*HOT* $2/1 Smart Balance Milk Coupon = FREE at Publix and Elsewhere?!

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Wahoo! Smart Balance is offering up a super high value coupon! Just head on over here, click on “Click here to download coupons” link, and enter zip code 30157. You should then be able to print a $2/1 Any Smart Balance Milk product coupon! This will easily make for some very inexpensive milk at various stores.

Here’s one *HOT* deal you can score at Publix…
Smart Balance Milk– buy one at $3.59, get one FREE
Use 2 $2/1 coupons from here or from the 6/13 RP
Final cost– 2 FREE cartons of milk + $0.41 in coupon overage!

Let us know if you come across any other in-store deals.

(Thanks, Sarah– my awesome Publix shopping buddy! 😉 )

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Comments 60

  1. PeanutPattie

    This one isn’t working. “Sorry, there are currently no offers available at this time.
    Please check back periodically for new offers.”

    • Rachel

      I just did it, you have to put the zip code 30157.

  2. K71

    I see a 75 cents off q not the $2 q….BUMMMER! Still a pretty good deal for milk.

    • Sarah

      The $2/1 is only under certain zips. Try the zip in the post 🙂

      • K71

        Thank you, Sarah! I was up all night and for lack of sleep, I didn’t read that part…I just printed the $2 q….Thank you for pointing it out! Boy, if it had been a test, I sure would have failed, LOL!!!

  3. christo34114

    I’m getting the offer, but it’s only for $0.75 off. 🙁

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Has anyone ever had this milk? is it any good?

    • Katie


  5. stacy

    make sure u type your zipcode in, it said no offers for me , and then i typed my zipcode in and i got the 2 dollar coupon, I wonder if their milk is good?

  6. Shelley

    I saw this on another site and posted it on mine. We go through a ton of milk so this will be a great savings! Gonna grab some today!

  7. sandy f

    This milk is very good, especially on cereal. Meijer also has a $1 store coupon that you can stack with this.

    • Jill

      Heads-Up as the Meijer coupon expires today 🙂

  8. Tallymomma

    Got mine this morning! No problems.

  9. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! We need milk and this will give me overage at Publix 🙂

    • mayfields5069

      I went to 3 Publix stores in Birmingham yesterday & they were all sold out. May not get more until Friday possibly. Make sure to get a rain check if you can’t find it!

  10. Shahina

    What a great deal! Always looking for good milk deals. I printed two coupons for $2.00 off each woo!

  11. shannon

    Mine said no offers until I put in the zip, 32164 and I got the milk coupon!!!!

  12. PeanutPattie

    Oops, it was me! I got it working now. You have to put in the zip and click select or go or whatever and then the $2 Q shows. And a $3 for Equal!!

  13. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    just printed mine off for $2.00 and got 2, with 4 kids we go though a ton of milk! Thanks

  14. Denise

    also Krogers has $2 e-coupon on thier web site you can down load to your card, pair that up w/the $2 paper manufactuer coupon FREE !!

    • sabrina

      yay im so glad kroger has this! ive been trying everywhere to use this Q

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        I got mine at kroger too. I got two for free! Kroger is awesome.

  15. Priya

    Yesterday, I went to Kroger and bought 2 cartons of Smart Balance milk. I used the $2 off 1 and $1.50 off 1 coupon for both. Plus, to my surprise, Kroger took off an additional $2. So, I only paid $.33 for both. To top it off, I got a $2 off 2 cartons catalina. 🙂

    • Priya

      By the way, this was a Kroger in Houston, TX. The $2/1 and $1.50/1 coupons can be found in past RP inserts.

  16. Kristie

    Meijer has it for $3.99 and there is a $1.00/1 Meijer Mealbox printable so only $0.99 after both coupons! Find lots of Meijer matchups at https://www.gracefullysaving.com including FREE Nivea lip care and $0.50 Kaytee Bird Food 5lb bag!

    • Jill

      Just a heads-up: Meijer coupon expires today.

  17. Priya

    Denise, can you tell me where the $2 e-coupon is on the Kroger site? I can’t find it under the digital coupons. Can you use it more than once?

    • sabrina

      i cant find it either 🙁

    • Denise

      I believe the coupon must be gone now…so sorry ! I should of looked to make sure it was still there before I posted

  18. Courtney

    31605 works also! 🙂 I am heading to Publix later.

  19. Lisa

    Mine printed the border but no coupon. Hmmmm??? I hate it when I miss out b/c of something like THAT. Oh, well. 🙂

  20. Kristie

    There’s also a $2.50/1 Smart Balance Milks 6/13/2010 RP Insert (exp 7/28/2010)!

  21. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


  22. Beth

    I was able to print it and also got the $3 off 230 ct. Equal – Nice Coupons! Thanks for the link!

  23. Christina

    I love this milk! And it’s regular price here in PA is $4.59… paired w/ a sale this will be a GREAT deal. 🙂

  24. Christina

    Also… just curious… does anyone else feel guilty putting in zipcodes that are NOT their own in order to get better coupons? I do it but I feel like maybe it’s sort of “cheating”.

    • Jill

      No, because I think it’s unfair that some areas get better coupons than my zipcode. I think everyone should be entitled to high value coupons, especially those that live in LOND (like me 🙂

      • Christina

        Good point Jill! 🙂

      • Anabel

        whats LOND?

        • Jill

          Land Of No Doubles – BOO!! 🙂

      • Elektra

        I so agree with you. Last week expecting the $4 target Hydro, I bought 50 papers at Walgreens & CVS, using RR & ECB to pay for them. We have a Saturday papers that gets inserts for 75 cents. I sat outside a CVS waiting for it to open and pulled all the inserts from the 40 papers I had so far. I finished those and went inside and bought 10 more papers. I sat in my car pulling the inserts. Finally I was ready to cut the hydro and hit target to use my remaining 18 MF Hydro coupons. WHAT NO TARGET HYDRO COUPON … so disappointing.

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          50 papers???

  25. Michelle

    Thank you!! I used 10123 to get the $2 one, just in case anyone else if having problems 🙂

  26. Lana

    Thanks a bunch! Hubs lost his job 3 weeks ago and every dollar counts!

  27. Anabel

    I played the Kroger game that’s on thier website a few days back and I won a free smart balance product up to $3.99!

  28. skipchuck

    Kroger has/had an eCoupon which was loaded to my card. That plus the two $2/1 manufacturer coupons got me two half gallons of milk for free!!

  29. Ruth

    If you buy this at Mejer, you will get a another $2 Smart Balance coupon printed from the Catalina. I’ve had it happend twice now.

  30. Kathryn

    I click on “Click Here To Download Coupons” and nothing happens. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong…or is this wonderful coupon gone?

    • Nikki

      Same thing is happening to me

  31. Faith

    Must be gone – the link is dead/void – so don’t even get to the point to enter a zip code. Bummer

    • Melissa

      it’s still there, its 7:11 and I just printed two, so try again

  32. Becky

    same for me…nothing happens when I click the button. I hope it comes back again. 🙁

  33. Kathryn

    Bummer! I always lover freebies…especially yummy milk freebies! Maybe next time!

  34. HilaryP


    Today has been craptastic for deals. First my medco order gets canceled and now no free milk for me.

    Oh well, better luck next time I guess!

    • Kathryn

      I just tried again and it worked! Try again!

  35. Amber

    I also won FREE Smart Balance product when playing the Kroger Instant Win Game and our coupon insert has a “$2.50 on the purchase of one carton of Smart Balance Milks” 🙂

  36. Elizabeth

    GAH! Just got 6 half gallons for 70 cents!!!

  37. Rebekah

    My RP insert has a $2.50/1 ! WooHoo!

  38. leslieshops22

    I just printed 4 coupons for these:) Yay!!!

  39. Beverly

    Got 4 1/2 gallons for .80 cents each! YEAH!

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