FREE Digital Scrapbook Download ($49.99 Value)!
WOW! Amazon is offering up an awesome freebie! Thru 9/30, you can head on over here to score a FREE download of Digital Scrapbook Artist ($49.99 value)! With this download you can make scrapbooks in 3 easy steps– select a theme, personalize your page with photos, text and more, and with one click you can save, print, email, PDF or share scrapbooks on the Internet.
System requirements: Windows Vista / XP.
(Thanks, Coupon Pro!)
That is great! Thanks!
I completed the download now my computer is asking for the product key code. Has anyone been able to find this? It will not install on my computer without the product key.
Check in your Amazon account (maybe under downloads). I think I saw a message that’s where it’s located.
once you head back to your amazon account it will be under the product you purchased. It has a button to press and it will appear after opeining.
Found this for anyone who is interested this is an awesome deal. The Warm As A Lamb Double Stroller cover for $29.97…was $129.99 . That is a savings of $102 for anyone who is wanting to buy one of these
too bad it’s only for window xp 32 bit version only, wish it was compatible with the mac
FYI, it’s not a real “deal” – You can download it free from the manufacturer’s website:
It looks like you can download the compact version from the Serif website. The one on Amazon doesn’t say anything about being compact. Looks like they’ve come out with version 2 and the older one is up for grabs for free on Amazon. Wish I could use it …
Finally found the product key!!! When Amazon sends you the confirmation e-mail, click on the link in the order number to take you to amazon, then click ‘go to your software library’. Right under the name of the program, theres a tiny yellow icon that says ‘view product key’. its so little, I missed it the first few times I passed it 🙂
Thanks sooo much! Was having such trouble with this!!! 🙂
says this item is currently unavailable
Says unavailable.
Has anyone actually used this product? The only review on Amazon was that it was a back door for malware. Did anyone actually try it? I find it strange that that is the only comment.
Curious about this as well…
This is soooooooooooooooooooo great I have been wanting to start scrapbooking for awhile. I have more than 600 pictures to download and scrap up since my daughter was born and thats 5 years ago. Im going to be super busy now. Thanks. =)
This is working again!