Possibly FREE Aquafresh & Reese's Whips at Walgreen's!
Select varieties of Aquafresh Extreme Clean, Advanced or White & Shine Toothpaste, 5.6 oz. or 6 oz. are priced from $2.99 to $3.79. Combine the $2 Walgreen’s EasySaver Instant Value coupon (on page 17 of the catalog) with the $1 coupon from here or .75 coupon from the 1/4SS. Final price could be as low as free!
Another great Deal:
Purchase the Reese’s Whips on sale 2/$1 with the in ad coupon. The in ad coupon states on Hershey’s chocolate Single bars and that’s what these are considered, so it should work. Combine with the $1/2 coupon from the 1/4SS (regional coupon) and you’ve got two FREE Reese’s Whips! YUMMY! (Thanks, CommonSenseWithMoney)
I can confirm the Reeses’ Whips works! I did it twice today:-). Treats for DH’s lunch.
Thanks for letting us know! I will be stocking up on these yummy treats!
Thanks for the link love! I have added you to my reader so I don’t miss any of your deals.
Thanks Mercedes!:)