Kmart: *HOT* Post-It Catalina Promotion!
Wow! Kmart has an awesome Catalina promotion available on select Post-It products! Buy $25 worth of select products (participating items should be marked in-store) and get back an $8 Catalina coupon to use like cash on your next purchase. Buy $15 worth of select Post-It products and get back a $4 Catalina coupon to use like cash on your next purchase.
Here’s one deal scenario:
Buy 15 Post-it Super Sticky Notes $1
Total = $15
Use 15 $1/1 PDF coupons found here
Pay $0 + tax
Get back a $4 Catalina coupon
Final cost 15 packs for FREE + a $4 moneymaker!
Let us know if you cook up any other scenarios to go along with this Catalina promo!
(Thanks, Coupon Love!)
Will Kmart actually take the 15 coupons? I have had lots of problems with coupons there and just wondered if anyone has tried it. Especially because they are all the same coupon printed from the computer?!
I haven’t personally done this deal yet but I know several people who did and believe it or not they all said that the cashiers didn’t even bat an eye. I plan to do this deal today.
I went to the K-Mart in Dalton, GA and did this deal. The cashier had to call the service desk to ask if he could take the coupons but they said as long as they scan it was ok. It did lock the first register down but they sent me to another register and it went thru fine. I got 15 packs of post its and 2 Sobe drinks. Used my coupons and paid $2.11 plus got the $4 catalina coupon.
I went to the Kmart in Burlington, North Carolona and the cashier went to ask how many of the $1.00 internet coupons I could use and they only let me us 3 of them. So, I’m not sure if I will be going back there or not. Could someone let me know how to get the catalina coupons from the purchase of the post it notes.
I no longer have a KMART close by, but it think there is also a rebate on these if
you spend 20.00!!!!
I just bought 10 yesterday. Looks like I will be going back today to make some money and get more Post-It notes for my classroom. The cashier was really nice and I had no issues!!!
Mine won’t let you more than five of the same coupon. I’m in metro Detroit.
I was wondering if I’d have a problem in Waterford. They always seem to be a bit tougher with coupons here in the Metro Detroit Area. I think I might ask customer service when I walk in or even call the location before I go.
Nichole, I’m in Waterford too, can you post back and let us know if you try this?
For those in Waterford, MI:
BE CAREFUL! I went yesterday to do this at my Kmart and it froze 2 different registers 3 times. Finally the manager said they won’t take them, that they must be bad coupons. Even though they are not.
I am in Grand Blanc and I was wondering the same thing. I swear the people who work in Michigan act like couponers are the worst people who ever walked ino a store and you would think in this state they would welcome them…lol
The coupon says on it one coupon per purchase.
Yes, it says one per purchase and NOT per transaction. 🙂
Per purchase means per item, meaning you can’t use 2 or 3 manufacture coupons on 1 items. I believe all coupons say one per purchase on them.
Most coupons do say one coupon per item/purchase. You can’t use multiple manufacturer coupons all on one item, but you can use one manufacturer coupon per item in the same transaction. (five post-its = five $1 off coupons).
I also had the cashier saying that about 1 coupon per purchase and I said I was getting 15 post its…with 15 coupons..they act like it is coming out of their pockets
Hope you can! I think my problem is I am in area where there are several savings bloggers so a lot of people trying to take advantage of every good deal out there, so my local stores get tired of the couponers 🙁
Here is the link for the $10 rebate in case anyone was looking for it! 🙂
will these double..or no? Not sure how kmart works.
Kmart only doubles during special promotions and they now limit it to five items.
They’re only doubling food, beverages, and hba’s i think this week.
can the rebate be on multiple receipts?
The rebate is for Post it LABELS NOT sticky notes
Rebate states 3M Permanent Label and/Or Post-it Reboveable Label and the picture shows post-it pads.
The picture is not of post it notes they are of the labels. I thought this at first but noticed that if you look at the Label Pads (in the background) they look just like the pads that are spread out. Also if you look on the post it site under labels you can see what are considered labels and post it notes aren’t. I was sad to find this out especially since I didn’t get the $8 CAT that should have printed. So no MM for me. But still got free post its.
Our Kmart in PA is having double coupons right now so would I get coupon overage with this scenario? If so I am headed to Kmart after work 😉 (and yes it is only the first 5 coupons but still thats exciting)
you wouldnt have overage, they only double up to the price of the item
its only on certain departments, and its like health and beauty, food, and something else i believe. so might not double that coupon.
Really so with sob water it doubles ? If I have a buy one get one free I get two free? And just pay tax!! Is this posted anywhere thanks!
Kmart is doubling the first 5 coupons in selection locations (as always). They did raise the amount to $1, though. I’m going today for the Post its, sunflower seeds, filler paper and erasers. I’ll do another post when I get back with what I bought and what it cost me. My Kmart knows me as the coupon lady. I only go during double events.
I just got home from running errands. I picked up 15 Post it, 4 bags of David Sunflower Seeds for my Uncle, and 3 Post it Highlighter Flag pens (marked down to $2.50!!!!!). My total was $2.24, but would have been .24 if I had handed over the $2 off $10 purchase of Post it products!!!.
Word of advice, don’t check out at customer service or the cafe if you are expecting a catalina. I learned my lesson. Oh well there is always tomorrow.
Is there a site that tells us about Catalina offers?? I’m new to the whole Catalina thing! Thanks!
Awesome- love me some sticky notes! 🙂
I have done this deal(25 packs) 4 times over the last 4 days and earned at $8 CAT each time!
Stop by the service desk on your way in to the store. Tell the manager you (or others you love sister, aunt, mom, etc) are in education. Tell him/her that you have 15 coupons and could you use them all … no doubling just regular coupons. Sarah at my store was AWESOME said I could use all I wanted (I told her I had 15) as long as I had my shoppers card. NEEDLESS to say, I bought 15 and paid only $1.05 OOP. I got a $4 catalina (coupon that prints out at the register) for a nice money maker. I’m off to print more coupons and do more shopping. WOO HOO! — Loretta from Ohio
i just did this at mine, 15 post its, 15 q’s and paid .90 oop…. I am going back….I got a $4 cat. I wanna get some stuff in the garden section, they are clearanced out 75% at mine….fountains are only 40.00…..Ohh a lady told me this weekend all clearanced toys are an extra % off….
@ann does it start on sunday do you know or saturday? thanks
i am not sure, she just said this weekend!
anyone else know about this???
the kmart in poughkeepsie ny will not take the coupons they said no because it would mean the item if free!!!! ( this is coming from mngt)
call customer service
what is catalina and how does it work?
I was able to purchase 15 post its and use (15) $1/1 coupons after the cashier got the managers approval. So $0.00 OOP with a $4 cat back. I also received a $5/$50 for food, grocery, household (includes diapers) and a $5/$25 for beauty care. Not sure how or if I’ll use these as KMart is NOT a preferred place to shop for me.
Also if you want to push your luck $25 dollars will generate an $8 cat. The cat info is tagged all over the back to school aisles.
Salem, OR
my kmart had no post-it super sticky notes at all for $1, they where all priced at $2.99….a no go for me…..wasted a trip too. Everytime i go to kmart i always leave empty handed. The kmart here sucks.
does anyone know where else i can buy these for $1????
Dollar General has them for $1.
I bought 25 post-its and 10 Sobe drinks. Used 5 B1G1 coupons which all doubled since Sobes are on sale for $1. Used 25 $1 Post-It coupons. Just paid $2.18 in tax and got the $8 coupon for a great moneymaker!
I bought 15 at my Kmart in So. IL and only paid $.20 (they were considered school supplies & I only paid the city portion of the sales tax). Other than it being a very slow process, everything went very well. I haven’t gone the last two times for doubles, it isn’t worth the hassle. I might give the Post-Its a try again tomorrow.
I’m in so IL too. Did you go to the Kmart in West Frankfort or Mt. Vernon?
I had a hard time finding the $1 post it notes too, but I finally found them in a cardboard box with the school supplies. Check there.
I went to Target in Ann Arbor, MI and had no problem using the post it coupons. i bought 10 of them and since they are $1.00 they ended up being free.
im from michigan too, going to target tomorrow to see if i can find them.
do we have to use our rewards card
When does this deal end??? Thx so much
Salina, they deal ends Saturday (both catalina and doubles).
Will the rebate still work even if I paid $0 out of pocket?
I went to Kmart today! Got 15 post-its with 15 coupons–no issues. Then, got my $4 catalina which DOES require you to be a rewards member to use. I am, so I was able to head right back in and get 3 packs of Fruit of the Loom underwear for back to school shopping. I used the $4 coupon, the $1/2 Fruit of the Loom coupon, and a military discount that was being offered until the end of the year. I walked out with all of that for a total of $11.42–but the underwear qualify for a $5 Kmart gift card rebate. After all discounts I will have paid $6.42 (7% FL tax included!) for 15 post-its, and 24 pairs of underwear!! AWESOME!!
I went to Kmart today! Got 15 post-its with 15 coupons–no issues. Then, got my $4 catalina which DOES require you to be a rewards member to use. I am, so I was able to head right back in and get 3 packs of Fruit of the Loom underwear for back to school shopping. I used the $4 coupon, the $1/2 Fruit of the Loom coupon, and a military discount that was being offered until the end of the year. I walked out with all of that for a total of $11.42–but the underwear qualify for a $5 Kmart gift card rebate. After all discounts I will have paid $6.42 (7% FL tax included!) for 15 post-its, and 24 pairs of underwear!! AWESOME!! Happy shopping!!
OOPS!! Double post!
Yeah!! I went into Kmart today with my 15 coupons and I had no problems. I paid nothing out of pocket for 15 post-its and got the $4 off my next purchase. I would say that is a great deal 🙂
We did the $8 catalina deal buying 25 post it notes with coupons twice. Each time it worked but both times there was hesitation on the cashiers part to accept the coupon.
It didn’t work for me! I bought 25 post its and used the coupons so I only paid tax $2.05 and no CAT printed. I went to customer service and they said it was because I didn’t pay anything for them. I don’t see why that matters and it doesn’t say you can’t use coupons to get it. I am not sure what to do now, I didn’t feel like arguing with a lady.
Alicia, the SAME thing happened with me!! It took them about 15 minutes and talking to two different managers and me arguing the difference between a purchase and a transaction before they finally let me do it! And then after all the hassle, NO CAT printed. so sad!! They told me the same thing, that it was because I didn’t pay anything that I don’t get the cat, which is silly since 3M will reimburse them for all the coupons anyway. Oh well. I was too tired to argue at that point too!!!! I think I will stick to Target.
They wouldn’t let me use the coupons at my kmart tday. Management said they were an internet scam!! So sad 🙁
I went to kmart today. me and my daughter looked everywhere for post-it notes, couldnt find them. So, i went to the service desk and asked if maybe they were somewhere else, and the manager said ” we will go look and find something.” so, we get bk there and he cant find any either, but knows they had some, so i thought i was out of luck, and about the time i was about to say thanks anyway, he turns and says choose anyone u want and i will price them a $1.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow!!! i couldnt believe and then i pushed my luck and told him i had coupons, and that i needed 20!!!!!! he said that would be fine and actually carried them up front for me!!! woohoo!!!! so, my total was $1.95 for a pk of washclothes, a big trix candy bar, and 20!!! THREE PK post-it notes!!!!! plus it printed a $4.00 catalina!!!! thanx hiptosave!!!!
I went to Kmart today to try this and the cashier said they couldn’t accept internet coupons..After checking with the manager and another cashier they said they simply couldn’t do it, and I could check back tomorrow with another manager. I really didn’t feel like arguing with them and left