Target: Glucerna Cereal ONLY $0.50!

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Did you print the high value $3/1 Glucerna coupon I posted earlier today?! Well, you may want to do so if you haven’t already. Thru 7/10, Target has the Glucerna Crunchy Flakes ‘n Almonds cereal on a temporary price cut for just $3.50. After the $3/1 coupon– ONLY $0.50!! What a great deal!

(Thanks, Hooked on Bargains!)

**Check out the rest of the Target weekly deals here, here and here.

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Comments 19

  1. Michelle

    I just printed out but the coupon is $1.25 off 🙁

  2. Janet

    Mine just printed out 3.00 off and was able to print twice. I needed this! Thanks!!

  3. Julie S.

    Is the cereal any good?

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    This cereal sounds like its for old people! yick!

    • Lyndsey

      It’s for diabetics…

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      it taste more sweeter than other cereals…….

    • Ally

      Me, I hope you didn’t printout the coupons and then decide “yick”. If you did, I hope you pass them to a person with diabetes or give them to a food bank. These products are horribly expensive and severe diabetics don’t have many choices in life, except for products like these.

      BTW, young people and children get diabetes too–and Type 1 is the worst type most get it when they are children.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Nope I didn’t. Last time I bought these & donate to the stamp out hunger drive(-:

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          Nope I didn’t. Last time I bought these & donate to the stamp out hunger drive(-:…………..try to take cinnamon after every meal.

  5. mb

    just wanted to let every1 know that the waffles coupon for target is on there again with ex date of 7-29

  6. CeeCee

    The website isn’t loading for me…. Is this happening to anybody other than me? My computer’s old, but I’ve never had this problem. I’d really like to get a couple of these $3.00 coupons for an elderly relative. If I can’t print one, could I trade someone for some coupons?

  7. CeeCee

    The bandwidth must be too large for my computer…I just can’t load it!

    If any one who downloaded the $3.00 coupons decided you don’t want them, please leave me a message here. I am willing to trade for these…I have an elderly aunt that uses the shakes/bars daily and she could really use the coupons.

    • Liz

      I can print one out for you, luckily my family doesn’t need this cereal. Whats your address?

      • CeeCee

        Liz–that’s really nice…I’d really appreciate it. My aunt is so proud, she won’t let me buy her any groceries, however she will take the coupons I clip for her. May I return the favor for you? Is there a coupon I can send you?

  8. Felicia

    I love it when I find deals like this! I am not diabetic but I get these for my grandmother who is! If you don’t need this item please be sure to donate it to someone who can use it!

  9. Lori

    Couldn’t find it at my Target, but did find it at Walmart up front in the diabetic section for $3.28! Yeah.

  10. forex robot

    My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

  11. jiya

    Target is started giving me hard time on coupons. I went yesterday there to buy huggies….. .cashier wouldn’t let me use the both coupons 2 $3.00 off she said these both r manf. coupons …….I told her one is from target website & 1 is from & it’s target policy that I can stack these……..anyways I ended up returning it.

  12. Melinda P

    Jiya, you can only stack a Target store coupon and a manufacturer coupon – look at the top of the coupon, if one says “TARGET COUPON” (in the same line with the expiration date) and the other says “MANUFACTURER COUPON”, you are good, but if they both say “MANUFACTURER COUPON” regardless of where you printed it, you can’t stack ’em. Check your Q’s, Target doesn’t have a $3 Target Q for Huggies out right now as far as I know…

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