FREE Sample Better Oats for 1st 1000 Fans!
Hurry on over to the Better Oats Facebook page, “like” them, and they’ll mail you a coupon for a FREE sample of Better Oats in the coming weeks! Keep in mind that this offer is only good for the first 1000 fans!
(Thanks, Chi-Town Cheapskate!)
Got it, thanks!
Thanks, Collin 🙂
Where do they sell these? It said it was sending a coupon….
They sell them at Hy-Vee (in the midwest).
If you go to and enter your zip code it will let you know if there’s any stores in your area. I found that many of the smaller grocery stores sell this item. It did say “coming to Kroger’s soon”.
Thanks Collin!
man…already gone!
Thanks for your interest in Better Oats! We’re temporarily all out of freebies. Check back periodically to see if we’ve restocked.
LOVE this oatmeal! I’m in QA at the plant that makes this oatmeal and have got to say its pretty good stuff! There is a flavor or two for everyone’s palette. When you get your free sample, be sure to tell your friends (and facebook) how you like it. The operators who make it love hearing back from real people who have tried it. Plus, you’ll be among the first to get it since it is a relatively new product!
Thanks for your interest!
My family LOVES this oatmeal! It comes in so many awesome flavors and regularly comes on sale for $1.25 a box. The cool thing about this oatmeal is that you can measure the water in the little packet the oats come in, so that saves washing a measuring cup. The only flavor that we didn’t like so far was the Strawberry Cream. It was perfumey.