New Coupons: Arbor Mist, Blue Bell, Olay…
Arbor Mist has a very rare coupon available on their Facebook page! Just head on over here and click on the “Savings” tab, then confirm your age and state to print a coupon valid for $1 off any bottle of Arbor Mist or Arbor Mist Sparkling. Please note: Alabama, Arkansas, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina (that’s me! 🙁 ), Texas, and Utah are excluded from this coupon offer. (Thanks, Nicole!)
Other New Coupons:
*$1 off any one Blue Bell Ice Cream Half Gallon Flavor
*White Cloud Coupons:
$1 off White Cloud Green Earth Bathroom Tissue or Paper Towels
$2/1 24 roll pack of White Cloud bathroom tissue or any 2 White Cloud or White Cloud Ultra 12-roll pack combination.
*$3/1 Olay Facial Moisturizer
Snail mail coupon.
*3/1 Clairol Natural Instincts
Snail mail coupon.
*$0.35 off any 12oz Shamrock Farms On-The-Go Milk
*$1 off any one Smart Balance Milk Product
Use zip code 62946.
*$0.50 off the Purchase of any One WASA product
“Like” them on Facebook, then click on the “Snackspiration” tab and scroll down and click on the coupon link (lower left corner).
*New Butterball Coupons:
$1.50/1 Butterball Fully Cooked Turkey Breasts
$0.75/1 Butterball Premium Turkey Franks
$0.75/1 Butterball Ground Turkey
$2 when you buy 1 lb Butterball Deli Meat and Reynold’s Aluminum Foil
*$2/1 PediaSure product and get a Chiquita Bites Singles free (up to $1)
*$1 off any Alka-Seltzer Antacid or Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Product
*$0.75 off any Clorox Toilet Product
(Thanks, Shanae, Rhonda, Printable Coupons and Deals, and Bargains to Bounty!)
this makes me miss blue bell ice cream!!!
So for Arbor Mist I said NY and got that stupid rebate like I did in the past, although it is for 1.50. I then said I was from Florida and I got the $1.00 printable I would rather use the printable coupon then mail in for the rebate!!
Thank you so much for this tip! I really like the instant savings also.
I have never had Arbor Mist, any suggestions?
I am ready to try something new!
Actually the rebate is probably better ‘cuz you can’t buy wine in grocery stores here in NY. Not sure if liquor stores here take coupons.
the arbor mist link sends me to my own facebook page, i cant get the coupon.
Use caution when accessing the coupon for Arbor Mist via FB. They gain access to ALL your information. For me, the discount isn’t worth it!
Is this different than visiting any other site on FB?
… and that’s why everyone should have a special “freebie” facebook account…
The white cloud coupon let me print 3 times
The page won’t show for me with the Arbor Mist thing, I clicked that i liked them and still a blank page. I’m not in one of the excluded states.
I’m having trouble finding the arbor mist page too.
Okay – Arbor Misti is a love of mine – but I’m never willing to give up my information – so I created “Ashley Coupon” this morning on facebook. 🙂
And thanks Danielle: Ohio gives the rebate too – so I said I was from Florida too!
cute name “Ashley Coupon”. I like that idea. 🙂
This is the best idea!! I just did that myself, and deleted anything I ever gave access to my profile.
You don’t have to even like it. Just go to the “savings” tab.
Quick Question – Could I technically use the 1 off coupon and still send in the rebate? Or is that not okay?
I love strawberry Arbor Mist, but I’m in TX. Boo.
Any one have the direct link to the clorox coupon? Its a FB coupon and i can’t get past my work blocker. UGh!
Try this:
Cant get the arbor mist coupon. Just have a blank page when I click on “savings”. 🙁
i don’t even see the savings tab… maybe i’m on the wrong arbor mist page, but it was the main one that popped up. If anyone has a direct link, please post it.
i tried to print the white cloud and it keeps stating there are no promos for you to print. am i the only one having issues?
Tiny (21-06-12)