YOU In Bloom ~ Clip it to the Bank

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Coupons Gotcha Down?

(Yes, that’s my dorky hubby! Don’t we make a great pair?!)

On a fairly regular basis, I receive emails from newbie couponers that say they want to give up….. They want to throw in the towel and the coupons 😉 ! They’ve had a bad experience with a mean cashier, their coupon beeped, they’ve invested 5 hours organizing and still don’t know what is what, they’ve over-spent at the grocery store because their coupons didn’t scan properly, the person behind them in the checkout line scowled and glared…. And the list goes on and on.

I know from experience that couponing can definitely present a variety of challenges, but I also know that in the long run, it is absolutely worth it! I am dedicated to providing words of encouragement and sharing my own experiences as a means to help beginner couponers have a successful journey into the amazing world of saving money. Today, I ask you to do the same…. Please lift the spirits of these struggling readers by leaving words of motivation, inspiration, and wisdom below! 🙂

Thank you so much for participating!

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Comments 299

  1. Karen B.

    Keep it up! I am encouraged by the young teenage boy cashiers at CVS and Walgreens who are so amazed by my savings. They ask me “How did you arrange your order like that”? Which is such a compliment. When I am stressed, I push the couponing over for a few days until I am in a better state of mind.

  2. Monica

    I have been couponing for about 7 months now and this has been the worse week I have ever had. I was so happy that Collin chose this subject. We all get discouraged because couponing is hard but so worth it. There are stores I no longer trade at since they change their couponing rules at a whim like limiting you to 1 deal or not letting you use a coupon on a discounted item really this happened this week and yes I took it to the District Manager and won . I have found sticking with Publix (gotta love bogo) and CVS because they are very coupon friendly is easier. I have had problems with Walmart but decided to try today to get the Nivea deal and scored 4 for free. They also had hershey’s candy on rollback and I used my bogo coupons to get 4 which is going to score free movie tickets. One day maybe bad but then you get a deal and it is all worth it.

    • Roni

      I agree…you just need that one good deal to bring everything back into perspective and you then remember how rewarding it can be!

    • Renee

      I love CVS- so coupon friendly and most stores even accept the magic coupon machine coupons after they expired!!!

  3. RNHelloKitty

    My husband is constantly impressed with how much money we save on the things we need because I take the time to clip coupons. It makes me feel good to contribute to making our money go further by spending a little time to save us a lot of money!

    I often feel like the people behind me in line get annoyed that they have to “wait” longer. I have been known to turn around and smile and say, “Sorry that took so long. Can you believe I got this whole cart full of groceries for $XX just by using those coupons?” It’s started interesting conversations. I always have my coupons ready when I get in line, too, because it saves time!

    I also like to “make friends” with a specific cashier or two who has been kind to me in the past. I thank them graciously, make small talk, and always go through their line when I see them because I know I can count on them!

    Take advantage of free offers! I have hauled in so much free loot that I am able to share with friends, family, and our local shelters on a regular basis. Free stuff makes me people happy and it makes me feel good to give!

    Do not be intimidated and do not back down on what you know is right. The money you save doesn’t come out of a cashier’s paycheck and couponing doesn’t cost the store a cent. I have more than once left everything I had planned to buy on the counter, taken my coupons back, apologized for not purchasing my items, and simply told the cashier that if they will not honor a coupon that I know is legitimate, then I will take my business (ALL OF IT, not just what the coupon was for) elsewhere. And then I did. It usually gets the attention of management if you leave like that and someone will take care of business.

  4. Jamie

    I didn’t read everyone’s comment above, so I may be repeating!! But, get your own system – and glean from everyone that you can. Don’t get discouraged, find someone that you can talk to that is doing the same things you are. My neighbor coupons with me, and we talk about our “mean cashier” trips – etc. It helps to know that someone is on your side, and to compare the transaction with each other. Sometimes she does better on the same deal, and sometimes I do – it helps to know that we aren’t all perfect, we have to keep on growing!! EVERYTHING you learned in life was hard at the start. Just think about walking!!!!! How hard for a new little one!! Sometimes we think that once we’ve completed High School and college we stop the hard learning lessons! But people who stop learning stop living!! They just keep living the same years over and over!! I want a profitable life, not in money – – – in living!! Quitters never learn!! Learning keeps life fresh!!!

  5. noella

    To all you newbies. Hang in there. I have been couponing for over 20 years.My trip to the stores have included 2 (yes 2) shoe boxes of coupons and at times anywhere from one child to nine children with me. Now if that thought doesn”t scare the bajeebeez out of you you can be a successful couponer.If a 2 year old dumping those 2 shoe boxes of coupons upside down in the middle of the produce aisle doesn’t make you cry, you can be a successful couponer. If you can spend 6 hours organizing those two boxes of coupons into 2 piles (expired and good ) without crying, you can be a succesful couponer. If you realize the next morning the pile of coupons that got thrown out was the good pile and you now have ALL expired coupons, and you laugh it off you will definately be a great couponer. But I said to myself,”if the worst thing that happens to me today is that all my good coupons got thrown out, I am truly blessed”

    • Kira G

      Very well put!!

    • Mary D

      Cute story. Puts it in perspective!! Well Done Noella! I for sure would’ve cried…but I’d still try again.

    • jlhphoto

      I just cried reading it..but tears of joy! Thank you! You are an inspiration!

  6. Shanna

    I say, the scowls from the peanut gallery behind me at the register….my husband was a little worried, and I just said loud enough for them to hear me over all my coupons scanning….”oh hunny don’t worry..they just have COUPON ENVY” 🙂 I have kind of coined that….

    • Mary D

      My husband is calling me the “coupon slayer” I LOVE IT!!!

  7. Bonnie Sandgren

    you have to be patient, I have had coupons siting in my folder for 6 months before finding the right sale to use them on. Its not always an immediate thing. This week alone I have saved about $200 dollars using coupons!!It was a good week. Just be persistent and come up with a schedule to do your printing clipping and such. Also you have to find out where you will be hassled and where you wont. I have had a few degrading or embarrasing stories but I now avoid those stores or that perticular cashier. Some of them are soOO nice and make it great experience. My husband has been unemplyed for a year and I have only been couponing for about 7 months but in that time i have a small stockpile of almost everything!! literally I could stop shopping tomorrow and not run out of things for a long time(except for the fresh stuff of course.) Dont give up,its worth it!!

  8. melissa

    Start slow. Don’t overwhelm yourself by chasing deals at 10 different stores. Pick one grocery store and one drug store. As you become more familiar and more comfortable, branch out to include another grocery, retail and/or drug store. Sales come in cycles (usually every 4-6 wks) so if you miss something, don’t beat yourself up, maybe next time its on sale, it’ll be a better deal!

  9. Laura C

    When my husband and I made the decision that I would be a stay at home mom and we would cut our income by 60%, we were pretty sure we could swing it. Fast foward seven years and three children later – we were wrong, we had used up all our savings and started taking on some debt, our house needs repair, a car was totaled, and my husband’s salary hasn’t kept up with cost of living. We lived pretty frugally, but couldn’t seem to get ahead. That’s when I found couponing blogs and I started couponing hard core. Now I consider it my part time, work at home job. I invest a lot of time in the whole process! In the beginning, we didn’t see any savings because I was still spending the same amount, BUT we were growing our stockpile. Once we got past the first 4-5 months and could start using our stockpile to our advantage to delay buying necessities until the next great deal, it has paid off. I’ve taken about $600 a month off our expenses on average. An important factor to us is this, my “part time job” doesn’t earn actually income (which would have negative tax implications given our moderate/low income) but saves income and is putting us back on track. So my advice in my story to avoid frustration is to treat it like a job – put in the time, work hard, stay organized, be polite to your co-workers and work well with others (other couponers, cashiers, managers, etc.), and be ethical. And make sure it is a job you enjoy, else perhaps it is not the job for you. Now, back to work…

    • Roni

      Very well said.

    • Renee

      I broke down and bought a coupon clutch and it is awesome. It looks like a purse and I never have to worry about coupons getting dumped out -which happened in the check out line one time! If the clutch is too costly, use a binder with the plastic baseball card holders-same concept. Good Luck!!

  10. Amanda

    I started back in November and I love doing this. Exspecially after tonight….I just got home from my trip to Publix and My bill was over 250 when I left it was right at 40.00…I had and older man and a older woman behind me in shock and cheering me on. They both told me that I encouraged them to go home and read this site and southernsavers and start clipping coupons weekly. Don’t give up ….there is negiative about doing this but yet there is also alot of positive things that come out of this too. Keep smiling and keep couponing.

  11. Jacksonville, FL

    I have been couponing since a little girl – well at least with helping my mom get the items she need lol!- she would hand me coupons and I would go find the product off the coupon and tell her the price. Now, I am 30 yrs old and could not see myself with the use of coupons. It’s funny b/c me and my mom was talking about coupons the other day and how coupons is money. We have a blast sharing our “coupon” stories over the years. Yes, you will have those times at the store where you are very frustrated by the beeps, cashiers, and the line behind you but as Collin has said countless times “it is so worth it!”. Sometimes I take a break from score deals weekly deals but my coupons will always be a part of me! 🙂

    • Julie

      My son (9yr) make fun of my couponing at first until he realized how much money I was saving. I made him hold my coupons and I told him they were real MONEY and not to drop them. After a few trips with mom getting great deals on stuff he likes he was won over 🙂 He and his dad still tease me but they sure love the stuff I bring home!!

  12. alexis

    I’m a newbie when it comes to coupons. I was actually referred to hip2save a few months ago by one of my friends. Since then I’ve gotten better and better! I’ve become very good at shopping at Target. My recent bill at Target was $115 before coupons. Afterward, I ended up spending $40…plus $15 in gift cards! I’m a teacher, so I always find ways to save money. I try to get three Sunday newspapers a week in order to triple my savings on items. I think it is really paying off! I especially love the Target store coupons and how they can be stacked with manufacture coupons. I still have some trouble with organization, and sometimes spend two hours at Wal-mart and Target just looking for hidden deals. My fiance gets bored waiting for me but after checking out, he’s amazed!

    I had some trouble at Target recently, using manufacture coupons and the Target coupons which give gift cards. I realized that the machine wasn’t deducting the manufacture coupons and I was losing over $8! Unfortunately, I didn’t find this out until I had left, and didn’t know if it was worth going back. I also called the Target and spoke to the cashier who had rung me up. He was a supervisor and was very condescending about the situation, because I had “so many coupons.” I was intimidated about going back but my fiance supported me. When I went to customer service, another cashier understood what happened, but still called for the supervisor. After seeing that I was right, he did pay me the difference (with a couple of “I hate coupon” comments in between). With attitudes like that, I get discouraged. But I think that the money I’m saving each trip can be really worth it! I tell my mom about the saving triumphs and she gets so proud. 🙂

  13. April Orr

    I have found that organizing my coupon inserts by date and using a file folder to organize them saves me A LOT OF TIME! I do not cut out my coupons until I am ready to purchase that specific item. I then can easily grab the right insert, cut the coupon, and its organized and ready to go! I have only been doing this for a few months now but I quickly learned this is WAY better than cutting out every coupon and then trying to organize them by category, etc. I don’t have the time or the ability to be that organized:) I love being able to come home to my husband and brag about the things I’ve gotten for free. (although sometimes he just looks at me like I’m crazy). Let couponing be something you enjoy and look forward to….not just another part of your schedule.

    • Becca

      I could have written this post word for word!! I too only clip coupons as I need them and sort my Sunday inserts by date. Saves me a lot of time and hassle. No need to go through and sort out expired coupons either. My husband pretends to pay attention and get excited about my deals, but I don’t think he “gets” it yet. Thankfully my Gal pals all understand!
      To all the newbies–start slow an dknow that you won’t see the “big” savings for a couple of months. I used to be happy if my savings was around fifty percent of retail, today (after couponing for about a year) I was thrilled to get $204 worth if groceries for $62.50! I know others could do even better, but this was great for me. Don’t try to compare yourself to the big dogs who seem to get a weeks worth of groceries for $2.00. Every family has diferent needs and different challenges. Just focus on what’s right for your family.

    • Danielle Miller

      That’s the same way I do it. After trying several methods over the course of a year, this one totally works best for me. So much easier to just stick everything in a file instead of spending hours clipping and sorting.

  14. Maehing O

    Wow.. great time for you to post this! I went to Harris Teeter for the super doubles ( 18 miles from my house) and ran into a fellow couponer who remembered me form a year ago at Publix when she was standing there confused, and a bit overwhelmed. She was very excited to see me and said that it was a year ago Memorial Day weekend that we saw each other, and I talked her through the deals that week. I encouraged her not to give up, and to take it one coupon at a time. I also turned her onto the $5 off $25 coupon from Rite Aid that Publix took. She said that she has been hooked ever since, and she’s been able to bless others by her couponing skills. It made my day, so here’s to you Angela… keep up the good work, and for everyone else out there….. DON’T GIVE UP!!!!!! 🙂

    • Amber

      I actually went to a “class” you put on in Hanahan and have been saving a ton of money ever since. When I first read the blogs and how tos, I was a little overwhelmed. Hearing you talk about deals, organization, and helping others really helped and I am more than hooked. So, thank you! To others, find a veteran in your area and pick his/her brain. Even if you have to stalk someone w/ a binder at the grocery store, it’ll really pay off in the long run!

  15. Chaos in the Little City

    So funny you would post this today. Went into Target with my coupons, trying to stock up on items for my DH’s care packages. Wasn’t really paying attention to the cashier while I was bagging my items in my own bags. I see a glimpse of the cashier just putting my coupons in the drawer. Had a feeling she didn’t ring them all up. Walked to the car went over my receipt 3 items were priced more then what was posted and over 20 dollars of coupons weren’t rang through. You bet your cheerios I went back and talked to the manager who kept apologizing and said she has no clue how the cashier thought she rang them all up. So my advice to everyone double check your receipt.
    Btw doesn’t Target give you a 5 cents off for every bag? If so she got that from me too.:(

    • Nicole Dz.

      I always hand my coupons in moderation. Since i always have tons. I learned my lesson from handing them all to the cashier at once. Everytime i did that they never rang up all my coupons. So i ALWAYS hand over my coupons in couples. And i haven’t had a problem since. While handing them over i also watch as they scan everyone & i watch the screen to make sure their being taken off, cuz sometimes they have to hit a button, so if i notice it doesn’t go through or the cashier didn’t hit that button, i just let the cashier know it didn’t go through so she can correct it. Like i said NEVER give your coupons to the cashier all at once, that’s if you have a bundle. They never seem to get them all scanned that way. Hand them two at a time or three. And hand them over spread out. I also always say, to the cashier as im handing them to him/her how many of that coupon i have. Since i have been doing this i have not had any problems. And is it just me or has anyone noticed that some cashiers hate when you have a bunch of coupons??? Like they get frustrated or look mean and angry. But who cares right? You saving tons!!!

  16. Kira G

    Take a deep breath! Tonight was a good night, my husband looked at our tiny laundry room/pantry and complimented me on how “organized” I have been keeping it. I made the comment about how many of “his” deoderants and body washes and that most of them would be donated because I got them for less than $1. I them showed him my box that is for the non-profit preschool I worked for, where I was helping keep their costs down since they try to serve only organic and healthy foods. I feel like I have been spending more in the last month of seriously couponing, but smiling and thanking the slightly sour customer behind me in line then looking at my savings makes it worth it. Knowing that I can help my family that I love and the preschool that I love is a good feeling. Enjoy the small victories, and brush off the bad parts because tomorrow is a new day and another great deal!

  17. jen

    A few useful tips if you are starting out to avoid frustration. I started couponing last november and I still try to follow these tips:
    Allow yourself extra time when going to the stores. I try to go late at night after I put my kids to bed. The stores tend to be less crowded and I can take my time. I have a had issues at target a couple of times with things not ringing right or gift cards not triggering. I just go to customer service and I stand there and smile for 5-10 minutes while they fix it. Don’t get flustered you’re not doing anything wrong. And if you make a mistake just smile and apologize, we all make mistakes. If you’re on a schedule with someplace to be it’s hard to make sure you’ve done it all right.
    I agree with other readers, pick a store or two to start out with. Start with the one you think has more of what you need. I usually copy and paste the deals Collin posts that I want in a word doc. I print it out. I get my coupons and paperclip them to my list, go in the store and buy those items. Only get what’s on your list to start out with. You need to go to the stores with a plan.
    If something doesn’t ring up or you goofed and bought something that was different than the coupon, simply return it and get your money back.
    If you get to the register and someone behind you only has a couple of items, let them go in front of you so you don’t feel pressured. I know my grocery store scrutinizes all IP coupons and if you have them they automatically put their light on to get a manager to check them. I know this so I give them my coupons right up front and they can get their manager while they ring all my groceries.
    Lastly, hold your head high, smile and feel confident. Don’t turn around and look at those behind you and you won’t see the scowls on their faces. I like to come home and line up my loot on my counter and stare at it for a moment. It makes me feel proud and inspires me to go out and do it all over again!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I agree, ALWAYS let someone with just a few items go in front of you if you’re buying a cart full and using Qs. I always do this, and I think my cashier and the other customers really appreciate it. Plus, my cashier is less stressed out about scanning and checking my Qs, so they are less likely to refuse a Q just because they’re not sure it’s acceptable.

  18. Carrie

    Don’t take on too much at first. Start with a couple deals on things you use often, toothpaste, shampoo, diapers, to become familiar with the system. It takes time and also trial and error to get it right. When all else fails remember, there will ALWAYS be another deal!

  19. Sabine

    I have been going strong for a few months, and the amount of money I have saved is simply astounding to me.

    For several years now I have despaired at the way grocery prices seemed to do nothing but go UP, UP, UP! Now THAT is discouraging!! I would not buy anything special, like cookies, chips or even body wash because the prices were just not realistically aligned with our income. We are barely middle class and pay for everything without assistance, so for years I have made some very hard choices. I am sure at times that I would have been an ideal candidate for a food bank.

    These days, I’m never really worried whether we are going to make it to the next payday. After building a modest stockpile (I decided early on that with a family of 5 I did not need a large stockpile), I found that I always had the makings for a decent meal.

    I also never really run low on anything.

    I still have worries in my life, but boy is it great to not worry about food bills!

    I have also quickly converted people I never would have guessed would be interested. My teen daughter will actually go shopping with me because she enjoys helping me look for products to pair with my coupons. She also checks facebook and this site regularly so she can print her own coupons. The other day she printed a Taco Bell coupon for a new frozen drink and the girl at Taco Bell asked, “Where did you get this coupon?” My daughter thought she was in trouble, but the counter girl smiled and said, “You’re not in trouble; I want one!”

    My daughter’s best friend is so against saving money, it’s laughable. But then, every time she came over, we were eating something we got free, or looking at all the free stuff from the mail and so she made me write down all the coupon blogs I follow. We are talking about teens!

    My mother-in-law bought a computer so she could start getting coupons. While she is computer savvy through her work, she has never owned a home computer or ever had a home internet connection!

    I see very little downside to this endeavor. It is fun; it saves money and it really doesn’t hurt anyone. I do feel buried in paper at times, but I am not an inherently organized person, so it’s just my nature to be a little sloppy.

    About the only thing that will discourage me now is if I forgot to use a really great coupon before it expired!!

  20. Kim

    Thanks for posting this today. This was perfect timing for me. I’ve been couponing for years and today was a discouraging day. I like to use those ‘free gift card with new/transferred prescription’ coupons for my husband’s prescription. Well today I was told at RiteAid I could not use the coupon on my prescription transfer because I was ‘giftcard shopping’, even though I was transferring from Kroger. But because several transfers back I had it at RiteAid before, they didn’t consider it a legit transfer. I hate it when a store/cashier make you feel like you are stealing. My husband has been out of work for over a year and we are nickeling and diming so every bit counts for us. So thanks to everyone for the encouring words and thanks Collin for posting. I’m recharged to keep on couponing!

  21. Kristie

    I have been couponing for about a year now. At first I felt like I had to go out and get every bargain or “freebie” that was out there. I learned after several weeks how tiring and stressful that can be. There will be times when you won’t get the free razor or the free shampoo and that is OK!!! There WILL be other deals out there. Just relax, get your coupons organinzed and focus on the deals that are important to your family. Couponing should be fun and exciting!

  22. kathy m

    Stay with it!! I was a casual coupon user and was able to save some. Now that I am more prepared with sales and such I am able to save more. It is frustrating if you jump into every store all at once….I did!!! I overspent and became frustrated. I decided to start with a store or two each week and just work on their ads and specials. Here it is 8 months later and I have a nice stockpile and feel good going into each store. Don’t let a cashier make you mad, most are not properly trained. I am lucky to have so many stores to shop at and that has allowed me to find out which ones are coupon friendly ; ) Hang in there…it gets easier

  23. Jean H

    I know we have all had those “bad” experiences with clerks being rude to us and/ or store managers acting as if we were theives or common criminals, but then think about the good experiences, where a clerk is just amazed and delighted at your savings, or that one store manager who greets you like royalty for shopping his store and being such a smart/savvy shopper! And then there is sites like this one, Hip2save, where we can get a heads up on the best deals around thanks to all the hard work of Collin, and to where we can also have a place to share with others of “our kind” whether it be a great deal or experience, or even a place to vent when we feel we have been treated unjustly.
    Couponing is like life. It has its good days and its bad days. But the bottom line is the good outweighs the bad and SOOOO worth the time and energy!

  24. Gina Q

    When I first started couponing about 8 months ago, it always seemed like I was the one who held up all the lines and got all the glares from the people behind me. I would start sweating and turn red (and trust me, it takes A LOT for my brown skin to turn bright red), and with two screaming toddlers with me, I almost gave up.

    Then I started tallying all my receipts and savings and realized I saved almost $5,000 in 7 months! I showed my husband and he was so proud of me, he went out and bought me a new computer! So now when I get the “glares” from people because of my couponing, I take a deep breath and remind myself that I am the one laughing all the way to the bank. : )

  25. Knight2boys

    The only way to really figure couponing out is to practice and use them regularly. Have a plan. Use them as it’s the best way to learn. Start with a few items and gradually add more. You can do anything you set your mind to. Do you want to save and add extra income to your bottom line? Then get busy and practice!!!

  26. Theresa

    So I was on my way to the check out this afternoon which typically has a few markdowns in a cart right before the register. I look down and what do I see? Some beautiful razor cartridge markdowns. I’m pretty sure I don’t even have the right fitting part for these cartridges but guess what?! They were marked to 1 dollar. I had three $2/1 coupons to use. Beautiful. Not only did I get the three packs for free but 3 dollars rolled on to my other items!! I’m so glad I got my coupons back in order, this made it worth it!!

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I lost my bag of coupons and I am so sad; I can’t get back into couponing. My free pizza coupon is gone:( My life was stressful for the last few weekends with too many things going on and now I just can’t find the coupon bag!

    But boy is it worth the savings when you have them ~ just make sure you hold onto your coupons with your dear life:)

  28. becky.e

    I think I got frustrated when I first started because I wanted to have my cart full and only pay a few dollars like those who have been doing this for awhile. I had to remind myself that any savings was more than I saved before. I have found that I have formed relationships with cashiers and even other customers. I especially like when I can share a coupon with someone in the store or pass items on to those in need.

  29. Tiffany

    You have to look at it as a game, but a much more productive game. You win some, you lose some. But when you win it is real money your saving!!! When I got 6 packs of Huggies this morning for 3.50 each I was so excited- no rebates or anything. It is so fun!

  30. Bethany

    I’m still pretty new at this, but occasionally I’ll head to the store in mind just to get the really good deals. I went to Target, coupons in hand, and I was planning on stacking 2 coupons on most of the items I was getting. My cashier was great! She didn’t make a single disparaging comment, but said I basically bought my coupons, and said that it was great! I felt better after that since I had heard so many comments that Target cashiers are hard to work with. So keep it up! It’s worth it!

  31. Jenny Lynn

    Couponing takes some work-but the rewards are amazing. I am using the $$ saved from rebates and coupons to fund a Vegas trip for me and the boy. We’re using our credit card rewards for our airline tickets and using free nights from frequent stays for the hotel. By December our goal is to have enough to saved to enjoy a show and do the dolphin training at The Mirage hotel. You just have to remind yourself that you are saving for your future-be it extra in the bank for retirement or a goal like a vacation or remodel at home. I actually have a Vegas postcard I keep in my purse to remind me that I would rather save and do that then blow the budget and miss out.

    Sites like hip2save make couponing a lot easier-but just be prepared when you go into a shopping adventure. You may have to be patient as oftentimes clerks are unfamiliar with their own coupon policies. Don’t back down. I have had a few negative experiences, but only in one case did I leave the store without what was intended-in that case I wrote a letter to the company and was given a gift certificate and rain check for the product for my trouble.

    Be proud-you are saving money 🙂

  32. Tammy

    I know it does get fustrating at times. Just remember to kill them with kindness they will get to know you on a first name basis and greet you with a smile each and every time you enter the store. Your family will love you for all the savings you get by using coupons and leaving more room for fun activities for you and your family to enjoy.

  33. Maria D.

    I remember the first time I had a bad experience at the supermarket, people huffing behind me, the cashier giving me a hard time, babies screaming, etc….

    Inhale deeply and exhale.
    Calmly explain how the coupons work.
    Ignore the huffing

    Remember you are not doing anything illegal. The store has a policy to accept coupons. You are just the smart cookie that has figured out how to use those Sunday inserts.

    Also one big point, don’t beat yourself up if you miss out on some deals some weeks. Sometimes life happens and you can’t get to Target. Don’t worry there will be better deals next week or the deal will come around again. Pick two or three places that are near you and concentrate on those. Make it work for you.

    Most importantly DO NOT GIVE UP! It is worth it. It may take a few months, but it is well worth it.

  34. jess

    This is my second month couponing, and I sat down the other day to go over my spending vs. savings. I mainly focus on CVS, because its (at least for me) the easiest to get the hang of and the rewards are instant (print at the end of your receipt) For the month of April I spent around $197 for the whole month, and saved around $130. For the month of May so far I calculated that I spent around $50 and saved around $147! Just today I scored my first trial size items for free, 2 deoderants and a shampoo! Which is perfect for my vacation next month! Usually I would have spent more than $10 for those items and today I got them free…totally worth it!

  35. Heather

    Just remember, you don’t have to get every deal every time. It’s easy to make yourself crazy trying to stay on top of every deal you come across. Stick with the ones you really want/need and remind yourself, another deal will come if I don’t get this one.

    • Diane

      That is some of the best advice! I’m just now trying to get this into my brain! 🙂

  36. K

    Couponing is a job. I recently quit teaching after 30 years. I had to make up for some change in income. I discovered blogs last September. While I have always couponed, the amount of info out their is astonishing. I have learned so much in the past 9 months.

    There is great advice in these entries. You will do best by concentrating on what you need rather than chasing all the deals. As you do it, you’ll find yourself focusing on one or two “must have deals’ for the week. Sometimes you’ll buy a lot of that one item. This past week, I bought 30 pkgs of toilet paper. I got them for 8 cents a pkg because I used a clipping service for the coupons. This was my deal for the week. While I saved elsewhere, I have enough stuff in other categories, that I can let some deals go.

    Pick one or two stores. Find the Walgreen or CVS that is most customer friendly. The one 1 miles from my house isn’t customer oriented. The one 2 miles from my house treats me well. I have a professional relationship with the manager. He orders items for me in advance with a phone call. He likes my calls because it alerts him what to order for others.

  37. Melissa

    I’ve been a casual coupon user since college and have gradually amped up my game. Since the birth of our second child I’ve really had to step it up a lot as hubby has been unemployed since Oct 07, sometimes it gets very frustrating to be couponing, working full-time and have 2 kids under 3, but it is also very rewarding. The money we have saved with coupons has helped so that my husband can be a stay-at-home dad for the moment. 🙂 And we donate a lot of products to the food bank affiliated with our church.

    I agree that its best to start small picking 1 drug store, 1 grocery, etc. I am a manager for a drug store so I still only shop that 1 drug store and have found that for our family of 4 that just doing one drug store keeps our stockpile well enough for those items.

    I’d also say don’t compare yourself to the pictures you’ll find on some blogs of piles of groceries paid next to nothing for without knowing what you are comparing! I live in the northeast and things are more expensive here than they are in some other regions. Also, my main grocery store (since its practically the only one close by) only doubles 1 like coupon per transaction and only doubles up to $.50. So a lot of times I’m not going to see the same kinds of prices or savings.

  38. nicole

    Keep it up … it takes effort , time , and patience ! Not everyone will want to stand in line behind you but they will love to watch the savings add up with you. I have had my grocery bill go from $120.00 to about $16.00 and the guy behind me high fived me and the cashier asked me to write down the website I use. So somewhere out there I converted some more Hip2Save readers 🙂

  39. janis

    I’ve only been couponing for about 4 months. At first I was extrememly stressed out, getting started was the hardest part. Now I have a binder that comes to every store with me. It took me a while to organize and figure it all out, and it can still be stressful. As far as overspending at the grocery store, I’ve had pretty good luck. I usually only buy what is on sale, and what we absolutely need. Also, I stockpile, stockpile, stockpile when i find a good sale with good coupons at the grocery store. All of this gets easier as time goes on for me. Tonight I bought $21 worth of products at Rite Aid for $2…….I usually get $25 worth of products for under $1 between my coupons and rebates. Also, I’ve gotten to know some of the cashiers at some of the stores I frequent. The cashiers that used to raise their eyebrows when I walked through the door now say hi to me and call me “coupon lady”. Shaw’s still almost always gives me a hard time…..just for good measure I think. But that’s fine….I know it isn’t me….my Shaw’s is awful, so that’s probably why it’s almost always empty. Just like anything else, couponing will get easier with time.

  40. Estera

    When i started couponing I too felt like giving up especially when I came accross a MEAN cashier, but I was stubborn and I didn’t let One grouchy cashier stop me from SAVING money. I decided to try again and ask questions … it helped me get where I am today. Spending $250-$300 for groceries per month for a family of 4 (not to mention all the freebies I end up with every month – thanks to couponing 🙂 )
    And YES there are NICE cashiers out there that will make you feel like you’re the Smartest person in the world…lol Love those cashiers 🙂 they make my day 🙂
    Don’t give up, hang in there, ask questions !!!

  41. Barbara

    Way too many words…keep it simple, I feel I have been a success at my shopping trip when the person behind me sees the stack of coupons and grabs their stuff off the belt and RUNS to another checker!

  42. Ella

    Well we all go trough all the problems from time to time, but you get use to it and know how to fix it 😉
    Today I went to Target and everything went down. I had a very bad cashier. I had all correct products and correct sizes but the register kept beeping and the cashier kept just declining my coupons. She took only one coupon and my total was over $80.00 and I did not wanted to pay. I called the manager and of course was holding the line but I did not wanted to leave. The manager did not wanted to deal with it and send me to the customer service where my nightmare started 🙁
    She was reading the fine print from every single coupon and separated all merchandise on the counter, then told me that she was not taking any of my coupons for travel size items even that there was no size restriction. I was there for about 30 minutes and seeing that I was not going further with her I just took my coupons and left her everything on the counter.
    So, then I went to another Target and got all the same things with total of more then $80.00. The cashier took every single coupon and all the ones which were peeping he just accepted it. The BOGO ones for Scrubbing bubbles he did not know how to enter it and had to call the manager. My total was about $ 9.00 and change.
    See, for me is always worth it to deal with, cashiers, being very mad and other things but on the end is worth it.
    I am a stay home mom and use coupons for about 2 years. I can say that I have saved more money now then when I had job with salary, where I was making more then 20 times then I am making now.
    So what I am trying to say is that going trough all the problems is worth it. You will get use to it and know how to handle it.
    Oh one more thing 🙂 when I was at the register today a nice lady with a newborn in her hands told me that she heard about but was never using it and wanted to know if they were for real. I told her to go to Hip2save and she will learn everything she needs to know. She thanked me and said that she will do that 😉

  43. teresa longstreet

    don’t give up newbies. it can be time consuming and frustrating in the beginning. but you will, by trial and error, get your own system down. and you will be amazed in the end how you have saved on items that you couldn’t otherwise afford. and remember what your goals are for doing it. and if you come across a mean cashier, keep your cool, i would always tell the cashier in the beginning i was new at to be patient. and then like most couponers i now search for the friendliest face. remember it is up to the store’s policy what they can do, not the individual cashier. don’t take it personal or get upset, ask to speak to a manager and use it as a growing, learning and positive experience. good luck.

  44. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I went to Albertsons yesterday they were having a great sale. They had coupons in there ad for .50 Gatorade when you buy 10 .59 eggs and a few other things. I decided to go through self check out since i had 13 items and my little girl loves to use it. Well the lady in charge of these 4 check outs comes over and tells me when using coupons i shouldn’t use these machines she knew i had there in store coupons from what i was buying by the way i had only 2 coupons total and the machine has a button for coupons and they scan fine with no help from her. I ignored her and went about my business she then went over to help an older gentleman who was having trouble using the machine she was very rude to him to. I spent 4 minutes total at the check out and witnessed her be rude to 3 different people in that amount of time. I just have to say that don’t let a rude cashier get you down a lot of times its just the way they are and they are rude to everyone no matter what coupons or not.

  45. Heather W

    I didn’t get a chance to read all of the posts, but the ones I did were great! I have had my trips that make me SO mad I swear I’m never going to that store again, but after about a week or two I realize that all I’m doing is missing out on a bunch of great deals! So I just go try again and usually it is fine. I try to be sure I am organized before I go to the register. I get discouraged sometimes by the cashiers and how they treat me for using coupons, but I try not to let it get me down and by the time I’m walking out of the store all I’m thinking about is my cart full of deals! So just keep your head up, don’t EVER let a store/employee/customer/family member or ANYONE get you down. If it helps keep track of how much you save and then when you get discouraged look at that total and ask yourself if you really want to start spending all that money again! Good luck everyone, and may your cart and home overflow with free/cheap items!!

  46. Amber

    I wanted to say that couponing is awesome! I’m to the point now that it hurts to pay full price for things. 🙂 I also wince when I see someone else paying $200+ for a cart full of groceries that I know I could’ve gotten for at least half off w/ sales and coupons. 🙂 It really puts perspective on others who just don’t understand. I want to tell them that they can go get coupons for that stuff. I have, on more than one occasion, given people coupons for things that I am not going to buy or that I have too many coupons for (I know, how could you ever have too many coupons?!?!). It makes me feel like I’m helping someone become a little more aware of what they could be saving. I’m also able to help my parents who are unemployed. It’s so great! I love it!!!

    • Kristen

      Kuddos to you for sharing the wealth – I’ve couponing seriously for about 3 years now (since shortly after getting married) and from time to time I have passed on a coupon while in line and waiting for the cashier to process all of mine or waiting on a manager for approval – I’ll pull a couple for items the person behind me is waiting to purchase (kind of a thank you for not glaring and huffing while they wait on my transaction 🙂 ) – I was recently blessed by a complete stranger in Target – she was just ahead of me in line and used several coupons – she noticed I had a stack in my hand and as she turned to leave with her purchsases she handed me a Target coupon for $5 off a $50 purchase (which mine certainly was befre coupons!) – what an unexpected and sweet blessing! – the same as someone handing me a $5 bill – It’s those moments that more than make up for all of the times I’ve dealt with a rude or uninformed chashier or manager!

  47. James

    OK, so yes it can be a bit overwhelming at times. But the fact is after seeing my weekly savings, a dozen friends at work have started couponing and they thank me everyday!

  48. sagittmama

    My latest success is the SoftScrub BOGO with a Walgreens BOGO sale going on. I stood up for myself and told the cashier to take the products back when she wouldn’t honor my coupons, if it was possible to get ’em for free, I set out to do just that. The second store, I had success and I felt like a new person! Hubbs was shocked I got these for free (paid taxes on it). He didn’t seem to mind because I’m on the watch out for these deals. I still need him to write down on a list what we need so I can hunt down a coupon or two for them.

  49. Kavi Ravi

    I’m fairly new to the couponing. I found about Hip2Save when I was searching for some product. It’s so amazing to think how many people are active couponers. It inspired me a lot and started couponing. I have always wanted to find great deals on things, but unfornutely never had done couponing before. Even though I have been finding deals on clothes/shoes and other product….I have not used coupons before. Now I realize how much I have missed. With so many things to worry and handle in our life style, couponing gives a smile and saves you money. And for stay at home moms like me, it’s great opportunity to bring something home on their behalf.

    Even I get frustated sometimes………and yes I know how it feels like being in the line with coupons thinking what will ahppen…..whether it will all go smoothly? or will the coupon beep? will others get frustrated? Sometimes it really hard and after all the time we spent in coupon clipping and organizing…..we sometimes don’t get want we went for! I always look for friendly cashiers and who are not afraid of coupons. Lots of cashiers makes us feel bad about having coupons. But end of the day when you score great deals… you will defnitely will be inspired to go for it. I always tell my husband how much I saved in my trip. My cvs and walgreens skills are getting better after 2 months of serious couponing. Thanks to all the bloggers which makes our couponing easier.

    To all the newbies, don’t give up………once you get the hang of it……….you can master it in your own way. It takes some time, but it’s totally worth it!

    I’m really not sure how to handle the coupons though. I need some ideas on how to oragnize my coupons. Right now I don not have any file/binder or anything. I didn’t think of anything when started to get newspaper for coupons, after 2 months I realized it’s just getting messier to ahndle coupons all in one. I just now have started to keep the inserts seperately and usually clip my favorite coupons/ coupons that will go on sale items for the week and keep with me all the time. Any help would be appreciated! And also where do you get your toner cartridges? Which online store is best? How many months it takes for you all to have to change the cartridge?I need to have control on printing coupons;)

    Thanks Hip2Save and all others for helping and motivating! keep it up everyone:)

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