Become a Nesquik Shaker– Get Free products!
Right now you can apply to become a Nesquik Shaker! Being a Nesquik Shaker means that you’ll have a chance to provide feedback on Nesquik products, promotions and marketing efforts as well as other trends in the marketplace. In exchange, Nesquik Shakers may receive coupons for FREE products and promotional items to share with family, friends, co-workers, and their community! If accepted, they’ll send you an email with a link to log into their private website!
(Thanks, Free Stuff!)
I applied, I hope that I get it because my husband and I enjoy their chocolate milk. Thanks for sharing about the opportunity.
Just got done with application….took about 5-7 min. to fill out. Hope they pick me 🙂
Man, I had a feeling I did this before, and I went through the whole thing again, for them to tell me that I already applied to be a screener…ugh!!
Me, too, Fran! And then I thought, oh yeah, I guess I did already apply. It seems like SUCH a long time ago, I can hardly remember it….
I looked it up on the old blog: We probably applied sometime around June 8, 2009. Good thing we didn’t hold our breaths, eh?
hope it doesn’t take forever to find out. lol.
“Thank you for applying to be a part of the NESQUIK Shakers team!
Currently we are processing your application for review. Please note that it can take several weeks for us to evaluate submissions. We very much appreciate your patience during this time.”
I applied and received the same e-mail that Stephanie posted! Hope I get selected to participate!
Hummmmm, this is the message I received after completing the application:
Thank you for your interest! We’ll be getting back to you soon. In the meantime, go to for great games, recipes, and more!
I received this response as well!
That’s the one I got too! Wonder if the other one is better? ; )
This seems like it could be a lot of fun. would love to get picked.
Does anyone have the phone number for the Baby Boy Size 4 Diapers Testing? I WAS Chosen, and did try the diapers. I was scheduled to receive a short phone call to give my results (then you will rec. $10), but she was a little late in calling at that time that day, and I had to leave to take our little guy to a Dr. appt. I saw later that I JUST MISSED her call. Now I no longer have her number. I would like to follow up, so neither of our time was wasted.
You could maybe look at the old post on this site and call the 800 # and they could refer you?
1-888-DIAPER2 EXT 634 Cheyla
I applied long ago, tried again (it would not let me) and still have not heard anything.
Thank you for your interest! We’ll be getting back to you soon. In the meantime, go to for great games, recipes, and more!