Dumpster Diving For Food…

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Diane, a reader, emailed me over this interesting video. It really made me stop and think. One big word came to mind… Wasteful.

Would you dumpster dive for food? I’m sure at this point your answer is no… BUT you may think a little differently after watching this video. I’m not going to say much more, so go watch the video here and come back and let us know what you think.

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Comments 292

  1. D Higgins

    I use to work at Krogers in the bakery dept, we had various charities that would come in everyday and pick up all the “out of date” products from the barkery,produce etc. There were box’s of products that were donated. Never in a million years would I take ANYTHING from a dumpster, I believe it is an Unhealthy way to get “free” food !! I am not trying to downplay what the person in the video is doing, but I belive there is a much healthier and safer way to get “free” food !! Go into your local store and ask the bakery,dairy, produce dept what they do w/thier out of date products and see if they would be willing to give them to you if you came to pick them up !!

    • Samantha

      I agree…I wouldn’t want to take any chances with my family’s health and well being. On that note, I think you can get away with eating stuff that might just be a little past the expiration date. I had a dr once tell me that most of the dates are basically for sell by purposes anyways. Americans are so wasteful with their food

      • candice

        Although I do not think I would do it, it is clear some things need to be changed. That food should be donated pre-dumpster.

        However, I have to say that I don’t think eating from the dumpster puts anyone at more risk than eating from the grocery store. Food that can be washed and made safe seem better to me than the processed food pumped full of chemicals.

        • Sandy

          Are you kidding me??? Seriously, the amount of bacteria and micro-organisms and animal feces is by no means a comparison to what you get inside the grocery store. I can’t believe you would be that niave. I truly feel for anyone who is in the position where their food intake has to come out of a dumpster, I do. I thank the Lord I am not in that position.

          • candice

            Actually I am not kidding. I am a microbiologist and the food she was taking could be washed with soapy water (as all veggies should be) and be completely safe to eat.

            The chemicals in frozen meals and other processed food is worse. But the WORST is meat. Our meat is full of E.Coli and frankly dangerous because of the way it is processed by factory farms. Did you know the average hamburger has meat from over 100 cows in it? That is dangerous, not taking veggies that can be washed.

          • Sharon

            Well, I guess you just skip the grocery store and go right to the dumpster.

    • Me

      I agree also. I used to work at a grocery store and I’ve seen what gets thrown in a dumpster. It is somewhat wasteful….but if you SAW what else goes in that dumpster…you would never try it!! It’s nasty. And….If there is a crusher over the dumpster you can get killed. It’s also illegal I believe – where I worked they had to call the cops because this man was putting himself in danger while we are trying to crush down the trash…..nope!

  2. Sarah

    I don’t think I could do it, but I have to agree with much of her manifesto. We need some major changes to the laws in our country to make us more bottoms up than top down in terms of food safety and sustainability, or else it IS going to come back to bite us.

  3. Bridgett

    Gross!! It’s not for me,but whatever makes YOU happy go for it! Some people have to do what they have to do. Such a shame that the stores don’t donate the items to a food bank,i’m sure someone would come and pick the food up.

  4. Mandy

    40%-50% of all food is wasted?!? What a waste of resources! This food should be donated by stores to food pantries and the like. If I were a store manager, I would absolutely be calling missions and food banks in my area asking if they wanted to have the food before I threw it away! That should be the last resort! So sad!!

    • Ali Smith

      I agree. It’s amazing that people can be so wasteful and obviously oblivious to other ways of getting “rid” of the food they can no longer use. I am in shock that so much food goes wasted like that. You can all say it’s disgusting, and maybe it is, but if it works for her and her family, then so be it! I give her props for being able to come out in the open about something that more people than we probably realize are doing. Personally, no. I wouldn’t do it. But to be honest, it would be more out of the pure shame of it and the risk of getting caught than for fear of getting sick from something….

  5. DealDreamer

    Hvaing a state liscense in Fodd Management and saftey….this makes my skin crawl. there has got to be a better way to save this food!

  6. Michelle G

    I think the video showed an oddly clean dumpster where she found oddly clean produce packed loosly in boxes. This has to be a one in a million dumpster dive. I, personally, can grow a whole lot more food than that in my garden, and would prefer to provide for my family legally in it that way. I trade cookies with local farmers for bins of apples or pears which I preserve in various ways to feed my fam throughout the year. It is very sad that the stores find it necessary to throw out food that a non homeless person would see fit to dive for. Perhaps we all need to think before we pass legislation on food safety and perhaps prod our stores to change their policies on waste. I haven’t found a store in my area that would throw away good produce, they donate to food shelters and other agencies that provide food for those who otherwise couldn’t afford it.

  7. Toni

    My husband has done this from time to time. If he’s going by a dumpster & spots something worth while, he will pull it out. We’ve been driving down the street and stopped the car to pick up some nice things from peoples trash. It’s not something I’d do on a regular basis, but if I had to be make ends meet, I would not hesitate. It’s horrible to see how wasteful our country is. We just take everything for granted. And as far as how dirty the food is, well, if you knew how the produce is handled before you get it and how foods were packaged you wouldn’t think too much about. You would just wash it really well, as I do all produce now, and not think any more about it.

  8. Jamie

    I would so want to do this… The store I have close to me is Wal-Mart……. Is this not illegal though???….. American’s do waste a TON of food… I see nothing wrong with dumpster diving.. even for food…..but I hold a county job and can not afford to get arrested for dumpster diving………………… SO, if this is not illegal, I would be more than willing to dive for food (and other articles) and… if it is illegal.. I would still do it if I did not hold a county job……

    • Betsy

      It says in the beginning of the video it is illegal in many states.

  9. charity

    I agree with Deal Dreamer 55. There have to be better ways to save this food. Our local Panera donates their day old items. Perhaps it would take just a few phone calls to get other stores to do the same. I wouldn’t even mind getting it there on a regular basis.


  10. Betsy

    These grocery stores should be ashamed that they are wasting food like this and not donating it to the needy. It reminds me of a story in the NY Times about how H&M in NYC was throwing away clothes that didn’t sell but shredding them so no one could take them…meanwhile there were homeless people on the street freezing without a jacket.

    As for the cleanliness, Oprah did a show on dumpster diving about a year ago with Lisa Ling, and apparently a lot of the food thrown away isn’t even expired. So I definitely wouldn’t mind eating a packaged product that wasn’t expired and just thrown away.

  11. Melinda

    Try talking to your local stores some of the managers might set those foods aside and let you pick them up before they get put into a dumpster….

    • candice

      I used to tutor a kid in math that worked at Winn Dixie. He used to bring huge boxes full of yogurt every week because the store wanted him to throw it away.

      I would def talk to your local store

  12. cynthia

    Isnt this illegal?? I thought dumpsters stated no illegal dumping? Is it ok to remove things just not to put things in?? Hey I am sorry I LOVE the high I get each week saving with coupons and being able to hold my head up high in broad daylight…not scurry around like rats in the middle of the night….just my opinion!

  13. Andrea

    I think it is great. I have gone dumpster diving before. We were looking for boxes to move. Got permission from stores to go through the dumpsters. Found bags and bags of dog food, 2 full hamster house kits(49.00 in store), leashes, cat food, bird food, etc. Nothing wrong with any of it even the holes in them had been taped over before throwing away!! Plus, a lot of the dumpsters were really clean. Brought the stuff home cleaned it or took it straight to goodwill. I worked at a place that destroyed all the floor models of everything. Furniture, clothes, food etc. and then place it in a locked dumpster. It’s crazy. I think what she is doing is great.

  14. sheri

    I think I could do it if I had someone to do it with. I always look for clearance items, but free with a little work is a bit better!!

  15. Amanda

    In her defense, that looked like a very clean dumpster with very clean food. Everyone should wash food before they eat it, Do any of you see how food is prepared on it’s way to the grocery store shelf? I don’t see how that could be any more disgusting than food that was just stacked on top of eachother in the dumpster. She isn’t going through a dumpster that is 10 days old. It’s probably just by hours, If she has done this for 6 months, I’m sure she knows when the food is tossed and to get it right away.
    That being said, I would be way too scared and embarassed to do it myself! I say good for her!

  16. Mandy

    I’m really grossed out that by that. Sorry but it’s true. I’m glad people are making use of resuources but I can’t go there. You have to also consider the effects in the long run- say you eat from the dumpster and get sick (or your whole family). Well, that’s going to cost a LOT more in hospital bills than buying cheap food or getting aid from the government. It’s a personal choice so good for them but the change should be from somewhere else…not eating dirty food.

    • Brittney

      So true. I hate throwing away food, so one time I gave my husband sour cream in his lunch that was only a little past the expiration date. He got severe food poisoning and missed two days of work. You are NOT saving money in the long run when you take risks like that.

  17. Flipfloppingmamma

    I’ve dumpter dived for things before but never food. I’m not to that point I don’t think. You gotta do what ya gotta do to feed your family I guess. We do, as a nation, waste a lot of food and resources. If you are comfortable with it then go for it.

  18. Carolyn

    No way, that is so dirty! Even if that was a more “clean” dumpster, they’re used for trash – ANY kind of trash, which means that any really bad stuff could be in there, which would then get on your clothes, hands, body, your car, HER KITCHEN COUNTER where she just stuck those nasty boxes… no way. It’s not worth it to me. It is sad, though, that all of that food gets wasted – there have got to be better programs to give that food to people who can use it like shelters, but once it hits the dumpster, I would not touch it.

    • Ellie

      I know, think of the chemicals from cleaning products, other household products, dirty diapers, tampons, etc that gets thrown in the trash. Even if you don’t see it, I’m sure some of that stuff leaks out sometimes, and there’s a good chance it’s touched that food. That girl says she likes eating organic foods, but think of all the way more harmful chemicals that could potentially be touching the food that she gets out of a dumpster… gross.

  19. msdis

    My husband is a former McDonald’s general manager. At the end of the night he would have to throw away nearly a full garbage can of prepared, cooked food. It was against store policy to give ANY of it away – we are talking full meals (from people exchanging items that may have been messed up, i.e. no sauce, but it had sauce) all of the food that went passed the timer, and everything left over at the end of their night. It is all counted as “waste” and tossed. Very sad.

  20. mommy308

    That made me cringe! I could never feed my family with dumpster food. I have a huge fear of rodents and I can only imagine all of those creepy little things eating in that dumpster….Yuck! Hopefully some companies can see this video and start donating instead.

    • jenny

      Yes I agree, trash bins full of food also attract cockroaches, which we all know carry disease. I am sad to see how much food goes to waste, however I wouldn’t want to put my health at risk by being in such filthy conditions, let alone eat from it. I like how everyone is saying talk to the store manager, maybe if they wont just give it away you can get a VERY reduced price.

  21. Jaclyn

    Thank you Collin!!! Lucky for me that I save so much money with your site that I DO NOT have to do this!!!

  22. Kanda

    Let’s get to the root of the problem. Stores MUST throw this stuff away and not give it away because “WE” are a sue happy nation. If people would STOP sueing stores over silly things, then more stores could be willing to donate rather than pitch. I am sick over the fact Americans have been taught…”Sue! It will get you money!” And there are people out there that look for ways to sue people. This means higher prices EVERYWHERE and why someone like me must use coupons, blogs, smaples and such to buy something for my family. Okay, I am done ranting. Sorry…but it is true.

    • Kristin

      Very true….

    • Betsy

      I don’t think that’s why stores throw stuff away. Plenty of people have posted comments about stores they know/worked at that donated their food. Corporations just don’t care. Personally, I think it’s kind of gross…but if the choice is don’t eat or eat food from a dumpster, I think all of us would choose the dumpster.

  23. Suzanne

    Clearly she has mastered her “art” and learned what dumpsters deliver the best and the most. Would I do it? If my kids were hungry, I would absolutely do it in a minute! I feel fortunate that its not something I have to do. I have heard the 40-50% figure before and it seems pretty accurate (look around the next time you go to a restaurant or, heaven forbid, go on a cruise!). I can’t understand why this food is not donated to people who need it. I worked for a grocery store as a teenager and they would throw out food (although our manager would sometimes give it to employees even though it was forbidden by corporate – he knew we made next to nothing and some of us needed it). One night I saw them taking out food to toss in the dumpster and I asked why they didn’t put it beside the dumpster – you know make it easier for homeless to pick up or someone driving past. They said they weren’t allowed to b/c of “proper disposal” rules and b/c they were on the hook financially if someone got sick from that food. Lawyers and our sue happy selves are to blame here people!!! We are headed for a food shortage and an economic crisis as the population grows and resources dwindle.

  24. Alison

    It makes me so sad to see that much good food go to waste. Especially when so many people are struggling to feed their families right now. I a not grossed out by the video…it has actually peaked my curiosity. I remember seeing in the food bank video that Skot said that they will take any expired products and inspect it for distribution. Can you imagine how much more food these food banks could have if stores sent the food to them ilo throwing them in the dumpster? It is painful to see all of that wasted food. Thank you for the eye opening, thought provoking video Collin.

  25. Kanda

    Oh and one more thing, some people dumpster dive and then have the gull to return the items for cash to the store. This is why they have to take your ID when you return something without a receipt. Come on people.

  26. Niki

    I am definately in the NO WAY JOSE department on this one! Just the thought of eating food that was in a dumpster makes me ill. Dirt don’t hurt, but there is not just dirt in dumpsters!!

  27. Becky

    I agree, we as Americans are very very wasteful BUT this is still super gross!

  28. Tilla Ham

    I’m not sure if i want to cry or throw up. It is horrifying to me that we are such a wasteful nation, and I admit, i’m a part of that. I will not buy eat/buy foods that are even near the experation date, and I tend to be a fairly disposable person. Having said that, I donate to the food bank instead of throwing away. NO ONE should be starving on the streets, or having to dig through a dumpster to find this food. I know that many business would rather throw their stuff in the trash than risk a lawsuit. A McDonalds manager once told me they couldn’t give food off the warmer to anyone because they could be sued, so they throw it away. sad sad sad. When I worked for a large retailer, and we had anything that was slightly damaged…a case of glasses with one broke…a beautiful suit missing 1 button…it went straight to the trash compactor instead of donating. We have to change the way we do things as an individual, business and nation. This was my long way of saying HELL NO, I would never climb in a dumster to get anything especially food. Rats, bugs, feces, urine, blood, disease … wow i’m hungry

  29. alyssa

    Very Sad and gross!! I love free stuff, but not like that!

    • Ginger

      Ok so I have to say that I would NEVER dumpster dive for food…but if I knew it was not illegal…I would definetely dumpster dive at Michaels Arts and Crafts. I used to work there and they throw away brand new products and all kinds of floral products that were clearanced and didn’t sell. We hauled out probably a full size dumpster of fall flowers that could have been donated somewhere but their policy is they have to dump it and not even the employees can take advantage of it. It’s just sick how much companies force their stores to throw away. If any of you live in states where it’s legal…hit up Michaels!

  30. Lindsay M.

    Dirty Jobs had an episode where they showed that all of the leftover food from the buffets in Las Vegas were dropped off at a pig farm to be used as food. I thought that was very good use of it instead of going in the dumpster.

  31. Jessica A.

    Wow, I never even considered dumpster diving for food before. I automatically thought that’s just gross and who would eat food out of a dumster? But after watching the video, she found some clean looking produce, definitely not what crossed my mine when I saw this post. I don’t think I could do that though, I’d be too paranoid about getting caught and bringing germs and diseases into my home, *however* if my husband lost his job and we had no immediate income, I think I would definitely do it

  32. Carrie

    I worked at a McDonald’s when I was in high school. That was when I first heard the term dumpster diving. Mickey D’s was located just outside our local college campus, certain students (or whoever?) would actually pilfer the dumpsters behind the restaurant for all of the left over Bigmacs, quarter pounders, etc that would be tossed out in a big bag right after closing. The dowside to this I guess would be figuring out which garbage bag actually contained the food. This utterly shocked and appalled me and I first realized there was a local food need in my area when I was in my late teens.

  33. Ashley

    I agree with all of you. I don’t care if it’s Organic! It’s GROSS! It’s still been around other “garbage”. I’ll stick to using coupons 😉

  34. JB

    There is NO WAY I would ever do this- dumpsters are germ-infested, disgusting places where vermin and roaches run freely. Not only that, but you have no idea what kind of filthy things came in contact with the food while it was in the dumpster or in the in-store trash can, such as raw chicken, ant killer, or used kleenex… Who knows? We should not be so wasteful, but there has got to be a better way than this.

  35. Amy B.

    Anyone who has ever worked for a landfill knows all the big companies throw stuff out constantly. Socks, dishes, shower heads… you name it. Walmart and Home Depot for example – if an item is clearanced out and it still doesn’t sell they remove it from the shelves and trash it. Perfectly good things. Most of the time they get a credit from the manufacturer for having not sold the item. Its usually put in a locked dumpster so that, like someone else mentioned, you can’t take it out and try to return it for full value. These items are not donated because the corporations don’t want to compete with lower priced items elsewhere – they want to keep you paying full price in their stores.

    The most frustrating thing about the wastefulness is all the emphasis our average family is placing on being green these days. We can recycle our little hearts out but the waste from these companies is so much bigger in comparison to our milk jugs and sauce jars.

    • Suzanne

      Shameful! I always assumed those were the items that ended up at Big Lots, etc. Instead of sending those empty container ships back to China for more cheap junk, they should ship them full and bring up the standard of living for impoverished countries.

    • Denise

      Don’t bash Home Depot. Actually they started a program last year that donates all the returned/useable goods to the local Habitat for Humanity. Very cool idea when I see some of what goes out the door.

      • Amy B.

        I’m not bashing anyone, I’m saying that standard practice it to throw away unwanted clearanced items. Home Depot in CERTAIN AREAS has begun donating some un-used items. This is a VERY new practice and not widespread for the most part. I have personally seen tons of stuff thrown in HD dumpsters.

  36. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    This looks kind of fun! I so could do this! 🙂

  37. Tammy

    In the past, I ran a food pantry and I can tell you that most stores cannot donate food items to a food pantry because of legal issues. If someone becomes sick because of the food they ate from a donation, they can sue the company that donated the food. It would be great if there was a legal waiver that could be signed protecting the companies willing to donate but unless that happens we will continue to see food thrown out when it could be so helpful to people during these times. Most people are appreciative of the food they receive from food pantries but unfortunately, there are those few who spoil it for everyone.

  38. Kim

    Sorry, still couldn’t do it. I used to volunteer at a sports facility, GO PISTONS!, and we would wrap any left over cooked meat, stick it in the refrigerator and it would be donated to the shelters. Whoever is throwing that stuff out is just plain and simple, wasteful. Shame on them. As far as going in and getting it, what about all the germs in the dumpster and the animals that must go through there, YUK! NO WAY!

  39. Rebecca M.

    I must say what I find most incomprehensible is that at the end she says she is more grateful for food found in the dumpster than for food that she buys.

    Why would you be MORE grateful for “found food” than for food you bought with hard-earned money?

  40. Kim

    I find it frustrating that the majority of what she finds is organic, because more people would BUY organic if it wasn’t so expensive!
    That being said…..No I would not dumpster dive. It is just not for me. But to each his/her own.

  41. ERIKA

    ***Did you guys also know that when you return food (unopened, canned, boxed, whatever) the store cannot resell it so it goes into the dumpster. Even if you decide at the register not to get something, they have to throw it away. (I know at least Target does this) AND all cribs, strollers, walkers, etc. that get set up for display…..yup. garbage. They said for safety reasons they can’t sell this stuff or even donate it b/c what if it was put together wrong. ?!??!? Such a shame.

  42. Suzanne

    Would I personally go dumpster diving? No. I’d be too embarrassed because I’m prideful, I suppose. But, I think it’s awesome that there are people out there who do. It makes me sick and angry to think about all the ridiculous waste that goes on in our country. Why on earth would a store rather throw out boxes and boxes of perfectly good food when it could be donated to save someone from starving? I just don’t understand it. I’ve heard reasons why, but they aren’t good reasons to me. It’s selfish and ridiculous. So, power to anyone who is willing to save some of that needless waste!

  43. Jenn

    Having worked in food service my whole life, it has always disgusted me how much food is wasted every day. I worked in a grocery store where I saw grocery carts full of perfectly good meat thrown in a compactor because it had reached it’s sell-by date. I also worked at an amusement park for a few years. I had coworkers from eastern Europe and South America who would literally cry when they were told to throw away food, because their families were going hungry back home. Many companies won’t donate food because of the risk of lawsuits if someone gets sick…So sad…

  44. Ann Dee

    I used to dumpster dive in the Hostess dumpster when I was a teen. You know that stuff lasts forever. But I’m not that wild and crazy anymore. (o: If I knew for sure it was legal, then maybe….but I’d rather just go in and ask them to give me anything that’s expired, etc.

  45. Tracy

    This video made me sick. I would never in my life time no matter how poor I go would eat from a dumpster. You have no clue what is in there or if some animal has already ate from it or peed or even has rabies. I do agree american is very wasteful but at the same point this is just plain sad to dumpster dive for food. I will stick to my coupons to get food cheap and free, then I will no I am in no way of hurting myself with bad food or my families health.

  46. Jeanette Du Bois

    Here in my county there is an organization called Second Harvest Gleaners where businesses or churches can sponsor a truck load with an assortment of food to be given away..The local paper publishes dates and locations for people to come and pick up some free food with no questions asked..I have picked up some food this way.

    • Jenn

      I have also gotten food from the Gleaners trucks, and just wanted to say that I know for a fact that the local Walmarts do donate to them. A lot of people have bad things to say about Walmart, but they DO do a lot of good things in the community too!

  47. Melissa

    I worked at JC Penney several years ago and witnessed them throwing perfectly good shorts away. When asked why they did not donate them they explained; in the past they had and people were returning items to the store for cash or store credit. I wonder why they wouldn’t simply remove the tags before donating next time.

  48. Angela

    I personally would never eat food nor feed my family food from a dumpster. I guess if I was homeless and broke with no money at all I may change how I feel about that. But I have been using coupons for over 20 years and if I have a few dollars I know I can buy enough food to last me. I do know stores throw away many other things. I use to work at a major store (not a food store at the time) And it amazed me the clothing and towels and household items that were thrown in the compactor. Knowing people that could really use these items. I had a friend whose husband dumpster dived at a major drug store warehouse dumpster. He brought home 30 artifical christmas trees still in the boxes, one time. A couple months after school one year he brought home cases of notebooks, pens, crayons, glue and misc other school supplies. I was shocked they threw these things away since there were so many charities that could use them. I think we need to stop throwing things in our landfills that others can use. I always try to either donate or if I have something that needs a little work list it on freecycle, or put it out with a free sign so someone can get it if they need it.

  49. Kelly

    No. I realize as a nation we’re wasteful. It sucks. Would I dumpster dive if my child was starving? Yes. Any other time, forget it.

  50. Megan

    I think this is a little much too, but if you dont have the means to get food then you do what you have to I guess. I really feel to that ALL grocery stores/any stores should have a free section, or even 90% off, so that it would not go to waste. I would much rather pay a few cents for something, then have to dive into a dumpster and risk infection or arrest for something that may be edible. I also have worked for many Major Retailers (Meijer, Ace, Home Depot, and Target) and see how much these compainies throw out, and it really sickens me to have to do be the one to throw out perfictly good whole rooms of baby furniture and strollers, along with everything in between that and food items, when there are millions across america that dont have anything. We all need to write these major business corporations and try to turn around these practices. We as the consumer are the only ones who can voice our opinions to stop these practices, so that the company will know that it is something there buyers dislike. I know when I go into a store, I will go to the clearance section before anything else, and will buy that if its something I need, even if I have to cut a bruse off a banana, or sew a button on a top. We need to all take a stand, it is horrible the amount of waste stores will just throw away. But I would never get in a dumpster and serve my family those items, because besides the food items, there is also things from bathrooms, rotten, and diseased things that end up in those same bags, that no amount of soap is going to take off. Please consider your health if deciding to do this.

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