Lowe’s: New Store Coupons = $2.09 Brita Pitcher!

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As you may have noticed, Red Plum released quite a few Lowe’s store coupons! Just head on over here and use zip code 90210 with a radius of 50 miles (if needed) to print the following Lowe’s store coupons…

*$2 off one Brita Slim Water Pitcher
*$2 off one 3-Pack PUR 3 Stage Faucet Mount Replacement Filters
*$2 off Filtrete Maximum or Micro Allergen Extra Reduction Filters from 3M
*$2 off Whole House Carbon Wrapped Universal-Fit Replacement Water Filters
*$10 off Filtrete™ Under Sink Filtration Systems from 3M
*$20 off ProHeat 2X Healthy Home Deep Carpet Cleaner
(Thanks, Shopping Tips and Tricks!)

You can stack the $2/1 Brita water pitcher with the $5/1 coupon found here (upper right corner) to score a very sweet deal…

Buy one Brita Slim Water Pitcher $9.09
Use the $2/1 Red Plum Lowe’s coupon
Plus, stack with the $5/1 coupon found here
Final cost only $2.09!!
(Thanks, Combat Clippers!)

Sorry, guys! I’m not familiar with Lowe’s coupon policy and from reading your comments it appears this deal scenario won’t work. 🙁

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Comments 36

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    my lowes would not let me use both coupons! plus the $5 one wouldnt go through there system! I couldnt explain enough about using a store coupon and man Q!

  2. Tomoko

    The Lowe’s coupon said Manufacturer’s coupon too. Can I still use both ?

  3. Jennifer

    I have tried using two coupons for one item before and they wouldn’t let me. I called the corporate office and they said I can only use 1 coupon per transaction!!! Needless to say, I didn’t purchase anything…

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Lowe’s doesn’t allow stacking

  5. Heather Osgood

    My husband is a manager at Lowe’s & they do not allow coupon stacking. BUT you can use more than 1 coupon in a transaction. At least at our local store we are able to. That’s just crazy that corporate told you no more than 1 coupon per transaction. That doesn’t make sense because they could potentially lose business that way.

  6. Linda

    I was told I could not use both coupons on the Britta Slim Pitcher by one of the cashiers. Does anyone have a copy of Lowes coupon policy? I phoned the corporate office and the gentleman told me to check with management at my store. The manager stated they do not stack coupons.

  7. Rita@Chi-Town Cheapskate

    I tried this also….no go! Register would not accept both coupons. I suspect both are Manufacturers …. but one has a “Lowes” logo on it!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      My Lowes said that their registers won’t allow it. They tried, but it would not let it.

  8. MEGAN

    The Lowe’s coupon is a manufacturers coupon, it says at the top of the coupon.

  9. Sara

    I was able to do this transaction. The cashier did say that we cant use 2 coupons. Then a guy behind me said… i dont see why not… every other store would do this. (so thankful he spoke up) because a manager came over and said that we could do it. The way he put it in their system though was as a $7 discount. No scaning the 2 coupons…. The price was higher in my area though.

    • Rhonda

      I got to use both, too….when they got a mgr. on the phone he said yes take both and enter the -7.00. I happen to notice a 25.00 version pitcher on the clearance table marked to 12.00 so I opted for that one so my cost was 5.00 plus tax.

  10. Karen

    So…. can we just use the $5/off coupon??? that still makes for a great deal since it comes with one filter too!!!!

  11. elyse

    If you are a military member or dependant you can also get the 10% discount off the total purchase after the coupon. I am going to try both coupons later today and will just use the $5 if I cannot use both.

  12. Ashley

    I emailed Lowes and this is what they sent me. I asked about using manufacturer’s coupons and stacking.

    Good Afternoon,

    Thanks for contacting Lowe’s. I appreciate your interest in the coupon policy. Lowe’s strives to offer the lowest competitive price to all our customers every day. In addition to this, Lowe’s does accept manufacturer’s coupons at all our store locations. I apologize but coupons are limited to one coupon per customer, per purchase.If you have any additional questions or comments, please reply and let me know.

    Thank you,

    Lowe’s Customer Care

    • Linda

      Ashley, thanks for this information.

  13. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Honestly I did not notice that it says manf on the lowe’s q. but, when i went to pay the cashier said “no,” but I asked her to ask the manager, and then she came back, and said “sorry.” The proceeded with the transaction. I ended up only paying $2.77 (my lowe’s has these priced at $9.77ea)

  14. Alison Mahoney

    I went to two different Lowe’s in the Savannah GA area and both accepted 2 coupons in the transaction. The $5 coupon did not scan and both times cashiers contacted a supervisor or manager but the mgr always accepted. I believe in both stores they just did a $7 discount. The pitcher was $9.77.

  15. southernsweetie08

    Collin I need help! if anyone has a suggestion plz let me know! The past few weeks ALL my internet printable Q’s are printing without the numbers under the barcode! I emailed coupons(dot)com about a week ago but havent heard from them yet. The Q’s look funny with the barcode printed but without the numbers under them I’m afraid to use them beacuse they look funny. My ink is running low but prints EVERYTHING else jus fine I didnt know where else to post this i’m just hoping someone can help! THANK YOU!!!

    • chrissy

      mine does the same thing ONLY when my black ink is low. change your ink. that should fix the problem.

    • Laura C

      It may be just your ink. I had this happening to me on the Target coupons, I knew I had been running low for some time, but it was a new printer and I wanted to see how far I could push the ink. When I had only half a high value coupon print and lost out on it, I finally broke down and installed the new ink. Everything printed perfectly after that. It was incredibly odd what would print fine and what wouldn’t, but new ink solved the entire problem.

    • make sure

      make sure in your printer setting you have the job “SPOOL” first. Your printer is printing the coupon before it is completely ready. This used to happen with me using smart source all the time but after I checked the spool box it has not happened since.

  16. Nicole G.

    That is interesting, I sent them an email describing how to stack coupons and if it was allowed at lowes and this is the response I got….

    Hello Nicole,
    Thanks for your e-mail and interest in our coupon program.
    I checked on this and the coupon can be used in conjunction with other coupons as you describe. Have you signed up at MyLowesCoupons.com to receive notification of when new coupons are available?
    Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you and I’ll be happy to help. You may also contact our Customer Care Department by phone at 1-800-445-6937.

    Have a great day!

    Thank you,

    Lowe’s Customer Care

  17. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    This actually worked for me in NJ! The manager had to override the price.

  18. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I called corp. yesterday and talk to a customer rep. and she said Lowe’s Does NOT allow stacking.

    • CHRISTINA-Utah

      it appears they may have changed their policy, due to all of our calls. yes to me in Utah

  19. Dana

    The Lowe’s in Grandville Michigan won’t allow you to stack the coupons 🙁

  20. Marlene

    Oh no!! I told the cashier and manager at our Lowe’s that you can stack a manuf. q and a store q. he said no, they would only allow one coupon. I said no it should work, I read about it online. He then went ahead and manually entered the coupons. I feel bad now!!

  21. Debbie Doughty

    No problem in Nampa, ID. The cashier just had the manager put it in. No questions or issue.

  22. Dana

    They do allow both coupons at the Longview, WA store, but the pitcher comes out to $3.09 instead of $2.09.

  23. Bridget

    i wrote to Lowe’s after t saw your post and got the same email as Nicole G from Michelle in customer service. You should be able to use both according to her! Good luck!

  24. deanna

    I also tried to use both and management so absolutely not.. just one…so i purchased the $9.09 pitcher and a filter at 6.99 and used two of the $5.00 of coupons…i still think it was a good deal..

  25. Mary

    I’m so glad you guys checked this out. I had my coupons all ready to go. Either way, if you got the coupon off of the website, 4.00 for a Britta is not too shabby

  26. Amanda Bornich

    I decided to give this a try anyway, and it WORKED for me! A manager had to approve it, but after some looking over them, he let me! 🙂

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I went to two Lowe’s stores and tried to use both Lowe’s $2 coupon and the $5 manufacturer’s coupon, but I was told I could use only one coupon! I was told that if I went to a regular market/store, I could use only one coupon in similar situation. That is so not true because I have done that many times and a supermarket will accept their coupon as well as a manufacturer’s coupon on the same item!! Those Lowe’s stores apparently don’t understand how these coupons work!

  28. gina

    this is on sale for $7, i was able to stack the 2 and 5 and get it for free.

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