Crocs: Blowfish and Starfish Kids’ Shoes ONLY $8.99 Shipped + FREE Jibbitz!

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Thru 7/7, Crocs is offering up yet another sweet deal! They have dropped the price on the Kids’ Blowfish and Starfish shoes to just $9.99– down from $29.99! WOW! Plus, you can sweeten this already sweet deal further by using coupon code FABSAVE10 to score an additional 10% off and springfreeship to snag FREE shipping! …AND these shoes qualify for FREE Jibbitz! Just make sure to go here, choose a Jibbitz, and add it to your cart. Your final cost for a pair of cute kids’ Starfish or Blowfish Crocs and Jibbitz— ONLY $8.99 shipped! Sweeet! 😀

(Thanks, Bucktown Bargains!)

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Comments 28

  1. amanda

    Just scored my son a set with scull & crossbone jibbits….thanks…he just outgrew his 8/9 crocs! Perfect timing!

  2. Kaleena Hall

    Awesome, thank you!! I got the pink starfish ones with a cute pink/purple butterfly for my daughter.

  3. galaxystar2

    thanks, my 3yo daughter just outgrew hers!

  4. Lisa

    These are so cute! Wish my baby was this little again!

  5. Meghan

    Sweet deal, I ordered the blowfish with the pink butterfly. Also go through ebates to get an additional 4% back!

  6. Gabriella

    I got my 4 y/o daughter the pink blowfish and my 2 y/o son the yellow starfish!! Both of these for $17.98! What a deal!

  7. JZ

    Got my son some crocs for next summer. Yellow Starfish with the skull jibbits.

  8. Stacie

    Yay! Got my daughter the pink starfish crocs with butterfly jibbits. Thanks!

  9. Melody

    Question ladies: Do they only come with 1 free Jibbits per pair of shoes? Thanks!

    • CdninAK


  10. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    SOOO hoping for a sale soon on those pirate shoes!! my son loves them!!!

  11. Laura B.

    I got the pink blowfish in one size up for my daughter for next year! Thanks for posting!

  12. Tamara

    Did anyone have trouble with free shipping?

    • Heather

      It doesnt show up until you are all the way through the billing page, just make sure the code shows it is applied and it will not charge you for the shipping. HTH

    • Jamie

      The free shipping didn’t show up until I put in all of my payment info. It was on the final review page that I saw it was free shipping.

    • nikki d.

      i am too?!

    • pille

      it showed up after putting in the credit card informaiton, on the review your order page.

  13. Tiffany

    The shipping will show up at the end as free. Also go through Shop At home for an additional 7% cash back

  14. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    The free shipping shows up almost at then end of the checkout process, you enter the code but it doesn’t reflect until almost the final step

  15. Christy

    Can anyone tell me how sizing works on crocs? Looking to purchase for my toddlers … 2 1/2 and 4 years. Are they fairly true to size? Thanks!!

  16. Heather

    awesome. Thanks for the crocs deal. got the boy some yellow starfish ones (even though he thought the pink ones looked like Patrick Starfish from SpongeBob) + Jibbitz for $8.99. <3 the no tax on clothes in MN.

  17. prettygirlbennett


  18. Amanda

    I have never ordered from before so I signed up to give them my e-mail address and then right away it e-mailed me a code for 20%!! I updated my shopping cart and was able to use the 20% plus the free shipping!! Can’t wait for my girls to get these….Thanks!!

  19. Karen

    I was just about to ask a sizing question as well. If toddler boy (3 years) wears a toddler 9 sandal…what would be the croc size? Sorry, he’s not with me to measure his foot. Wanted to snag the deal before it’s gone. Thanks!

    • Christy

      My son wears a size 10, so I got him 10-11 and my daughter is in 6 1/2, so I got her the 6-7. Hope that works! 🙂 Good luck w/your purchase too. They are soooo cute that I didn’t want to miss out on the deal. I have always wanted to try Crocs for them.

      • Meghan

        I think that crocs run big. My daughter wears a nine and I got her the 8/9 and she still has a bit of room in them. I got them for her last summer and she tripped in them all the time. They finally fit this summer and she finally stopped tripping!! This time I ordered the 10/11 and hope they will fit her next summer.

  20. lili

    if you sign up for emails as first time registered,u receive a 20% CODE…OMG even sweet and also rem Ebates…happy shopping just grab a Starfish (yellow) for my boy hope his chubby leg can fit in…. 😉

  21. Katie

    Can Collin post a SparkNotes version of ebates? Or does anyone know a good website? I just signed up, but I wanna know how it works. Also, at signup, it told me to pick a gift card, I did, not what happens?

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