New Subway Frenzy Instant Win Game + Sweepstakes Round-Up!

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Subway has a brand new instant win game you can play, Subway Fiery Footlong Frenzy! Just enter your email address here to start playing. You’ll then need to enter this code A3333PLR74 when you register to play (make sure there are NO spaces before or after the code when you enter it). You could win a Playstation, Sony prizes, HDTV, $5 Subway card,  + Lots MORE! Come back and let us know if you get lucky.

(Thanks, Rose Knows Coupons!)

Plus, don’t forget to enter these sweepstakes and instant win games daily:

Pizza Hut has a new “Live the Dream” sweepstakes that you can enter daily! You could win FREE Pizza Hut for a year, $10,000 to fulfill your dream, or thousands of instant win Pizza Hut $5 gift cards! To enter daily, head on over here and use this free code PHP9LXHBXRHP to play. Come back and let us know if you win!
_________________________ has a new instant win game you can play! Head on over here to play and you could instantly win a laptop, leapfrog prizes and more! There are over 50 winners a day! Be sure to come back and Llet us know if you’re a winner. (Thanks, The Thrifty Couple!)

Bed Bath & Beyond has a Home Sweet Dorm Sweepstakes you can play thru September 7th! One grand prize winner will score a personalized design consultation and shopping experience with an HGTV Designer, $5,000 Bed Bath & Beyond Gift Card and a $10,000 check! Can you say sweet?! They will also have first prize and second prize winners who will score $250 to $1,000 Bed Bath & Beyond gift cards! …AND there’s an instant $25 gift card winner EVERY hour! A total of 1,512 winners will be generated during the Promotion Period! Hopefully lots of Hip2Save readers will win! Let us know.

(Thanks for the heads up on this sweepstakes, Sunny!)


Through September 20th, you can play the Quiznos Instant Win Game once per day for a chance to win up to five $5 Quiznos Gift Cards! Even if you are not a gift card winner, you’ll still snag a coupon good for $1 off a regular Toasty or $2 off a large Toasty. (Thanks, Happy Clippings!)


Wahoo! M&M’s has a fun coupon sweepstakes available! They are giving away a total of 507,878 coupons redeemable for a FREE single size package of any variety of M&M’S Brand Chocolate Candies (1.14-1.74 oz.), so as you can see the odds of winner are VERY high! You can also play this game daily thru 8/27 for more chances to win! Just head on over here, enter your date of birth, and then you’ll need to enter your mailing info. The Final screen will state, “Thank You For Entering” …So I guess they won’t let you know if you’ve won the coupon or not. Hopefully most of us will be receiving surprise coupons in our mailboxes very soon! :) (Thanks, Kara L. and Cory!)


Tom’s of Maine has a new instant win game to play! Just head on over to the Tom’s of Maine Facebook Page, “Like” them, then click on the “Wicked Fresh!” tab at the top to play the NEW Wicked Fresh! Moments Instant Win game! You will also be able to enter in their sweepstakes and contest to win one of many prizes (if you don’t want to enter, just click Skip at bottom of page)! I instantly won a FREE sample of the new Tom’s of Maine natural long-lasting Wicked Fresh! TM Fluoride Toothpaste! (Thanks, Hooked on Bargains!)

Dole has a fun instant win game to play… just head on over here to play the new Dole Salad Seekers Taste Adventure Instant Win Game! You could instantly win a FREE bag of Dole Salad! Plus, you can play up to 3 times daily thru September 30th, 2010. …And even if you’re not a winner, you may be able to print a $1/1 Dole Salad Blend or Kit coupon! Make sure to hit your browser back button to print 2 coupons per computer. Note: After playing for the first time, you will see this stated on the lower left hand side– “Better yet, enjoy delicious savings with this DOLE salad coupon exclusively for you!” However, there is no link to click on to print the coupon. 🙁 I’m guessing they will fix this issue soon or at least I’m hoping. Also, it does appear that certain zip codes are able to see and click on the coupon link. Let us know if you have better luck printing the coupon than I did. (Thanks, Hooked on Bargains!)


Fla-Vor-Ice has a fun instant win game to play called the Flavor Finder Giveaway! They are giving away over 100 prizes everyday! Just go on over here and enter your email address to get started. I didn’t win today, but hopefully some of you will have better luck!


Schick has a new Visual Q’s Memory Match game to play! Just go on over to Facebook and allow the application to play the memory match game. Even if you don’t win an instant prize, you’ll be able to print a Schick Quattro coupon valid for $2 off, $3 off, $4 off and so on! I was able to print a $2/1 coupon, so hopefully some of you will score higher value coupons or even a prize! 😀 (Thanks, Short on Cents!)


Head on over here to play the Play-Doh You Can Win! sweepstakes! Make sure to enter this code KDN185UV9JN34 to play. There will be 10 winners daily, thru September 30th, who will win a $50 gift card! Plus, after playing, you’ll be able to print a Play-Doh coupon. This coupon seems to change daily, so you may be able to print a new coupon everyday!(Thanks, Shelly!)


Chuck E. Cheese’s has a new Ticket Blaster instant win game to play. Just head on over here and click on “Enter” to start playing. Hurry and collect as many tickets as you can. After playing, you’ll win up to 30 FREE tickets! One Free Ticket Redemption Per Child, Per Day. These tickets can then be redeemed for FREE prizes at Chuck. E. Cheese’s (Thanks, Savings & Stewardship!)


Breyers has a Wheel of Delights instant win and sweepstakes game to play. Head on over here and click on “Play Now” to get started. You’ll have 3 chances a day to win an instant prize such as… • Day at the Spa • Maid for a Day • Manicure & Pedicure • Free Smooth & Dreamy • Bookstore Gift Cards • Movie Tickets! Let us know if you win anything. (Thanks, Teresa!)


Head on over here to play the Wendy’s Summer of Real game. Enter your email address and enter this code 329492855844 in the “Wendy’s Cup Code” box. You’ll then need to fill out the rest of your info and spin the wheel. Most of you should win 30 My Coke Rewards points (I did! :) )– which are redeemable for a FREE 20 oz. Coca-Cola! You will receive an email with further details on how to redeem your prize. (Thanks, Who Said Nothing In Life Is Free????)


SoBe has a fun instant win game you can play called Heads or Tails. If you have SoBe Lifewater on hand (I’m guessing lots of you do because of all the SoBe deals lately), go here and enter the code found underneath the black bottle cap. You can also play without a code by clicking on one of the characters sitting on the couch. After clicking on them, you’ll twist the bottle cap on the SoBe they’re holding and it will reveal if you’re a winner or not. Most of you will win buy one get one FREE SoBe coupons!


Kroger (and affiliates) are offering up an awesome instant win game… and the odds of winner are extremely high! Just head over to the Spin the Wheel Instant Game to win prizes (last time Kroger had a similar game, you could win up to 3 prizes per savings card!). To access the game, you’ll need to click here and then click on “Sweeps.”


Colorado Tourism is offering up a new trip giveaway! Click the image above and you’ll be able to enter to win a five-night, six-day Colorado Trip Giveaway for four people features an exciting array of fun activities– whitewater raft trip with Echo Canyon River Expeditions, a visit to the fascinating rock formations of the Garden of the Gods, entrance to the world-famous Royal Gorge Bridge & Park, and an excursion aboard the historic Cripple Creek & Victor Narrow Gauge Railroad! Sounds like fun! Air, car rental and lodging are included + More!

Good Luck! 🙂

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Comments 59

  1. Krystal

    I got nothing.

  2. Maria

    A3333PLR74 New code just listed on Facebook 8/19

    FL32JGN6 (once per account) Thanks to rachcresp

    D5E6AT3P (once per account) Thanks to PayItForward

    A27VRZ68 (once per account) Thanks to LurkedUrWin

    JT472CT9 (once per account) Thanks to Tracie50

    MZA6642B (once per account) Thanks to D78 (courtesy of CAG)

    E5FBZB8C6C (once per account) Thanks to D78 (courtesy of CAG)

    DJ7X8CZC5N (once per account) Thanks to D78 (courtesy of CAG)

    FHQ356W2SX (once per account) Thanks to D78 (courtesy of CAG)











    Good Luck! 🙂

    • Maria

      Those are for Subway’s Fiery Frenzy!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thank U Maria!!

    • fran

      Thanks Collin, and thanks Maria!

    • Krystal


    • Amanda Stone

      Thank you so much. I didnt win today, but maybe tommorow.

    • Wendy

      Thanks! Won a lunch tote!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thanks a lot Maria for the codes. Didn’t win anyhting, but hoping for the win:)

  3. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Nothing here either, does anyone have any codes they’d like to share???

  4. dawn

    I can’t even get it to let me enter my email address. It’s covered and only the “continue” button is available. Very frustrating!

    • Cassie

      Try scrolling down.

    • peggy

      try clicking on “legal official rules” a couple of times and they should move down.
      worked for me.

  5. dawn

    I’m getting super frustrated. No matter what I do I cannot enter my email. It just doesn’t even give me the “hand” all I can do it hit “continue” and it tells me to enter my email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always have trouble with Subway promotions and they don’t have a “contact me” available. HELP.

    • Debbie

      Hi Dawn,
      have you tried expanding your screen? might have to get rid of some of your toolbars to be able to see the block to enter your email. hope this helps 🙂

    • Tiffany

      Scroll all of the way down 🙂 I was having a little trouble

  6. Lauren

    I keep getting Opps! after I put all the peppers on the tiles. Is it working for anyone?

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I keep getting the same thing

  7. Cassie

    I just won a Play Station 2 game!!! Too bad I don’t have a Play Station!

    • Phil'Leshsia

      I do can i have it.

  8. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I won a $5 gift card to Subway! My kids will be happy. 🙂

  9. Priya

    With the Pizza Hut game, it looks like there’s a new code each day. Today’s code is WT4WP3BNTMK9. Thanks Maria for posting all those Subway codes. Didn’t win today but hopefully will tomorrow. 🙂 Thanks Collin for posting the game!

  10. misty

    I won a Standard Definition movie rental on PlayStation®Network – Charlie’s Angels
    An old movie=Too bad I don’t have a Play Station3

    • lilly

      yea I won that one as well…and I don’t have a play station either 🙁 lol

      • Amanda Stone

        I would love to have it. Thank you.

    • Zachary Jacob Zblewski

      You can watch Playstation Network movie rentals on your computer.

  11. jo

    anything i enter states Ops looks like the code you entered is invalid??? frustrating!!

  12. Cindy

    Just won a Gran Turismo 5 PlayStation game (in level 2) on my second try. Thanks for posting!

  13. Marcia

    I just won the WhyMilk instant win game but I don’t know what I won! It said congratulations you are a winnner and that they would notify me once they verified my info. Said it could take up to 2 weeks to verify my info.How interesting. Just today though I received in the mail my 12 coupons for free Honey Nut Cheerios from the win Honey Nut Cheerios for a year game. How fun!

    • Zachary Jacob Zblewski

      I won in the last Milk sweepstakes, and they’ll tell you your prize via email once they verify your info. I ended up with a deck of Uno cards.

      • Carol K

        I have been waiting for verification with visions of wonderful prizes dancing in my head.
        Uno? Awesome!

    • Randi

      what date did you win the cheerios game? I won it too on 7/6 but haven’t received my coupons yet.

    • JustMe

      I also just won the WhyMilk instant prize and got the same message. Also got an email stating the same thing… anxiously waiting for verification to see what i won!!!!!

  14. Jennifer

    My husband and I both won $50 Visa gifts from Play-doh last month! Aside from free coupons, on the Sobe game, I also have won a $10 I-tunes card and a t-shirt! Thanks for these great games, Collin!

  15. Catherine

    I won the Play Do $50 one yesterday! Still so excited. I can’t believe I won something!

  16. Tara

    I got a 4.00 schick Q. I had one pair left to click so i wonder if that has anything to do with it.
    After playing playdoh i didnt see a q?

  17. charles

    I didn’t win today :(, but hey there is always tomorrow :).

  18. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I won a game code!

  19. Autumn

    Thanks for the instant win roundup Collin, I just won a Wendy’s for a year (in the form of a $250 giftcard) on their instant win game! 😀

  20. marilynn

    I just won the Gran Turismo 5 PlayStation game too. I checked on it, and it is a rated E for everyone game, so at least I won’t feel bad about giving it to someone who can use it! My son knows 2 people who have the game system for it.

  21. Shelly

    Wow! I just won the Sony PIIQ headphones from the Subway contest. Very cool! Thanks so much for the codes, Maria. I won on my third try!! 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Can anyone tell me, how you win? After the prizes are revealed, will we have to match the prizes or it will match up on its own and tell u what we won? The first 2 times it seems that the download logo was all over except for one box. When I tried to click one of them, it just directed to me saying, I didn’t win anyhting.

      Thanks for any help.

      • Mari

        There are different downloads, so you have to match the download logo and the name of the download. I was confused at first too, but then I noticed it on my 2nd or 3rd try.

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          Thanks! But my question is, whether we have to go click on them to select the two matchables? When I saw the matched logos, once the click the first logo itself it goes to next page saying I didn’t win.

          Thanks again

          • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

            No, you don’t have to click on them, it will tell you. The logos might match, but if the name of the game/movie doesn’t, then they are not a “match”. I

  22. Tara

    i won gran turismo 5!! i don’t have a ps3, but it was still great to actually win something! 🙂 thanks for the information!!

  23. misty

    I just won the Gran Turismo 5 PlayStation game too

  24. Renee

    I think the Kroger game stops you at 2 wins instead of 3 per timeframe. I just won my second for this time period and it wouldn’t let me play the next day. At least this time both of the prizes I won were $3 +.

  25. Sandra

    woohoo!! In the Subway’s Fiery Frenzy!
    I just won a movie rental for clash of the titans as well as the Playstation Move Hardware bundle!!!!! Yay I’m so excited thanks for posting these sweeps!!!

    • Randi

      I can’t get the subway code to work. anyone else having problems?

      • Randi

        nevermind. I figured it out.

  26. Alexandra F

    I just won a dole salad! Woooo!

  27. Peggy

    Just keep getting an error message. 🙁

  28. mcvey1326

    I won a $2 Quatro Schick coupon!

  29. Amanda Stone promotion seems to be over

  30. Amanda Stone

    flavorice has ended too

  31. Randi

    yeah! I won the playdoh game!

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