7/18 Sunday Coupon Insert Preview (FREE Smoothie or Frappe From McDonald’s + More!)
There will be one coupon insert available in the 7/18 Sunday newspaper. You’ll receive one SmartSource coupon insert. However, there will also be a few additional coupons in the Parade magazine or USA Today (depending on where you live) and one of the coupons is valid for a FREE McDonald’s Smoothie or Frappe! Yummy!
Coupon Highlights:
$3/1 Finish Quantumatic Detergent Dispenser System, Any
$3/1 Bausch & Lomb Soothing Eye Drops
$1/1 Mitchum Or Mitchum For Women Product, Any (Free travel size deodorant?!)
$1/1 Tornados 8.4oz. Box, Any (These are only priced around $2 at Walmart!)
$2/1 Purina Puppy Chow or Dog Chow
USA Today or Parade Magazine
FREE 12 oz Smoothie or Frappe from McDonald’s!
$0.50 off any Walgreen’s Brand OTC medication
$1/2 Fiber Plus Cereal and/or Chewy Bars
(Thanks, Samnang, Mitchell, The Coupon Girl and Cherry Picker!)
**Go here to check out the full list of coupons.
Already have my Free McDonald’s Smoothie coupon in hand!!! I can’t wait to try it.
Me too YAY! Can’t wait to try them. I have one for all 5 of us 😀 Frappes are good too.
We love these!
just saw on the news that due to high demand of theses free smoothies mcdonalds is recalling the coupon! =[[
can you please give us a link because i cant find this anywhere.
That’s ridiculous! How did they not expect there to be a “high demand” when you put a coupon in every Sunday paper?????
I’m unfamiliar with the source (found it through Google), but according to an article on WalletPop, McDonald’s was planning a free smoothie sample promotion July 22-24 but it will be delayed or canceled. Per the article “The company is continuing to honor other promotions including coupons, at ‘participating restaurants.'”
Okay, this is a non-blog source (I think) and it also says that they’re canceling the free sample promotion NOT the coupons: https://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Customers-Go-Bananas-for-McDonalds-New-McCafe-Real-Fruit-Smoothies-1291168.htm
So how much is a small smoothie regularly? I’m debating whether it would be worth it to get a couple of extra papers but ours are $1.50…
They’ve been advertising the small fruit smoothies in our area for $2.29.
I get myt papers Sat. for .50 cents so for me it’s worth it to get extra papers..The Frape’s are the best..
How do people already have their coupons???
I got mine already, because our local paper is only a weekend paper so it comes out on Saturday.
Can they really recall the coupons? How does that work? We can’t use them now?
i got my paper too this morning i live in CA, and used it already! its only for the small one….
I don’t think they would do that’s they are the ones who put the coupons out so they know how many are out there’s..
no kidding. That would be stupid. Lots of people don’t even coupon I’m guessing, so they probably just get tossed.
I got my Early Edition paper yesterday and already used a coupon. The regular price is $2.29, plus we have a 9% restaurant tax. With this coupon the Frappe was totally free, no tax.
I had no coupon inserts in either paper this weekend. I am headed to the in-laws to take theirs, if they have. And because of the rains on Wednesday I didn’t get to collect the flyers in the neighborhood, (thats how I get 9 copies of the good coupons!).
Does anyone have the Free Mcdonalds free smoothie/frappe coupon for trade? I’d like to get 10+ of these. I have pphf for you. My email is JoanMarlene@comcast.net
There was no coupon in my Parade magazine – just an advertisement for McDonalds 🙁 BUMMER!!!
I got the free coupon as well. Has anyone also got $1/2 Kellogg’s Fiber Plus cereal? I’m little skeptical the taste since other fiber cereals are so-so taste. If that taste great, I would get asap (with the coupon)!!
I got completely different coupons in the SS in my paper.. none of the ones listed were in there which is a bummer.. but the ones I got were still good ones! 🙂
I didnt get any coupons in my newspaper today! I am so MAD!! I am going to see if the store has any coupons in them. I think my newspaper must have made a mistake because on the cover it says over $377 in coupon savings inside!
There was no coupons in my papers this week either. The only coupon was the McDonalds coupon.