The Lemon that started it all…

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First, I don’t NEED to justify the “lemon” situation in my Follow Me Monday video (maybe the container of lemon wedges was actually for the WHOLE table? Ya think? …AND maybe I only needed 2 Lemon wedges to make the kind of lemonade I like… and maybe I gave the server a HUGE tip because she put up with us… and maybe I was a server for a few years, so I UNDERSTAND… ).

Anyway, the point of this post is to express how I feel. I am not one of those people that can bottle stuff up inside. That’s just not me. I put myself out there on these videos and it’s scary. I also work very hard every week getting these videos made for all of you. I felt the response this week (I actually had to delete some of the comments) was not too positive. I want to continue making videos, but if I feel like this every Monday, it’s definitely not going to work.

Just please try to remember that I have feelings…

Oh and when I talked to my hubby about the whole lemon ordeal he said, “What lemons? When did we have lemons?” Him saying that made me feel so much better… made me realize once again, that this whole lemon crisis is NOT a big deal!

…And one more thing—it is just a stinkin’ lemon!

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Comments 821

  1. Jennifer

    You are awesome! When I think about the time it takes just to put together my lists & coupons & head to the store, I always think about YOU and the HOURS & DAYS of work you do to put these deals all in one place for us to find & quickly look through! My family & friends are all so thankful for you & your HARD work!!

    Please don’t let the crabby posters out there get you down!! It’s a lot easier to sit at a computer & spout off mean remarks then it is to get in front of that camera & show us all how to save a (ton of) buck(s)!! Good job holding your head high, deleting the yucky posts & asking for positive support!! You have that support here!! 😀

    I didn’t get a chance to watch the video, but my friends & I drink water w lemon about half the time!! I wish I did all the time for my health & my pocketbook, but sometimes a girl just needs some cafeine at any price!! 😀

    Thanks again for all you do!! Your hard work helps so many families!

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Collin ~ I think your date night Follow Me Monday was a fantastic video, I can’t believe anyone could have had any negative comments about it. Every Monday I watch your videos and my DH has now been watching them with me and laughing right along because you are such a riot. He was on his computer while I was watching this week’s video and he got up like 3 or 4 times to come and watch it, because of hearing you laugh and the fun you were having. You do such an amazing job and help out so many families including mine, keep your head held high. And keep up all of yor hard work for all of us devoted postive followers. PLEASE!!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      W-E L-O-V-E Y-O-U. Please remember…99% of all of us who’ve replied love you and don’t think you’ve done anything wrong. The other 1% are just mean people and would have picked ANYTHING to be negative about! If it wasn’t lemons, it would have been something else. It’s not you, it’s just the few MEAN people. 🙂

  3. jeanette

    I love your website and all that you do for all us thrifty people. I have never tried the lemonaid at the restaurant like that but will definately try it. I wonder how many teaspoons of sugar one would need.

    By the way, i never thought you had a back problem, more like you were leaning in tell your friends a secret. I always thought it was really cool, like you are talking to just me.

    You are awesome keep up the good work. I am so addicted to your site, I always drain my iphone during the day 🙂

    • Jennifer

      I agree with the leaning in thing, I think you are really just talking to me. So cute you are 😉

  4. Cindy

    I usually don’t post a comment…. ever…. but I was popping on to see what fabulous deals you had posted…. that without this website I would have missed…. As always I watched your follow me Monday video.. I have NO idea what someone could possibly say that would be negative??? I think you do a wonderful job and have saved me soooo much money!!! Without you and all of you money saving deals we would have had to file bankruptcy…I remember at the beginning of this long drought in my husbands industry I had no idea what I was going to do for food… forget all the other basic things a family needs… I have learned through you how to get EVERYTHING and then some!!! YOU HAVE BEEN A LIFE SAVER!!!!! THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!!!! and as a side note… when your website went down… all we could talk about was….. please please let it not be gone!! what in the world would we do!!!

  5. Joanna Ferrel

    Funny how that spiraled out of control. People were def. feeding off of each other! I read the comments first and thought there was going to be a huge thing made about lemons in the video. Nope. Just a passing comment! Barely more than a silly suggestion. My thought was, how cute. (and who cares) Just wanted to add my support. You are brilliant. There are always people who get a little sour too easily I’m sorry your fantastic blog was the target of such focused sour-dom. Perhaps they all had REALLY crappy days. And had not eaten in too long. And had a to long to do list on their mind. And had something burning on the stove. Who knows. But thank you for all you do. Don’t even cosider it a misstep.

  6. christen

    You go girl! Your site rocks and you have helped us all save a ton of money! Not everyone is going to agree with everything you say, but you can’t let that get to you–comes with the territory! 🙂 Crazy people are funny and everyone loves some drama…even if it’s just “lemon drama!” Look at all these comments! You know what they say…no such thing as bad publicity! And please don’t stop making the videos! LOVE THEM!

  7. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I am SOOOO sorry about the rude people in the world! You rock Collin!

  8. Beata

    Please keep doing what you are doing!!! You do an amazing job!!! You have saved me a ton of money. I tell everyone about your site. Keep the good stuff coming!!!

  9. Jenna

    I have to say I totally enjoyed your video this week. I pride myself in being frugal, but you continually teach me things. I LOVED the lemons in your water. I didn’t read any comments about the lemons, but I loved how you made the lemonade. I love your videos, and I’m so sorry people are saying negative comments.

  10. Tracy

    Collin, I don’t know what was said, but I am truly sad that somebody hurt you. I hope all of the positive comments people are posting will show you how appreciated you really are. You have taught a lot of people how to save a lot of money and you have done it with charm and grace and you should be proud of yourself.

  11. Katie

    ok i am not going back to read all the crap people wrote because I am sure that is what it is and I refuse to read anything bad about you and this free website you provide for people who respect you and enjoy what you share with us.
    I am SOOOOOO mad right now that you had people disrespect you for trying to save money… and really about lemons….. people need to get a life…. You were only sharing a tip…. and it looked like you were kidding when you said it in the first place. and obviously you are not making videos about taking advantage of servers… COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!
    I as a former server loved serving people who were money conscious enough to know what they could spend and give me a good tip than ordering whatever they wanted and leaving nothing…. ok my husband is staring at me furiously type away and try to explain why I am so mad.
    anyway I love your site and all the tips you share whether I use them or not.
    YOU ROCK!!!!!

  12. Sarah

    Collin, honey, you rock! Keep on keepin’ on. I was a server too, and I saw it ALL! People changing diapers at the table, blowing noses on good cloth napkins, etc. I’d have loved to see someone make lemonade at the table. It’s cute and fun and I LOVE it. 😉

  13. Leslie

    You know…my sister and I went out to lunch and when she asked the server for a few extra lemons wedges the lady gave us TWO cut up lemons…I didn’t know about this debacle before we went but now that I do, I got to thinking….if she didn’t bring us those lemons(which we used) they would have just ended up in the garbage….they have to throw them out after a certain amount of time and whats worse? Free lemonade or the lemons in the garbage? It’s a ‘use them or lose them’ situation. Also, if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all. Even my 3yr old knows that.

    • Bridgett

      HA. Is this my sister?(really hope it is,sorry if it’s not) I told you, I was going to make lemonade at the table at Olive Garden today:) Totally learned it from the Follow Me Monday video today. Which ROCKED!!!! I thought it was hilarious:) Also lemon is good in the Chicken & Gnocchi soup:) I always ask for lemon in my water,and usually they send extra to the table without me asking, LEMONS ROCK,COLLIN YOU ROCK, HATERS NEED TO DRINK SOME HATERADE WITH LEMONS OF COURSE!!! lmao

  14. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I didn’t read all of the comments, Collin, but I just have to say (as I’m sure tons of your loyal readers have already said) that you are AMAZING and truly selfless to spend so much time helping others get good deals, and learn how to find good deals on their own. There are some snarky, miserable people in the world trying to kick others down, because as you know, “misery loves company”!!! Don’t let their bad attitudes and horrendous manners get you down. Just know that 98% of the readers here love you and appreciate you! Myself included!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      OH YEAH and I get extra lemons ALL THE TIME!! I love to make myself lemonade at Chipotle because they have sugar in the raw…. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  15. Lynne W

    All the couponers I know in the East Bay,CA… LOVE You Collin! You just keep on doing what you’re doing and don’t let the few drag you down. My friend and I have been making lemonaid for years at restaurants or we drink tea. We don’t drink soda and we tip inspite of using coupons. I never saw anything in the video that said don’t leave a tip or leave a small tip. When I save money, I’m able to leave a better tip. It’s just too easy for people to go overboard online when they are having a bad day or whatever. It’s not you or what you do Collin, you’re wonderful.

    WelI cannot help myself…When life makes lemons, make lemonaid!

  16. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    You go girl! Hugs! Well stated!

  17. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    yOUr BloG iS tHe bESt !!!!
    yOUr BloG iS tHe bESt !!!!
    yOUr BloG iS tHe bESt !!!!


    wE LoVE… HIP2SAVE!!

    wE LoVE… HIP2SAVE!!

    wE LoVE… HIP2SAVE!!

    wE LoVE… HIP2SAVE!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


      yOUr BloG iS tHe bESt !!!!
      yOUr BloG iS tHe bESt !!!!
      yOUr BloG iS tHe bESt !!!!


      wE LoVEÂ… HIP2SAVE!!

      wE LoVEÂ… HIP2SAVE!!

      wE LoVEÂ… HIP2SAVE!!

      wE LoVEÂ… HIP2SAVE!!

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Yeah to what they said!!!

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          Ditto to that 😀

  18. Ashley Flach

    I appreciate you and what you do for my family. You do great work.

  19. Wendy

    I LOVE your videos and website. I check your website all day long to look for new deals. I have no idea what was said but the lemonade idea is great! I usually order water when I go out but next time I will ask for extra lemons and make lemonade. 🙂

  20. Theresa

    Um, I do that too. If they wanted to charge us for a lemon then we probably wouldn’t do it but since they allow it…… why not?!!!!! I don’t know what those rude people were saying but you are awesome and we love you Collin!!!!!

  21. Kelly

    Collin, you’ve got a ton of comments saying how fabulous you are so I really didn’t need to put in my 2 cents, but I had to anyway!!! You are awesome!! Lemons?!? Come on, seriously?!? You keep posting those videos, for every 1 bad “lemon” there are hundreds of us who love seeing them and think you ROCK. THANK YOU! 🙂

  22. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    You are the best! Keep up the good work!

  23. Dahlia

    I did not read the negative comments but I do not see anything negative with the lemons. That is a great idea which I am going to do the next time I go out. You are great and do not pay attention to negative comments.

  24. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    YOU ARE 100% awesome
    your videos are hilarious and really good point in my week.
    thanks for the great deals.
    I wouldn’t have saved so much during the holidays. Sometimes people laugh at me trying to save well every penny counts for a college student. But it’s always worth it in the end.

    Great job

  25. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Collin- I think you do an AMAZING job on the blog and sometimes people do random, ugly, mean things for no reason, and I say..pray for themÂ….you do a SMOKIN job finding the deals and we all love you!!! Please keep the Follow Me Monday videosÂ…its pretty evident from all the positive comments that we all love them and would be pretty sad if you didnÂ’t do them. But at the end of the day you have to do whats best for you and your familyÂ…either way thanks for all you do and LOVE THE BLOG!!!

  26. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I absolutely LOVE your blog and look forward to your videos every week. Please keep up the good work! I find myself checking your site at least 3 times a day! You have saved me so much money since IÂ’ve discovered your blog. Keep up the good work! Please donÂ’t let mean and nasty people ruin it for all of us.

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Collin don’t let negative people make you feel bad. I love your site and the fact that you are so on top of updates!! You have saved me ALOT of money and helped me to score some cool freebies. Thank you so much… Keep doing what your doing and don’t worry about the “nay sayers” there are so many of us that greatly enjoy keeping up with your video’s and postings

  28. WenFromTX

    You are very real, funny and fabulous!
    I love that your husband hops out of the frame and you have a ‘conversation’ with me during the video segments. It actually shows my husband that I am not the only one who coupons, drinks water and looks for ‘deal days’ for dinners, movies and attractions!
    I don’t know what people are being rude about, because this is life. Live it up and stay in a budget out of debt!
    Thanks for your tips and HARD WORK! It is work to find deals like you do. For those who read & benefit from this blog and have the nerve to complain, can go SUCK A LEMON!
    Keep it up, girl!

  29. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Hey CollinÂ… If someone found issue with the lemons they have problems of their own they need to deal with. I thought it was a great idea, and will use it. You will always find people who will criticize every little thing, and donÂ’t know when to keep it to themselves. I just want to thank you for all of the wonderful tips and information that you give us on a daily basis. Why does someone always have to go and ruin a great thing? I love your videos!!! Thank you again!

  30. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I LUV YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  31. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I didnÂ’t watch the video either, however, I must say, I so enjoy checking your website numerous times daily. Thanks for posting all of the posts. I went to four stores today and saved a lot of money, and I attribute this mainly to you and your website. Thanks again, and keep up the wonderful work.

  32. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    You are amazing and have saved our family so much money! Who cares what other people say! You ROCK!

  33. Penny

    Collin ,can you tell how much we love your site and you and your family for sharing you with us. 365 comments. that’s how much If you leave us what ever will we do. I don’t want to even think about that terrible thought. Tell the crybabies to ” piss off” and get over them selves. we love you for you and that’s that…………….Pissed off Penny in ILL

  34. Emily

    what a shame, that others have to be rude and inconsiderate. What a lose we would experience if collin were to stop what she’s doing, all because someone had to share their negative opinion…. really? comon’ people… Collin – we appreciate you and all you do to help us save $$!! Keep it up!!!!

  35. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Thank you so much for what you do. I love your blog and have gotten so many great tips., I feel bad people are so mean about things you post. If they donÂ’t want to look at the blog then donÂ’t. You work hard and I so appreciate everything that you do!

  36. Libby

    Really? Lemons? That was the big deal. It is such a common thing these days to order water. I think it is a terrible thing that people would make such a huge character judgement on you over making your own lemonade. They are assuming that since you don’t order a severely over priced drink that you are a miser and a poor tipper. I am guessing that you are like me and would rather not order that over priced drink and tip the server better! Keep doing your videos you brave, brave, woman. You have more guts than I have putting yourself out there every week!

  37. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I LUV U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  38. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Please keep doing your videos! They are so much fun to watch and help out alot! Just keep your head high and if other people are rude enough to not keep there mouth shut when they have nothing nice to say well thats there problem! I hope you have an awesome evening and can forget about the negative comments!

  39. Suzy

    Colin, sorry to hear that some poeple were rude. I am glad you deleted their posts! I thought the lemon thing was funny. I laugh at all your videos. I think it is funny that you lean into the camera to tell us a secert. I love how enegetic you are and how you are able to find such great deals. You are an amazing person. Do not let a few bad apples turn your lemonade into sour lemons…. keep adding the sugar. 🙂 You are a sweet person.


  40. Cecilia

    I think your videos are awesome and I usually think to myself “Wow, she really is brave putting herself out there to help us save.” You and your camera woman remind me a lot of me and my friends. (And the looks your hubby gives you sound familiar too 😉 ) Your amazing, don’t stop doing what you do because of some ill mannered guests, they are far outnumbered.

    Also, LEMONS? that’s what they got out of your video? seriously!!??

    • Cecilia

      Oh! I forgot to add my tip. I do the lemon thing sometimes but my favorite is asking for water with cherries at the bar or restaurants who have a bar (for freeee!). It turns the water a bit pink and you’ll have everyone wondering what drink you ordered. 🙂 Consider it the DD special!

  41. Dawn

    I love the Monday videos! You are so full of energy and funny. I find myself smiling whenver I watch one. I always get a chuckle when you have to stop and do mental math. Those people who say ugly things, especially about lemons, are childish. These people have NO IDEA how much work goes into a site like this. I have a smaller site aimed at helping folks to save money so that they can donate and help others. I am on that site at least 6 hours a day. You are providing a free service to these people, you work hard at it, and they should be ashamed for trying to make you feel badly over making a video. You keep making the videos, and if they don’t like it…..they don’t have to watch it. But for the rest of us, we appreciate all of your hard work and your desire to be helpful to those who visit your site. You go sister!

  42. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    First of all, this was more heated than the gum fiasco. 🙂 secondly, we all have different opinions about how far we will go to get a deal. We all make our choices, and it doesn’t require us criticizing each other for what we decide.
    Collin, I value ALL the deals you post. Please don’t let anyone deter you from what you are doing. I can be a stay-at-home mom b/c of all your help. I don’t know what I would do without all of your wonderful help!! Keep up the good work!

  43. Traci

    I have to add a commet, too, if only so that you see the sheer number of us who love you! Thank you for your Monday videos. I think you are the ca-utest thing and tell everyone who will listen to me about my favorite blog-site! Please don’t let the haters get you down…although it reminds me of the scene in Pretty woman when Julia Roberts tells Richard Gere “The bad things are easier to believe. Haven’t you noticed that?!” I’ve always liked that movie. She overcomes the bad things… 🙂 Have a great week and I’m looking forward to next Monday!

  44. christy

    I love your blog! You have saved my family so much money!

  45. Angelia

    First….my apologizes for the people who hurt your feelings. This is a free service you offer out of kindness and consideration for your fellow shoppers. Keeping this site up takes a lot of time and effort and anyone reading it should be considerate of that fact. If they don’t like something you post they should leave positive constructive criticism…give an alternate option. OR keep their thoughts to themselves. It’s hard enough putting yourself and your opinions out there without having people get nasty. It would be better if they just skipped to the next page. Last….my sympathy to whomever made the comments that their lives are so negative that they have to lash out at the positive influences on our lives. I love your site, save lots of money, and tell everyone I know about it. Please keep up the GREAT work and don’t let the few bullies in life get you down. The rest of us have your back.

  46. Bella

    Collin, we appreciate you. You don’t know us in person but, you know us in heart. And all you want and do for your family, is what we want and do for ours. You share so much more than just info to help us with everyday life. But you are in a sense, being a friend to so many women and men. There is special name in where you in fact are more than just a blogger. “Scripture says you are a Virtuous Woman” Proverbs 31: 10-31 God Bless You Collin and Family!

  47. Kat


  48. Trish


    You do a great job. Keep up the great posting. Pretty gutsy to put yourself out there- the internet is a haven for mean and cranky cowards- really. Thanks for all you do, we’ve saved so much money following your advice. It’s unbelievable, and it’s fun, fun, fun. Trish

  49. tiggerjs1

    Don’t worry about it! I thought it was a good ideal! You go girl! Love the blogs! Remember that people that only have negative things to say are unhappy people!

  50. Megan

    So sorry you had such negative comments to your video. I haven’t read the comments.
    I feel bad that you have to deal with people who have to put their anger on you.

    You are doing a wonderful job and I LOVE the videos. You are putting yourself out there for all of our benefit and I appreciate it.

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