The Limited: $10 in FREE “Fashion Cash” = $0.54 Hair Clips (Thru 6/21)!

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As some of you may have already heard, The Limited is offering up $10 in FREE “Fashion Cash” today (June 11th) ONLY thru 6/21! I was going to post this earlier, but I didn’t feel that I knew enough details about the promo… so instead I went to The Limited to verify all the details myself.

The good news is that they ARE in fact offering $10 in “Fashion Cash” on any purchase of $10 or more! All you need to do is mention the promotion to an associate and they’ll give you the $10 to spend. The bad news is that you cannot use the $10 “Fashion Cash” on sale items. …AND let’s just say the regular priced items are definitely on the expensive side.

I searched throughout the store for quite some time and could not find anything at or close to $10. I looked at jewelry, belts, tank tops, shirts and most everything was above $20 (accept for sale items– which can’t be combined with the $10 “Fashion cash”). Finally, as I was about to give up, I came upon some hair accessories. I found some adorable hair clips regularly priced at $10.50, so ONLY $0.54 (which includes $0.04 tax) after the $10 Fashion Cash! Not bad! I mean I wouldn’t suggest going to the mall for that sole purpose, but if you’re going to be there anyway, why not stop by The Limited?!

…AND yes, there was a moment when I was checking out… digging in my purse for a couple quarters and a few pennies… and well, I felt a tad bit like Julia Roberts on Pretty Women… you know, when she goes in the high end store and is asked to leave. But then I remembered, I am so PROUD of what I’m doing. I’m being smart with my money and if they can’t respect that, then they’re the ones that have issues– NOT me! 😉

(Thanks for the heads up on this deal, Mojo Savings!)

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Comments 50

  1. Anon

    Collin, you’re CUTE and Cool!!!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You can’t use the $10 Fashion Cash on Sale/Markdown merchandise, but you can use them on Sale/Promotional items. They have a lot of shirts, crops and shorts that are 30% off… And I don’t feel bad at all… I go to the one in Concord Mills and the girls there are so nice and they don’t mind at all when I try to find a good deal! I shop there a lot and I never pay full price 🙂

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Your post reminds me of a similar situation at Harris Teeter that I had. I was so proud of myself b/c after coupons and store sales my $30 order went down to one penny! One penny! What are the odds? But guess who couldn’t find a penny anywhere in her purse? :/ I was so embarrassed that I was going to have to use my debit card for a penny. Luckily the nice young man cashiering was like, “don’t worry about it” and pulled a penny from his pocket to put in the register. 🙂 Yayyy for the pretty clips you found! 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    The e-mail I got says you just can’t use it on “markdown” prices which usually mean the clearance items with a sticker, but sale items should be ok.

    Fashion Cash valid through June 21, 2010 in-store only for $10 off a purchase. Minimum purchase must be equal to or greater than $10. Limit one per customer. Cannot be combined with Virtual Dollars, other coupons or redeemed for cash. Not valid on markdown prices, previous purchases, purchase of gift cards, or as payment on The Limited Card. No cash or credit will be rewarded if merchandise is returned. No reproductions will be accepted. Associates not eligible. Card must be surrendered at time of purchase to receive discount.

    • Amanda Stone

      I called and they said no sale items

  4. Kendra B

    Felt like Julia Roberts lol. Oh you know the girls working there probably went and did the same thing. I would have. Cute clips

  5. Noelle M

    you’re great. awesome post 🙂

  6. deezaphine

    hahaha! I love that story….I wish we had video! Good for you!

  7. Kate

    You go girl! Thanks for all you do!!!!

  8. thecents2save

    I called my local store. If you go in anytime between today and June 21 you will receive the $10 Fashion Cash.

  9. anonymous

    Don’t feel bad Collin! I’ve had more than my share of close calls. Some cashiers have helped me out – it’s a little embarassing to get your cost way down only to discover you don’t have enough cash on you and may have to write a check for a couple of cents/dollars. It happens!

  10. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    GOOD FOR YOU COLLIN! I am proud of you! Sometimes I start to feel bad about how little I am spending, but then those savings add up & I have saved $1,000’s this year alone on food/toiletries. Then I think do I want to give that up so I don’t fell bad? HECK NO! So I am proud to be able to save so much thanks to you!!! 😛

  11. Carol

    I have to go to the mall this evening to pick up Father’s Day gifts I ordered online with a promo code at JCPenney, so I’m gonna check out The Limited while I’m there. My daughter would love those hairclips. Thanks for the info.

  12. Amy

    We are all frugal, fashionable and fabulous! Go Collin!

    • Anon

      Right on!!!!

  13. Shayla

    I’ve been there so totally know how you feel! This is awesome…I hadn’t heard about this deal (and I’m on every email list imaginable). So there is nothing to print out, just have to mention it to an associate?

  14. Ana Maria S.

    Bummer no The Limited at my mall (the closest one is 2 hours away in Charlotte)…but I do love the post….That happens to me all the time when I forget to check if I have any spare change or cash in my wallet and then have to use my debit card for a purchase of less than a $1…..oh well the savings and what I walk out with makes it all good!

  15. galaxystar2

    Do people really spend $10,50 on those clips??!

    • Pat

      Cute clips, but I agree “Who would spend $10.50?”

  16. Leslie

    I have used a credit card before for a 26 cent transaction by the way!

    • Elizabeth

      I used mine for .09 a couple of weeks ago. Neither my husband or myself had any cash/change on us!

  17. Amber Y

    YOU GO GIRL!!!

  18. Kim in Co

    Probably wrong place to post this…..but I need to vent

    I found out last night that Im pretty much the laughing stock of my family for my couponing. My brother and his wife have been making fun of me behind my back admitted to me by my sis-n-law last night. And last week at a family BBQ all my sisters and my step mom were making fun of me to my face. I was proud of my small stock pile and when I find a killer deal (thanks to Collin). I won the Febreeze Houseparty (first party ever) and so I invited all my family and friends only to find out last night they think Im stupid and silly. Really hurts my feelings. I feel like a fool, even though I am proud that we are debt free and starting a stock pile largely in part of these blogs, I feel very embarassed to share my excitement with anyone.

    So thanks Collin for all you post, and especially for saying how you felt a little uncomfortable in The Limited. Least Im not the only one who feels uncomfortable sometimes. 🙂

    • jennifer

      I get the same thing from my friends..maybe their just jealous. Screw

    • Angie

      I know what you mean! Many people seem to think couponing, stockpiling and finding deals is a waste of time. Don’t let it get you down! They are either jealous or they don’t understand how you can get so much for so little! Keep your head up and be proud!!

    • Nicole

      Keep up the good work Kim! My grandmother made fun of me until we went to visit last weekend. Showed her my binder and my savings…guess who mentioned she’d have to look into couponing? Yep, grandma! Ha, they’re just jealous!

    • Diane

      That is so sad to hear. My friends have kinda smiled and thought “OK…” when I first told them about how much I saved. Well, recently one of our closest friends became vegetarian. Two days ago I handed him a pile of coupons for Morningstar products and rice, and wheat pasta (and shared a Boca sale at Publix). Well, later that same day I got a very excited call from him saying “You helped me save $13.50. That’s just crazy.” So, I don’t know if that will work with the people you’re dealing with. Something tells me they need to go shopping with you….on their dime. Let them see what it’s like to see your bill go from $80 to $30 or less. Hang in there. Be proud of what you’re doing!!

    • nzamom

      Sometimes when people make fun of you in a situation like that, it is because they are trying to compensate. Maybe you make them feel stupid by being so smart and saving money on things they pay full price for. Maybe they are jealous of what a good job you do for your family. Do not accept anyone else’s opinion of you. Take pride in making the most of whatever money your family has and know that you are doing a very, very good thing. One day your family might just surprise you and tell you how much they wish they could what you do. You never know…

    • OiOi

      Kim in Co –
      I’m so sorry that happened to you. You can always have someone cheering for you and your savings here and a sympathic ear when things don’t go as planned too. {{{hugs}}}

    • Kim in Co

      Thanks girls. I totally needed the pity party 🙂 I knew I could count on the gals here. 🙂

    • Sarah

      Be proud that you are debt free!! My husband and I are working towards being debt free now and it isn’t easy!! I’m not sure that my husband’s family understands why I coupon, but my MIL seemed impressed when I told her that I saved 93% over what I paid shopping yesterday. Then I went shopping with her last night and just happened to have coupons for some of the things she was buying. I saved her about $3.50 (not much I know). Just ignore your husband’s family, they are probably just jealous of your financial situation. Maybe someday they will come to you to find out how you got out of debt. Keep up the saving!!

    • MommySpendsLess

      Maybe they’re jealous/embarassed that you’re debt free while they probably aren’t and teasing is their way to feel better?

      When I first started my husband teased me. He wasn’t mean about it but he didn’t think it was worth the time/effort and was too embarrassed to use coupons himself. Then one day we were walking through Wal-Mart and he started to pick up a Fusion razor. I told him I had a whole bunch of them already at home. He saw my stockpile of razors and exclaimed “but these are the expensive ones!” I just replied “Yup, that’s why it’s even better that they were pretty close to free.” A couple days later he was bragging to friends about my couponing. I knew I’d converted him when he used the $3 off Merona menswear coupon I offered him. He still won’t use small coupons for food/toiletries but he searched for printable coupons for a sporting good store to get beach equipment and was hunted for coupons and deals when he had to replace his XBox.

      Long story short, I agree with the others that maybe your family just needs to see what couponing is really all about (assuming that their issue isn’t jealousy). It’s harder to understand spending hours clipping just to save $0.25 on full price toothpaste than actually seeing a register total drop by 50-75%

    • sue

      Kim in Co, everyone has someone making fun of them, teasing, or ridiculing them for couponing, whether they know it or not. I have MANY family members who think Im nuts for my stockpile and my binder….and then I started my blog and watch out… When it comes down to it, its mean and wrong how other people act. You are doing nothing wrong and you should be PROUD of yourself for making a difference in the life of you and your family! Your extended family may never come around, but it doesnt matter, have satisfaction in knowing what you are doing is not only the right thing, but loads of fun too!! Congrats on the houseparty! and keep up the couponing!!!

    • fran

      Kim, just remember, people are rude and mean to others because they are lacking something in themselves. You keep doing what you are doing to help your families financial situation. Don’t let anyone get to you. Like everyone else said, they are jealous. And you know what, I wouldn’t give them any of my freebies, not with those attitudes 🙂

    • April

      You may be the brunt of their jokes, but you are the couponer I strive to be.

    • Stacey Bee

      Hi Kim 🙂 I feel for you! That’s hurtful. I think lots of times people just don’t understand how much we save and what a huge difference it makes in our finances. My own mother makes fun of me all the time. Everytime she sees something new in my house she asks me how how I “got that for free.” Of course, I do not get everything for free, that would be cool, but that’s just not the case. Anyway, anytime I tell her, “nope not free, it was $27.00” or whatever it was, she acts like something bizzar has happened because I bought something with money. It’s really weird. She does it constantly. But, she sure does enjoy the stock pile I have her set up with…lol. People just don’t think. I doubt your family really wanted to hurt your feelings. It’s probably funny and silly to them because they have not experienced the rewards. My mom tells me she loves the stuff I get for her, but, she would never take the time to do it herself. A lot of people don’t want to take the time, and if they look at it as sorta silly they don’t have to feel pressure to do it themselves…ya know? Like one of these girls’ husbands could be wishing she would save tons of money…but, if all the girls and everyone are making jokes…you know..then no one feels expected to “put in the work” and save the money. Does that make sense? I think that’s why a lot of people laugh. Really…it is SO awesome to save money like we do!!! I save hundreds every single month! With rebates and coupons and sales and everything…it’s true, I hardly have to spend any money! It is FANTASTIC 😉 Keep your chin up 🙂 Congrats on being debt free, too, that’s HUGE!!!

  19. me


  20. fran

    Collin, you are funny. Watch the store sell out of clips, since you posted it 🙂 The clips are probably their biggest seller this week.

  21. fran

    Collin, I love moving my cursor over the HP ad, and seeing all the stars…very cool 🙂

  22. Chelsea

    Preach it SISTA~! Great JOB!

  23. Evelyn

    Hi girls! I went to the Limited and snagged two set of clips. The girl is like, oh the clips are buy two get one free. But if I buy two I would spend over $20, and with the Fashion Cash, all I spent was $1.08. So I said, ok then I’ll pay for one and my husband paid for the other! LOL…I got two sets of clips for a $1.08. Thanks for posting the deal!!!!

  24. Juliea201

    Stopped by and snagged them tonight! The cashier saw the price and my Fashion Cash and said, “Wow, this is a killer deal!” She was totally cool about it. They also have some really cute skinny headbands for $12.50 ($2.50 after the Fashion Cash) that would be perfect for my short summer cut, and I may swing back to snag one or 2 if I have time. Also, I saw lots of really pretty earrings for $16.50 if you were willing to spend a bit more.

  25. A.Marie

    You are just so cute, Collin!!! I love your site and the fact that you have helped all of us save alot of money. I was kind of bored the other day and was tallying up my receipts from last year, and I had saved over $2,000 using coupons (in 2009). I had no idea….So, I am going to go through my receipts from Jan 1-now and see how much I have saved. Those dollars and cents sure add up! 🙂

  26. jennie

    I hear you Collin! The sales staff at Victoria’s Secret always try to make me feel that way when I get the free panties but don’t buy a bra and save ten dollars. I do wear their bra’s but am not going to buy one every time I do the free panty offer to avoid the stink eye from them!

    • Linda Hahn

      Seriously, VS is the worst! Especially when they have the $10 of $10 with the free panties. I always look for a lotion or spray or something that is exactly $10 so I’m not paying for anything, and they ALWAYS try to get me to buy 3 and get 1 free or something crazy. I’m like, nope, not interested!

  27. Cathy K.

    You go girl! We don’t have issues, we have opportunities to utilize our skills!

  28. gloria

    I feel the same way when I use my coupons but when I go home and see the free or really cheap stuff and I smile.

  29. jesicca77

    I bought the exact same thing and it cost me 54 cents..awesome and thanks for doing the hard work

  30. jen

    You go girl!!! GREAT attitude!

  31. Courtney C.

    Me and my mom both got a pair of these super cute clips yesterday!!! The ladies at The Limited in our area were really nice about it! After we both check out and walked out of the store we could not help but laugh becasue we could only imagin what they were thinking! But who cares we got super cute $10.50 clips for $.54!!! Thanks for the post!!!

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