Reducing your Grocery Bill By Playing the Drug Store Game + Walgreens Deal Scenario!

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I’ve had lots of you email lately wanting me to help spell out some drug store deal scenarios. I’ve also had lots of you emails asking for some tips on how to slash your grocery bill considerably. Well, drug store deal scenarios and slashing your grocery bill actually go hand and hand. You see, I buy quite a few of my groceries at Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. Obviously I can’t buy the bulk of my grocery items at these stores, but I can buy quite a bit and in the long run this helps to cut my grocery bill a noticeable amount.

Unlike most grocery stores, Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid have lots of great in-store coupons available. From $5 off $25 coupons to coupons off specific products and the best part– these are store coupons that can be stacked with manufacturer’s coupons for even more savings! These stores also offer other in-store promotions and rebates. Rite Aid has a Single Check Rebate program, CVS has Extra Care Bucks, and Walgreens offers Register Rewards.

Every week I plan my shopping based around our grocery needs— more so than focusing on personal care items. And the reason I say this is because it’s easy to get consumed in all the personal care product deals (because there are so many!)… from toothpaste to shampoo to body wash and so on.

Alright, so I’ve cooked up a deal scenario for Walgreens. This deal scenario focuses on items to stock our pantries more than the luxury items we may want.

Walgreens Deal Scenario

Transaction #1

Buy Dulcolax Balance 14 day, 8.3 oz. $10
Use the $4/1 coupon found here
Pay $6
Get back a $10 Register Reward

Transaction #2

Buy 2 Litehouse Caramel Dips $1 each = $2
Buy 3 Betty Crocker Warm Delights 3.1 oz. $1 each = $3
Buy 5 Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna 5 oz. $0.69 with in-ad coupon = $3.45
Buy 4 Swanson Chicken Broth 14 oz. $0.69 with in-ad coupon = $2.76
Buy 3 Miracle Bubbles/Punch Balloon 3/$1 with in-ad coupon (filler item for coupon to item ratio)
Buy Cottonelle Bathroom Tissue 12 rolls $5
Total = $17.21
Use 2 $1/1 Litehouse coupon from the 12/13 SS (expires 3/31!)
Use 3 $0.75/1 Betty Crocker coupon from the 3/28 SS (there is also a $0.50/1 coupon found here or here)
Use the $1/5 Bumble Bee coupon found here
Use the $0.40/4 Swanson coupon from the 3/21 SS
Use the $0.50/1 Cottonelle coupon from here (use zip code 30002)
Plus, use the $1/1 Cottonelle coupon from the Walgreens April Coupon Booklet
Total = $10.06
Then use the $10 Register Reward from the previous transaction
Final cost ONLY $0.06 + tax!

…SO you got everything above (which is quite a lot) for ONLY $6.06 out of pocket! 🙂

Start playing the drug store game with grocery needs in mind and I promise you will notice a huge reduction in your weekly grocery bill! Now when I go to the actually grocery store, the bulk of my purchases are on produce, dairy products, meat, chicken, and fish. I usually only have a few items from the middle section of the grocery store in my cart since I’m able to stock up on these items at CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens.

Would having grocery type deal scenarios for Rite Aid, CVS, and Walgreens be helpful?! Let me know!

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Comments 160

  1. Jessica simonds

    Thank-you Collin

  2. Sarah

    does anybody out there actually do the deals where you have to have 3 Sunday papers?
    I wish the deals would just focus on when you only have one coupon of something (unless it’s an internet printable)

    • Annmarie

      I do a lot of the deal scenarios that are posted. I have asked my neighbors and co workers to give me their coupon flyers once they are finished with them so that helps that I don’t have to actually buy several papers. People are more than happy to give their coupon flyers once they are finished with them. Some weeks I only get a few and some weeks I get upwards to 15 sets. Maybe try that approach in order to get more coupons. Good luck.

      • Jennifer S

        This is what I do too. I try to get them excited about getting deals too but they all say that takes too much time. So they just bring me their coupons they don’t want. Which most weeks is the full flyer!

    • Erin

      Sarah–I’m with you. I’d look at these scenarios and think, “who does this”? I wish there weren’t so many scenarios using multiple coupons, but I figure there are plenty of other deals I can get, especially considering most of the really good coupons are on the Internet these days. I do have two computers, so I can do pretty well with my limited access to inserts. Be sure to keep your eyes open in stores for blinkies and coupon books, and work up your own scenarios based on what you need or want. Even when I can do some of the posted scenarios, I often swap out items anyway because I don’t want a specific item, or it’s overkill, or I’d rather have something else for which I do have a great coupon. I guess what I’m saying is use the scenarios as guidelines.

  3. julie

    My Walgreens won’t let me stack a manuf. with the Walgreens Coupon Booklet. They say they are both manuf. coupons. Is anyone else having this problem?

    • LisaM


    • Jen

      Same here…can’t stack.

      • Leah

        If they apply the Walgreens coupon first, then the manu one will come off too. I just did a great deal yesterday and even all of the cashiers that were present (3), reminded each other to scan the Walgreens coupons first. Talk to the manager (and corporate if needed), b/c it is policy to take both. 🙂

  4. Cassie

    These scenarios would be very helpful!

  5. Kari

    I agree….these scenarios would be awesome! I have a great stockpile of personal care items, but the groceries has been a little bit slower for me.

  6. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Absolutly, I love deal scenarios. I agree with Kari….I have a great stockpile of personal products but need to stock up on the grocery items. Thanks for all you do!

  7. Rhonda

    Colin.. I think grocery help in these stores would be very helpful…. Love to read everything you post. You are my main resource…. I look on your page before I look everywhere else! love ya! 🙂

  8. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Well one helpful thing I can say about the Chicagoland area is that you can rack up your Register Rewards at Wags and then go over to Jewel and use them (they take competors coupons) and buy the things you can’t get at Wags and CVS like fresh meat and produce and pay less because you are using your RR!

    • Anu

      That’s exactly what I do….Take moneymaker RR’s from Wags to Dominicks and Jewel Osco to get Organic Milk, Bread and Produce…

      Dominicks only lets you use one RR per transaction while Jewel Osco you can use as many as you want….

      • kipfer

        Really! That is so cool! Wish we had a place in Oregon that did that!

  9. Laure

    Yes, Walgreens used to let you stack a mfr coupon with their monthly coupon booklet coupon but no longer… The wording on the coupon booklet coupon now states it is a mfr coupon (even though it won’t work anywhere except Walgreens). 🙁

    • Jennifer S

      I haven’t had this problem yet. i hope mine don’t start doing this.

  10. Bethany

    would be awesome!

  11. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Please, please, please do this 🙂 Thank you!!!!!

  12. Rena

    I heard from another website that you can’t use a register reward with manufacters coupons because the register reward is a manufacter coupon, has anyone had trouble with this.

  13. Amanda

    Wow! That is so nice to see that scenario. I am still having a hard time not focusing on all the personal care items and so i need to start working on scenarios like that! Don’t know how you can keep up with it all, but would love more scenarios like that! Thanks so much Collin 🙂

  14. Kelsey

    Yes….that would be awsome! I do not know what I would do if you ever quit posting on your website! Thanks for sharing your plans with the rest of us!

  15. Meghan

    Yes! Yes! Please post the grocery deals from drugstores! They’re awesome and I love getting more ECBs and RRs! Thanks, Colin!

  16. Annmarie

    Thank you for this tip. I have been doing so well at CVS and Rite Aid but not so good at the grocery store. I guess I really don’t think to buy groceries at a drug store but I think I am going to have to start changing my thought process. Regardless though………….ever since I discovered your site about 3 months ago I have been able to save like crazy on the health, beauty aids and cleaning supplies. Thanks for all you do to help the rest of us out in saving. (Plus you make your site fun)

  17. Kira

    OK so let me start off by saying I would never think of buying Dulcolax even when there was an RR. I think of it this way, I don’t need it so I am not going to buy it. But after seeing your deal, I am now thinking twice. I would love seeing scenario’s like this every week!! Thank You for posting this!!

    • Angelia

      Some of your elderly care homes, women shelters, or community organization centers will take donations of this type of item. I had to call around for a few days, but I finally found one that would take these items as long as it is unopened and not expired. That way I can use the money maker without feeling like I’m wasting a product or storing something I won’t use. (Colorado Springs)

      • Annmarie

        I agree – what I don’t use out of the deals I donate.

      • Susan V.

        Hey Angela, I’m in Colorado Springs too–did you get the snuggle coupon? I bought 4 papers and didn’t get it, or the lipton soup…or the no touch hand soap one. FRUSTRATING-to say the least!!! Also, did you get The Gazette or Denver Post? Thanks so much!!

  18. LisaM

    thats a great idea, I shop a lot at cvs for grocery items and walgreens, but have trouble a lot at walgreens anymore.

  19. Brooke

    My grocery bill isn’t as low as I’d like. I’m still working on it and these scenarios would help! Thanks so much Collin!

  20. Roxy

    I love this…this is a really new way of looking at drug store….keep them coming Collins

    • Roxy

      sorry the S on Collins expose to be !, Sorry Collin…i really do know how to spell your name….lol

  21. Kerstin

    yes, yes, yes! Very helpful!

  22. Terri L

    Oh my gosh Collin, this is great! I’d love to see grocery deals at drug stores be a regular thing.

  23. Mary

    Yes, please!

  24. Tara

    Yes this would be so helpful!

  25. Kgill

    Yes! i would LOVE to see more deal scenarios because i have been couponing for a few months and have not ventured to either one of these stores, because i have two boys, 18 months and 3 months and my husband is deployed. Therefore, their cart’s are too small to fit groceries AND kids!….If I am shown exactly how i need to shop at these drugs stores, then I am getting a babysitter while I take my trips to the commissary, and the drug stores 🙂 Thanks collin, your great!

    • Angelia

      I have a small/medium basket that I can set on top of the stroller. I can put my items in it and still push the kids. I usually use this when the items I’m picking up are small. I deffiantly make a list and cut/organize my coupons before I go into the store, but the basket lets me take the stroller/kids without having to much of a fuss. I haven’t had any problems with the stores, especially since everyone is using the reusable grocery bags. The basket is open so everything can be seen. I try to make my trips precise and quick. It helps to know the layout of the store and about where things should be. My husband has been on multiple deployments. The deployments don’t get any easier, but you will get more efficient at managing time, kids, and tasks like shopping with kids.

      • Tara

        I do the same, but I just put my 19mth old in the big stroller which has a big basket underneath it. I have never had any store think anything. Though since Daddy came home from deployment and lets her walk everywhere, when we are now out shopping she will go rigid when I try to put her in the shopping cart and say “walk, walk”. At least for the next one she will be a little older.

        I don’t know if your commissary have the shopping carts that look like a car in the front of them, but those are a lifesaver for me. She loves to sit in there and wave to everyone. And to think before having her I used to hate those shopping carts as they take up so much space in the already crowded cramped aisles.

  26. Tasha

    Would love to have grocery deals like that.

  27. Holly

    That would be very helpful – Thank you!

  28. Gina

    This would be awesome if you started to do this for us! The only thing that I wouldn’t do is that in the second trasaction, you don’t have a RR producing item. For some reason I always have the thought in my head that I never want to have 0 RR left. So after the second trasanction there wouldn’t be any RR left to go and buy anything else. But it does get me to thinking…. like instead of buying like the swanson broth buy like the vitamins and then get a RR instead. I believe that the vitamins are on sale for $3 get a $3rr this week right? And then I would have that RR to go and buy something else. This probably seems like a lot of fuss just for a RR, but this is how my mind works! LOL!

  29. Natalie

    Regarding the earlier comments about not being able to stack coupons…….I just used a manufacturers coupon and the Walgreen’s monthly coupon to buy the Schick razors yesterday. It did beep but she was able to enter it another way without the dreaded manager intervention! So, it’s still possible to use both if the cashier knows how to do it….and wants to do it for you. I will keep quiet about my location in case the cashiers are not supposed to be doing it, It may be a YMMV situation but I always try to follow the rules and she didn’t tell me she was doing me a favor or anything like that.

  30. Jamee

    I would love grocery type scenerios. I try to only go to the store when I need something (grocery wise) and this would be awesome!!

  31. Kim

    What does she mean by this “coupon to item ratio”? I thought you could use 2 coupons on one item (one walgreen and one manufactured)


    • Melissa

      RRs count as ‘manf. cpns’ so if you have 4 items and 4 manf cpns and want to also use a RR, then you’ll need a filler item that is not attached with another manf q.
      Walgreens weekly ad and monthly booklet coupons do not count towards your coupon total.
      HTH 🙂

  32. Shannon

    would love seeing more senarios like this, very helpful. I started coupon a year ago and before this thought the drug stores were a rip off, then I learned to play the game! 😀

  33. Mrsprd

    I would love you to post more of these grocery saving scenarios! I am just starting to learn to lower my weekly grocery bill. Thanks!

  34. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    YES YES YES!!!!

  35. Little'sMom

    That would be a great addition to the awesome deals you already give us. I’ve been doing that myself, seeing if there’s food items I can get there cheaper than the grocery store. Great idea!!

  36. Rachelle

    I would love to see more of these types of things published. I know they are out there, but I am so new to couponing that I just don’t see how to do it when I look at it myself. I have a walgreens close to me and this helps me see how I can get a lot for a little. Would love to see more!

  37. liz

    YES!!!!!! The more the better!

  38. lily

    does anyone know where to find another cottonelle Q? I don’t see them on even using that zipcode. Help! thanks

  39. Melissa

    if you don’t want to buy the Dulcalax, you could get the Simply Saline. Its $7 with $7 RR. There’s a $1/1 coupon from a recent insert, so pay $6 + tax then use the $7 RR on food items. .

  40. Christie

    Having grocery deal scenarios would be very helpful. I have gotten pretty good with the HBA items which like you said tend to be plentiful but being kinda new at this the grocery items is what I need the most help with. Thanks Colin!! I love your site and check it several times a day to stay on top of all the great deals you post! 🙂

  41. susan

    YES! YES! YES! I would LOVE to see grocery type scenarios!!!

    Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this!!! You have helped me and my family and I’m sure countless other families. You are awesome!!

  42. Zsuzsanna Pheil

    I love this posting, too. Keep doing it Colleen!
    Does anyone knows which So. Cal. grocery store is the most coupon friendly?

  43. Jen

    That would be sooo helpful..I cant even think of buying more personal care items!

  44. Debra

    I would love grocery focused scenarios! Can you also list other stores that accept Walgreen’s RR’s across the country? I see people mention some stores that accept them, but we don’t have those particular ones in Mississippi. That way we can buy the rest of our groceries with our RR’s! Thanks for all your hard work!

  45. Chandler

    I would absolutely LOVE deal scenarios! They help me soooo much!

  46. Stacey

    Im wondering if any one else has this issue at walgreens…….Lets say an item is on sale for $3.99 and I have a $4 off Q they will not allow the overage and the will not mark down the Q so all togeather I cant buy it :(……..awhile back Collin posted a few Q’s one for degree deo $1/1 which I got a trail size for .99 (that one worked) than I used a $1/1 for a trail size Johnson Baby lotion and that one beeped. Once she looked back at the item she said the Q value was more then the item so I cant use it but she didnt catch the trail degree I just did so Im just curious if anyone else has this problem?

    • Erin

      I had trouble using the $4 Airwick coupon on the $3.99 Airwicks, too. I had two coupons and I intended on buying two (for free with coupons : ). However, only one coupon would come off (I guess b/c the combined value of the Airwicks were more than $4). Since the manager wouldn’t reduce the value of the coupon or raise the price of the second Airwick, I had her take one off my order, so I ultimately was able to get one for free. I’m looking for a way to use that second coupon, too.

  47. Shelley

    I would love to see more scenarios like this. I love shopping at Wags and CVS.

  48. Jennifer S

    I also get a ton of my groceries at CVS & Walgreens. I watch for mark downs my Walgreens have had alot lately in the grocery aisles. Combine those with my coupons, ECB & RR and I don’t pay hardly anything. I used to go to one grocery store and that was it now I watch ads and get our groceries from 3 different grocery stores and the rest come from Target if I can’t get them from Wags or CVS. So yes Collin post some great deals including using your RR and ECB. Thanks for all your help!

  49. Bekah

    Yes, I would also like to see more deal scenarios!! I look at those first to see how you it can work and the money I save before I do it!

  50. Halley Soukup

    I post my purchases and deal scenarios on my blog (–I started doing this for personal use and then family members wanted me to share my transactions with them so I made it public so they could follow. I like~~CVS, Giant Eagle (our local grocery)…some Target and Walgreens. I felt that if I focused on too many stores that I got bogged down with the running around all week long. I do carry my binder everywhere with me and get familiar with the deals so that if I happen to be driving by I can make a stop.

    I also think it does take practice and scoping with others are doing is always helpful in creating the scenario that works best for you.

    • DanielleCorrelle

      I’m about to check out your blog 🙂 I started mine for that reason too, and then my mom jumped on the bandwagon and asked to be included, I just need to walk her through it. I was emailing pictures of great deals to friends/family who wanted to see and I decided it would just be easier to have it all in one place that any of them could visit any time they wanted.

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