Having trouble using Coupons at Target?

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I’ve heard now from lots of you about the horrible experiences you’ve had shopping at Target. From them not taking a Target coupon and a manufacturer coupon together on one item… to them not adjusting the coupon down to the value of the item. I’ve also heard how rude some of the cashiers have been.

I want you all to know you are doing nothing WRONG! You are doing quite the opposite! Taking charge of your financial situation, saving money for the important things in life, teaching your kids the value of $1 and the list goes on. My point is that I hope you all don’t let one grumpy cashier or manager get you down because trust me there will be lots of them.

When you are checking out with a so called crabby pants. Oh and let me stop there and say that I’m using this name, so we can make this humorous. When you turn a horrible situation into a funny one… well, doesn’t it always make you feel better. Whenever I have one of those frustrating and very aggravating moments while checking out I always, always take a deep breath and say to myself- is there a point in getting angry? Will it do anything for me? I then calm down and always find something funny in the moment.

Now back to what I was saying. When I checkout and start having issues I first always try to explain why I can use these coupons. Sometimes just explaining what exactly I’m doing will remedy the issue. You have to remember that a lot of these cashiers don’t know anything about coupons and are just confused about the whole process.

If that doesn’t work your next step is to ask for the manager. I always try to be as nice and polite as possibly. The manager may agree with the cashier and that’s when you pull out the stores coupon policy (if you have one with you). Sometimes, though, this won’t do the trick.

If those steps above don’t work, then you have 2 more options. Call corporate while in the store. I know, I know, it’s a little intimating doing this, but it sure feels good! Or you can call corporate when you get home.

I posted a few months ago about how I called corporate while shopping at CVS! Here is a quick recap of what happened:
The manager checked me out at CVS. While scanning my coupons he stopped and let me know that I would not be able to use my L’Oreal coupons since the items being purchased were on clearance. I looked a little puzzled and said this must be a new coupon policy. There was no one behind me, so I asked nicely if he could hold my purchases for a second. He looked confused, but said yes. I got my cell phone out and called CVS corporate- 1-800-746-7287 (I have their number programmed in my phone). I asked if their coupon policy had changed in regards to clearance items and explained that I was in CVS and was told that I couldn’t use a manufacturer coupon on a clearance item. The lady on the phone told me that was wrong and I could, so the manager ended up speaking to her and letting me use my coupons. I walked out feeling like such an empowered consumer… maybe even a bit like a coupon diva too!:)

The main reason for this post was regarding Target and I’m veering off the subject… sorry about that! Anyway, Tori emailed me yesterday about the frustrations she’s had with Target. What I loved about what she wrote was the ending!

Here is what she said:

Hi Collin, I just wanted to let you know what happened today when I went to target, after the terrible experience I emailed you about last week. After reading your email, I decided to call Target Corporate. Of course they were of no help, so I sent a reply email to the email they sent me (the generic sorry for your trouble email). And I told them, that I still had not received any kind of response that would make me want to go back into that store again. And I said that I wanted a personal individual response that a real person typed, not another generic response. And this is what I received back:

Thank you for your additional email. We’re sorry you didn’t receive the type of service you’ve come to expect at Target when checking out last week. We know the importance of having well-trained team members. And I know it can be frustrating if you receive inconsistent information about our services. I’ve contacted store leadership and they will go over training information with our front end team members about your concern.Thanks for helping us make Target even better.

Target Guest Relations

So, on Tuesday, I wasn’t in the mood to deal with going back to that same target (which is only 3 miles from my house), so I ended up going way across town to the Super Target, where I had a fantastic experience, no problems whatsoever. But it was so far away. So today, I said you know what, that is a bunch of BS, I am going to go back to that store and stand up for myself. I had a cart full of free or nearly free items, and I was ready for a battle if they didn’t take my coupons. When I got to the register the cashier started to give me a hard time and she called the manager over (the same one who had given me such a hard time last week). And I said I was here last week and I had a ton of problems with the coupons and I told her that I contacted Corporate and they said I should be able to do it. And she said yes, I know they called me and told me to take your coupons. So she told the cashier to override anything that beeped and for her to take all the coupons I had without a question.

Yay for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy. Finally some recognition that what we are doing is ok and that they are wrong and don’t know what they are doing. I wanted to post a note on the blog, but as you can see, I don’t know how to keep things short and sweet. But feel free if you want to mention it on the blog that the corporate site actually backed me up on this one. Score one for all the couponers out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I absolutely love receiving these kinds of emails! I actually get chills just reading them! Lets all try and stick up for what we’re doing! Like I’ve said a zillion times we’re doing nothing WRONG!:)

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Comments 149

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I had a similar experience at Wal-mart. So I also sent an email to corportate office, I used to work at Wal-mart so I know how you are suppose to be treated! I ended up getting a $30 gift card just for all my troubles, I was so happy, I did something about that rude cashier that wouldn’t take my coupon….

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I wish I could be that strong. I tried to use the Banana boat coupons two different times last week, and both times I was told by MANAGERS that the coupon could not be adjusted down “because it was a manufactures coupon”, what ever that means, and also that “you cannot get a free item unless the coupon says FREE ITEM” The second time I had the coupon policy with me, but I was so upset that I knew I would only get bitchy, so I didnt say anything!! I wish I could just do it with a smile, but I am so afraid Ill be really mean (I will), that I just shut down. I guess the next step it to write Target Corprate like your other reader did. Wish me luck!

  3. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I used coupons at target last evening for the first time ever and I was able to use the Manufac. and target coupons (printed in black and white ink) twice on two seperate 100 calorie packs. I was very surprised and happy after reading issues people have had. The only person to reject my printed coupons to date was one Walmart, but another one 3 miles away happily took them (even the manager at this one refused to take them). I made sure to email corporate. Walmart flatlined this quarter so they are looking to keep every customer they can. target is wayyy down in sales so I am shocked they are not working harder to rectify this error.

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Hi Hip,

    Couple weeks ago I had the same problem at Target. The cashier would not take their on copupon for the Chex ($1.00) and the band-aid coupon ($ 1.00) because the items cost 0.97 each and the coupons were 1.00. The manager was called and she refused to mark down the coupons. Also, in the band-aid she kept saying that travel size and trail size were the same. My husband and I left empty handed and call the corporate from the parking lot. After, about 30 minute we went back inside to the guest relations and were allowed to have the products.
    We spent about 45 minutes to have about $ 10 dollar in free products but we thought it would help others and us next time.

  5. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I was having problems using coupons at target also. When my coupons wouldn’t scan, the cashier told me some story about not having a “contract” with the manufacturer. Some of them were Target coupons. I e-mailed them, let them know what my issues were, and told them that I also would like a reponse from a “real person” well, after reading Tori’s e-mail, my e-mail was identical to what her’s said. I even wrote back and asked for answers to specific questions, and they sent me another form letter that did not even mention my questions. Needless to say, I think I’m about done with Target. I don’t have time for the hassels I go through every time I shop there.

  6. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I am borderline scared to use a target plus manufacture coupon at my Target. There have been times when they do not want to even take my Target coupons that I have printed at the store. They have told me it is up to their discretion.

  7. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    i had a terrible experience at target as well. i called corparte and they were nice. they told me that they would be sending a letter of apology. im secretly hoping there will be a giftcard or coupon in there. but now i understnad coupons more so i will stand my ground. i didnt have trouble with the banana boat coupon. she took that one fine. the manager and cashier were SO MEAN.

  8. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I used to work at Walmart also for 3 years. 1 year as a cashier, and 2 years as a accounting office member. I do know they have mandatory cashier meetings that I went to. I do NOT ever remember them discussing the use of coupons and what exactly to look for and what each meaning is (one per purchase, one per transaction etc.)

    I, did not really know about the use of coupons, but I never questioned the customer. I looked for a expiration date, and scanned it. The register was programmed to beep only if the item was NOT purchased so it did most of the work for me. However it did beep for items that they did purchase and I didn’t know why. I simply found the item and double checked for product, size etc. and hand keyed the coupon in. There is NO harm in that.

    Also, working in the accounting office, I know exactly how the paperwork works and what we did. Our “old way” was to have a cashier on one register all day…sometimes 2. At a pull (drop register bag) we would have all the coupons they received. If there was an extreme amount of one item, we simply went into the computer (smart system for registers) and actually looked through all their transactions till we found one that had a lot of the same coupon. We checked the wording on the coupon..say one per purchase. If the coupons matched same amount of items..no problem what so ever. If the coupon said one per transaction and they had say 10 or so on that transaction…we did have to flag them, and management would talk to that cashier.

    I really think that the stores need to have a crash course for their whole store team by a person who knows coupons so that they are all on the same page and understand how it all works. That way your not getting a different answer from different employees who have no idea what to do, they just fear getting in trouble so their best answer for you if your item seems “free” is ….You can’t do that.

  9. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Oh, I forgot to add, that the other night I went to Wal-mart and I used 44 coupons, the register beeped and a csm had to come over and flick her key, but they had no problem letting me use as many coupons as I wanted to. They were really nice to me, even the cashier didn’t have a problem scanning all of them and several she had to look up the amount to put on the coupon for the free item! I live in Kansas and so far so good. I am saving lots of money….

  10. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Well ladies, i just email Target corprate,I hope ALL of you do too!!! And thanks too all of you who have called and written in the past to try and make it easier for the rest of us!

  11. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    My only problems have been issues with the coupons scanning, mostly related to the target coupons. The cashiers have been nazis about making sure I have the exact correct items for the coupon, but really that’s just them doing their job. It takes time, and the line builds up behind me but that’s how it goes when every item you have has two coupons that can barely scan!

  12. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I have not had a problem at my Target…but just a hint…I tend to pick my cashier. I don’t go in the line if some young kid is checking out because they clearly don’t understand the value of a dollar (usually) and are not helpful, they like to play the “dumb” card. I look for a woman who is my age (mid 30’s) or older. They are usually the ones who are impressed with my savings and more willing to help out!

  13. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    247 Mom,

    Yea, I try that too, but it seems like EVERY coupon at my Target beeps, and every cashier is clueless. I am glad some of you have “good” Targets 🙂

  14. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I don’t know why they have to look at every item you have a coupon for, unless they DON’T know what they are doing or their register does not recognize if item does not match.

    Our Walmart used to take every coupon you gave them, even if you didn’t buy the item. If the customer had a large amount of items and the cashier tries to scan as fast as she can..they never noticed you never even bought the item.

    Our new way matches coupon to the item..beeps only if it was not purchased..or wrong item..even wrong size.

    Does Target not have an updated system? Seems like a waste of time for the customer to sit there and watch the cashier go through her already bagged items.

    I haven’t even used coupons at Target yet…but now I’m too scared to even try! lol

  15. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I have the most problems at target using the target coupons! You would think they could code those correctly, but they never get it right! I was brave one time because I had called corporate the day before when they rejected my coupons. I made the manager call corporate right from the register. It took almost 20 mins but I felt so empowered! (And it was only $1 off!) I will say that target has become one of my least favorite places because of how they treat couponers. I’ve walked out of the store and left a cart full of items at the register when they refused to accept my coupons once.
    I would say definately call corporate when you have these issues, maybe eventually they’ll learn to code their coupons properly.

  16. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    But I think I need to start carrying around the coupon policy just in case…

  17. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Not only are stores negatively impacting their same store sales, especially now, and that has a great impact on their stock price but they are also doing a great diservice to the manufacturer who is trying in a very difficult economy to increase sales and market share. Maybe we ought to be complaining to the stockholders of these companies.

  18. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I’m so sorry you guys have trouble. My closest Target is 20 minutes away and is just a little Target but they are wonderful about coupons. They will take as many Target coupons as I want to use and will pair them with manufactuerer coupons. They don’t mark down the amounts on the coupons either. I bought a bunch of the $0.99 chex mix and Quaker bites and they just took the $1 Target coupon each time. They are happy to take recently expired coupons and coupons over the amount of the product price. The selection is limited because it’s a small store but last week I got $147 in merchandise for $18. Yay Target.

  19. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I wish the larger retailers would have a coupon lane, like the express lane but for couponers, with a trained coupon-knowledgeable cashier and a clearly marked notice at the lane so that someone in a hurry will know that customers checking out in that lane are using coupons and will take a little longer to check out. They would know to choose another lane and those of us with coupons could be relieved of the hassle of what kind of cashier we’re going to get combined with the stress of holding up the line.

  20. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    What a great idea!!!! Now you just need to convince all the stores! 🙂

  21. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    What is Target’s corporate #?

  22. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I just have to add something that is WORKING for me with the Target coupons. I print them on my normal white printer paper, I have heard if you print them on cardstock or heavier paper then it is helpful. I was having problems with a couple of the coupons not scanning, but I was insistant that cashier tried different ways of scanning. It just didn’t make sense to me that some would scan and not others. So we found that the best way was to lay the coupon flat on the counter, hold the sides flat while the cashier scanned it with his gun. He started out close to the coupon and then lifted it up farther away and IT SCANNED EVERY TIME! Hopes this can help someone!! I’m SAVING so much with these stacked coupons!! I LOVE THEM!

  23. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    Target: 1-800-440-0680

    thats the number i called.

  24. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Lela, that is a GREAT idea! How can we get that idea out to the stores?

  25. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I usually pick a dumb kid at target b/c I know they dont care. Two times this week I got 5 100 calorie paks for free in only one transaction. Last week with the fiber one bars and the free gift card they actually paid me .12 to take the items.

  26. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Hip2Save, I emailed you a Target question I think yesterday, just wanted to make sure you got it :o) I sent it to the email on your blogger profile.


    I’m so glad people are taking a stand!!

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I was so scared to go to target with all the hassle they seem to give people. I got over that tho cuz hey had great prices on items that i had coupons for that were about to expire. I SOOOOO lucked out when I picked a register. I got a little scared tho, even tho I knew I wasnt doing anything wrong, b/c the supervisor came over and then a manager came over and they were all standing there talking to the cashier. When I handed over my coupons, the supervisor laughed and she said “Wow, she shops like you do” to the cashier. I thought “oh it doesnt get any better than this!” If for some reason a coupon didnt scan, my cashier rescanned a coupon for the same value. I spent $8 on $47 worth of stuff.

    Also, my prices were all higher than what blogs say, I think prices vary by region. That was stinky but I’m so grateful to my knowledgable cashier!

  28. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Oh yeah, and also when I got up to the register, I told the cashier that I have coupons and asked if I needed to break up the transactions for her since the coupons say “limit 1 per transaction.” She said “No, b/c when we come through the register and have coupons we dont have to so I dont make my customers.”

    I think I’ll call target today and let them know how she did such a great job. Score 1 for Target. : ) So that makes it like 3-439857345 right? ; )

  29. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I am so glad to see you are telling your readers the same thing I am telling mine. I have had some real horror stories come in as comments in the last week. It makes me really sad for Targeteers to be treated with such disrespect.

    I have added one other suggestion for those that are done so completely wrong. Go to PlanetFeedback.com and post your complaint if it is not dealt with satisfactorily.

    I sort of think these bad managers are already under the gun for poor store performance and do not understand A) the corporate guidlines in regards to coupons B) Don’t care and think they are bad and are clueless that they can be processed for reimbursement PLUS 8 cents each for handling. C) on a power trip and love to say no D) hate women since we are generally the couponers E) blatantly a jerk to start with.

    They are threatening to ban customers from the stores, calling asset protection, and worse. I am guessing they have a camera on the checkout when they call asset protection.

    Whip out the cell phones. Take pictures of the offenders and email it to corporate. If your cell phone records audio, record them.

    I’m really sick of it and it doesn’t even happen to me. I have a wonderful store — thankfully. They all but dance in the aisle at my massive savings.

    Also suggest that if you have a good store to send a compliment to home office and tell them how much you appreciate a great store after the horror stories we read.

    I hope Target will train, re-train and follow up with their training and make it more consistent for all of us.


  30. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I work at Target, and sometimes I am up there cashiering. I will push the coupon through if it is for the correct Item & yes, we can adjust them down. Please don’t get nasty with us or report us if you don’t get your way. We are trying to do our jobs with out getting corrective action. Yes, we get in trouble if we push the coupons through or don’t adjust them down. THESE ARE OUR JOBS!

  31. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    This is gonna be long:

    Yeah, I have had some TERRIBLE experiences with Target. I came in 1 time and one of my coupons wouldn’t scan. The cashier “assumed” I was trying to fraud them and said she couldn’t scan it. And I said “well, I’ve done this several times before.” So she called I guess the “lead” over, and she began to tell me her interpretation of why the coupon wouldn’t work. Again, I said that she was wrong (but in a nice way). I told them that I understand you but I’ve done this several times before, and if I’m doing something wrong at least tell me or give me an explanation for why I can’t use these coupons. So the “lead” rolled her eyes at me and got so mad, she called a manager to the checkout, and the manager made some story up as to why I couldn’t use the coupon. All the meanwhile I’m thinking to myself “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.” Now I don’t want to burn any bridges, I don’t want to be rude, I don’t want to do anything fraudulent, but ALL 3 different people told me 3 different stories on why the coupon wouldn’t scan.

    It wasn’t even 1 week earlier that I bought a $.99 item and used a $1.00 coupon and the cashier adjusted the price down. I still don’t know if this is a store decision because I thought that the corporate policies were that you could adjust the price of the coupon down.

    Anyways, to make things worse, I was so angry and frustrated at that Target, but that have had some excellent deals so I keep going back. EVERY TIME I walk into that store, they have me pegged. When I go to check out, my cashier gets a phone call, and then the cashier says something about me and my coupons ex.”Yes she’s got coupons.”

    I know I’m doing everything right, but in some crazy sense, I feel like I’m shoplifting or stealing money just because they have me pegged when I walk in the door. It’s ridiculous. I even called the manager and explained to her that I just want to be honest and do things right, so could you please tell me why I couldn’t use that coupon. She said she would find out, took my # and call me back…and of course she never did.

    Stores are dumb for treating their best customers like that. By rejecting coupons and treating couponers like poo-poo, they are turning away business and their store #s will not be so hot.

    Anyways, I thought I would just tell you that I’m under Target’s radar because I use coupons 🙂 They obviously don’t want me there.

  32. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Thanks for the great story! I have had several readers email me this week about Target not adjusting the coupons down even when they had a letter from corporate stating that they needed to be adjusted down.

    I have had the same problems, but I feel bad when it’s new couponers and they are getting discouraged. I think that stores don’t understand that most of us are honest people just trying to do what’s best for our families. It can be frustrating when you are made to feel like you are doing something wrong, but know that you are right.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I am glad my readers aren’t the only ones having problems. Hopefully together we can all do something!

  33. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Oh this so sounds like the Target trip I had this week. The cashier was rude and told me I COULD NOT use $1 coupons for the 99 cent items that I was trying to purchase. She called the manager over. I showed the manager the coupon policy I had printed from your blog (THANK YOU SO MUCH, by the way for posting it). The manager told me that my copy of the coupon policy was bogus and she was marching over to the Target computers to see what the “Real” coupon policy was. My cashier continued to scan my other coupons while she waited on the manager to return with the “real” coupon policy. I watched as the manager picked up one of the red Target phones and called my cashier. Surprise, surprise. The manager told the cashier to scan my coupons for the 99 cent items. However, the manager NEVER walked back over to apologize for her rude behavior, neither did my cashier. I never go to Target without the coupon policy in my hand.

    Thank you for educating couponers like me who would otherwise get walked over by cashiers and mangers who don’t know the coupon policies for the stores in which they work. Knowledge is power. And in this case knowledge equals dollars in my pocket.

    Thanks again,

  34. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Does anyone know how many Target coupons per item you can use. For example, if I buy 3 Bliss candybars, can I use 3 Target $1 coupons in the same transaction?

  35. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    OK, so I called the Target store and talked to a store manager, and sure enough he said they CAN adjust the coupon down. He apologized for all the trouble I’ve had at his store.

    He said if I had another problem to ask for the LOD (Leader on Duty).

    I wrote about my conversation with him on my blog http://www.metroplexsavers.blogspot.com

  36. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I was at target on thursday, They wouldn’t take the huggies for the wipes (not bath and body). no on the bliss, no on the banana boat leader even offered to pick me up the more expensive size. How nice. I divided my order and went thru twice. Both gave me problems and they are so annoyed when you don’t want the item. One female, one male. I have one more option. The last 3 times were in the morning. Maybe they have their least experienced then. Per someone on a previous blog, I’m going to go evening close to closing.
    Can someone tell me where to find the joint juice?
    Hip2Save, our rite-aid ad starts on Friday. Thank you for the alaway Q. There is a peelie on the wound wash, and the right guard aerosol has a $2Q inside the box.I went thru twice and had total $24 mm.

  37. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Funny that I read this today… I was at Target today, and had an awful experience, yet again. Every time I go I have problems, and I’ve tried 4 different Targets in my area! Toady I had problems with a manufacturer coupon. I tried to buy 2 packages of Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs, and I combined a Target coupon with a Manufacturer coupon. But they refused my Manufacturer coupon because the item I purchased was not “the EXACT same item that was in the PICTURE! Though the wording said Save $1.00 ANY 2 Oscar Mayer Franks. ANY TWO! But the cashier AND a manager both said, NOPE YOU CAN ONLY PURCHASE WHAT IS PICTURED IN THE COUPON! That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! It wasn’t even a Target coupon I had the problem with but a manufacturer coupon!

  38. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I just came back from Target and was looking at my receipt. On Monday (5/11) I bought Crystal light for $2.99 before coupons. I bought more today (5/16) and now the price is $3.99 before coupons. Does anyone know if there was like a 3 day sale or something last week, or if they just changed the price. I was at the same store both times.

  39. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I’ve had a similar experience at my local Target. I live in a pretty small town so we only have 1 Target that just openned within the last year…which I was so happy about. Earlier this year I started getting into coupons alot and had a few different experiences at Target. I often shop with my sister and/or BF and all 3 of us got the same treatment. So, the next day my BF called me to tell me in detail what happened and that was the last straw for me. I called the store manager, he apologized and assured me it wouldn’t happen again. Well…it did. So, my sister went back and they basically said she was stealing products buy using internet coupons. OMG…she was so upset got home and told her hubby who then got on the phone with corp. we have since not gone back as much but every time I do go there I get the look like oh no here she comes…I’m hard to miss with my huge coupon 3 ring binder!!! But I don’t let it bother me…I know I’m not doing anything wrong and like you said Im just taking advantage of what is available to me as a consumer to save some extra money for my one income family.

  40. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Anon: example: Bliss listed at $2.99.Once they will auto take off the $1 target Q and list at $1.99 another time list at $2.99 and then take off target Q and manu Q. At first I thought they didn’t take off both Q’s. hth

  41. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I am a huge coupon user, but I also have family that work at Target.

    This is the best way to get results that help everyone…

    If you are coupon user that feels you are treated unfairly at Target, ask to speak to the “ETL” or the “STL on duty” and if they don’t help you ask for the “DTLs” number.

    I’ll tell you why.

    When you go straight to “corporate” to deal with the coupons you are only helping yourself, not the whole. Corporate will just shoot an email with a friendly reminder.

    The person you initially are contacting when you email or call “corporate” have no authority over anyone in that store or anyone for that matter at all…It sounds important to announce you are going to “email or call corporate” because you picture some person sitting around in a suit, in a huge office with big windows answering your email or call with great concern…but the truth is, the person you are communicating with is an entry level employee that just got out of college (maybe) that is trained to kiss butt and send reminders. Picture a hungover 23 year old in khakis with an ipod dangling from their hip as they turn to the person next to them saying “Hey, check out this one” :points to your email:

    If you tell a STL or ETL at the store you are at, the entire team will get firm personalized direction from the STL or the DTL and it’s more likely to be followed up with because the DTLs visit the stores very often.

    The ETLs, STLS, and DTLs are paid good money to deals with these issues and take things more seriously then “corporate”.

    And, if the STL or DTL is riding that person, chances are it won’t happen again at that store. The “ETLs” will have a team huddle and everyone gets warned. When you contact corporate you are tellinh on the STL of the store who may be very willing to help you, not the employee that might of known better, but acted wrongly anyhow.

    If you ask for the “manager” you’ll get the team leader who might be still in HS…

    “Managers” are not ETLs or STLs – they are the executives at the store who you rarely see on the floor. Ask to speak directly to one of those people and you’ll get better results for everyone.

    Hope this helps clear things up…

  42. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    what does the ETL, STL, and DTL stand for?

  43. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    So what do those initials mean – ETL, STL, DTL? I’d hate to throw around initials when I don’t know what I’m talking about. I sure enough know how to ask for a STORE manager, though (which sounds like what you were saying).

  44. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I went to Target yesterday and actually had to tell the cashier how to input my coupons when they wouldn’t scan.
    The lady behind me asked where I get all my coupons and of course I said “Hip2Save”. The cashier then asked, “What was the name of that website?”, and she wrote it down.

  45. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I had the same bad experience as many of you today. I just e-mailed corporate spurred on by the discussion on this page and blogged about my bad experience. There is no excuse for treating good customers like they are criminals for using perfectly legitimate coupons. I will take my coupons elsewhere if this continues.

  46. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Is this a new problem with target?

  47. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I had a problem tonight with target taking their own $.75 of target brand cleaning product coupon. The manager said it had to be the item pictured. I returned the three sponges that ring up on the receipt as cleaning supplies. I also just got done e-mailing corporate because I have a target visa that I use regularly, and told them I would cancel it if they wouldn’t accept their own coupons.

  48. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I hope everyone sees this –
    Hand the manufacture coupons to the cashier FIRST, then the target coupons! Otherwise the register beeps and the cashiers think you’re trying to use 2 coupons for the same product.

  49. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Where can you find Target’s Corprate policy on coupons?

  50. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I had terrible experience at target last week, they wouldn’t except my coupons, they were $1 and the items were .99cents when the manager came over she told me they don’t adjust coupons and walked away from me, i asked her to call corporate and she refused and kept on walking…well i called when i got home and they sent me a three dollar coupon and said they would call that target, next time i went i had NO problem, but it was a different manager who either didn’t care about taking the coupons or knew the store policy….i actually had 40 banana boat coupons and they let me use them all!

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