Halloween Candy Overload

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What do you and your kids do with all that Halloween candy that you collect on October 31st? Do you have a big bowl in the kitchen where all the candy is collected and then up for grabs? Do you stash the candy in a secret place and then allow each of your kids to have one piece each day? Well, if you want to do something different with all that Halloween candy this year, consider participating in the Halloween Candy Buy Back.

Here’s how it works…
* Participating dentists buy back kids’ unopened Halloween candy for $1 per pound at a scheduled event (click here to find an event near you)
* Dentists send the candy to Operation Gratitude or other Military support groups
* Operation Gratitude sends the candy to U.S. Military deployed in harm’s way

What a great idea! Have you ever participated in this event in your neighborhood? Do you have any creative uses for Halloween candy?

(Thanks, Bargain Blessings!)

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Comments 109

  1. Susan

    We eat it. They eat it. I eat it. Until it gets to the bottom of the bowl, you know, to the stuff no one likes. Am I bad????

    • Mary S.

      No, I always got to eat my candy too. I don’t have children yet but I didn’t know it was so common to give away the candy kids collect. I would have to share and couldn’t have more than a couple pieces a day but we always ate the candy.

      • Erin

        Between the leftovers from handing it out and the stuff the kids bring home, it’s just way (way, way, way) too much. . . . Not to mention all the candy deals that have been posted here. 🙂 Think of it like this: my four year old just got a small bag of candy at Lowe’s workshop on Saturday. We went to a Halloween carnival in the afternoon, and he probably would have gotten some candy there if we hadn’t left early. He also won a bag of candy corn for best costume at an event at our gym Saturday. Tomorrow, he’s going to a preschool trick-or-treat event there. Friday evening, he’s going trick or treating at another event. On Saturday, there’s another local Halloween carnival, and I bet there will be some candy involved, and on Sunday, he’ll go trick or treating in our neighborhood. That is a lot of candy–and he’s not even in school participating in those events. Of course, I could keep him home, but he’s been looking forward to it, plus, I put some effort into his costume, so I want to see it get some use 🙂

    • Alycia B

      me to that why sweater where invented to hide the waste line

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I love this!!! I am a dentist in Manhattan, IL and just registered my practice.

    • Tami


    • Darcie

      way to go! as a dietitian i’m a supporter too.

      • Kayla R.

        As a nurse, I’m a supporter… my daughter gets one piece/ year of age. She will max out at five because depending on her school they will load her up on the crap:( at parties.

        • shannon

          the crap they serve them for lunch isnt any better. my daughter has had pudding as her “fruit” and it is just disgusting.

  3. Marcee

    We eat some of course… 🙂 the yummy stuff! A friend of mine said that Halloween night they go through their candy and each child gets to keep like 10 pieces or something, then they put the rest out on their porch for the Halloween fairy (she has 3 girls by the way) to pick up. The fairy then leaves the girls a gift, like a new movie or book or something. I have tons of things like this I got at really good deals with my coupons (thanks to you Collin and hip2save!), so I might do this this year. I have 5 kids and that is a LOT of candy! I also have two kiddos birthdays coming up in Nov and Dec, so some of the candy will go into pinatas and goody bags at that!

    • Sonya

      That is what I love. My son’s birthday is mid November so I use a bunch of Halloween candy for pinta’s and treat bags and I don’t have to spend the money.

  4. stephanie

    The Dentist near us had some odd hours last year that didn’t fit into our schedule for drop off. SO, be sure to call first. My kids keep 20 pieces & then donate the rest either to food pantry, church shelters, dentist, etc. We get so much that everyone benefits & my kids forget about it after 1 week.

  5. Ana Maria S.

    Awesome! I had never heard of this but I think we will try this out. I found a participating dentist right here in Asheville not too far from my house. I have 3 kids and we do try to limit them to 1 or 2 pieces a day after Halloween but we always have way more than we need even with giving away a lot of the hard candies or others that are too “jawbreaking” for my family 😉

  6. mkw

    We have done this for years. . . the kids have the option of keeping their candy or selling us (5 cents each – more for full-size bars) anything they don’t want. I use some as rewards for my Sunday School class and donate some to church for the Christmas treat bags (along with clearance Halloween candy I buy with coupons that doesn’t have yucky motifs).

    • Emily

      My parents did this when I was a child, and we’ve started doing it too. Kids get savvy really quickly…they know that getting a dime apiece for all those little candy bars is a way better deal! 🙂

  7. Lauren H

    I am very excited about this! I hate just chucking all the candy (someone paid good money for it), but I also hate having it around for so long. I think each of my kids will get to choose a small amount to keep and the rest will get turned in and we will do something fun as a family with the money we get. Thanks for letting us know about it.

  8. Lisa

    great idea, i will check it out……

  9. Joy

    We did this last year. 🙂 I only let my boys keep the brand name chocolates, a few lollipops, Nerds and Sweet Tarts. All other candy such as Tootsie rolls, other taffy candy, candy from another country (i.e.,China), etc. we turn in to a local dentist who participates in this program. My boys each turned in about 2-3 pounds last year. My boys rather have the $ than all that candy anyway.

  10. Laura S.

    We share with everyone and then we use some in recipes. Snickers, Reese’s, kisses.

    • susanna

      same here

    • Erin

      If you have any tried-and-true recipes, please share! I can’t imagine that chocolate travels well overseas.

      • Amy

        Actually now would be the best time…it does get cold there too.

  11. sarah

    this is annoying after all the expense i’ve gone to to amass 500 candy bars so that we can have enough for trick-or-treat at both our house and our church. just bring it back to me…i’ll eat it!

    • Erin

      This post is somewhat ironic after all the crazy candy deals that have been posted lately.

    • Laurie M.

      Why is it annoying? Our military men and women will still enjoy it. It’s not going to waste 🙂

  12. hudy3569

    We have a “trick or treat fairy”. Each child is allowed there age in candy, so if you are 5 you get 5 pieces. Then you put all the extra candy on the front porch – and the “trick or treat fairy” come while you are asleep and leave you something special..certain video, doll, matchbox car etc. This way you don’t have to deal with the fights over the candy. My kids alway LOVE to see what the fairy brings them.
    Ok, so the “trick or treat fairy”, well she was a neighboor that didn’t have any kids – she took the candy and I gave them the toy..shhhh don’t tell.

    • Susan V.

      I LOVE this idea! I’m so stealing it, LOL!! I got tons of stuff at Target’s 75% off toys sale a few months back, so I’m already set! Thanks for posting this!!

  13. Melissa R

    We keep a quart-size canning jar for each kid and that is where all their candy goes when they get it (think easter, birthday parties, halloween, christmas…). If it doesn’t fit in the jar, they don’t get to keep it. The rest goes in a hidden stash that we pull from if their jars run out or if the parents need a sugar hit. The kids only get a piece or two each day for finishing dinner and the candy usually lasts through to the next holiday where inevitably their jars get filled again. We always have a sizable stash and could definitely take most of it to the local dentist… I’m glad that we have one just a couple of miles away.

  14. Michelle

    What a good idea!

  15. lana2201

    I usually put mine on my desk at work. It doesn’t take long for it to disappear. I really love the idea of the Halloween Fairy & the pinata. My daughter will be 5 next month, so she really doesn’t need all of that. We usually don’t have very many trick-or-treaters, so we just buy the Wendy’s frosty qpns & give those to her class.

  16. Heidi S

    I LOVE the dentist idea! What a great way to give back! I usually let my kids have a couple pieces a day — but this is a wonderful idea.

  17. Brenda

    I love the jar for each kid idea…

    We have a friend that also does the “Halloween Witch Fairy” She comes and trades the candy they leave for a toy…. I think we might try it this year. Cheaper than filling cavities!

  18. KathyT527

    We usually start by putting it all in one large bowl. However, my 9yr old son can’t wait to get his hands on it because he loves to sort it! Then he puts it in “his” candy dish (which is my old cookie jar). Every day it seems like he is counting & re-sorting it.

    • Turboturtle_8

      A kid after my own heart!

  19. christina h.

    A friend of mine has three kids and we both live in a parade-heavy, urban neighborhood. Which means Halloween comes 4-5x/year! Seriously, these parades are crazy with candy, even having people walk along the spectators with huge bags and hand fistfuls to kids.

    Anyway, she has her kids pick out 10 pieces of candy EACH to keep. The rest they put in bags (1 bag for each child) and put it on their back doorstep for…the CANDY FAIRY! In the morning, the candy has been replaced with a small toy for each child!

    We’re starting this tradition with our 2.5 year old this weekend Since there’s the halloween parade on Thursday and trick-or-treating on saturday.

  20. Amanda

    My daughter’s birthday is in Nov so we reuse the candy in the Pinata.
    This works out great becuase the get to share the candy and save money and teeth all in one!!

  21. Rachel

    my 3 year old saw this post and said “candy, candy!! are we going to watch a candy video??”

    • Brianna

      That is too funny! Way to raise that future Hip2Saver!!

    • Cara

      OMG !! That is tooo cute!!! 🙂

  22. Turboturtle_8

    After trick or treating, we all sit down and evaluate the goodies. First I take away the questionable candy and gum, then I will tell them, pick 10 pieces to put in the safe pile (not up for trade)…then we will do a couple rounds where they get to pick a free piece from someone else’s pile, then they get to trade for a couple rounds. Last year I even quizzed my kids about myself and each of them (for bonding) and would let them win a few pieces for thinking about others (likes, dislikes, lives in general). All the left over candy is taken to the office and put in the break room.

    • Turboturtle_8

      Well I take it after I pick out candy I can put into cookies for the school lunches. But this year I think the dentist idea is great!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      This sounds like fun family time thanks for the idea i think I’ll try it along with the dentist idea!

  23. terri

    I’ll be the party pooper here and ask what is so great about sending all our canyd to the troops…so that their teeth will get rotten and they’ll gain weight? I’m a dud, but I don’t see the benefit of this program (except to a dentist).

    • Leah

      Well if you would just stop for just a second and thinking about it, you would realize that its not just about the candy. Its a piece of home. They are in a foreign country, with nothing familiar to them. This is just a NICE reminder that we are thinking of them and supporting them any way we can! Get it??

    • jenna

      This would be upsetting if you’re assuming all our tropps are lacking the restraint and self control all the rest of us have and will eat massive amounts of candy day and night without brushing their teeth, exercising or eatting well balanced meals to counteract the candy…but I would say this is highly unlikly

    • Melanie

      My husband is in the military. When they are deployed they like to have things to give out to the local kids. It really helps the kids see them as nice, non-scary people. And afer the MRE’s, I’m sure a lot of the troops enjoy a little candy themselves. But I think they would mainly give it away to local kids.

      • Julie

        Exactly!! My dad this in Bosnia as did my brother in Iraqand Afghanistan! Its about building bridges and easing tensions! Not to mention the little piece of home that comes with letting your gaurd down for the couple seconds it takes to enjoy a fun size Snickers!

    • lana2201

      I think it’s the “spirit” of it.

    • Heather

      i think they are adults and know how to brush their own teeth. plus, they are constantly on the go, burning those calories.

      • mamarobyn

        or sweating it off from the heat!!! It gets to 145 degrees during the day sometimes!

  24. jenna

    we use all the chocolates to make some AWESOME brownies! I make the standard box brownie then cut up various chocolate, sprinkle the top and stick it back in the over to melt a bit…sooo good and sooo bad at the same time.

    • jamie

      This is a great idea!

  25. Chris

    We usually keep it for a week, I let the kids pick about 20-30 pieces to keep and the rest is left out for the “Great Pumpkin”. He leaves them a toy in place of the candy. This year, I think he is going to take it all to a local dentist instead of the office! 🙂

  26. Alicia Beck

    Thank you so much for posting this. It is such a wonderful idea.

  27. Brittany

    Wow. I had no idea so many people took their kids Halloween candy. Sad!!

    • Janice

      lol..I think back to when I was young..and wish my parents had! Then maybe I wouldn’t have this addiction!!! I think I like the fairy/toy idea!! And…I’d say to keep it for the bday party pinatas…but I have no self control, so I think I LOVE this idea of sending it to our military for them to enjoy a “piece” of home! And..sorry Dentist…will help our Dental bills!

    • Heather

      My kids have food allergies. They trick or treat then we give them all the candy that they can eat. The rest goes to dh’s work. The kids get a small toy or DVD for their unsafe candy. This year one is getting a DVD, the other wants new Cars the movie cars.

    • tiphanie

      Its not sad. Kids don’t “need” the candy. My daughter has candy still from last year. Its not like they will eat it all unless you let them eat however much they want. My daughter can only have a piece a day and she doesnt even eat that. I think its a great idea. I’d start the candy fairy if i could get my 7 yr old to believe it. Great idea.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        I agree my kids never finish all that candy

  28. Amy

    This is a fabulous idea!!! I love it…we will see if my kids love it. I usually only give them 1-2 pieces a day and usually about a week later we forget about it and I find the pail about Christmas time almost full. Our military men and women will love this moral booster!! Love it! 🙂

  29. julie s

    We let them eat it til they literally just about puke on Halloween, then they can have one-two pieces a day for a week, then it kinda gets forgotten and we pick thru and dump the left over.

    • Brianna

      That’s exactly how it is at our house!! Eat til you puke that night (we are so ‘parents of the year’ lol), then 1 piece in the school lunch and 1-2 after dinner. This year I might try the dentist thing though.

    • jamie

      lol! Love this!

  30. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    We love the Buy Back program – our kids’ dentist has particpated for the past 3 years or so – in addition to the $$$, he also gives out free special toothbrushes! We let our boys pick out their favorite dozen pieces, and the rest go to the program.

  31. Annmarie

    Since I have a child with a Tree Nut Food Allergy and can’t eat a lot of the candy my kids gladly give up their candy for a Webkinz for each. I take all the candy that they gave up to work for my co workers to snack on.

  32. Beth

    My five kids get to take a small ziploc bag and put a few pieces in it. The rest they leave in their Halloween bag and put it on the table were they sit. The Great Pumpkin comes Halloween night and takes their candy and leaves them a toy. My kids look forward to this because they don’t even eat candy really so they would rather have a toy anyways. I keep the mini candy bars to use in my Christmas baking and my husband takes some to work to give to employees and we throw away the rest.

  33. Janet

    It really is not about the money– We could all mail some candy and a few other things to the troops ourselves. There are a number of agency’s that help organize mailings and list things that they want and need for the brave men and women out there that are protecting our freedoms here.

  34. kimi

    I love the “pass it along to the troops”…I will have to look up a local participating dentist. We usually toss the icky stuff and bring a little bit every time we go to the movies.

  35. Kim

    It sounds like so much of the candy ends up in the trash, especially if it is not candy bars, kisses, etc.

    I admit I really do not want my kids eating anything like bubble gum, milk duds, etc.

    Just think if all the money spent on candy that is either tossed out or contributing to obesity was spent on something more worthwhile, such as medical care for uninsured citizens or healthier food for indigent people.

  36. linda b

    From the very first time my son went trick or treating we’ve always bought his candy from him for 1 penny per piece. I would later donate all the unopened candy to anyplace that would take it. My son loved this as well. We would let him spend it on a toy, book or game that he wanted. Also he was part of our Dentists No Cavity Clubuntil he was 16 years old. I am just thrilled that you’ve posted this option for all of your loyal followers. Way to go Collin.

  37. Jodi

    My son doesn’t trick or treat any more(all of a sudden he was to old) but when he did he would want to eat it all in 1 night. Just last night I caught him opening a bag of Baby Ruth’s and I can guarantee they will be gone before Halloween. He is a candy addict!!! Good thing he is very active and a football player or he would be 500lbs by now. My daughter is the complete opposite. She would rather eat veggies or fruit so her candy is usually thrown out after a few months of sitting in her room(whatever she has managed to keep away from her brother). I love the Candy Fairy idea. She is 9 but I bet I could convince her of such a thing. She would much rather have a prize(definitely didn’t get it from me).

  38. Angela

    I save it to decorate gingerbread houses that I got on clearance last year. We don’t eat them, it is only for decoration. Okay, when the holiday is over we throw it outside and the racoons and other critters eat it as well as the ants.

    • Jenna

      LOL, that is so funny, I am literally picturing a racoon gnawing on a stale gingerbread house in the backyard! I would make it just to watch the racoons eatting it.

  39. shellbelle1229

    What a great program! And I have a participating dentist in my town, so we’ll be dropping off any extras after Halloween night. Thanks Collin!

  40. Shelley

    I guess I’m another party pooper, but I let my kids eat their candy! I don’t buy much candy during the year, so Halloween is really a treat for them. They always get a few things that they don’t like, so I bag that up and send it to work with my hubby. And of course, they share all of the chocolate with mommy 😉

    • Rachel

      i agree. i dont buy much candy or anything like that b/c i know there is always easter, halloween, etc…there’s gotta be some fun. :>)

  41. Jeaneane

    We do this every year…I then drive my kids to the toy store and they choose something to spend their money on…Last year for Halloween my kids bought a fishing pole and a baseball and mitt (and I don’t have to worry about buying a new wardorbe from all the candy!!!)

  42. mamarobyn

    After going through it for “bad” candy, we let them ‘have-at-it’ until they have gotten their fill – only a few days – then they loose interest in it. My girls usually don’t eat too much candy, by choice, they would rather each fruit or veggies (by choice – it has never been forced upon them). 🙂

  43. Linda

    Our Girl Scout Service Unit sponsors a Christmas cracker drive to give to the area food bank. We save the inserts to toilet paper rolls and put left over Halloween candy in them and then wrap them with holiday paper and tie ribbons on the ends . The food bank gives them out to children at the holiday!

  44. Beth

    My kids get to keep 6 pieces of chocolate and most of the lolly pops and gum they get. They have friends who aren’t allowed to trick or treat so they make them bags of candy from what they’ve chosen not to keep. We always have a lot left over that I keep in my room at church to share with my class.

  45. Helen M

    My 4.5yrs never like candy. I guess we have been training her since she knew what candy is. She does get exciting about getting candy … for playing like lollipop, m&m but did not eat them. Or just because I do not eat candy??? We do stock some candies for Halloween just in case we have trick-or-treat “scary” stop by, We just place all the candies on the counter kitchen but there is no surprise that my kid never take them. Love the Dentist Candy Buy Back though. Have fun if you love candy!!!

  46. Jessica C.

    Last year, I took my son trick o’ treating around our neighborhood. He had a small pumpkin pail to collect all his candy in. After he bucket was full, we would head back to the house and sort through the candy, anything yummy we would keep and any of that candy that no body would eat, we put back into the bowl to hand out to the trick o’ treaters (hey, just because we don’t like it doesn’t mean other people won’t). This way at least we only had candy around that people liked and would eat.

  47. 3Gmom

    I have a friend who does the Halloween Fairy, but she calls it the “Switch Witch” 🙂

  48. Jodie

    I take a majority of the candy and save it for decorating gingerbread houses at Christmas. This is an easy way to get a lot of variety.

  49. Nicole

    We live in a small community, and all the places we visit are relatives. (The entire 10-15 stops we may make!) My kids don’t just get one piece for each stop, they get a BAG full! So, i take the chocolate and hide it then freeze it, then use it at Christmas time for stocking stuffers. the kids never know, it saves me money and they aren’t eating all of it at once.

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