CVS: Possibly FREE Softsoap Ensembles Refills!

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Well, it’s been reported that the Softsoap Ensembles Refills at CVS have $2/1 peelie coupons on them. If you can find the peelies, you can score this sweet deal…

Buy $15 or more of select Speed Stick, Softsoap or Irish Spring products = $5 Ecb (Limit 1)
Buy 5 Softsoap Ensembles Refills $3 each = $15
Use 5 $2/1 Ensembles Starter Kit or Refill Peelie coupons found on the bottles
Pay $5
Get back a $5 Ecb
Final cost 5 refills for FREE!

Hopefully lots of you will be able to find these peelies!

(Thanks, Money Saving Madness!)

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Comments 33

  1. Rachel

    I got these today in orlando CVS yay!

    • thriftymom04

      which Orlando location?

  2. Elizabeth

    Just returned from CVS and while there the Magic Coupon Machine printed out a $1 off any U by Kotex product. Pair that with the $1/1 printable (or the $1/1 from the free samples) for a $2 moneymaker! Their free after ECB this week.

    • Elizabeth

      Sorry….I meant to type they’re instead of their

    • kelly

      I did that too!

      • Amers

        Me too! Free + $1

    • Brenda Cancel

      yep, did this yesterday in palm bay, fl………..woohoo!!!!!!

  3. Jennifer M.

    I just got back from CVS too.
    No $2 Q’s on the refills and I couldn’t find the 1 oz. Neutrogena sunblock… but like Elizabeth above, I got a $1 U-Kotex CVS Q and used a $1 MQ – made $2 profit on that product! Love it!!!

  4. Rachel

    The “Ensembles” are excluded from the $5 ECB offer…or so it states in the ad.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      The ensembles are just excluded from the $2 price. They are under the $3 sale price and are included in the ecb offer. 🙂 hth

      • krista

        The registers in MI are printing $5 ecb’s on the softsoap ensembles. No peelies, though. My mom bought a few anyway…without coupons! Arrrrrrgh! Will she ever listen to me!?!?!

  5. krista

    someone took all the peelies off the bottles in my store in michigan! What a rotten thing to do!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Same thing happened at our store. 10 bottles left and only 2 had peelies. Couldnt do the deal with only 2 peelies! Oh well….shame on them!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      what city?

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        what city krista I mean.

        • krista

          lake orion

          • krista

            now that I read the comments below… I wonder if they were removed because they were expired? I’d hate to think that someone was just being mean!

          • Priyanka

            Ugh…here in Massachusetts someone took all the peelies too! So annoying. Not even one on the 20 bottles they had.
            And no free gum for me at Walgreens either :/

  6. Starla

    No peelies on my soft soap. Bummer!!

  7. shana

    Checked my store and the peelies were for .75 cents 🙁

  8. karen

    only expired 75 cent peelies here 🙁

  9. stephanie

    got mine today! Thanks for the tip, I never would have looked at them if it wasn’t for your post. Got a $5 ECB after spending $15- $10 in coupons!

  10. Anita

    Thanks for the great deal! Definitely bookmarking your site!

  11. winnie

    Only 75 cent peelies. Too bad….

  12. crystal

    There were over 10 bottles of soap at my CVS and someone had taken every single peelie! This happens all the time at my Wags and CVS and I live in a well to do area. I think it’s just rotten and comparable to theft.

  13. Kelly O'Donnell

    I found some peelies for Buy One Starter (with the pump) and get One Refill FREE.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I found one of these same peelies at my store, but then I looked at the coupon, they had expired 12/31/2009.

  14. Elizabeth

    .75 cent peelies in the Dallas area.

  15. danelle

    none of the softsoap ensembles had peeles but i had 75Cent coupons for the softsoap body wash wasnt as good as a deal I pd 2.25 each body wash bought 6 and got 5$ rrb back

  16. khgoan

    The Neutrogena Sun screen 10ecb is working on the 7.99 stick at salem, ma stores.
    buy 2 for 15.98 get 10.00ecb’s so 2 for 5.98 or 2.99each isn’t bad and the limit is more than 1 my receipt reads 2 to reach offer.

    reuse the 10.00 ecb and by 2 more get 2 for 5.98 and get 10ecb’s 5.00 money maker!!!

  17. Rose

    I went today and my store did not have any on them. But i still got a good deal with my other coupons.

  18. Jessica

    I went to my CVS today and they had peelies!!! WHOO HOO!!!

  19. shannon

    my cvs didnt even have any soft soap products, so im assuming they must have had peelies and someone bought them all? lol

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