The Lemon that started it all…

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First, I don’t NEED to justify the “lemon” situation in my Follow Me Monday video (maybe the container of lemon wedges was actually for the WHOLE table? Ya think? …AND maybe I only needed 2 Lemon wedges to make the kind of lemonade I like… and maybe I gave the server a HUGE tip because she put up with us… and maybe I was a server for a few years, so I UNDERSTAND… ).

Anyway, the point of this post is to express how I feel. I am not one of those people that can bottle stuff up inside. That’s just not me. I put myself out there on these videos and it’s scary. I also work very hard every week getting these videos made for all of you. I felt the response this week (I actually had to delete some of the comments) was not too positive. I want to continue making videos, but if I feel like this every Monday, it’s definitely not going to work.

Just please try to remember that I have feelings…

Oh and when I talked to my hubby about the whole lemon ordeal he said, “What lemons? When did we have lemons?” Him saying that made me feel so much better… made me realize once again, that this whole lemon crisis is NOT a big deal!

…And one more thing—it is just a stinkin’ lemon!

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Comments 821

  1. Jessica

    Collin, please keep doing the Follow Me Monday videos! I have learned so much from you, your site and videos! I appreciate you keeping it real. I am so glad you mentioned the lemons. A really good friend of mine taught me to do that and I had actually forgotten all about it until your video. Hang in there sweety and don’t let nasty people get to you!

  2. alicia

    You ROCK…..YOU rock…..You ROCK………..ENOUGH SAID!!!!! They are just wrong….PERIOD!!!!!! Keep up the GOOD WORK and once again…..YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!

  3. Fmesh


    You are so awesome! I really appreciate all the work you put into this site. Everytime I come on I think about how much work it must be for you. I would totally understand if you stopped doing a video every week. I must take forever to record them, and then to edit and upload must take a long time as well. You just do what is best for you and your kids…they need you more than we do 🙂 Thanks again for all you do!

  4. Amanda C

    Like everyone else has said…You are AWESOME! And it is sad that some people have to post such negative things. I know it is hard to let it roll off your back because I take things to heart as well….but just know that for every person out there saying something negative about you or something you are doing…there are 1,000 others that are supporting you!

  5. Bev

    I’ve never commented before but I feel compelled to say hi and let you know that I think you are awesome. I look forward to your Monday videos – they are so much fun! Don’t let people get you down!

  6. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Hi!! First off I just wanted to say sorry that ppl have been saying mean things on here about your recent Monday video. That’s not very nice. I watched the video and actually must say I was a tad shocked though. Being a server in college a couple years back, I know I and all my co-workers HATEDDDDDDDDDDDDD when ppl ordered water and asked for a dish of lemons. And I saw you mentioned that you also were once a server so I was just shocked that you would have mentioned that about ordering free lemonade. And no reader can understand the frustration of others (the neg commenters) from this video unless you have severed before! Also when mentioning the restaurant tips, can you please emphasize that ppl do need to tip ALWAYS on the ORGINAL amount of the bill. I noticed your bill was only $24 for 4 ppl. Now that’s great for the costumer but terrible for the server. At 20 percent that’s only about $5. I know you said you left a big tip and thats great that you do I just wish everyone does the same when using coupons at restaurants. I really do think you do a GREAT job with this blog 🙂 I read it everyday!!

    • MamaBear

      see, i told you its not about lemons, its about the waiters/waitresses being bitter about tips.
      p.s. i have served before

      Here-Ye Here-Ye:
      To all who are bitter about this subject: go to a bitter server forum and have at it!!! This is a saving website!! And a darn good one too! 😀

      Lets all have a toast with lemonade!!!! YAY!!!!!!

    • Laurie

      Hmmm, I was a server for several years as well and NEVER thought twice about people asking for lemon in their water. I also never heard a co worker complain.

    • Tracey

      I was a sever for about 7 years. I never complained or cared when people wanted only water or asked for extra lemons or asked for hot water because they brought their own specialty tea bag with them (this was a rarity). I never heard any other sever complain either and I worked 5-6 days a week most of those years so you think if it was such a big deal I would have heard someone complain about it.

      Maybe your attitude had an effect on your tips, not the water and yes I get the concept if one doesn’t order a drink the bill total will be lower and in your mind therefore the lower your tip. Um someone who is just having water, if they were going to get a drink it probably would have been soda, tea or coffee. So you wasted a lot of time stressing about drinks, should have spent that time giving better service or schmoozing the customers for a bigger/better tip. Just sayin’.

  7. Jenny

    You are adorable, real, down to earth, heartfelt and smart! I appreciate you and all you do. Your videos are cute and no worries if you ramble, its part of your charm. Restaurants want to please the customer and are thankful for buisness, asking for lemons is fine, if everyone at your table did it, it might be a bit much but who cares, they can polietly say no, if they don’t want to give them to you. I also bring in drink powders, that I get for free or cheap, crystal light ones. Sorry about the bad lemons, you are making the world a better place, like the movie inspired!

  8. Rita

    I thought the video was adorable! You have saved my family so much money and I also give back with my savings to the homeless in Orlando. Keep up the great work! I love you!
    ps. You are so cute!!!

  9. Rachel

    I have to say that until you posted about the lemons I didn’t give it a second thought. Well, actually I did. But it was to think about my sister who does this all the time. She doesn’t do it to be cheap either. She just likes controlling what goes into her drink. So thanks for sharing. It made me smile thinking about my sister.

    I love your videos. To put yourself out there like that takes a lot of guts not to mention all the time it takes. I’m sorry people aren’t more appreciative of that. After reading a few of the comments from the video post I believe there are more people with you than against you.

  10. June Bug

    Love your site and info! Keep up the great work! It’s helping so many moms, dads, and little kiddos! 🙂 Many blessings shall be yours for your contributions to our families!

  11. Anon

    You are great. It is not you. You are a sweetheart.
    Some readers have questionable judgement when it comes to their version of “frugality”. Stealing is stealing. Hard working Americans pay in the end.

  12. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I love your videos!! I should be studying for my anatomy test, but I seem to be addicted to your site : 0 I just think your way funny, I am always telling people to check your site out, I get off work at 6 in the morning and I get in bed and watch your videos, my husband always wakes up and ask “who the hell you talking to” LOL

  13. Michelle

    First of all, I think your site is amazing and you are an amazing person for everything that you do. I do not know what happened over the lemon. But when my husband and I go out to eat I always order water with lemons. I do not drink soda.
    There are always going to be people out there that are jealous, lonely, and with nothing in their lives that will try to bring everyone else down with them. DON’T let them get to you.
    Keep up the great work that you do on your blog and I cannot wait until next Monday’s video.

  14. Jennifer

    I LOVE your videos SO much. You cant stop. I have NO idea what people said about your lemons but just move on. I order water b/c its all I drink…and if I want some lemons to add favor I do it…what is the big deal!?
    You are loved and those who have too much time on their hands to criticize lemon usage need to learn how to make lemons into lemonade.

  15. Natalie

    I just want to say that one of the highlights of a crappy day like Monday is watching you on here!!! You are a joy and I hope that you don’t stop making these helpful videos for us!!! I sometimes worry that I spend too much time online looking up deals… but tonight I realized something, at least I am doing something positive by spending time reading through my options and learning how to save money for my family… that is a good use of time, while spending your time tearing others down is not. I am sorry that this happened to you. I hope to spend many more Mondays watching your helpful and hilarious tips! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! <3

  16. rachel

    I think your lemon idea is GREAT! i LOVE YOUR VIDEOS! Keep up the good work, and to anyone who was mean…if you don;t like what’s on h2s stop looking at it. lol.

  17. shane

    Thank you for what you do everyday! Please do not let hateful people get you down… I cannot express in words how much your site has helped my family. Please keep doing what you do!

    “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
    Albert Einstein

  18. Stephanie M

    Keep your chin up girl !!! You are doing so great don’t let some haters bring you down.

  19. shane

    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
    Albert Einstein

  20. Abby

    WE LOVE YOU! Enough said. and WE LOVE THE FOLLOW ME MONDAY VIDEOS! PLEASE don’t change or stop making the vids because of a few trolls who have nothing better to do than hide behind their computer screens and leave rude comments all day……..
    YOU are BETTER than that!!!

  21. Heather

    I just want to say, that this is the first time I have commented on your site! I absolutely LOVE your “Follow Me Monday” videos! I am sorry you had some negative comments about the ‘lemon” situation.. but you know what? WHO CARES!! I think that is an awesome idea! I usually order water anyways.. so whats the big deal? I love the deals you put on her and I have learned so much from you!

    I am a Army mama of three so any way that I can save a buck I do so! Keep up the good work and the positive attitude! I love your website! Heather T. Lakewood, WA 🙂

  22. Tami

    I haven’t even watched the follow me Monday video. But, I just wanted to let you know that I personally love your blog and I believe there are lots of other people that do! I hate the fact that your feelings were hurt because of a few ignorant people.

    I think you are fabulous girl!!!

  23. shane

    “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
    Albert Einstein

    You are the best! Thank you so much for what you do everyday!!!!

  24. Renee

    Collin, I know one more comment after the above 200 plus may not make a difference but Collin I love you videos and your site. I check it so mannnnnnny times a day and I would be completely lost without you. I loved the lemon idea and if someone else did not well they can …..hmmm…go suck a lemon. You ROCK, keep up the great work.

  25. Melinda

    I look forward to your videos each week. It is obvious that you put a lot of time and thought into this website. It is a lot of fun to be a part of, and it should be fun for you too!

  26. Grateful Guest

    Dear Collin:

    Isn’t it funny how something, or someone, or some comment can ruin an otherwise great day. I always hear how we have to power to chose how we will react to something, but I’m a pretty tender person, and I seem to respond to that one comment instead of those 5,000 cheering me on. Wish I knew how to be that person who doesn’t respond to that ONE comment, but I don’t

    Hope you can hear all of us cheering you on. All your readers have a story. Mine is similar to many others, husband took a pay cut, kids need more money for college, so I stepped up my couponing. I’ve done this for thirty years, yet I’ve saved more in the past six months. You help me. What an amazing thing you have to offer others, keeping us financially sound and in the black. K.

  27. Ashley

    Here is a story that will give you a laugh:) When my hubby was in High School (to be funny) him and his friends were at Carls JR. and they got water, made their own lemonade with the free lemons and tried to sell it to other customers for a nickel:) They ended up being asked to leave:)

    Hehe…although that is a bit different then your thrifty idea, I thought it would cheer you up and maybe give you a laugh:) lol

    Thank you for your awesome website! I love it and I love your “Follow Me Monday” videos:) I hope you continue to do them in the future! Thank you for your hard work to bring us great deals so we can save money for our families!

  28. Tiffany

    Collin don’t let negative people make you feel bad. I love your site and the fact that you are so on top of updates!! You have saved me ALOT of money and helped me to score some cool freebies. Thank you so much… Keep doing what your doing and don’t worry about the “nay sayers” there are so many of us that greatly enjoy keeping up with your video’s and postings 🙂

  29. Shelly T.

    I hope that you will not let the negative comments discourage you from posting your Monday videos. I like everyone else love them! I actually had to smile when I saw that you did the made lemonade at the table. My mother-in-law does the same thing. 🙂

  30. Jeannie

    Collin, I adore you, you little cutie. You and your blog are the BEST! And you are right sweetie, it’s just a stinking lemon. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to work and spend time daily with these “Lemon conspiracy” KIA’s (know it alls) lol. I swear these irritating and condescending personality types are everywhere! 1st of all, I do not think that millions of people are going to rush out and put restaurant chains and small diners out of business because they read about squeezing a few frigging lemons in their water from your bog. 2nd of all, nothing at a restaurant is free, it’s all part of the cost of doing business and is passed on to the diners. So it’s ok to utilize the salt & pepper, napkins, ketchup, A-1, hot sauce, sugar, butter and yes the frigging lemons if you are spending your hard earned bucks at these establishments.After all these items are offered by the restaurants to their dinners. These establishments do not give this stuff way, your paying for it. All restaurants are begging for customers right now because of the lousy economy . I say your Date Night blog probably incouraged some folks to go out for dinner, which in the end, is a win win for the restaurants. You go girl…and you lemon crusaders… you give me the willy’s.

  31. Kathleen

    I also didn’t have time to watch the video but reading the comments I can guess what happened. You must have asked for lemon to put in your water and someone with nothing better to do than stir up trouble decided it was wrong. Let me just say that judging by the people who have come to your defense you are needed, wanted and are like all the rest of us. Well, maybe not those who had issue with your lemon story. : D

    When our whole family goes to dinner, 5 out of 6 will order water. I’m the hold out and get iced tea. I’m sure the wait staff cringes but that’s all my kids ever drink! I trained them well. LOL DH always asks for lemon in his water and proceeds to squeeze the lemon to make his own lemonade. It’s not because we’re cheap (I am) but because he LIKES IT and it’s a thousand times healthier.

    It’s easy to say this but harder to do: ignore the creeps who are mean.

    I love your website! You have the latest deals posted super fast and I also have a paid site I visit but it seems you have the jump on them almost every time. I don’t know how you do it all!

  32. Kim LeBourgeois

    Collin, first of all I must tell you that I love your site. I am new to the whole thrifty shopping experience and your site has helped me tremdously. Especially the follow me Monday videos, Reading great deals are one thing but to see actually how it is done is totally different. You have also inspired me in other ways aswell, I watched the pay it forward video the other night ( one of my many sleepless nights ) and just thought WOW!!! what a amazing woman, wife, and mother. By the way my 9yr sons name is Colin..LOL!! So I love the name is plus…. I am a stay at home mother with 3 premature children my son 9 (Colin) who after his first year of birth has been totally healthy. He was born at 35 weeks and only stayed in the hospital 6 day, my 5 yr daughter Kamryn who was born at 31 weeks and was diagnosed with Pulmonary Immune Defiency Disorder basically she has lots of upper respiratory infections and was thought to have Cystic Fibrosis, but we were lucky in that the test came back negative, she just has to be really carefull during the flu and allergy season. and the my newest little miricle Kinsley she is 9 months old and was born at 28 weeks . She had to stay in the hospital for 9 weeks and she constantly being monitored ar Childrens Hospital in New Orleans for digestive issues and hemanginomas. So learning to be a thrifty shopper recently sure has helped our financial situation since I stay home with the baby and my husband works in the real estate market and you know what kind of condition the market is in, But back to the video, I havent watched it yet but dont let a few bad apples and sour puss’s put an end to something that so many of us find extremely helpful. God Bless you and all your hard work. Thank you again for all the effort you put into this site. And if you have any other helpful tips on how not to get overwhelmed at all of this please feel free to contact me at anytime.

  33. QueesnTeaparty

    Since no one has said it, I guess I will….”When life deals you lemons…… All you Negative Nellie’s STOP feeling the need to pucker-up! Collin…keep up the good work and Cheers!
    At one of our local restaurants I get a cup for water, squeeze in a FREEEEE lime and then fill my cup with ice (FREE) and soda water (FREE)! Refreshing, healthy, tasty, and FREE!
    Rock on Sister!

  34. Tasha

    Woo…..some people made a big ole’ mountain out of a mole hill. I suspect that when someone has a mind to find something wrong they will do their best to do it. Bless your heart.
    For the record you did NOTHING wrong. What is the difference in someone getting lemon for their water and someone doing the same thing and adding some sugar?

    Somebody out their had a bad day today and you became the target. I am so sorry. I say
    “Let her who is without sin cast the first stone…I mean lemon.” Sorry I couldn’t help myself there. I’m sorry that people were just flat out mean and judgemental.

    I think I’ll go make myself a glass of lemonade with the lemons and sugar that I have here at my house….But will that mean I’m stealing from Country Time Lemonade because I didn’t buy it from them……I think not.

    Sounds really silly in that light ….huh… : )

    Hope tomorrow people will be more positive .

  35. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Colin- I just love your blog and your videos crack me up. I love them because they are real! I have shared your blog with my children, nieces and nephews and employees and tell them if they are to look at one blog to save money, yours is it. You work very hard at what you do and you benefit a lot of people! Thank you, Kathy.

  36. Meagan

    Collin we love your videos! It’s honestly like a cyber-shopping trip with your best friends. You are so personable and fun; I think we all feel like we know you personally! And judging from this mass of comments, it’s safe to say you are very loved! Keep up the good work, girl. I know the 300+ of us that have commented nnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeedddd you on Monday! 🙂

  37. becky

    Thank you so much for what you do. I love your blog and have gotten so many great tips., I feel bad people are so mean about things you post. If they don’t want to look at the blog then don’t. You work hard and I so appreciate everything that you do!

  38. Lisa

    WOW! I don’t have time to read all these comments, but I get the gist that people were obviously rude to you about the free lemonade thing made with the lemons and sugar. All I can say is those people are the ones with the problem- not YOU! You, and this blog, are a wonderful resource for many people. I love how REAL and open you are. In the end you need to do what is best for you, but I hope to see more of your REFRESHING videos! Take care and God bless Collin!

  39. bonnie

    Collin!!! I LOVE your site! and your videos! I have been only reading coupon blogs for about 2 months now and have never commented . . . but after reading about what happened with the lemons I just HAD to write you a note!!! really . . . don’t listen to the negativity! When I saw your video today it just made me smile and laugh (I LOVED it) You are so cute and adorable! Why I commented is first, you have to keep your videos and second, I have to tell you that I “did the Lemon” thing tonight at Dinner – thought of you and just smiled and laughed again at how cute you are and how I love your videos! & I’m gonna keep on ordering the Lemons!!! 🙂 – great idea!! Thanks!

  40. carla

    Wow….I watched the video….loved it….then came back hours later to hear there has been drama! Don’t worry about it….we went out last night and I had water….with NO Lemon….So there…you just used my lemon! Seriously, those who complain need more to do with their time! I love your videos and I love feeling like I am hanging out with my long lost best friend during your little videos! Way to go…Thanks for helping out our budget so much!

    PS…..I hate lemons so everytime you order an extra lemon wedge….just think you are using mine…no big deal!

  41. Jen

    Love your website and especially your Follow me Mondays. I look forward to them. You need to remember the impact that you have on all of these people, with the amount of comments you received. If you said to take free peanuts and put them in free bread to make a cheap sandwich I’d still watch you every Monday. Can’t wait for the next installment.

  42. Mrs.Litz

    Wow. I haven’t even made it to the video yet!

    My hubby works at Longhorn and he actually cuts the lemons for the servers. They have this nifty cutter that you stick a lemon in and press down on and out pops the lemon wedges. He said it takes 5 seconds a lemon. I’m guessing most nicer restaurants have the same sort of thing. He also said the only reason servers would have a problem with anyone ordering just water+lemon, is that they usually like the ticket price as high as possible because a lot of people tip straight off of the total. Otherwise, they could care less. It’s their job. Plus, who’s to say that the lemonade they sell isn’t too sweet for you (it is for me!), maybe you can’t have real sugar and would like the splenda’d lemonade (that they don’t serve) instead because you’re watching calories… I think it’s a pretty nifty idea.

    Rock on Collin. Rock on!

  43. Joan

    Am so glad I found this site. I had to quit work because of health problems, and your site has saved me so much money! THANK YOU for all your hard work. I didn’t get to read the rude comments about lemons, but I can just imagine how hurtful they were. You are doing a great service for all of us, and we appreciate your efforts. For someone on a limited budget, ordering water at a meal can save 2 or 3 dollars-or more- for each person. That can literally make the difference between being able to go out to eat, or eating at home. The price of 2 drinks can be equal to the price of one entree at some restaurants; it makes a big difference.

  44. Leah Rockwell

    Think of all the lemons restaurants waste when people don’t really want a lemon with their water. I know I sometimes forget to tell my waiter “no lemon.” And when they bring it to me, I just take it off my cup and put it on the table.

    I don’t see why negative people like that even read your blog – if they say things like “if you can’t afford a drink, you shouldn’t be going out.” That is absolutely retarded!

  45. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Sorry you are dealing with neg. comments. Don’t let it get you down. Maybe some people need to lighten up.

  46. Amanda

    You ARE awesome Collin! I hate that it takes you feeling so down for us to tell you good things. I am thankful for all that you put on this site!

  47. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Like a lot of the other people commenting on this issue, this is my first post. I want to first start by stating that I have tried for years to do what you do…I would go to numerous stores to find the best deal with my coupons! It wasn’t that bad when I didn’t have any children, but 3 kids ( 4, 2, and 4 1/2 months) it’s not that easy to do anymore!! I DEPEND ON YOU AND YOUR WEBSITE!!!!!!!! And am so thankful for your knowledge and your thoughtfulness to help other people out:) If you are not into saving your hard earned money, especially in this economy, then you are not working hard enough for your money!!!! You have given me the feeling of a working mother, even though I don’t go out and make the money!! My husband is so proud of me and is getting into this with me!!! SO I just want to say Thank You Collin for your hard work for all of us that depend on you! And like another post said…for every negative comment there are going to be thousands of positive ones:) Thank you again for opening yourself up to this site and allowing us to grow as consumers!!!!

  48. Kate

    Ok, I missed the whole lemon thing – but from what I can gather, people are just mean and you should IGNORE.
    Girrrrrrl, you are just the cutest thing, and I love all the tips you give…I am totally gonna make myself the biggest fattest juiciest glass of lemonade next time I go to Olive Garden….Oh HELLS yea!
    Don’t let the meanies get to you – keep on what you are doing!!!

  49. Karen

    Collin, Your site is my favorite!! Mean people suck. You rock! Please keep doing your videos! Also please tell your sister to keep up her site. I had just found it when she stopped.

  50. Me

    Some people just love to go on public sites and trash. It’s just like when Collin posts some deal and some people have to write their snooty comments about how it is below their standards, or tacky, or ugly. Why comment at all? If it isn’t your thing just move on.

    Collin – thank you SO much for all you do. And please ignore the negative comments I really do think those people have problems and are to be pitied.

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