegammeter

      Thanks!! 🙂

  10. momma in need 😊

    Awwnnnhhh collin u touched my heart. You are so strong. You are such a BLESSING not just to ur family but to allthose gazillion families that u help each n every day. You put in so much of effort and love. I appreciate all that u do and i know everyone onn this blog, in some way or the other has thanked u for saving money, for that coupon they had been waiting for..for so long or for that meal they got by saving money. You are an angel and truly GODSEND…thanku for all u do.

    • nicolegammeter

      That’s sweet of you! 🙂

  11. Jess

    You are so brave to share this. Thank you.

    • nicolegammeter

      You are welcome, Jess! 🙂

  12. DC

    What a precious video! I look up to you so much, Collin! You are an inspiration to me in many ways. Thank you 💚

    • nicolegammeter

      You’re so welcome! 🙂

  13. diane

    A TRUE inspiration! Thank YOU for sharing your life with us. YOU are right. Social Media does portray a world of “perfection”. A huge hug!!

    • nicolegammeter

      Hugs to you, Diane! 🙂

  14. Nika

    Thanks so much, Collin, for the video! I do appreciate your honesty.

    • nicolegammeter

      You’re welcome! 🙂

  15. Stacy A

    Hugs!! Thank you for sharing! Very inspirational!~

    • nicolegammeter

      Thanks much! 🙂

  16. T.

    Collin, if I can say any 5 words to you, it is the following: “Your life is worth something!” You have made a CRAZY huge difference in virtually all of your hip2savers!! Allowing all of us to coupon not only helps us manage our finances and to give our families better lives, but it also helps us to have a sense of control in at least one aspect of our lives, when we may not feel like we’re in control of other aspects of life. You are leading such a meaningful and impactful life, and I think that I can speak on behalf of your followers in saying that we are so grateful that you do what you do.

    I am also very grateful for you to share your story with us. So many Americans (myself included) suffer or have suffered from mental illness, and there is nothing more empowering to know that you are not alone!!

    Coupon on, Collin! You’re an angel in all of our lives. Thank you again for all that you do.

    • nicolegammeter

      Thanks for the sweet words, T. You are not alone! 🙂

  17. Gayle

    Thank you so much for sharing that video. I cried with you. You are a beautiful person and I can tell you have a great family. I know what you mean about it being easy to be mean in the cyber world. I tell my kids also be careful of what you text because it might come across different to the person receiving it. Anyway, you are the coolest.

    • nicolegammeter

      You are so welcome, Gayle! 🙂

  18. Christina

    I’ve experienced many of the same food-related problems in my own life and understand how it can put tension on a marriage. Thank you for your story. I too blog and couponing has made me feel like a part of something.

  19. Kari

    Thank you so much! Can’t stop crying. God bless you and your family!

  20. Nay

    This was an amazing, touching video. I’m glad that you were able to overcome your struggles. Being able to post this shows so much confidence and even encourages others to be that strong.

  21. Vanessa

    You are my shero!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  22. Frecklelily

    Wonderfully made, brutally honest. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Jennifer

    Thank you for sharing your story and life. You should be incredibly proud of yourself and all you have accomplished. Bravo to you!

  24. Brenda

    What an inspiration! I am sure with this video you WILL ENCOURAGE OTHERS!
    Thank you so much Collin for all you do! Brenda

    • nicolegammeter

      You’re so welcome! 🙂

  25. Erica

    Collin, you are an incredibly selfless and motivating role model for myself and I’m sure many others. I will always be thankful for you and all you do for US (your hip2save family). I do NOT know you personally although I feel like we are so close because of your kind, caring and trustworthy words and attitude you share with us. I cannot say enough how appreciative I am to have “stumbled” across your site. You are truly a God send. I am a more powerful woman, better mother & happier wife thanks to you. Blessings you and yours be many. ♡ ya girl!

    • nicolegammeter

      Thanks much for your sweet words!

      • Erica

        It’s the least I can do for you. Again much ♡! You’re the definition of a true ROCKSTAR☆


    Thank you, Collin. I feel like you are one of my dear friends after years of following Hip2Save and I am so touched that you opened up your heart to share your story with us. All families have struggles to deal with, and it makes us all feel a little bit more human to know that we’re not alone. Congrats on building such a beautiful life for your family.

  27. Laurie

    Collin! You are awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your life with us. I have recently been struggling with life in general, being a full time working mom and juggling it all. I went to a womens summit recently and it focused on some of the things you said and our expectations of ourselves and trying to make everything perfect. Life is not perfect, and the sooner we all realize that, the better off we all will be by stop trying to BE perfect. You are a great example to us. Keep it up, love to you!!! 🙂

  28. "Elle"

    What a beautiful, vulnerable, uplifting story. Thank you for sharing this, Collin! It will be an inspiration to so many. Your struggles in life have helped to shape you into who you are today. You keep on being a pillar for us all. “In the end, only kindness matters” ~(Jewel) <3

  29. diya

    My respect dear Collin!!!!!!!!!

  30. Jackie

    Ur an inspiration!

  31. Ana

    THANK YOU!!!
    I am 24 years old and this video really inspired me, I love that you share so much about yourself. You just made me realize how amazing life is and find it amazing how much you went though and got up and realized you needed to change! You are my inspiration! <3 Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!!!

  32. Khloe

    Thank you for sharing your story! I’m blessed by your transparency! Thank you for ALL you do!

  33. Andrea

    Thanks for sharing Collin. U brought me to tears. I follow your site everyday. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have u to follow. Lol. I call hip2save my drug. My husband tells me I never put my phone down. You’re great. Good for you to overcome so much. We’re all human and make mistakes but all that matters is that we overcome and learn from them.

  34. Emmy

    Collin- I have been following you since about 2008 – and I want you to know that you are such an amazing woman, wife, mother and role model to the thousands of people who follow your blog and your story. You should be proud- and I am proud to say that I support such a fantastic blog and always tell everyone about you- May God continue to Bless you & your family !!

    • nicolegammeter

      Thank you so much, Emmy! 🙂

  35. Amy

    Thank you for sharing Colin. I am a bulimic, and have been since I was 8. 20 years later I find myself in such a great place, but I know addiction problems are always in the back of one’s mind. Thank you for speaking out about eating disorders as they rarely are talked about. You are amazing and beautiful and deserve all the happiness in the world.

  36. bubbandmoose

    You should feel so proud of yourself Collin! Thank you for sharing such a personal story with us

  37. Nicole B.

    What a wonderful story! Your blog is the first one I check everyday, and your story make me feel even closer to you even though we have never meet and live in different states!

  38. Anne

    Thank you for sharing. I cried with you, I think you are wonderful and I appreciate all that you do.

  39. Belinda

    All I can say is beautiful…I have so many thoughts in my head right now. Xoxo

  40. A

    Watching your videos, I must admit I’ve felt some envy towards this thin blonde who has it all together. Thanks for putting this out there and giving hope to some people who just aren’t quite there yet on our own journeys 🙂

    • nicolegammeter

      We all have struggles and life is messy sometimes. All the best to you!

  41. hols

    Thank you for sharing this today. I really needed this more today than you know 🙂

  42. Me

    Thanks for sharing I’m sure that was hard to put it all out there but it’s great for people to see that life isn’t perfect! Couponing makes me feel better about myself as well being a stay at home mom u feel helpless when u see all the bills pilling up and I feel like I can help with saving money! I also get a thrill from helping people in need and through couponing I can do that without spending much money which is great!! I’m so glad u started this hip2save!!!

  43. angie

    awesome video. thank you.

  44. heidiledwards

    Thanks for sharing and for all you do! Hugs from Michigan!

  45. Patty

    You’re an amazing person Colin! Thank you for changing my life for the better!

  46. Rachel


    You are so beautiful. Thank you for your vulnerability- the world needs more. There are enough masks everywhere.

    You have made the world a more beautiful place.

  47. Connie

    Dear Collin- I am sitting here with tears running down my face. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You are truly a beautiful person, inside and out. What an amazing and strong person you are!!

  48. MILI

    Collin, you are an amazing woman and this video made me respect even more than I did before! I truly appreciate your honesty, I feel like your video will help many people in ways you cannot even imagine. Thank YOU for being so truthful, I think it is easy to get caught up into the perfect lives that everyone posts on facebook or instagram. We just have to remember as you said that no life is perfect and those struggles are what make your life yours. Once again thank you for all that you do. Keep inspiring us! 🙂

    • Marvymia

      Well said!

  49. Patty

    I know you will get a thousand messages so I’ll keep it short. You have a beautiful story and are always helping others in all aspects of life. Every time I see a video you post I think of how truly beautiful you are! People who hate are self reflecting…. focus on all of us who really love you! I know I do. (yup, a little girl crush…. 🙂

  50. Kate

    What a testimony! You are amazing for sharing all this. Have been following you for about 5 years now and enjoy ‘knowing’ you through the lens. Hugs 🙂

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