Walgreens: Kiss Nails Only $0.24 each!
Here’s another Walgreens deals you can score:
Buy 2 Kiss Nails Artist Nails $2.99– on sale B1G1 50% OFF
Total = $4.48
Use two $2/1 Kiss nails coupons from here
Final cost ONLY $0.24 each!
(Thanks for the picture and deal, Wild for Wags!)
Got this free @ Kmart doubles today.
Would only let me print one!
Also look for Nailene’s So Natural nails at CVS. I found some marked 50% off and had a $2 coupon stuck to them. When I went to the register, though, they rang up 75% off ($1.65), so I got them for FREE with the coupon!
i think im gonna go today to get them so thanks