What Would YOU Do in this Situation?

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I received the email below from a reader and can completely relate to what she had to say. If you’re a couponer, then I’m guessing you’ll be able to relate too…

I read your website religiously, and have gotten over being treated like a criminal when I use a lot of coupons by managers/cashiers. What I am having a hard time with, however, is “letting it go”, when I know I am right regarding a certain deal.

I went into Target this past weekend with my sleepwear coupon and Tums MC/TQ among others. The cashier said I couldn’t use the sleepwear coupon because it wasn’t pants as shown on the picture. I nicely explained to her the bakery coupons show a whole cake, does that mean that is what I have to buy? She then said I couldn’t because I would be getting it for “too cheap”. Pardon?? She then set that coupon and my Tums coupon aside and called a manager. I was glad because I thought she would set her straight, given Target’s recent coupon problems.

The manager proceeded to say I couldn’t use that one or 2 Tums Coupons because I would be getting it “free”. She said she would only take one coupon for the Tums and not the sleepwear at all. I pulled out the policy, but nothing I could say would sway her. She said “the problem is, you people don’t listen!’

By this time I was livid, and called customer service while in the store. She said she was a supervisor and read from the manual, and said it is up to a managers discretion to accept a coupon if it beeps, with no apology whatsoever for the horrible customer service.

My question is, what do you do when you are very honest ( I call it CWI, couponing with integrity) but you know you have every right to a deal, and get treated with such disrespect? What happened to Customer Service? What would you do?

Here are my thoughts…

I am a very positive person and well, don’t spend too much time or energy on being angry. It’s not worth it to me. Now don’t get me wrong, I have been angry upon leaving a store before, however, letting it ruin my whole day doesn’t do any good and really makes me feel as if I’m letting the store “Win”. Instead I try to focus on the positive shopping experiences I’ve had and the amazing cashiers and employees I’ve dealt with. There is always going to be a not so coupon friendly cashier out there and maybe even one that is downright disrespectful… but there is also always going to be a kind and very coupon friendly cashier. Focus on those great experiences and the bad ones will start to feel like distant memories. Being positive, laughing, smiling… it can do wonders… even to grumpy cashiers! 😉

Now it’s your turn – what would YOU do in this situation?

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Comments 694

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    If you have another Target nearby – try doing the deal there. Stores that are close to each other or even in the same county compete for business within their territories.

    • mary g.

      that is the case in my town – one Target is horrible, and the other is wonderful…. :]

  2. Sam

    I would call Target personally, as in their HQ!

  3. Kerri

    My deals rules…..I don’t like many have money I can just throw around and so forth not only coupon for fun but also for necessity. So at times when I began to get upset when deal that was legitimate wasn’t working due to typically “the coupon nazi patrol” , I set up my blown deal envelope. I began just throwing bonus money or change from other deals into this envelope – its not part of my budget and I don’t touch it, it builds up so on the occasions one of those deals can not be fixed by a friendly conversation or a polite call to corporate – the funds come out of there. Typically, I can get really great deals multiple times a week and maybe have bad experiences at most a couple times a month – and this covers it and I conduct myself so that those behind me in line, are cheering for me.

  4. Tara

    I have had this issue with target before. I was told “I couldn’t get it for free” and tried to argue my case, and got no where. I have decided to either do the deals that I really want, or maybe do a few at a time. I usually just go with walmart, cvs, or walgreens these days unless it’s something I can’t pass up. I was very aggervated at the customer service I recieved and with the line behind me a little embarassed even though I didn’t do anything wrong.
    You just have to keep going and not let it get to you. It’s not worth letting it ruin your coupon experience! If coupons were not meant to be used, they wouldn’t be available to us.

  5. Alea

    I would complain to corporate – I had similiar issues at my Rite Aid before that she did at Target. It’s definitely not worth letting it ruin your day, but at the same time if no one speaks up to the right people- than they will continue to think they are right and others will go through the same thing as you. Sometimes, complaining does change things – look at Rite Aid, they now have it it in their coupon policy to mark coupons down that are over the value of the coupon before some stores would refuse to accept it at all.

    Stores can be very ridiculous over getting anything for free and it doesn’t cost them a penny. They will get their money from the manufacturer.

    • AnnMarie

      The most important thing when calling corporate is keeping any “Ego” out of it. Just remain calm and if that person isn’t helping you, ask for a their supervisor (or higher). When the problem is resolved be appreciative! Don’t take it personally. After all, you’ve lived all your life without those PJ’s and Tums…life will go on without them!
      For any negative phone call and/or letter that I write I always make sure that I send one whenever I recieve exceptionally good customer service as well!

      • scain20

        This is so true. You can be persistant and humble at the same time.

      • Alea

        Same here!

    • mary g.

      @ Alea – I agree that if no one speaks up, then others will go through the same thing. I hate that we should waste more time by going to a different store, going to a different cashier, going on a different day, etc… we are forgetting that we are NOT doing anything wrong. we shouldn’t have to select only a few deals for fear of being embarrassed by the store.

  6. paula

    I would have taken everyones name down for when I later filed my complaint with the corporate office. But before that I would have went to a different Target and tried there…

    • Sam

      That is a good one! When you start taking down names then they get scared, lol.

      • Betsy

        Funny you say that! I was just at Burger King with my 2 YO twin girls. We went into the children’s play area (we were the only people in the whole restaurant). There was no heat (it’s 24 degrees here and one daughter was going down the slide with her winter coat and mittens on) and the music was so loud we couldn’t talk with out yelling. Long story short, I asked to have the music turned down and the heat turned up and the MANAGER told me she wasn’t allowed to change anything per her district manager’s orders. I asked if she told him people were complaining and she said yes. When I offered to fill out a comment card to let him know people really were complaining she said “I’ll take care of it right away!” The music went down and there was still no heat… We left after 15 minutes. A little accountability goes a long way.

  7. KB

    I agree with the above statement! That being said, I would NEVER go back to that cashier again. Store up her face in your memory and go to a longer line if you have to. As for the deal. Have the customer service person TAKE OFF those items and ask her if that was easier than using the coupons. I bet NOT. 🙂 Then come back at a different time. Try again. I believe that you were in the right and should NOT have been treated that way. I was recently in Target and had a Great cashier with a wonderful out look, she was simply amazed at my Hundred dollar savings! 🙂 (All thanks to Hip2save of course) Blessings on you and Prayers for Peace for your cashier and manager… They need it, it seems! 🙂 KB

  8. julie

    Yes, what Sam says, call Target HQ again. When you’re trying to save money and have spent your time going out and probably getting her husband to watch the kids (I hate wasting valuable/rare alone time arguing for a deal), having the coupons, looking for the items, all in the snow and cold/slush (well unless she’s somewhere warm), it’s more than infuriating to be told “no” for no real valid reason other than “she’s saving too much money”. I totally feel her pain. That is just not right. I agree in trying to be positive, but it’s hard to just let it go and to trust Target again.

  9. Jessica

    I think everyone that reads this site probably has a horrible coupon story that they could relate. Sometimes, I think it is best to just let it go and you can try on a different day with a different cashier. But in reference to this particular reader’s experience, I have to say that with the way she was treated, I would have done the same thing and called Customer Service in the store. But seeing as how she didn’t get much help from them, I would have asked to speak to the Customer Service rep’s manager. If I didn’t get help there, I would keep climbing the ladder til I spoke with someone who could help me. Sometimes, you just have to be stubborn, if you are in the right, because how else will they ever learn that what they are doing is not okay? Especially if everyone normally just lets it go. But I normally would only take it that far if I was treated as badly as this reader was. If it was just a stubborn cashier, I would probably let it go and try again later. But being treated rudely as a customer is wrong.

  10. Wendy

    I would have wasted the energy on being angry. LOL. I would have been downright livid and I would have kept asking for higher ups. The actual general store manager would have possibly done something about it.

  11. Edith

    I always strike up a conversation with my cashier. If things are at their discretion and you have been super nice they are more likely to let you get the deal. I am not saying cheat, but if you are using a legitimate coupon and it beeps, but you have been friendly and respectful a lot of times I find they are more than happy to manually enter it.
    I do know there are a lot of people who do not CWI, as she called it, and it really irks me. I follow the rules, use legit coupons, and have passed on ones that I suspect may be fraudulent. But there are people out there who will use coupons for items they don’t have in their cart, or use coupons that are expired and try to pass them off, etc. I always double check my coupons IN FRONT of the cashier before I hand them to him/her so they can see I am aware of which ones I am handing over.

  12. sarah

    I would probably be upset, but maybe try another Target??

  13. JC

    I have had 3 different purchases denied by a manager b/c I would be getting it at such a deep discount. I have sent target a certified letter, with the ad & copies of the coupon & let them know they have lost a customer.
    I’d love to see a Target CEO on Undercover Boss, seeing the type of customer service they provide on the frontlines!

    • Amy S.

      that would be awesome to see Target CEO on Under Cover Boss!!

      • misstracy

        I would love to see that.

  14. scain20

    I totally understand this situation. I would call corp. and try to get somewhere that way. I had to do that with target recently and they were very kind and I was right in this particular situation. He said he was entering our conversation in the computer and he gave me a reference number. Next time I was in the store and had this problem I could have a manager call corp from their red phones (if it got this far) and with the reference number, they could pull up our conversation in the computer and settle the issue.

  15. Barbara

    It all depends on if you really want the item. I get some stuff just to get the thrill of the deal but if it IS something you want. I would go to another Target or I also have just come at a different time and of course different cashier/manager are working. It is the Christmas season so in January shifts and cashier should change. A side note, I just got back from Target and had to read the free cottenelle coupon to a newbie cashier. I usually use the term, “this is not my first rodeo”.

  16. dmarie

    I also value couponing with integrity. When i have a (totally legit!) deal that is super cheap or free, I look for a checkout line that has a young, friendly-looking cashier. I find that younger employees seem to be a little light-hearted and not necessarily policing things. Their reaction is more likely “Oh! Cool!” rather than viewing me with suspicion. To be clear- I don’t do deals that NEED policing! I don’t know, I love people of all ages, but this is a tip that has worked for me!

    • lilminky

      I totally agree! I search for the young ones, too. Like you said, not that we’re doing anything wrong, it’s just easier to deal with the younger cashiers (especially guys, it seems) and to avoid a potential problem. There’s a horrible cashier at my local Meijer that I avoid like the plague because even when a coupon beeps, she just acts like it worked and quickly moves onto the next coupons….and I don’t get any of the deals. I learned this the first couple times I used coupons and didn’t know what to do so I just ignored it and missed out on the deals. Now if that happens I go straight to the Service Counter and they refund my money.

  17. Christine

    I would stand there and call the manufacturer of the coupon on my cell phone if the number was available. And if it wasn’t available, then I would note the store personel’s names and the store address, along with each employee’s postion as noted on their name badges. I would then write to the address provided on the coupon stating axactly what took place aithin the store and request their policy in writing, in regards to the specific issue. If I in fact, turned out to be wrong, then no harm no foul; however if I was unfairly denied, then in my opinion it is a case of false advertisement, and I would take the issue to the stores headquarters via registered mail.

  18. Jennifer Paes

    I am glad to hear I am not the only one who has dealt with cashiers who look at me like I’m a criminal for saving some cents. I went to walmart and used coupons that made my order or two items free. She looked at me like I had just pulled one over her head. I didn’t appreciate someone putting down my ability to save.

    • lilminky

      I know! What we’re doing is smart, it takes time, effort, and talent!

  19. Rebecca

    I have been in that situation. So I simply say..okay, then I will call your corporate offices…and I proceed to call their corporate HQ while standing in line and let the managers and cashiers talk to them and let them straighten them out.

  20. Faith Holbrook

    I had a similar problem at jcpennys this weekend at Sephora. I had the bare esscentials free 10 day trial kit. they stated they were out and i showed her on the coupon where if they are out the customer can choose any… ANY free sample of their choice and she blew me off =( i was really looking forward to trying it too

  21. Donna Mc.

    I would boycott the store. I have been boycotting Best Buy and Cosi for many, many years now, because of their horrible customer service. Woman Within is my latest boycott. If they treat me horribly, I will not give them any of my money. PERIOD. There are many other businesses out there that treat their customers like gold.

    • Donna Mc.

      Oh and I just read the comment above… I have been boycotting JC penny too for about nine to ten years now. One of their cashiers mouthed something nasty to me and gave me a dirty look and the manager did nothing about it. They don’t want my business…. FINE BY ME!

    • Tami

      The only problem with boycotting a store, is you lose out on wonderful deals that could benefit you or gifts for your friends and family. It was not the store that didn’t want your business, it was the employee that didn’t give too cents about you as a customer.

  22. Jill

    Oh, I can totally relate to this woman. I’ve had this happen in Wal-Mart. It’s funny, Target seems to be the best place to redeem coupons, and I’ve had it happen where the cashier got so excited how much I saved that she called another cashier over. (that happened a week or so ago w/ the free Tag Reader books)
    But Wal-Mart, that’s another story. The cashiers there take it as a personal affront, like you’re taking money out of their paycheck. I had one woman, SO RUDE to me that finally I’m like, you know, I don’t need this. I told her to please give me my coupons and I was going to go to Kroger instead. Well, she got all “oh, well we don’t want to do that”….no really, WE do. I don’t like to be made to feel like I’m handing over food stamps….they’re coupons. And because of your website, I’ve become a MUCH more savvy shopper. ( so THANK YOU!!!) But I refuse now to do my “big” food shop there anymore. I wait and shop the sales at Kroger and Target and go to Wal-Mart if I have to. I’m like you, I try to be upbeat, take a good outlook on life. I realize we’re blessed in so many ways. So, I’m not going to let some crabby cashier ruin my life. I’ll spend my money elsewhere. Many times, the sales at Kroger (w/ coupons) are the same if not better than if I shopped Wal-Mart w/ coupons. So it’s a win-win for me.
    My advice, when they start acting that way, just leave. Take your business elsewhere. If more people did that, I think customer service would finally take notice. They forget that they are working BECAUSE we are customers. They’re not there at my convenience. My money spends just fine anywhere.
    And on a side note, thank you for everything you do on your website. I can’t even begin to tell you how much you’ve taught me and helped me and my family. Merry Christmas !

    • SUSAN

      I agree that I’ve had this same sort of experience at Walmart rather than Target. But I think some cashiers treat you worse when you have coupons than they would if you have food stamps. They act like you’re cheating the system. I’ve flat out told a cashier that the manufacturer pays the store for the coupon plus, so there is no reason they shouldn’t take it.

      I also agree with the contacting corporate. By email. By phone. By friggin snail mail. Let them know you’re not happy with the situation and that you aren’t returning to their store. Also, letting corporate know that you are active in the blogosphere isn’t a bad idea. Don’t threaten, but don’t shy away, either.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      And I avoid Kroger at all cost because of their horrible customer service to me. Fortunately I have a Publix close by!

    • Chris Hoag

      food stamps are as legit as coupons. Some of us need them to feed our kids. I stretch mine by couponing too.

      • Jess

        I agree :0)

    • Jess

      I’ve read this ten times and maybe I am reading it wrong, “I don’t like to be made to feel like I’m handing over food stamps….they’re coupons” I personally have had food stamps and it seems as if this sentence means food stamps are demeaning. Many people need food stamps to get by, the mother of two young girls myself I was one of them, I lost income and was having trouble putting diapers on both of them and putting food on the table by myself along with bare necessities, I did however get off my A$$ and find another job (one of two might I add) and now fully pay for everything we have myself as well as donate to those that are less fortunate like I was. While I see none of this is your problem I would just like to say that you should NOT be treated differently whether you are using food stamps, cash, debit card or working just for a daily meal as many americans are nowadays! Like I said if I’m reading this wrong my apologies in advance :0)

  23. Lola

    It is one of the most frustrating things, you have a plan you have the coupons you spend all the time shopping matching up the right deals and you end up with a cashier that just makes you blood boil. I have gotten to the ponit where if they start to fight me because I got something for free or a great deal I will just leave and say void the transaction. I know I have wasted time but I refust to argue with the cashiers and managers anymore because some are just jealous that you are a smart shopper. I was also at Target last week and the only checker was one I had problems with. I kept circling because I had so many good deals but she has always given me a hard time for getting free or good deal items. Finally another cashier came up and she was the best one I ever had. Showed me where all my coupons came off and if it beeped she remedied the situation quickly. That truly does make it all worth while when you get a great cashier that cheers you on for saving money.

  24. Verna Holley

    I would not do business with that Target anymore. I only coupon occasionally but nevertheless, I would not go back to that store again. The least they could do would be apologize and not be rude.

  25. Lisa m

    i try not to use so many coupons at one time, it seems to freak them out or something, i really try to kill them with kindness, and say well i just hate to go next door to walmart, i like your store better, would rather do buisness with you target than walmart sometimes that works.

  26. Sangeetha

    I started couponing more than a year ago and have been in a similar situation a few times. I just left the Store without further arguing because the line behind me was getting longer and longer. Moreover, my husband says that it is too embarrassing to stand there showing the coupon policy and arguing that I’m right. It is sad that this happens to people who are NOT misusing coupons.

  27. Erika C.

    If it looked like the cashier/supervisor weren’t going to follow Target’s policy I would bring out the magical words of almost any chain retail store. “Could I please have the 800 number of your corporate customer service office and the correct spelling of your name?” Generally works like magic if you are asking for something that you are sure they should be delivering on. Speak those words and magic happens.

    • kbmum

      THAT is awesome! I’m going to have to remember it the next time I have a problem in any store. 🙂

    • lilminky

      Okay, I’m writing that down in case I need to use it! Thank you.

  28. Adrianne

    How bizarre…..I just had an awful Targ experience as well. I tried to stack Seventh Generation coupons for the cheap cleaners, and the cashier said I could not stack coupons! I politely explained to her that it was in the coupon policy, then pulled out my phone to show her it. She still refused so I asked for a manager. The manager came over and said it was against Target policy to use two coupons for one item!!! I told her one was a Targ, the other was MQ, but she still said no!! The she got angry and said, “You couponers just want everything for free”!!!!!! Um, what????? I was soooooo angry (by this time it wasn’t even about the cleaner, lol)! I called corporate right in the store, and the nice gentleman I spoke with seemed very upset at the way I was treated, and said he would go over coupon policies with them….hopefully he does!!

  29. mamabear

    what would i do???? i have…… i avoid it all together for coupons…. same for walmart….. i cant stand them….. they think we are ripping them off…

    • Janis Kerley

      I can’t find a Wal-Mart in my area that will take internet coupons. In fact, one cashier called them “counterfeit”! I asked the manager in one store to show me the policy against coupons printed from the internet and he said he didn’t have to show me anything! I hate Wal-Mart.

  30. Mir

    I’m usually overly nice as well, friendly and all cause a smile usually works wonders but certain stores just are a certain way and if I repeatedly get treated like a criminal, I finally take my business elsewhere.
    I’ve pretty much stopped shopping at Target. That after repeated problems in store and 2 recent orders cancelled online without a satisfactory reason. Their customer service and the way they manage their online orders is ridiculous.
    There are plenty of good deals to be had elsewhere, it is not worth the energy and the bad feeling I get after a shopping similar to what was described in the post.

  31. heather s

    Sometimes I can’t let things go..I would probably dwell on it for days!! That is one thing I would love to change about me! It drives me nuts, because I KNOW it’s not worth all MY stress thinking about it,but I can’t help it. I would have done just as this reader did..And then I would proceed to write a letter to company, so that other people would see it.. Even a comment card. When I worked in retail, the DISTRICT manager saw EVERY comment card, and then insured the store manager followed through, because although those 3 people that she encountered may not care about customer service, the DM DOES!! AND when did cheap become too cheap? Stores have sales and put out coupons for a reason!! Why can’t some people understand that??? ***okay off my soap box now:)

    • Wendy

      Ha ha ha….. we might be twins. I am with you on everything you just said.

  32. Jennifer

    Just know that you are soooo not alone! I’m pretty certain that any person who has used coupons for any amount of time has had this expierence. I’m over the taboo of using a stack of coupons to get an amazing deal or even score something free, but i have also felt the injustice of not receiving my deal ‘as promised’ by the weekly ads. After blowing up at the managers and having my face turn 10 shades of red, I would have to say I agree with the 1st readers response of trying not to let it get you down. It only hurt me by holding onto my anger. I no longer shop at the store where my episode happened mainly out of frustration but slightly because of embarassement of making such a big deal over their lousy coupon policy. Focus on your good expierences…..a lesson in any area of life :).

  33. Sandie Emig

    I personally don’t shop Target very often, but I know what Coupon Intolerance is! My strategy is to try to shop at the same store, at the same general time, and find a cashier (this may take some time) that is coupon friendly. It works well for me, but I agree with others that someone up higher on the food chain should be contacted.

  34. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I would just like to know the location of the target you went to, save myself a little time.

    • DP

      S FLorida

  35. Angela C.

    The thing is, allthough I agree with you 100%, like the customer service said, “She said she was a supervisor and read from the manual, and said it is up to a managers discretion to accept a coupon if it beeps.” I would of just let it go and try a different target. It is not fair that some will do it, and others do not, but when it is left up to the managers that is the kind of stuff we have to deal with.

  36. Emily

    ugh. I once had a cashier manually change the value of a coupon by a penny, because she said I couldn’t receive an item for free (but 1 cent is okay?!) She was obviously wrong, but I just had to shrug it off and let it go. Now I always avoid her line when I’m at that store – There will be other deals and there will be other cashiers. It became a learning experience!

    • fairydust

      Yes, this happened to me – the guy (he was the line manager!) insisted that it’s always been Target’s policy that free is impossible, but if I would pay 1-cent, then he’d adjust the price for me. I reluctantly said okay, although I knew he was wrong, but I didn’t have the policy with me and 1-cent was certainly a lot better than full price. I look for him now and avoid his sorry arse – LOL! I’ve even blogged about him we’ve had so many run ins over coupon policy interpretation.

  37. mary g.

    i know EXACTLY what you are talking about….. i have had the same experiences (multiple times) at the Target closest to my house. the cashier makes a snide comment about the small amount i am about to pay. the manager makes up her own rules and does NOT understand the difference between “purchase” and “transaction”. customer service at the 800-number is vague with a solution. so my answer was to go to the other Target in my town (granted it is across town, but i gladly drive there in order to get my deals and not be treated like a criminal). before i started shopping at my new Target, i called the store manager and asked her if the transactions i was attempting to do at my old Target would be allowed at her store. she said YES!!! and reaffirmed that i was not breaking any rules. sometimes you just have to cut those “bad” stores out of your shopping rotation. they are loosing out on my $$ and the reimbursement from my coupons.

  38. heather

    I had issues at target about a month ago. I was buying tide in the travel size with a coupon that didn’t have size restrictions. The cashier treated me horrible from the start as soon as he saw the coupons. He read EVERY single word on EACH coupon. I know that some people try to trick them but I am not one of them and I know they have to make sure it works but he was reading them all before even trying to scan them making the line behind me wait. So after reading them all he said he wouldn’t take them because the price was under the coupon price. I told him in the policy it says to mark the coupon down. He refused so I kindly asked for a manager. The manager came over read it and said “No we can’t let you do that.” I explained it has no size limit and what their coupon policy says. I also explained I have bought it at this store before and it was fine, he looked up at me and with a snide voice said “well we are not taking them TODAY.” and walked away. I couldn’t believe that they would treat a target guest so horribly. I got out my cell phone and pulled up the target policy (using Hip2save to find it faster 🙂 ) and handed it to the cashier he called the manager back and he read it and FINALLY let me use the coupon after embarrassing me and my friend and making the whole line wait. I was fuming. I was still very upset the next morning and decided to call the store and talk to the highest up manager that i could find. I told him all that happened and he was tripping over himself to apologize to me and said he would speak to them both as soon as they came in for work. I don’t know if it did any good at all but made me feel a lot better. 🙂 There is lingo you have to use with them to let them know you are serious and know the policy one word to ALWAYS use with them is TARGET GUEST. Never customer. if you use that magic word it works wonders. Good luck on all your shopping trips in the future!

    • Brittany

      The same thing happened to me with trial size Tide at Walmart. The coupon beeped, so a manager was called over, and she yelled at me, saying, “You have to buy a full size Tide. The picture shows a full sized!!!” I then proceded to calmly tell her that the coupon did not state any size rescrictions, and said “any one Tide”. I offered to show her coupons I had that said “trial size excluded” —because they do exist, but this wasn’t one of them! In the end I just had the Tide voided from my transaction. The good news is that this situation is this situation has been the exception, not the rule.

  39. feliciaramirez

    ATLANTA: Hi there coupon friends (aka, CWI)! I totally get where both of you are coming from, I must admit, here in Atlanta the nearby Target employees tend to behave the same way – one day I’m going to ask, “Do you need a hug?”

    On a serious note, what I’ve decided to do is go to each store (Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target, etc) and meet the ACTUAL store manager face to face. After calling to confirm they’re working that day, I’m going to pop in, introduce myself, explain that I am a newby coupon shopper at their store and would like to ‘go over’ (if you will) their corporate coupon policy together…so that I know I’m going by the rules.

    I plan to then ask for their business card, or contact number directly, in the event I run into cashier drama. Now, it may (or may not) work – but, I’m willing to give it a try! Though, I will say that when I called up to Rite Aid and spoke w/the assistant manager, she happily provided managers name and days of week to come by. I happened to go later that day, only to miss the manager by 5 minutes (family emergency).

    Long story short, the assistant apologized repeatedly and asked if she could assist me. I pulled out my notebook (kinda on purpose displaying my organized coupons) and said something along the line of: “Oh, I love shopping at your store. I’m new at couponing and as you can see, I put a lot of time and effort in planning my store purchases. I’ve ran into an issue a time or two with your cashiers, I simply want to understand the policy so I don’t break rules, hold up your line or waste either of our time.”

    She was semi-shocked at my sense of order (organization is MY HEART!), and nodded her head “I UNDERSTAND! Yes, I can see you work hard at it.” A few of their cashiers stood-by and overheard (and I’m smiling big on the inside) only to ask, “Was it me?”

    I’ve received nothing but A+ service since then, I gave the assistant manager my name (Felicia, aka the coupon lady).

    Thanks for the support, love and encouragement to each and every one of us around the globe. Hang in there fellow couponer…let’s continue to kill them with kindness.

    • Wendy

      I want to be organized like you. I am the most unorganized person I know so couponing is not going well for me. I just started. LOL

  40. becky

    I love saving money with coupons but not @ the expense of not coming across to someone as anything but the God fearing christian person that I am so when I go in a store that has a rude or friendly cashier I always try to remember their name and face so I know if I should go back to them the next time. I will not argue with one and I will not hold up other customers cause I think I am “entitled” to a deal. Stores do NOT have to accept coupons (they do cause it is good for business) so I try to just be thankful when I find a good deal and not stress when one doesn’t happen for me. Always ask your self the old saying “WWJD” and go with that..

  41. Vanessa Johnson

    I would’ve just left without buying anything. Why give them the business then, if they are having a problem with their own coupon? And, I hate to say it, but I myself don’t double up on the same coupon (manu + target or whatever) just because I’ve always been afraid of that happening.

  42. Cindy

    i am a new-ish couponer and it’s almost entertaining to hear different cashiers/managers come up with their own “interpretations” of their own stores policies. Sometimes you have to “let it go” or if you end up with the same cashier next time you visit they WILL remember you. In my experience, it nevers goes well after that.
    I was at Safeway last week and had my usual “stack” of coupons. I sorted them in front of the cashier, verbally saying “got this, didn’t get that” making two separate piles to turn in. Then, after scanning them, and even after the register accepting them, he still went through by bags to make sure I had actually purchased a few items he couldn’t remember scanning just moments before.

    Also, I clipped the $10 off a $50 or more purchase out of the newspaper. I also got an email with a Preferred Customer additional savings coupon for $10 off a $75 or more purchase. He insisted that since I was already getting the $10 off, I couldn’t stack the additional $10 off the $75. Since my total was well over $125, I asked that the two totals be combined and I was entitled to both $10 coupons. Or I could separate the order into two and then it would be one coupon per order. “No you can’t do that”. Then I insisted he confer with the manager. He asked the manager who was cashiering at another register and she said, “I’m busy, YOU handle it. I trust you.” Ten bucks is ten bucks, but I shop there often and know I get that cashier pretty regularly. I consider my total savings (which is usually 50-65% with coupons).
    I figured he was having a bad night and considered it my Christmas gift to him to not continue to press the issue. There were only two registers open and each had at least 10 people in each line. It was the night of the University of Oregon and OSU football game and most of the other customers were students with boxes of beer in their arms and they were all obviously irritated at the delay also! Merry Christmas y’all!

  43. Rachael

    It’s SO hard & SO frustrating for me, but somehow it always ends up working out. I RARELY get a really nice, friendly, helpful cashier… In fact my bad experiences with trying to use coupons as far as customer service FAR outweigh the positive ones. You just have to decide what you’re willing to deal with to save money, especially if you’re getting things that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford. If you’re upset, which I generally am, decide how far you want to take it. Sometimes I just leave and try again at a different location. Other times I call corporate offices and file a complaint.

    Personally I think it’s foolish to just be positive no matter what, LoL, people are rude and obnoxious to those of us who are trying to save money. Maybe it’s because they’re jealous (according to my Mom & Grandmother that was ALWAYS the reason people were mean to me growing up, hehe), but maybe it’s because they’re ignorant. If you feel that you need to take action and you were treated unfairly, which it sounds like you were, than do it. Just don’t necessarily expect that to matter. I hope you get some sort of validation from Target Corporate Offices if you pursue this, and I hope you can score a sweet deal at a different location!

    It’s really hard, and really frustrating, but in the end it’s worth it. If it isn’t, than why do it?

  44. Jo

    I agree with some others have already said and try another Target in that case. More than likely another store will rather have your business. You could also try during another shift (different cashier and different manager on duty). I do only get the things I really want or need or know someone that can use it so that I am only using one freebie at a time if the discount will be that great. And I do it while we are doing our regular shopping usually so they would see they would be losing a great deal more if I left without purchasing everything else. We go to a Super Target nearby so they don’t want to lose the sale on all our weekly groceries. I’ve had no issues with that store so far, other than their price match policy is much harder to do than just going to Walmart since you have to have a manager complete your order up at customer service to get the price matches.

  45. the1stkatlife

    I’ve scooped up my items and coupons, and taken them to a different cashier before.
    I live in a small town, and I’ve learned that some checkers hate couponers and some love them, so I memorize who is who. Also, I practice the “choose a cashier, not a line” policy. I told my hubby, when I send him to the store with coupons, to always choose a teenage boy, or someone smiling and happy, or anyone who doesn’t look like they will care if the store they work for is giving merchandise out “too cheap” or “for free”.

    • lilminky

      I’m right there with ya! My fiance is really good at scoping out the good checkers now!

  46. Tamara

    That would be enough for me to NEVER shop there again. Oh, and believe me, I hold to it. There is a coffee shop in town where the barista was extreemly rude ( this had nothing to do with coupons) and I even thought she was going to hurt me! I talked with the manager, and even though she was screaming at me, right in front of him, she still works there.

  47. crystal

    Target is on my it has to be super awesome list. Meaning if i am going to go and get hit or miss on deals then i need to be getting a ton of stuff for free and not have my husband or daughter with me. I just know that if the deals dont work out i walk away. It really sux that sometimes all goes well and then a few weeks later nothing goes well.

  48. mandi

    I’ve had almost the same situation happen to me at Target. I immediately wrote down every employees name I dealt with and that were wrong and rude and went out to my car and called Corporate. Surprisingly, they have been much better ever since I did that, so it must have worked!

  49. Kelly

    I, too, had a recent experience with Target. I had purchased the Pringles snack stacks and almost all of the individual packs were broken/crushed. I called Pringles and told them and they apologized and sent me a coupon for a “any free Pringles”. I went to Target and purchased the snack stacks again (costs around $5.30ish) and tried to use the coupon which would make it free. I had also purchased a single can of Pringles, too. I noticed that the lady was using the coupon for the can of Pringles and I said I wanted to use the coupon for the snack stacks. She said, “No way, that would make them free. It has to be used on a smaller size”. I explained that this coupon was rare because my Pringles were crushed and she refused, so I just took the coupon to the customer service desk on my way out and explained the situation and she read the coupon, too, as it would work on the snack stacks and gave me my $5.30ish back. The coupon clearly stated “any free Pringles”. From now on, I’m just going to go to customer service desk if the cashier refuses and hopefully get my coupon to go through. I never abuse coupons. I always get what they say to get. I agree, they make you feel so bad for trying to get something for free. I can’t help my Pringles were crushed in the first place!!

  50. Brittany Erickson

    Yes, I think just about everyone has had this experience. My husband and I did the recent Leapfrog Tag deal. I checked out in one line, he in another. I went through just fine, but he did not. We didn’t get mad, but instead had the manager come over and talked with them. They saw our side and ran it through, but they were not happy because we were getting the item, for too cheap. That is not really their place to decide if its too cheap. But, people will just do what they want and you have to just leave it alone. If you don’t get one deal, you will save big on another deal! 🙂

    • christen

      I don’t think that the executives or marketing department at Target would appreciate the cashiers telling people they are getting it “too cheap” at Target, lol. I’m pretty sure that would go against the Target brand!

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