Whole Foods: Grass-Fed Beef Sale (9/3 Only)!

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If you are pretty particular about your ground beef, then you just may want to plan a trip to Whole Foods tomorrow, September 3rd, for their one-day grass-fed beef sale…tomorrow only, you’ll be able to snag ground grass-fed beef at a sale price of just $3.99 per pound (normally this is priced at $7.99-$8.99 per pound)!

Wondering what’s so special about grass-fed cows?! According to Whole Foods, the most important aspects of grass-fed beef are:

* Grass-fed beef ranching is not only good for the animals, but involves supporting local producers.
* Grass-fed beef is a leaner choice and has a more favorable ratio of omega fatty acids.
* Grass-fed beef is priced fairly for the producer and is worth every penny.
* Grass-fed beef is a delicious alternative to grain-fed beef and cooks a little differently.

Click here for more information about this sale.

What do you think… does your family prefer grass-fed beef? If so, do you think this is a stock-up price?

(Thanks, All Aboard Deals!)

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Comments 69

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    There is a HUGE difference. Grass fed also usually means they were actually out to pasture where cows SHOULD be! Cows were never meant to eat corn or the blood of other cows. (If you think I’m lying do a little research!) I’d stock up on this!!

    • ryan

      ive been a vegetarian for 14 years (love morningstar coupons!!!) and while i dont advocate eating animals…if you do, this is a huge step forward in humanity towards animals. everyone should view the docu movie FOOD INC…cows arent meant to eat grain or “other” things…while they may die in vain, they should atleast be afforded the same compassioniate treat and breath that every living being deserves here on Earth!

      • Mandy

        I’ve been a vegetarian for over 10 years, but my hubby and two sons eat meat. This is the kind they eat! Since we don’t live by a Whole Foods, we take trips to the city it is in every 2-3 months. I’ll be there on Saturday – ONE DAY too late!! 🙁

        Very good price, indeed! Grass-fed beef DOES take some getting used to. With grain-fed beef, it’s more uniform across the country (because the grain they eat is the same), but with grass-fed, the taste and texture vary slightly from area to area based on where the cow is pastured and what kind of grass it eats. It took a while for my hubby to get used to it.

  2. Carolyn

    I think that’s a good price! When we buy it from farms, it’s usually 5.99/lb… we don’t have the funds for it very often, but it is way healthier than the regular ground beef junk. 🙂 Our closest WF is at least 20 minutes away (boo!), but we may make a trip over tomorrow!

    • cicmommy

      Only 20 min!! Lucky! our closest is over 2 hours.. and we don’t live in the middle of nowhere either! 🙂

  3. Joy

    We are VERY picky about where our beef comes from and only buy grass-fed. This is a GREAT price! Too bad I don’t have a Whole Food around me or I’d be stocking up!

  4. Christine

    Thanks for posting, this is a fantastic price! We recently started buying all our meat from Whole Foods. Thank you!!!

  5. Sara

    YES! I will be heading over there! Grass Fed also have a lower chance of E Coli. They are not standing in puddles of mud and poo!!! And it tastes better! 🙂

  6. Sara

    I’m vegan, but I will only feed my two boys grass-fed beef. Cows are meant to eat grass anyways. Farmers feed them corn to fatten them up quicker, thus producing a fattier meat. Also, corn-fed cattle get sick way more often than grass-fed cattle, so then that poses the risk of you either getting beef from a sick cow or a cow that has been injected full of antibiotics. Gross!

    We will definitely be stocking up tomorrow as $3.99 is an awesome price for grass-fed beef. I will happily pay the higher price any other day as my children’s health is the most important thing to me. I would rather cut back in other areas than feed them the cheaper, less healthy stuff. I encourage everyone to give it a try!

  7. Jesi

    definately making a trip to whole foods tomorrow after work, i’ve recently swtiched to organic meats and dairy, maybe one day i’ll be able to afford to go all-organic!

    • Jaime

      I with you! I hope one day I will be able to make the complete switch! going tomorrow to give it a try…

  8. Heidi S

    Wahoo! Thank you so much for posting this … will definitely head there tomorrow! 🙂

  9. tmills118

    I will be there! Thanks for another great post!

  10. Julia

    I am so happy to read that people are switching to organic foods. Not only is it better for the animals, but also for us. After being very sick I noticed I will do anything in my power to stay healthy. We now buy a lot more organic stuff, all our meat is organic. It tastes so much better and knowing that I feed my family what is good for them is priceless. Guess where I’ll be headed tomorrow!

  11. Suzanne

    This meat tastes SO much better than the other stuff. I switched to organic/all natural meat a little while ago. I make exceptions when something is a great deal but really try to stick with organic beef and chicken esp. My husband and son noticed a difference – they kept asking what I had done “different” to the chicken. For 2 guys who wouldn’t notice if the sky turned purple with polka dots to notice – it’s huge!

  12. Mo

    This is a good price, but there are also companies like Organic Prairie and Laura’s Lean Beef that have printable coupons for their organic/natural meats. We usually try to keep coupons like these on hand for sales – right now our local Vitamin Cottage has Organic Prairie 85% lean organic ground beef for $3.99/lb, so $2.99/lb with their $1 off coupon. We find a LOT of Laura’s Lean Beef (natural, not organic, but grass fed) at our Super Target on sale b/c it gets close to it’s sell-by date (then we freeze right away); in addition to the mark-down, they often have store coupons attached (red and white) for $1-2.50 each package, and if we add the $1 Laura’s Lean Beef coupon, we get smokin’ deals on healthy meats for our family which are a necessity for protein as my husband has a soy/peanut/bean/legume allergy. But $3.99 is still a good price – so if you don’t have access to printable coupons or OP/LLB aren’t for sale in your area, this sale at Whole Foods one will still be a pretty good deal.

    • AJ

      I would be careful about the brands you mention. They can say they are “grass fed” by only doing a small amount of pasture time. True grass-fed beef comes from cows who are exclusively out to pasture, no grains. I would ask if they are grass finished as well. You can cancel out a lot of the benifits by feeding grain for the last months. I’m fairly certain Laura’s is not grass fed only.

    • christy

      Thanks so much for the tip on the printable coupons for Organic Prarie! My local Winn Dixie had the frozen organic chicken and 85% beef reduced 75% off yesterday. I bought all they had and tried to go to another Winn Dixie but they didn’t carry any organic frozen at that store. (Also got Cascadian Farms vegetables, Ian’s chicken patties for 75% as well).

      Anyways, I didn’t even know that Target carried those items. I will check next time I go, I printed some of the coupons too.

      I wish that I could’ve gone to WF today but there is not one close by. I was planning on buying some beef from a local farm for $3.60/lb but I don’t have enought people to split with (and I can’t afford 1/4 cow!).

  13. Kelly

    This is definitely a stock up price. I wish I had more freezer space and funds to do a big purchase. I think I can wrangle about 10 pounds into my freezer. I just called our WF meat market and they said I couldn’t call in an order tomorrow, I have to go down there and wait for them to package up my 1 pound packages. I actually despise WF, I’d much rather go to New Seasons. The WF employees I’ve encountered have been so stuck up, I rarely go there, but for $3.99 organic grass fed beef, I’ll go.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Really? Wow, I’m sorry they act like that there. At the store here (about 45 mins away) they are always so friendly.

    • Kalin

      i’m guessing by the new seasons comment you’re in PDX-what whole foods do you go to? The bridgeport village one is usually pretty nice (but i have no idea about others) -was there last weekend with the husband and they let him sample far too many cookies 🙂
      i agree with you on loving new seasons 🙂

      • Kelly

        I work down by the Pearl, so I’ve only been to that one, and they’re just snotty. I’ve given them multiple chances to see if I’m wrong, but every time I get someone who gives me attitude. Now, the New Seasons in Happy Valley where I live is fabulous. I actually emailed them to see if they would price match WF, and they said they couldn’t, but when they get their own grass fed beef in, it’s regular priced at $3.99! I emailed back to ask when their next shipment is coming in, I’ll just wait until they get their shipment and spend my money there.

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          The WF employees in both San Francisco and San Mateo are very stuck up too. I have shopped there for a few years and almost none of the cashiers will ever say thank you after you paid. They once even punched in the whole price for the beans I got from the bulk section…charging me $6.89/lb instead of $0.89/lb. I caught it as I was walking out and went back to tell the cashier but she refused to adjust the price for me. It was ridiculous. I had to go to customer service to get my money back. Also, when I asked the security guard where customer service, he gave me that look a nasty unfriendly look. yup, the employees there are very snotty. Now, I just try to go to Rainbow in San Francisco and Trader Joe’s instead of Whole Food even though Whole Food is only a few blocks from my place.

          • Nancy

            I work for WFM. That kind of behavior isn’t acceptable. Call the store and ask for the STL. Tell them about your experiences and give them names. Every WFM team member is required to wear a name tag. If you aren’t satisfied after that, ask him/her for their regional headquarters phone #. That will shake things up I’ll assure you. Good luck.

  14. Alicia

    Fabulous! I love grass fed because corn is one of our most genetically modified ingredients. Genetically modified scares me to death for a lot of reasons I’ve reseached. And you’re eating regular corn fed beef, you’re eating the genetically modified things they eat. It’s the whole food chain dilema. My nearest Whole Foods is an hour away, but I might make the trip tomorrow!

  15. Maggie

    Yes! Such an awesome deal!

  16. patti

    I am soooo excited! Thanks for posting this, I never would have know otherwise! I really do appreciate all the hard work you do, so thanks a million:)

  17. Mitch

    I only use Whole Foods meat for hamburgers, it tastes the best, and this is a great deal. If the hurricane allows it, i will buy it!

  18. Nora Laughlin

    This is definitely a stock-up price. I don’t eat red meat, but my daughter loves it, and I make it a point to only buy grassfed (because it is so expensive I buy very little). Many scientists agree that it IS much healthier. Cows cannot properly digest corn/non-vegetarian meal, they get lots of infections and need to be on antibiotics. And it costs more to make grassfed beef–corn feed and most corn products are highly subsidized by the federal government.

    Side note: Non-organic corn is mostly GMO. Also, although cows cannot be fed other cows, they can be fed meal made with parts of chicken who may have been fed meal made in part from cows.

    Everyone is entitled to eat what they want, but to me, this is an important thing for my family.

    • 8isn'tEnough

      Great thoughts, Nora! I never thought of GMO corn IN my beef!! That really hits home. Funny also, that I had to look twice at your name. The only other Nora I have met/know is a super-super knowledgeable natural foods lady that sounds just like you…only she has only six boys!

  19. Tamara

    I wish I had known this! I just went yesterday!
    I did learn at the checkout (where they keep the handy dandy coupon hand outs) that if you spend $20 or more, you can get free coffee or shampoo. 🙂 I got the coffee!

    • Amy

      Really? Like a pound of coffee? Or a cup of coffee?

  20. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    wholes foods is a bit of a ride, but I should do this one! Been sick all day today, and I think its from the beef I had last night 🙁

  21. Shannon

    I’m thrilled that so many people here are eating grass-fed beef or are vegetarians/vegans. Many of you have stated much better than I could why these things are important. This just made my day! I’ll be heading to WF tomorrow–had planned on shopping there tomorrow anyway!–to stock up on some ground beef. What you buy is like voting with your wallet; the food corporations do take note.

  22. Janice

    I’ve never been able to eat meat, ever since I was a kid. Just the whole thought of where it comes from and how… not appetizing to me.

    We live near a hog confinement and believe me, its not nice. The pigs are raised in there with barely enough room to turn around and never see the light of day or breathe fresh air. Factory farms are in it for nothing but profit, and you really want to be careful what you eat. The posters talking about hormones, antibiotics and other injections – you bet. You’re getting all that and who knows what else in factory farmed meat.

    We raise our own eggs. I worked at an egg farm for a short time once, and that opened my eyes to what a brutal business egg farming is as well. (more confinements, chickens can’t hardly turn around, etc).

    I don’t advocate eating meat but I’m glad to see people are at least taking a closer look at what goes into what they eat. Avoid factory farmed meat and eggs whenever possible, IMHO.

    • amanda ross

      you’re right on with all of this! my family eats meat but very minimally. the older I get and more I study food and where it comes from, the more turned off I am on the concept. And youre right that the pig farms and other animals farms are brutal, nasty and disease infested. The only way people dont get sicker from eating it is because the meat gets irradiated before packaging. (literally sprayed with radiation). I would never feed my family meat or eggs (or most any produce) that wasnt organic. chemicals, pesticides, radiation= cancer 🙁

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      you are so right on..i have tried to give up meat and it has been too difficult for me, but sometimes i go weeks without eating it because I am disgusted. Our neighbor has her own chickens, she treats them nicely, clean, the kids pet them, they are fed healthy..and she gets her eggs from them and shares.

  23. Shana

    After watching food Inc I switched from buying meat at walmart to grass fed organic meat and organic eggs from our local farmers market. I highly recommend anyone to watch food Inc it’s a big eye opener.

    • Leslie

      You all have me pretty curious to watch this movie…but I am kind of scared to…what if it changes my life. Will my grocery bill go up a lot? Etc. Etc.

      Plus I am already going to try to cut out soda starting tomorrow. Will I have to give up other favorite foods too?

      • Guggie Daly

        Oh my gosh, take the plunge! Just changing a few key aspects will make you feel so much better! We switched to organic meat and cut out cow’s milk and the change is amazing! My husband was very skeptical at first and now will never go back. The taste of grass-fed meat is entirely different. It even cooks differently.

        When you fill your diet with fresh produce and grass-fed meat, whole fats (such as whole butters, omegas, nuts, etc) you will eat less and feel better…the grocery bill evens out!

      • AJ

        I don’t know about evening out, but it doesn’t hurt as much as you expect. We switched to grass fed meat, local eggs, all organic and local produce. It does cost more. When you pay $15 for a chicken you can get at the market for half that or less, there is no way to say it doesn’t cost more. It’s a choice to consider before taking the plunge, but we feel it is worth it. We just cut costs in other areas like cable, phone and internet to try to help make up the difference.

  24. BORN2RUN

    Ok not trying to start any problems here as grass fed beef is still better but just FYI for those who care, Whole Foods grass feed beef is not grass finished. Just thought I would throw that out there for anyone who cares.

      • Joanne

        I went to the WF web site to do some research. They web site states that their beed IS INDEED GRASS FINISHED “grass-fed cattle are not finished with grain”…

        •Grass-fed beef is priced fairly for the producer and is worth every penny.
        Learn why:
        ◦Can cost more to produce. It takes longer to bring grass-fed cattle to market, so there’s more cost involved in raising them.
        ◦Is priced fairly for the producer. Because grass-fed cattle are not finished with grain, they usually weigh less than grain-finished cattle, yet can cost the producer as much or more to raise.
        ◦Is worth every penny. Many people believe that ranching more sustainably by taking care of the environment and helping local communities is worth paying more for.

        • BORN2RUN

          well what the website says does make me believe they may in fact be grass finished. I was under the impression they were not grass finished because the butcher at my Whole Foods told me it was in fact not grass finished. He seemed to know what I was talking about and be knowledgable about the subject but the website does clearly state the aren’t fed grain so I don’t know. Thanks for the link to WF website. I think I will ask someone else tomorrow and see what answer I get 🙂

        • CouponMama

          Thanks for THIS link!!! I checked it out and found what farm the beef comes from that supplies the WF stores in my area. I may even go for a visit with my son one day! So Cool!!

          • CouponMama

            Oops! I forgot to say: it does say the cows are 100% grass-fed and free-roaming! Yay! I an’t wait to try this! 🙂

    • AJ

      I was also under the impression that they were not grass-finished from talking to a butcher at my WF. I normally pay $6 a pound for 100% grass-fed, so this is a great deal if it truly is grass fed. You can tell when you eat it. Too bad it’s a one day sale. I don’t feel like going to buy it, coming home to cook it quickly to taste it and then going back.

      • Nancy

        Believe the website. The Meat TM could be new or just uninformed. I work for WFM. We aren’t going to but anything on our website that isn’t true.

  25. Celia Husmann

    Great post, great price. We own an online local foods marketplace (olympialocalfoods.com for those interested) and sell grass-fed, certified organic beef. We charge $4.99/lb because we believe it is a staple and make our money off steaks/roasts, HOWEVER, this is an awesome price! Most retailers price it at $6.99 and up!!!

  26. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    So, I guess we’re not allowed to show the opposing side to grass-fed beef? My posts were deleted. Sad.

    • Leslie

      I would not mind hearing an opposing side. This concept is all new to me. I like hearing both sides when I am planning on making a major life decision. Can you try reposting? Were your original posts polite?

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        I tried to be polite. I’m not one to argue and call names. I’ll try to remember what I posted.

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


          I would recommend following this guy’s blog. He’s a farmer that travels all over the US speaking to groups about real farming. He discusses the misconceptions surrounding the beef industry that are being touted by poeple that have never even stepped foot on a farm.

          • AJ

            I looked at his blog. I would appreciate more facts and less of him saying he disagrees. Yeah, we get that. Now tell us exactly why and provide a counterargument with facts that support. We are all on this site to save money, so if grass-fed beef isn’t better, let’s hear why and save some cash.

          • AJ

            It makes sense to me, although I’m sure we are on opposite sides of the spectrum. I know why I believe grass-fed is better, but I think an education is important for consumers. His blog makes me more grounded in my beliefs because it seems he is unable to provide facts but just an opinion. It would serve him well and his argument to put something up that readers can confirm other places. Bu enough about beef…

        • Bridget

          I think your post here is misleading to those that may have not have seen the deleted posts; you state “I was not the one to argue and call names”; I don’t believe anyone called anyone names; you may be confusing disagreeing with arguing. Your post here makes it sound as if you were some innocent and everyone else was nasty; this post and your previous post have a very defensive tone. Apparently, this hits a nerve with you, as well as animal cruelty hits a nerve with me. You brought up God in your posts; where does that fit in with grass fed v grain fed discussion? I just can’t let the defensive statement, “I’m not the one to argue and call names” stand, what is this grade school?

          • Bridget

            Ok, maybe you didn’t say anyone called anyone names; perhaps I misread your statement; so I apologize if I misunderstood. I don’t want people to think that name calling went on, because it didn’t.

          • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

            The only reason I brought up God was because someone made the comment that we weren’t designed to eat meat. I only said that I believe that God designed us and gave us animals to eat so therefore, we ARE designed to eat meat. Where in my comment did I say that everyone else was nasty?!?! I didn’t call anyone names..but, I was called names and I didn’t even mention that!

          • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

            oops, just saw your second comment! I really don’t like the name calling. I don’t listen when people call me names so I just expect the same from everyone else.

            A.J–I understand what you’re saying about the facts on that blog. I guess I’ve never thought about it because I am so involved with the beef industry and health stuff that it makes sense to me. I follow him this blog on facebook and he gives a lot of facts on his posts there.

          • Bridget

            I promise this will be my last post on the subject. Jana, I’m sure you are a very nice person and this is one area that we probably (don’t like to say never) will never agree, I can tell you are as passionate as I am on this subject, we’re just on opposite ends of the spectrum. I remember you from the Humane Society posts, which I believe were deleted as well. I get torn becauses first and foremost this is a money-saving site, but at the same time when there is a subject that I feel passionate about it’s hard to be silent. I try to respect the integrity of the money-saving, but we don’t live in a vacuum, should be conscious consumers and our most important vote is with our dollars, so my apologies to everyone who is offended when I get off-topic; will try to keep it to a minimum. With that said, however, a well-informed consumer is a good consumer. And now for my final comment, I don’t know if we were “designed” to eat meat but it’s true we are able to eat meat, which came in real handy for the Donner Party.
            Jana, Peace to you and your family!

  27. ANDREA

    I think it is so sad that Collin has to police this site. This is not a site for debate on health food/ Organic/ junk food/lifestyle etc. Seriously! I have many strong opinions on many things that are posted. Then I think, hmmmm this is a money saving site.

    I Love when people say that they either like or dislike a product and reason they like or dislike it. Such as taste, cost, flavor, texture, looks, quality etc. I love when people say that their family loves this product for such and such reason or my family didn’t like this for such and such reason. I know it is hard not to share when you feel strongly about something but please keep in mind that Collin shares products for all walks of life.

    Example only: Diaper coupons. What if I don’t believe we should be using disposable products at all?(only an example folks, I don’t have kids in diapers) Should I let my opinion known on the post for the coupon? NO!! It is none of my business.

    Please, can we remember what we are here for. Saving our families money.

    • ANDREA

      and yes I know I shared my opinion about sharing opinions!! LOL!

      I just don’t like to see feelings hurt.

    • AJ

      I agree. I would argue that learning about the differences between healthy and junk is saving you money. Eating processed, refined food for your whole life costs a lot of money health wise even though you might be able to get those things very cheaply. It’s the choice between paying now or later. I choose now. Plus you get the added bonus of feeling better.

  28. 8isn'tEnough

    Collin, THANK YOU!!!

  29. Nancy

    Grass fed beef also tastes better!!!

  30. Shana

    Just went to WF and got 4lbs if grass fed ground beef, asked the manager and he confirmed all beef is raised on 100% grass and not finished on grain. Wow I hope they do this deal again soon.

  31. Deanna

    I picked up 6 lbs. today – the lady behind me got 20…lol (oh how I want a deep freezer :). Glad I went for the beef because there were coupons in the store for Clif Z Bars making them 19 cents each so was able to get some of those too – my kids love them. I had been considering trying grass fed for a while now, and this was a great opportunity to do so.

    • 8isn'tEnough

      Oooo… was I the lady behind you?? =) I got 20 pounds too!
      This was such a good deal, on top of that, I GOT AN EXTRA DEAL!! The cashier said 5% is discounted on meat (or seafood) orders over $100. I got that. Then I used a competitor coupon for another local health food store here in MI. They used to take the %-off coupons, but now still take $$-off coupons. So I also saved $20 off $100! YAY!!!!

      Do I get my hip2save badge now?? =))

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