Rite Aid: Office Expert Tape Moneymaker + More!
…AND another Rite Aid deal (They just keep popping up, don’t they?!). Purchase any two Rite Aid 2 Side It Tape or Invisible Tape, 3-Pack and get back a $3 Single Check Rebate #129. Plus, Rite Aid brand (Office Expert) 3 pack invisible tape is on sale this week buy one at $3.49 get one FREE and there is a $1/1 Rite Aid Video Values Office Expert Tape coupon here.
Deal Scenario:
Buy 2 Office Expert tapes $3.49 each
Minus buy one get one free sale = $3.49 for both
Use the $1/1 Video Value coupon found here
Pay $2.49
Get back a $3 Single Check Rebate
Final cost FREE + a $0.51 moneymaker!
(Thanks, Deals By Dawn!)
Also, I posted earlier about scoring FREE Ace Sports tape at Rite Aid with the $4/1 in ad Ace coupon. Well, one reader emailed this evening and was able to find the Ace Cold Compress single use packets in the travel size section (pictured above) priced at only $1.29. If you can find these, then use the $4/1 in ad coupon to score one for FREE + make $2.71 in coupon overage to go towards other items!
*Check out the rest of the Rite Aid weekly deals here.
Not all the Rite Aids by me carry ACE products, but I finally one that had the compresses!
I just bought one not to get carried away with the overage though.
i found an ace compress for 1.29 – the store manager was ringing me up, recognized that the coupon was way over the price of the item – but said that as long as the computer allowed him to do it he would. Be aware though that not all cashiers will do this so easy.
The Rite Aid I went to told me the same thing! He didn’t even try to scan the item. He just said, “there is no way that this coupon would be for so much over the regular price.”
Just got back from Rite aid- I bought 4 Ace products with the $4off 3 of which were only $1.29 with no problem. Before Using my Up Card and Coupons my total was $75 – after coupons OOP I spent $15 including tax… plus I received $10 worth of +up rewards 🙂
Here’s what I got
1 Ace Bandage $3.99
3 Ace Cold Compresses $1.29
2 Conair Curling Irons $9.99 Each
4 Nivea Mens Body Wash
2 WetWild Lippies B1G1 %50 = 2 for 4.39
1 9.9oz bag M&M Pretzels $2.99
I used
$5 off $25 VidVal
4 $4/1 Ace In Ad Coupon
2 $4/2 Niveas
1 $1/1 MM Pretzels
Woohoo! The clerk at night is SOOO nice here! and so is the manager 🙂
I thought Rite Aid’s coupon policy spefically stated that no coupon overage was allowed and that coupons would be adjusted down. Has it changed recently? Or am I confused?
Some stores will allow you to use the coupon if the register scans it. I’ve been to stores that won’t even try without reading the coupon from top to bottom… it just depends on the store.
Yes, this is against policy. Rite Aid’s official policy is to NOT give overage. I’m disappointed that Collin’s blog is promoting overage when it’s against store policy. 🙁
pg- it depends on the store. we have 3 rite aids in our local area …ALL 3 will give overage just not cash back. as long as you have enough merchandise to cover the overage, the managers do not care.
The Rite Aid official coupon acceptance policy specficially forbids overage, though, so even if your store accepts it this violates the store’s policy. I’ve dealt extensively with RA on this issue as a moderator on a very ethical couponing board. RA corporate is very adamant that overage is not allowed at their stores. I like Collin’s blog and I’m disappointed that she is promoting scenarios that the store’s coupon acceptance policy does not allow for. Just because the register allows it doesn’t mean it’s right.
Collin simply provides us with what deals are available. What you do with them and what is ethical is up to you.
So what do you suggest, telling the cashier and getting a “you can’t use it then” response? If cashiers/managers aren’t trained to follow their own policy, I say take the overage with a smile. It isn’t unethical to hand over a coupon for the correct product and let the computer do what it’s going to do. It is possible for the register to be programmed correctly, many other stores registers are. And to be “disappointed” in Colin, come on, was that comment really necessary? Maybe next time you can express you “disappointment” in an email, not the comment section, seems to me that would be less rude!
If you are truly disappointed with Collin’s blog, I would suggest that don’t read her scenario’s and continue being a moderator in your “ethical coupon board”. Also yes, next time please express your disappointment in a PM to Collin & most important Collin cannot be the coupon police to hundreds of people who read her blog, its upto each person to decide what they want to do !!!
oh gosh. target doesnt allow overage either but I never seen a post saying you were disappointed where she puts ‘possible overage’. Collin cant please EVERYone. She posted a great deal & im very thankful for that. If you dont like it…then dont do it. its simple.
Did you read that the STORE managers have allowed it, not the register?
I was able to snag this deal for a cold compress! Thanks Collin :]
Yeee ha. Must get what I can get when I can get it. I’m not going to miss out on things because the manager/store/computer messes up or someone doesn’t care. NOT MY PROB! Let their corporate deal with it 😉
Tiffany – I have a question for you – this isn’t a slam or anything I’m just very interested in the ethics of couponing since I started and love hearing everyone’s thoughts. If manager/store/computer messes up or someone doesn’t care. NOT MY PROB! Let their corporate deal with it is how you feel, would it be the same if they accidentally gave you the wrong change back? Like gave you a $20 instead of a $10? Would you say something or would you just keep it? To me its the same thing. If you know that their policy is to not give overage, just like their policy is to give correct change, why would you want to do it anyway?
Speaking of ethics, would you prefer the store adjusted the coupon down, then submit the coupon to the manufacturer for the full amount? This is usual practice at most stores. Sounds like coupon fraud on the store’s part if they don’t give full credit of the coupon to the customer since they will be reimbursed for the full amount.
Rite Aid will not get reimbursed for the full amount on the $4 coupon since it is a Rite Aid coupon (so equivalent to them having a sale). I went to get one more compress today for “free” and had the absolute rudest cashier I have ever met in my life who refused to use the coupon at all saying she wasn’t going to risk her job to mark a coupon down. I wasn’t trying for the overage – just wanted the compress for free (with boys we tend to get a lot of bumps and bruises around here). I asked for her to get a manager and she said she would but even despite what the manager said I was not using my coupon on the compress. The manager was willing to mark the coupon down saying that the stores have been contacted by corporate to keep a close eye out for that coupon to make sure cashiers mark it down and don’t scan it for the $4, but that we can get the compress for free.
Also, don’t you get 10% off rite aid brand stuff with your wellness card? That makes it even better 🙂
not if its already on sale for something better, like bogo. if it was on sale for a price that was less than 10% off the regular price, you would automatically get the better price. make sense?
I went to Rite Aid for the first time the other day to do the Oral Care deal. They weren’t very coupon friendly. If the coupon wouldn’t scan, they just gave it back to me and said they couldn’t do anything. Two of their own video values coupons, as well as a +UP reward that had just printed (I did 2 transactions) wouldn’t scan so I couldn’t use them, and some internet coupons too. It was disappointing and of course the clerk was not happy with me, as if it was my fault! I’ll have to go back to use my rewards, but I don’t think I’ll go out of my way to shop there again.
That has happened to me before with a $5/$25 coupon. Stinks :/
Would someone please explain the Rite Aid value video thing? How do I get the coupon after I watch the video???
You go to the “My Rewards” tab and put a check mark in the box next to the one you want to print. Watch them all just in case the video disappears and you need it for a scenario later on. You can print 1, 2 or 3 or all your reward coupons at a time. Even though a prompt will appear asking you how many copies, you’re only allowed to use 1 coupon per Wellness card, and it keeps track if you’ve used a coupon or not. Also, once you click on the red print rewards/coupons (not sure how it is worded) and your coupons appear on the screen, do not hit cancel, because it will not give you another chance to print! HTH!
I went to three Rite Aid stores today looking for the Nivea body wash. At one store they had one wash, but my coupon was for two, so I got my Colgate toothpaste and tried to use my UP coupon for two dollars. It wouldn’t scan, so I couldn’t use it. Then went to my favorite Rite Aid store and they had the body wash and my coupons from rite aid wouldn’t scan, but they adjusted my total down manually. Told them they were my favorite and wouldn’t go anywhere else.
Well, I have been able to find quite a few at several different stores in Baltimore MD. I have bought 2 at a time. I even leave some at the stores and if they happen to be there tomorrow when I go again, I will do it again! I have only had one store tell me no. The way I look at it is, they coded it wrong, they will find a way to pay for it. These corporate businesses make billions of dollars on consumers. $2.71 is not going to kill them, and I can use the overage for things I need that I don’t have coupons for. Like when I made a mistake and bought the wrong toothpaste, I had to eat the difference. Corporate will have to eat the difference.
I am lucky to have 2 Rite Aid Stores within 5 minutes of my home. I finally went over the 500 Wellness plus points and now my card gives 10% off everything that is not already on sale for less. This worked out well when I bought an Ace sports tape for $3.99 and used the $4/1 in-ad coupon. My store doesn’t give overages on coupons, so they gave me $3.99 for my coupon. However, I still made $.40 because they also subtracted 10% of the retail price due to my having the silver+ rating on the wellness card!
I follow Collin’s blog a lot and just love it! I also love that so many people are willing to share what they find. I am not as savvy as a lot of your girls, but I’m working on it! 🙂 I hope to have something spectacular to share one day.
Anyway, I was at RA tonight trying to get a nice little deal when my internet coupons were denied sans cashier effort! Softsoap was $1 for card members and I had a $.50/1 coupon. NexCare bandages were $1.99 and I had a $1/1. The cashier tried several times and then asked another girl to come over and help. She watch the first girl scan and then said, “Yeah, it’s not taking internet coupons and we can’t put them in…it won’t let us.” She didn’t even try! I said, “I have never had a problem with internet coupons before. I use them all the time.” She replied, “Yeah, I don’t know…” So I said, “Ok, I don’t want any of it. Thanks anyway,” and left. Is anyone else experiencing sudden problems w/internet coupon acceptance? This is seriously different from just a week ago! It seems like RA may be trying to limit their coupon acceptance suddenly with the new rules on using UP rewards, etc. Just wondering if anyone is having the same problem.
I just used the Sobe internet coupons today….. Not sure what was going on!