Rite Aid: New $5 off $25 PDF Coupon!

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Wahoo! Rite Aid just released a new $5 off $25 PDF coupon, valid all the way thru 7/31! Just head on over here to print this awesome coupon. And stay tuned for the new Rite Aid deals later this afternoon…I’m sure there will be lots of ways to use this coupon to score some sweet deals!

(Thanks, Coupon Katarina!)

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Comments 23

  1. Beth K

    Don’t know if anyone else has run in to this, but a manager at Rite Aid told me yesterday that your wellness card is going to start keeping track of when you use a Rite Aid coupon. Each coupon is only allowed to be used once per card.

  2. kristin

    I tried to use this yesterday and it doesnt work. It just beeps at the register. So it’s YMMV as to whether the cashier will put it through. If they do, they need manager approval.

  3. robyn

    it prints VERY tiny. i have never had a rite aid pdf print so small. i dont know how to fix it, and i know there is no way this will scan well being so small.

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    if its a PDF, am I allowed to print more than 1 copy? Also, the barcode on it looks suspicicous.

  5. Rich

    Rite released this type coupon many times last year before the ad-perks system was set up, they have always worked before but this one does not seem to be in the system yet, I would wait till after the holiday to see if it works. The coupon does not state “cannot be duplicated” so you can print it multiple times, but does state “Limit one coupon per person” and that is up to your interpretation. The coupons that will be one-time use per card are SOME of the new Video Values Qs up on Adperks, they will have a unusually long bar code with extra digits after the expiration (All Rite Aid Qs have the expiration date in the bar code, it is usually the last 6 digits) You will only be able to use those Qs once Period, you cannot print up anymore, or use a different account, ONE time use and ONE time per Wellness card. HTH

  6. Christa K

    I was told for the first time this week that “only one 5/25 coupon per person per day would be allowed now.” They said the computer would recognize your name/acct & only allow one. However, this seems to refer to the vv coupons only (which makes sense). I had 4 transactions I planned to do (more than usual!) using a 5/25 vv, 5/20 vv, 5/25 well+ and 5/25 red plum. The cashier & manager were very friendly & though they did not think it would work (they thought it was one 5/25 period), they let me try the deals I had. All the coupons went through without a problem, since they were all different coupons, different promotionals. I was glad to see I didn’t have to go back on 4 different days in order to use each of the coupons so long as they were different.

  7. kidsallgone

    Well lucky for me that Publix will let me use as many as I want, as long as I have the right amount to use them for. Was heading there today, and was bummed that their other coupons expired on 6/30. Excited that these are being offered! YAY!!

  8. cna training

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

  9. beth

    Would CVS let us use this? THANKS!!

    • Julie S.

      When I’ve emailed CVS about other stores’ coupons, they said that they feel their deals are as good or better than their competitors, so they won’t take them. ymmv

  10. Dana

    had a customer today who had 12 transactions, 99 coupons and took 40 minutes to ring them up,,, now I love coupons and deals but that is crazy…….why do you need 40 or more of all those things?

    • BrandyK

      What difference does it make? They are choosing to purchase items at your store, and customers who shop are paying the paychecks of the employees. That’s all that matters. Who cares if she’s using it, stockpiling it, giving it away, donating it or selling it. A sale is a sale.

      • Dana

        tell that to the line of people behind her who had to wait 40 min. also did you know that manufactures tell retailers that when customers come in with more than a couple of coupons that it is coupon fraud? that customers should never have 10, 20 or the 30 coupons at a time.

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          Wow Dana, to make an ignorant statement like that shows you must be new to the couponing process and clearly do not know what you are talking about. If I have 40 coupons I am automatically considered fraudulant? Please…..Do some research before you judge.

          • Dana

            you miss read, I stated that manufactures tell retailers that is fraudulant coupon using, I didn’t say I thought you were fraudulant, I us coupons all the time and am all for great deals, I just don’t agree with coming in and keeping the register tied up for 40 min.

    • Betty

      Dana, I normally try to only do 2 transactions at a time and if there are people behind me I will step out of the way… as a common courtesy to them… and wait until the line clears up. I think it is rude to have 12 transactions right in a row. However, there is no way it is fraud to have more then a certain number of coupons because just this week I am buying over 10 newspapers – paying for each newspaper – and getting the P&G inserts… so I will have a ton of coupons that I bought myself from the newspaper. No Fraud there.

      • Dana

        thats great, I wouldn’t think you were fraudulant if you came in my store but I have had people come in with 75 or 100 coupons for 1 item, how in the world do they get that many coupons? I am almost positive they didn’t buy 100 newspapers.lol they would make the newspapers day I am sure…..

  11. Jessica

    Has anyone tried this again? I tried yesterday afternoon and it beeped.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      yda one rite aid cashier told me that the computer says that i have already used $5 off $20 video values (july exp 08/10). i used one of them in another store to buy crest white strips. then i wanted to buy john freida. does any body has any idea how to use total purchase qs?
      by the way, i have a $5 off $25 last month and this month, $5 off $25 wellness exp 07/31/10 and 08/31/10, $5 off $20 exp 08/31/10 vv. somehow none of them r went through that i printed this month. i also noticed that qs that have expiration date 07/31/10 did not beep. can’t we use more than one video values or any other total purchase coupon by printing it from different computers?

  12. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    didn’t work today

  13. Shellie

    There is a clear difference between having a multitude of coupons for different items, and having an extremely high amount of one coupon. My local CVS has been having problems with a specific person trying to use 20 or 30 internet coupons at one time. They stopped accepting any, and I have been working with the managers to make sure she doesn’t ruin it for all of us (she has been trying to use the extremely high duracell, hanes and others I know to be fraudulent) by teaching them what to watch for (different numbers etc). They have been very appreciative and the manager is now reading some of the sites to keep up with what isn’t a good coupon etc.

    I’m wondering if Dana is speaking more of the “same” and not so much different, because that is fraud, and the manufacturers know that.

  14. Kelly O'Donnell

    This Rite Aid $5 off $25 coupon didn’t work for me. It beeped and the store refused to push it through. I tried it today, June 8th.

  15. Pansy

    I think the problem you are running into with this coupon is that it is only good for New Jersey and New York. I may be wrong, but even in the link address it says 5off25NYNJ…
    I read somewhere else that this was only good for those 2 places. Although, I could be wrong?

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