Follow Me Thursday as I Finish off My Very Interesting Phone Calls to Walgreens…

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Are you eager to see Part 3 of my 3 part video series that highlights phone calls I made to Walgreens stores across the country?! Well, first, if you haven’t already, make sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2. I ended the video yesterday in the middle of a oh so helpful conversation 😉 with a Walgreen’s customer service rep at the corporate level. Today’s video will highlight the remainder of this interesting phone call! Enjoy!

**If you can’t see the video, then go here to watch it.

*Please note that I contacted Walgreens managers in the following 4 states: Idaho, North Carolina, Missouri and Texas; and I called the Walgreens Corporate Customer Service Center in Alabama. Because these states only require one party consent to record a telephone conversation, I was able to record these phone calls legally! 🙂

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Comments 272

  1. Laurie

    That lady CRACKS ME UP! I don’t know how you didn’t start laughing!! SO glad you did this! Iove all your videos. Great teaching for us out here!

  2. Jessica

    Good job! Sad that there is NO consistency whatsoever! What’s our next step?? All right letters? wait most of us have done that.. can you get the email of the CEO of Walgreens or something and tag your videos onto it? Hmmmm..we have to work on this one! Good job Collin you are the best!

  3. Gery

    OMG…Dont expect them to call back. They have never called me back and I have called them 3 times!!!
    U crack me up! I was waiting for this last one….YAY!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Don’t call, put ypur complain at with the store info and you will get a call soon.I work for walgreens I know.

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    oh my, and let me tell you how much walgreens sucks…lol I LOVE shopping there, but had a dumb manager say that i cannt use two of the same RR today, becuase the barcodes are the same..lmao. i laughed in his face and called corporate… I said where does it state that, ONLY that the number of RR/MQ cannot exceed the number of items you have, he said thats fine but im still not going to take it. AND he was training a new girl on Register… What a way to get trained…haha DM better call me back!!!

  5. Charity Woon

    This was the icing on the cake of totally unhelpful phone calls! I am laughing so hard! Corporate has no clue and no control over what is going on in the store? WOW! What if our country was run like that! Oh wait… BAHAHA!!! Thanks for this series! I do not shop Walgreens because it is too far away, but I would say this speaks volumes to how stores are in general with couponing.

    • Craig

      LMAO!!!! Exactly, makes you wonder whos running the show? A total mess. Corporate and the local stores making up rules/guidelines as they go. I think they call that chaos.

      Collin has proved by these vids, it like this not only at the store level, but all the way up.
      Great job Collin love the end too! hahahahahaa Great stuff.

  6. Candice B.

    Okay, I have to say thank you for doing this!
    It hurt listening to the managers at most of the stores and especially the corporate center as well. They have no idea either, it really hurt them trying to “explain” how the coupons work and such.

  7. Bonnie

    I went to Walgreen’s yesterday(with nervous belly hoping my 2 favorite, aha sacasm!, checkers weren’t there!) I was stacking coupons, using b1g1 as well as coupon for the 1, ect. I got a great cashier, had all my stuff in order and had a great checkout! She informed me that they(Wags cashiers) learn from us(couponers)! So wish my shopping/couponing experiences could be this great all the time! Loved the 3 part videos, have never laughed so hard, however sad that Walgreen’s can’t get it together!

  8. Stephanie

    These videos were great! Thanks!! It’s amazing that corporate was so useless… They definitely need a coupon policy, but I’m sure your call is going to go nowhere, especially if it was recorded, that woman doesn’t want them to know how unknowledgable she is! LOL!! Thanks for all your help couponing!!

  9. MERRI

    Hey Collin, thanks for all you do everyday to save us money! This video in particular was great timing for me after experiencing a problem at my local Walgreens. It is so very frustrating that each Walgreens that I go to accepts coupons differently. Thanks for all the legwork you did to try to get a resolution to this!

  10. Sadie

    If they will let you use it, you can do it. Really? No kidding.

  11. Amber

    I think we should do mass letters like we did with Walmart! Maybe then they’ll get the hint!

    • Samantha

      That’s exactly what I was thinking!!! And totally off topic — anyone ever had a Walgreens refuse to accept a Register Reward because it didn’t print properly and wouldn’t scan???!! Talk about maddening!!!

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        these RR can be typed in.

  12. Barbara

    I have been shopping Wags for 6 months now, it is about as challenging as the Rubik’s cube. You think – cool one side has all the same color (all my coupons and RR are not the same, I have my filler items) and then you flip it and the other sides are all mixed up ( the register rejects a RR or a coupon!) I think I am just sticking with the aloe infused socks!

  13. Sarah B

    Awesome videos! You are sooo funny!

  14. Carmen

    After listening to those phone calls I am now reminded why I don’t shop Walgreens!
    If this is how they run their business from the top down, they are their own worst enemy…With managment like that they will put themselves out of business!
    Does anybody know who owns Walgreens? Are they an American owned company??

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      What does being at american company or not has to do with it.Don’t be ignorant, it is owned by share holders like me (i’m not american born) who work for the company or people that buys the shares, and it’s operated by a board of directors mostly people with degrees but no experience in the actual stores.

      • Carmen

        I don’t think it is ignorant to ask about who owns the company or if it is american owned. In case you didn’t know a free country means you can express your opinion! It is sad that you feel so threatened by such a comment!

      • Carmen

        It also shows that clearly they have no experience with the stores themselves.

  15. Audrie

    I agree. We should send emails to Walgreens by going through their website. Here’s the link.
    If lots of people cut and paste the link to the video series (and reference Hip2Save) into their emails, perhaps somebody at corporate will decide that it would be in their best interest to take a look at it. Then, they can see for themselves how uneducated their employees are with regards to coupons.

    • Kathi

      Well, I did it – emailed and let them know. Hopefully enough of us respond to do something about it!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Just e-mailed corporate and sent a link to this fantastic video!!!

    • janice

      I just sent an email to this site also

  16. kimberley

    I love how when they don’t know anything they just keep talking anyway, even when they’re just jabbering.

    If there’s just guideline can’t i just make up my own guidelines? LOL

  17. Ayesha

    yesterday i went to the walgreens and they did’nt have the 4 day sale add…even the manager did’nt know about that. ..i just called them to see if there is is 4 day sale going on? they again said no …we dont have any information about that….then i called the other location store just 5 miles away they said yes we have an add for that sale…….

    i mean its really weird that the manager did’nt know about that……

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      some stores don’t get the info on time, that is corporate’s problem

  18. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Yeah, these videos really show the lack of coupon education at the store and corporate level. Sad.

    “Gorgeous girl with a guys name” Hahahaha! Your sister’s funny. I have to say, when I first found your site (when you were on blogger and didn’t have a picture), I was confused by your name. I thought “A guy devotes all this time to a coupon site?!” 🙂

    • Mitchell Wischmann

      Hey, I’m a guy blogger and I do the best I can on my site! 🙂

    • Angela

      Watch out!! There are actually quite a few guy couponers and guys that run coupon sites! 😉

  19. Lisa

    I’ve worked in a corporate setting and quite honestly, unless you go out into your field of business you really have no idea what is going on day in and day out. The managers at Walgreens corporate have no idea how frustrating shopping at Walgreens can be b/c they aren’t experiencing our issues. Perhaps sending letters would help. The corporate svc rep was doing the best she could to answer questions with what limited info she’s been given. My guess is that she hates shopping at Walgreens too. I’ve had success at one of the two Walgreens near me. It is a shame though, Walgreens should know better and have some policies in place. I’ve been avoiding my local Walmart b/c they’ve given me a hard time with internet coupons. I’d hate to stop shopping at Walgreens for similiar reasons but I will if it becomes too much of a hassle.

    • Samantha

      Very true. I have always said I will follow rules no matter how ridiculous or unfair they seem, but have some consistency and educated employees!

  20. carol

    It’s like the the inmates are running the Walgreens Assylum. No coupon policy – it’s mind boggling!! Thanks for doing this.

  21. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I just have to say this is truly amazing..I can see many people stop going to walgreens due to the coupon issue….It is completely up to a manager…what if manager “A” says yes and then you go and get manager “B” and they say no….no consistancy….:-(

    • Mrs. B

      at the walgreens near me the store manager always says YES, but the assistant managers always TRY and tell me NO.

  22. jiya

    I am one of those people who stopped going to walgreens…………I always get the manager who wouldn’t let me use the coupons!

    • LB

      I have also stopped shopping at Walsux. It’s just not worth it to fight with those people…

      • Jamie


      • Prathee Selvam

        LB, Love the name 🙂

  23. Rachel

    Heaven forbid you get a MNG on PMS!!! It is truly sad that there is no consistency. What kind of store in their right mind would give each store the option of choosing to keep customers or send them packing out the door. Now I understand WHY my wags shopping has been so frustrating!!! Thank you Collin for this post…although I sure would hate to find your site and realize that I was one of the ones you had talked to…oh well, maybe it will teach them to know what they are talking about and not just ramble on and on about nothing!!! 🙂 These made me laugh!!!

    • Gery

      I had a MNG on PMS but it was a guy!!! LOL
      Now I only go when there is a particular manager that know me. I even call before hand.

  24. Couponing4myTacoma

    There really just aren’t words. I’ll say, I’ve really backed off Walgreens just because it’s a pain most times and RRs are great but is also an additional hassle… Oh well, I’ll use them when i’m desperate for a deal on something but otherwise, I’ve noticed I can usually hold on to my precious coupons and get the same or better deal somewhere else without RRs…

  25. Jamie

    Unfortunately, I rarely shop Walgreens either. Too much trouble. Loved the series, and would love to join in writing Walgreens.

  26. Dawn

    From my experience, I had trouble doing transactions when I first started because I was so nervous and didn’t really get the whole filler thing, so it was always beeping and I guess the cashiers could tell I was a newby, so most of them didn’t fly. Now that I have been couponing I can go into Wags in different cities, some never visited before, and do my transactions without a flinch or any lip from the cashiers. Most of the time I tell them “I’m doing 2 transactions seperately with coupons” and they are okay with it. I think the way you present yourself especially with confidence will get you further, rather than being all timid and nervous.

  27. Faith

    And this is why I only shop at Rite Aid 🙂 Thanks for the videos, Collin, very entertaining!

  28. penny

    Ok seriously I peed my pants alittleI was laughing so hard . That was hilarious but true. I ‘ve had every experience possible at Walgreens and have steered clear for a while , The Dentyne gum brought me back this week .Well and the aloe socks if I can find them . I thought for sure it would send up the red flags alert the media and such since I was using 2 coupons and getting 3packs of gum for Free. Whew not even an eye batting did I receive. hmmmmm other times I thought I was on trial for murder. I guess it’s true ” If the manager let’s you use it it must be ok” ( insert sarcasm here) Here in Illinois we have another company that has the same issue with policy it’s Dominicks Grocery owned by Kroger. THEY are the worst. Another blogger sent a open email to corporate about lousy service and policy and guess what Dominicks Corp actually revised their policy. Haven’t been back to see how it is now. Thanks so much Collin for the great laughs these last 3 days .

  29. anon

    wow, this is just too funny and brings back memories of being a walgreens employee. nothing is consistent. ever. i will never step foot in their doors again and neither will any person i have told about this reject of a company.. cvs is so much better for shoppers. what an awesome video…

  30. Prathee Selvam

    Collin, awesome videos. Its a three day fun like Walgreen’s 4 days sale. I was looking forward to your series in the last two days. I don’t know whether Walgreens will have a standard coupon policy. But I thoroughly enjoy this series. Keep up the good work. love you girl!! 🙂

  31. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I suggest we email this guy

    Gregory D. Wasson
    CEO, President, and Director
    Walgreen Company
    200 Wilmot Road
    Deerfield, IL 60015
    Phone: 847-914-2500

    • Eliza

      where did you find this info! This is great….here come a TON of emails Mr Wasson….

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      email sent!! come on people, send him an email let’s see if we can get a response!!!!

    • leanne

      sent mine as well straight to the top

  32. fran

    That was so funny! She said “I was saying Miss June, Miss June”…classic! I’m still laughing about that. What would have been funnier would be if you forgot that you were Miss June 🙂

  33. Noelle M

    You are soo fun to watch! I think you should do target next. I have SUCH issues at my closest target it makes me want to scream. They wouldn’t adjust my coupons down to make the items free… something about how I can’t use them on trial size (coupon DID NOT say that) and something about how it limits the amount others can buy if I buy a bunch of free travel size toothpastes!!

  34. Mrs.Litz

    This is exactly why I completely stopped shopping at Walgreens. Also, one of the numerous times I called Wags corporate customer service when I was couponing there, they let it slip that they were really just a call center. The people you talk to just have a generic list of help information, they don’t know what’s going on. Very disappointing as Wags was my absolute favorite store before I started couponing, now I never go in there.

  35. rhonda

    send this to Walgreens for sure!!!!!!!!!

  36. Tawanda!

    I think the policy about not having a coupon policy, and allowing for the manager’s discretion is a little like getting one of those phising emails that promises you a large sum of money if you will help someone from XXX(Philippines, Nigeria) with a money transfer. Reading this plea on paper, something tells you it’s not right, and when you HEAR the explanation, “well one manager may allow it, but another might not…” WHAT?! How does WAGS stay in business?! That policy is akin to living in a banana republic!

  37. Tawanda!

    But I do have to say that I have only had great shopping experiences at my local WALGREENS in NOLA. Now Family Dollar is another story. I went to purchase a few items yesterday using my manufacture coupons, and the manager told me with a straight face, “We don’t accept manufacturer coupons.” I pointed to the banner (on the wall of the store l) and then to the print across the sales ad that states “We accept manufacturer coupons!” in red.

    • Eve

      LOL! how’d that end???? ….LOL

      • Tawanda!

        He had to accept my coupons. I had trouble with one of he FD coupons, but by that time I was d-o-n-e. I may try FD on a really slow day, after I finish watching the paint dry…

  38. Amanda

    Thank you for the laugh! It made my day:) I say, if you have a good consistant store then go… Other wise- keep trying around- or forget about walgreens!

  39. Eve

    At the 2-4 stores that I frequent I typically don’t have issues using coupons…so far. I’ve had a few incidents where my RR didn’t print for whatever reason and I’d get the “your RR didn’t print because you used coupons, blah, blah, blah”. I’d hold my ground and inform whomever that I frequently shop Walgreens and almost ALWAYS use coupons and my RR still print. This is few and far between but has happened one time or another. The way my stores work is, IF THEY SCAN I have NO problems, again my biggest worry would be if the RR doesn’t print, then I may have an issue…
    Luv luv this site!

  40. jynga

    Great video Collin.. Only wish they new how much this hurts there business not having a coupon policy for all stores and not leaving the managers to use their (guidelines?) what the heck is that? Maybe guidelines means.. if you don’t like the customer then don’t let them and if you do then you let them? Seems mighty wrong to me.. I have totally stop shopping Walgreens all together because of how they never know what is going on and or what they can or can’t do. I won’t be shopping there again till I can print a copy of their coupon policy and it be written the way it should be.. I so agree that BOGO coupons used on BOGO sale would give you 2 items free. The store is giving you one and the manufacture is paying for the other.. Therefore 2 for free.. What’s so hard about understanding that.. Maybe you should try to call back and get another moron on the phone see if policy is any clearer.. LOL.. Just too funny!!

  41. Courtney

    I, too, stopped shopping at Wags because of the inconsistency of their coupon policy – or lack thereof. It’s always a gamble as to whether I’ll ACTUALLY be able to score a good deal – it always depends on their registers, their managers, and their cashiers. The final straw for me was attempting to use a Wags GC which wouldn’t scan… The cashier just looked at me and shrugged like, “Bummer”. Um – excuse me!?!?! It’s a WALGREENS GIFTCARD!!!!! Not worth the time or effort on my part to save a few bucks when there are other drugstores with great programs and educated employees – specifically RiteAid and CVS. Too bad for Walgreens – I imagine they’ve lost a LOT of customers as a result of this!

  42. sheree

    That’s just not acceptable!!!!! Who can do business that way? No company she be so disorganized, misinformed and uneducated. I thought when you were in customer service you NEVER give an answer “I don’t know”. You always find the RIGHT answer. I’m dissappointed. If I owned a business I could not get away with all the gray lines.

    Will they accpet my coupons or won’t they. What day is it? Or what time?

    I have a LIKE/HATE relationship with Walgreens for that reason.

  43. Tallymomma

    Sadly this is not only at Walgreens. I have had these type of issues at CVS, Publix, Target, and esp. Walmart! They will or won’t depending on which way the breeze is blowing. I take it in stride and if I get it yay me, if not I know just wait 5 min and they probably will. 😉

  44. katrina

    haha…loved it! And the fact that lady said shes a I do take the advise she said about going to your favorite walgreens. I have one store the guy slips extra RR that people forget into my bag. (: Love hate relationship I have with Walgreens! Hate them but when it comes to getting free stuff, what can I say.

  45. Amber

    OMG you crack me up I laughed so hard when you asked her if she knew HIp to Save LOL maybe she should look she would save a lot more!!!!!!
    My walgreens depends on the GM working I have one cashier in cosmetics that always tells me we can try it and she trys pushing everything through!!!!!

    Nobody had a clue about any policy which is why the customer has such a hard time

  46. Guest

    I am sorry, but wish people could learn our language…there instead of their, advise instead of advice…I see this all the time…it is almost mind boggling…

  47. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Hey, Shirley again. Went to my local wal-greens today, coupons in hand. This was my First time. WILL NEVER go there again. They would let me use the coupons from the wal-green coupon booklet but, would NOT let me stack with the manufactures coupon. I had JUST left C.V.S and had NO PROMBLEMS. Long story short, I transfered ALL my prescriptions to C.V.S. Will NEVER shop at wal-grees again.. JUST TO MUCH TROUBLE…

  48. Ellen

    Went to the “good” Wags today to do the Dr. Scholl’s arch support deal. The cashier first pulled out a pair of scissors and painstakingly and verrrrrry slowly trimmed the ragged edges of the two online coupons I had torn out in the car (I tore them as straight as I could, but my scissors weren’t in my organizer!). She then told me my online coupons wouldn’t work because they said “insoles” and I was purchasing “arch supports”. I asked her to try anyway, and ONE worked,then she told me the register wouldn’t take the other coupon because I had 4 coupons and 3 items. What I actually had was 3 & 3, but one was the Wags monthly coupon which APPARENTLY READS AS 2 COUPONS when applied to 2 ITEMS (a NEW stipulation to keep in mind!). I threw an overpriced candy bar on the counter (it was the cheapest thing within reach), and felt like she really hated me when the coupon went through. Always an adventure!!!

  49. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Once again Collin, GREAT video. LOVE your site. Keep up the good work.
    Thanks alot…

  50. Shebella

    Thanks for giving a weekly laugh. Those videos were hilarious. I look forward to more behind the scenes investigations. Keep up the good work.

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