Equifax: Free Credit Report & Score ($39.95 Value)!
Wow! Equifax is currently offering up a FREE 3-in-1 Credit Report + Score! All you need to do is head to the Equifax website and add the 3-in-1 Credit Report with Score Power to your shopping cart, then you’ll need to register or login. At checkout use promo code ESA3BSF and the price of $39.95 will adjust to $0! Yay!
Note: There will be a spot to enter your payment info above the promo code box. Just leave the payment info blank and you will still be able to submit your order.
(Thanks, Mojo Savings!)
I got through the whole form and it now says the site is temporarily unavailable. 🙁
I got an “error” saying the service was temporary unavailable. =(
I actually tried to do this since we are buying a new car next month, but when I got to the end where it says View Product an Error page comes up and says to contact customer service. 🙁 It won’t let me go back and retry it either.
Oh no….I got the same error. I really am interested in finding out my information! 🙁
If you’d like a good look at current credit info for yourself, I suggest Quizzle or Credit Karma.
Both these sites are free-I monitor my credit score regularly on Quizzle. It will also tell you how you’re doing on home value as well.
Thanks, Deb! We can try those instead!
I use creditkarma.com as well… never heard of quizzle, but I’m going to check it out, thanks!
This code didn’t work for me so I tried Quizzle and I really like it! I read up on it first, before inputting my personal information and it has good reviews online and has been featured on some prominent news shows. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for the tip! I like Quizzle!
Yep, error for me too –
We’re sorry, the system is temporarily unavailable. Please contact Customer Care at 1-866-640-CARE (1-866-640-2273) 7 days a week between the hours of 8:00am – 3:00am Eastern Time Zone. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thanks! I just got mine.
I got the same error message..weird
You need to enter in your SSN???
You’re checking your credit…of course you need your SSN!
Oh my! Still laughing at this one…..:)
Thank you! Awesome that you get to see your actual numerical score. 🙂
I did mine first and got through with no problems. We just went back to do my hubby’s and we got the same error report as everyone else. I wonder if they stopped the promo code due to the number of people using it??
Another site that is always free (once a year) is annualcreditreport.com. It will not give you a score but it will give you your report.
Yepp, it is a government supported site. Basically, it is/was unconstitutional for the three credit reporting agencies (TransUnion, Equifax and Experian) to have information about you that you didn’t have free access to, so now they provide that information once a year, free of charge.
Personally, I also use Credit Karma. And I have in the past signed up for a 2 week free trial from Experian and canceled it right off the bat, and have had no issues with that.
I just tried but once I got to the very end with a $0 balance (and just about to confirm) it told me that there was an “issue” and some items had to be removed from my cart but that they put a “new” item in my cart”..The “new” item was the 3-1 report without score power and instead of it being $39.95 it went down to $29.95. Super weird…
I think the site is having issues. I can’t even pull it up it’s running very slow.
I got the same error as everyone else and I called the customer service to know whats happening. The executive said that the promo code s not a valid one and told me not to use any promo codes I find in any other site other than the official Equifax website. And here I was looking for a free credit score 🙁
If you were successful in placing the order, hope you guys get your free credit score..
Thanks for checking with them, Smitha, and actually calling for us! Now we have our answer straight from the horse’s mouth!
Ok now I am a little concerned. I did it and the promo code worked fine I did not enter any payment info so I know I won’t get charged, but I hope I didn’t compromise my personal information. I was able to view my report and score so that was nice.
My error report states that “we were unable to find that promotion code. Please check the promotion code and try again or to obtain help in completing your enrollment, please call our Customer Service Team at 1-866-252-4576”. They must have pulled it because they were getting inundated with requests!
This is the same thing I got 🙁 Bummer!
Worked for me, Thanks
Wierd. It worked for me then we tried to do my husbands and it said “unable to find promo code”
I got the same error report as Brenda and many of you….”unable to find that promo code”
Important message about your order
Sorry, we were unable to find that promotion code. Please check the promotion code and try again or to obtain help in completing your enrollment, please call our Customer Service Team at 1-866-252-4576
This is the error message I got and I don’t want to pay $39.95
Sorry, we were unable to find that promotion code. Please check the promotion code and try again or to obtain help in completing your enrollment, please call our Customer Service Team at 1-866-252-4576.
I get an error saying it can’t find that promotion code… they might have yanked it due to the amount of people using it. 🙁
It worked for me (right after you posted it) but not for my husband just now.
It says “can’t find the promo code.”
FYI – Every time you check your credit, your score will get dinged/lowered. I spoke with a banker a few weeks ago and she advised not to do this.
Unfortunately, your banker gave you incorrect information. If you as an individual request a credit report, which you’re allowed to do once a year for free at annualcreditreport.com, it doesn’t count against you. However, the situation changes if you’re applying for a credit card or an unsecured loan (for a car or a mortgage) that request WILL show up as a request from a potential creditor. Keeping everyone infor,ed with correct info is the best way to be a consumer.
Right, checking your own score will not lower it. Others checking your score will. You have to authorize others to check it, the dozens of promotional checks that are at the bottom – all the ‘pre-approved’ letters you get, those don’t affect your score.
I actually check mine once a month, I have free credit monitoring with score for a year. It’s movtivating to see your score go up when you are paying down your debt.
I’ve used mycreditkeeper.com a lot. It gives you all three credit scores and reports. Definitely my favorite site to go through. You just have to cancel within the first month or its 9.99. But its easy to cancel.
I went through the entire registration process before I got the error message that the promo code was not valid, and the telephone number to call. Then spoke with a employee and supervisor, all just to be told the code was not valid, and that an investigation was being opened to determine who released this internal code on a blog… Supervisor (Warren) even hung up on me when I asked to be given a US mail address to file a complaint. Ridiculous waste of time. I hope this gets pulled before anyone else wastes their time.