What Would YOU Do in this Situation?

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I received the email below from a reader and can completely relate to what she had to say. If you’re a couponer, then I’m guessing you’ll be able to relate too…

I read your website religiously, and have gotten over being treated like a criminal when I use a lot of coupons by managers/cashiers. What I am having a hard time with, however, is “letting it go”, when I know I am right regarding a certain deal.

I went into Target this past weekend with my sleepwear coupon and Tums MC/TQ among others. The cashier said I couldn’t use the sleepwear coupon because it wasn’t pants as shown on the picture. I nicely explained to her the bakery coupons show a whole cake, does that mean that is what I have to buy? She then said I couldn’t because I would be getting it for “too cheap”. Pardon?? She then set that coupon and my Tums coupon aside and called a manager. I was glad because I thought she would set her straight, given Target’s recent coupon problems.

The manager proceeded to say I couldn’t use that one or 2 Tums Coupons because I would be getting it “free”. She said she would only take one coupon for the Tums and not the sleepwear at all. I pulled out the policy, but nothing I could say would sway her. She said “the problem is, you people don’t listen!’

By this time I was livid, and called customer service while in the store. She said she was a supervisor and read from the manual, and said it is up to a managers discretion to accept a coupon if it beeps, with no apology whatsoever for the horrible customer service.

My question is, what do you do when you are very honest ( I call it CWI, couponing with integrity) but you know you have every right to a deal, and get treated with such disrespect? What happened to Customer Service? What would you do?

Here are my thoughts…

I am a very positive person and well, don’t spend too much time or energy on being angry. It’s not worth it to me. Now don’t get me wrong, I have been angry upon leaving a store before, however, letting it ruin my whole day doesn’t do any good and really makes me feel as if I’m letting the store “Win”. Instead I try to focus on the positive shopping experiences I’ve had and the amazing cashiers and employees I’ve dealt with. There is always going to be a not so coupon friendly cashier out there and maybe even one that is downright disrespectful… but there is also always going to be a kind and very coupon friendly cashier. Focus on those great experiences and the bad ones will start to feel like distant memories. Being positive, laughing, smiling… it can do wonders… even to grumpy cashiers! 😉

Now it’s your turn – what would YOU do in this situation?

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Comments 694

  1. Janice

    I have to say…I HATE using coupons at Target…I don’t go there unless its a really great toy deal…and my Target seems to be short on cashiers…so its always a hassle to check out anyway!
    I think we send a ton of emails like we did Walmart…they came around (at least I haven’t had to many problems and I’ve even had cashiers point out coupons and price matches!).
    That’s my 2cents..if just one of us isn’t going to change the way the treat us at Target…maybe a lot of us will! lol I’m not saying be mean..just saying we all plead our case together!

  2. tinahorn

    I would just tell them void my order and leave.

  3. Vaylene

    I too have had horrible experience but please remember to call in and COMPLIMENT the good working ones. This is a boost in their self confiendence that they are doing a good job. Being a cashier downright stinks and they are treated horrible. Plus there are some couponers out there that give the rest of us a bad rep. Whenever i have a awesome time at a store I make the time to go out of my way and call their boss and compliment on how wonderful they are. It will make a world of a differnce. Plus it’s great to feel appriciated!!

    • Francoise Van Heusden

      Excellent points, Vaylene! Plus it feels good to go out of your way to compliment someone.

    • Judy

      Vaylene, I have also called the store after a positive shopping experience. One day I was operating from another planet. Couldn’t get my transactions correct. The cashier was helping me look through fliers for coupons and rebates!!! I made sure to call before I left the parking lot to complement on the excellent customer service. Now I make sure when shopping at that store to seek her out. We are all each other’s customer in one way.

  4. Angie

    I would have reacted the same way you did…. i used my sleepwear coupon online and it def. was not for pants… what exactly does she mean by you people won’t listen.. people that want to save money is that who she is referring to..It would be easy to get mad.. i have not had that done to me .. yet.. and im not sure how i will react.. sorry to hear that you had sucha bad experience.. wouldn’t they want the same deal? do they not get a certain percent off for their employee discount????

  5. FrugalDarling

    I just politely ask for my coupon back, ask them to remove the item from my transaction, and take the coupon to another store — or skip the deal altogether. If they are particularly rude, I’ve been known to have them cancel my ENTIRE purchase. I’ll spend my money elsewhere that day. And I’ll know to avoid that particular cashier or store in the future! It’s hard not to get burned up (and I have, trust me!) but with so many great deals to be had, there’s no point in running up your own blood pressure.

  6. Jennifer

    Oh, man! I could have written that letter! I take it ALL to heart and find it really difficult to let it go. I love the phrase “couponing with integrity”! It can be really frustrating to study the system, stay within the lines and be looked down upon by cashiers.

    I have a topic for ya: How do you all shut off the “couponing-brain” when you don’t need it? Visions of ECB’s dancing in my head!

    • Stephanie W

      LOL!! Sometimes I have dreams that I’m on a couponing trip!

    • Jenny

      I take that kind of stuff to heart as well. If someone were to say that to me, I would have walked out of the store and been devastated the rest of the day. I wish there was an easier way to “let it go”, because if it’s in my brain, I’m going to dwell on it! I have also stopped using coupons at Target (not completely, but darn near). If the deal doesn’t have to do with any of their “glitches” I will try it, but otherwise I’m missing out!

    • Kara

      Oh thank goodness – I thought I was only one losing my mind………………..

  7. Lynsey

    People will treat you however you LET them treat you. I am polite, but very assertive. I am not committing a crime and I should still be considered a valid, paying customer. The folks at Rite Aid literally roll their wyes when they see me walk in the door, but I kill them with kindness.

    It always baffles me how there can be any room for translation when their coupon policy is staring them straight in the face.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Stores can vary so much….my rite aid cashiers will wait and see what kind of deals I get…..never roll their eyes and are always so friendly.

    • Tami

      I also have had such good customer service at Rite Aid. They don’t mind a bit when I come with a pile of coupons. It shows how a store’s reputation is based a lot on its employees. But you definitely have the right attitude… “killing them with kindness”…love it! 🙂

      • Suzy

        Rite Aid is my favorite store and I love all (ok most) of the cashiers there. I even gave a gift to one cashier for her new grandbaby…. guess what, I don’t even know her name but she is ALWAYS friendly and I know she just had her first grandchild.

        Random acts of kindness…..

    • Lise

      I have had a Walgreen cashier tell me that the item I was buying was buy 1 get one free and pulled the 50 cent coupon off for that same item. I think its really has to do with who the person is. Really?? who cares if I get it for free…they should be happy that we save that much money

  8. Roseann

    I would just tell them “Thank you, I no longer what these items.” I probably would not shop a that Target any longer also. I would love to know which Target this occurred? Stores are paid for the coupons by the manufacture so they are always “paid” for an item even if it is free to the customer.

    • DP

      I am the person that wrote this letter. I live in S Florida…

      • Amanda N

        Where at? I’m in Port Charlotte and this sounds like our Target here!

        • DP

          Coral Springs

          • Mikki

            Was it the Magnolia one? I always have problems there. I usually have pretty good service at the one on 441.

    • Jaylaskye

      No, only if the coupon barcode and PIN have not been redeemed. So many stores have a problem with the manufacturer not redeeming a coupon because it was fraudulent. It’s part of the reason some stores dread couponers… because some of them are costing the store a ton of money.

      We get 4 prints of each coupon at our house (LEGALLY) most people only get two. The manufacturer intends it to be that way. So I always pass over the third and fourth prints.

    • Mel

      Yes, stores are reimbursed for the coupons used at the store and given a small fee (depending on the company/coupon) for their hassle. I will never understand where cashiers get the idea that they are losing money when customers use coupons.

  9. Francoise Van Heusden

    I try to remember that when someone treats me poorly, that the behavior speaks volumes about them & nothing about me. They get to keep their pajama pants. I get to smile & take my business elsewhere. And THAT you CAN’T take from me.

  10. Lisa Porter

    This has happened to me many times. At first I use to get so mad and not purchase the items. Now I smile at them and say “that’s okay”, leave the items, go put the things I did purchase in the car and head right back in the store, get the items they wouldn’t let go through and head to another cashier. That usually works, There was a time, I had to go into the store a third time but that only happened once!!

  11. Michelle

    What you *can* do is note the store number on the back of a card, receipt or on your phone. WRITE the Target Headquarters asking that the manager ( and in turn the employees ) be updated on the corporate coupon policy. Be nice, be polite, and include the address of the store, and manager’s name. Let Target deal with their (frustrating) managers.
    Then consistently shop at another target store! 🙂

    • April

      I had a similar problem. Target would not take full value of my coupons. After I paid for my items I noticed that I didn’t get the deal I though I would. When I asked the cashier she said it was to late. Then I asked to talk to a manager they sent me to Customer Service desk. They told me the same thing about the pictures not matching the coupons. Even though it was not for just a certain item, just a certain name brand. Also that my coupons was worth more than my products. It was a $4 coupon that they only gave me $1.79 for it. They didn’t have to give me full value of the coupons. I gave her a copy of my “policy” she wouldn’t even look at it. So I asked for her to show me their coupon policy. She got very RUDE with me infront of my kids and I was VERY upset then. When I told them I wanted my coupons back they refused. I called headquarters and they were GREAT!!! They helped me and got my FULL refund!!! I also go my coupons back 🙂 They said if I EVER had anymore problems with them and to just contact them again that they were having ALOT of “couponers” being treated VERY mean!

    • Kimberly

      HAHAHAHAHA!!! Good for him!! That’s the way to get their attention!! 🙂 Word of mouth, along with a great news crew will do it , LOL!! 🙂 Thank you sharing that wonderful story, I bet when she saw herself on the tube, she wanted to pass out…..Fit’s her just right, how dare she?…..;)

  12. Jermy

    I’m a cashier too and I love coupons! I could never understand why people hate them so much, theyre awesome! I think people just in general hate being held up and when they see someone with coupons (whether it be a cashier or another customer) they dont like it. I was checking out today and there was a usual couponer and she had maybe 8 coupons and she was doing price checks and the guy behind her his expression said it all, he even came and told me how she was so slow LOL. But in all actuality she didnt give a care about who was behind her, her eyes were glued to the screen!
    See the point is youve got to not care about what others think, they dont pay your bills, they dont take care of you, so who are they to judge you for using coupons? In this economy you have to save as much money as you can.

    So my advice in this situation is dont let them ruin your day, karma is a you know what, what they did to you at Target will happen to them, I just let fate play out, because one day maybe theyll need to use coupons and theyll be like “now I see why people use coupons” :). Also I would call corporate, had the same problem at Walmart, called corporate, so I came back and got my free bodywash :).

  13. Gina R.

    I have been there! I get so angry sometimes, that I just want to scream! My last experience was with a store manager at Albertsons. She pretty much made me feel like a criminal for trying to use a high value Wholly Guacamole coupon. She said that it coudn’t possibly be real. It looked like a photocopy to her. I assured her that it wasn’t and she said she wouldn’t accept it. If that was the end of it it would have been fine. She then proceeded to start showing all the cashiers the supposedly fraudulent coupon as other customers were watching. It made me feel terrible! I called corporate to complain, but never heard back from them again. I then contacted Wholly Guacamole and they said it was a real coupon. I thought what do I do now? Do I waste my own time and go in and show this Manager proof that its legit? Every time I see her now I actually feel a little bit ill. People need to be more kind!

    • Angela

      I refuse to shop at Albertsons because of terrible customer service. I also wrote corporate, and they did not respond, so I haven’t shopped there in 10 years.

      • Jens

        I have reduced my Albs shopping to only the doubler promo days for this reason too. Their cashiers are rude and corporate does nothing. I’ve seen other cashiers off duty and doing their personal shopping in the line before me using coupons–and the cashier treated them VERY nice–but then went back to being rude when it was my turn. I hate Alberstons with a passion! I hope they go out of business.

    • Dorinne

      I had a Walmart manager do that to me with a Glade coupon. She even tried to keep it to “show everyone what to look out for”. I was like WTF. I used my ink and paper to print that sucker off the computer, legitimately, and demanded she give it back so I could use it at a store that wanted my business. But, honestly, was so embarrassed by it I didn’t try to use the coupon anywhere else because I didn’t want it to happen again. And it was for 7 off! ugh!

  14. Lisa Allsop

    I have had a very similar situation with Office Depot. I took it to corporate and wrote them a letter with my phone number, I received a call from them within a week and it was resolved to my satisfaction and in my favor.

  15. terri

    I just got home from Bed Bath and Beyond to do a refund, the manager was a gigantic jerk, I had ordered some items and they were unable to fulfill the order so I wanted my cash back,you would think I was asking for the world, I just wanted my $68 of which I will not ever spend there again. I won’t shop there anymore but I also won’t let him ruin the day, I just spent my $68 elsewhere. Thats the best way to handle rude associates. Spend your money where they appreciate it.

  16. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I don’t get it… did the coupon for the sleepwear beep? I purchased 3 sleep shorts that were clearanced and got the $10 off. I don’t shop target very often closest one is 1 1/2 hours away.

    • DP

      Yes it did. But what made me mad was the cashier didn’t even attempt to scan them before arguing. She was looking for reasons not to take them, and kept saying things like “you have to buy x to get this y” and I kept saying please don’t act as if I didn’t, I did. When the manager came over, she spoke about me in third person, as if I wasn’t even standing there. At the point the manager said “you people” I said “what exactly does that mean, you people?” Customer service FAIL, Target!

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        That is awful….what were you trying to buy? I bought 3 sleepshorts that were on clearance for 5.98 each and had no problem with the coupon. It is terrrible you were treated so badly…why don’t they get that a coupon is money for the store (granted not if it is a target coupon), but maybe it is still money for the store because I would not have gotten the sleep shorts if not for coupon.

        • DP

          They weren’t all sleep shorts, just one pair, but the other two were more expensive anyway, Gilligan O Malley, as the coupon specified.

    • Emily

      I know mine beeped for this Target coupon. I did this deal twice, and both times had to pull the items out that they just bagged and show that it was the right brand and that it said “sleepwear” on the inside tag. Kinda a hassle but worth it for such a great deal.

  17. Lindsey

    Seriously, that’s a crappy situation. Sorry to hear about such rough treatment to a fellow couponer. 🙁 When a cashier starts giving me flack about the way I’m using my coupons (and I legitimately know that I was right, just as in your case), I just tell them to void the transaction, give me back my coupons, let them know that I will take care of the items so they hand them all back to me, and walk in line for another cashier to finish out my shopping. It’s not worth the time or effort to fight someone who believes they are in the right, especially when they think you are doing something dishonest . Better to finish your shopping experience with a more helpful cashier and have a potentially better experience AND get your deals, than to have to fight someone only to end up not getting what you wanted in the first place.

  18. nancy

    I have found that walmart and target are beginning to be the 2 worst stores to use coupons at. Seems like everytime i try to use coupons at these stores the cashiers try anything they can to stop you from getting any thing free or cheap.And yes more than not they do call for the manager and of course the manager says it is up to the cashiers descretion if she wants to accept the coupon or not. I think that it is very unfair to us couponers, that the stores are are allowing their employees to make decisions like this. Because cashiers don’t want you getting anything free or cheap and some are very rude. I don’t shop very much at target or walmart anymore, its not worth getting stressed or being embarassed by the cashiers. I do a lot of shopping at walgreens and cvs where they treat you nicely! I bought a thank you card for a cashier at my favorite walgreens, I thinked her for being courteous, friendly and patient when she read the card she started crying, she then hugged me and thanked me! It made me feel good to let her know that she was appreciated for her excellent customer service.

    • Lorna

      I was in my local Walmart a few weeks ago, and presented my Internet Qs, only to be told by the cashier that she could not accept them because I had cut inside the lines (you know, the lines of tiny writing with the scissor icon that shows you where to cut). She said she had to be able to see the lines. So now I have set my printer to print at 95% of full size, so now I can cut OUTSIDE the lines, and they’ll still fit into the inserts in my binder.

      • MommyPants

        OMG, thats rediculous. I print mine on the back of a recycled paper with junk on it. My cuts are not nearly straight and i only print black/white. I guess I’m lucky I’ve had minimal problems in my area. A few to note but mostly I’ve been successful.

  19. jami

    I am so glad that I am not the only person dealing with rude, inconsiderate supervisors and even store managers. Target’s customer service over the past few years has progressively gotten worse. They appear to hire any person that has no common sense.

    • Mareesa H

      Yikes- please don’t forget that there are good people working at these stores and to make a blanket comment like that is worse than the treatment of the cashier.

  20. Jamie

    I can now brush off the rude and accusatory comments made by store personel because I know that it only means they are uneducated on how to do their own jobs which I find sad. Usually I just politely ask the items be taken off my order and coupons returned to me and do the deal another day or at another store. What I have a really hard time with is other customers when they start making comments. I was paying with ECB’s & Gift Card at CVS one day and the gentleman behind me said very rudely “whenever your done negotiating your bill” I turned around and told him that I had already let several people go ahead of me and that I too deserved my turn in line to purchase my items and that I was not “negotiating” I was paying and would be out of his way in a moment. He stormed out of the store and I was pretty angry for the rest of the morning.

  21. Kathleen

    Like many others, I would take my coupons back and use them at a different store. I can understand the managers having final say on what coupons they take and blah, blah, blah, but don’t treat me like dirt becuase I use coupons. Don’t tell me I am “stealing” because I happen to get an item for free or close to free. That is what coupons are there for, to lower the price of products!

    If the cashier/manager keeps things on a professional level then that is fine and I will be equally professional back. If they want to pull the gloves off and get nasty, then that is what they will get back. No one should be treated poorly because they use coupons. Damn straight the corporate office will be getting a call for the treatment that I get. And if that person is rude, then I will go to the next level.

    They are in the customer service industry. Dealing with people is what they signed up for, good and bad. They need to treat every single person the same regardless of how much money they are spending.

  22. Vivi

    My gut would tell me to definitely react to the “you people” comment, that could be taken in so many ways, but I know for sure I’d just ask for the items to be removed from the transaction and try again some other time.

  23. amber

    i threaten to never shop there again…that usually works. But i mean it too! I haven’t gone back to safeway on 67th ave in Glendale, AZ since i had multiple bad experiences with them.

  24. Sherry

    I’m always suprised to hear so many people complain about Target. I go there often and have never had any problems. I went last night and the cashier looked at the screen after each coupon was scanned to make sure it was deducted, she was very nice and told me “That is the way to do it”. I am constantly getting positive comments from cashiers about how well I did or how much I saved. Saturday I bought groceries at Safeway, I had alot of coupons and a $15 off your next $50 cat (from buying giftcards). The cashier knew the customer behind me and she told him he should start using coupons because he could save alot of money. I ended up spending $21, got $3 cat back, and saved $66. When my recipt was printing she looked at my savings and told the other customer how much I saved and he said “Wow, I really should start using coupons”.

    I think going in with a smile and a positive attitude can make a huge difference. The times that a deal did not work out were times I did not feel like shopping or just wasn’t in a very good mood.

  25. Miranda Murphy

    I have completely stopped using coupons at Target because I can never win with them. I try not to let it bother me too much because I know going in I won’t have much luck. This is also why I never shop at Walgreens. Our walgreens has a ton of issues with coupons and the last time I used two coupons that beeped the cashier immediately threw them in the trash can (they weren’t expired or anything). I also now drive an extra 15 minutes to get to a rite aid that is very coupon friendly. Today I misread the sign about the nailpolish and had to return a ton of stuff to get the +ups. The cashier spent a good twenty minutes with me trying to figure out how to re-work the coupons in to the new transaction and I came out of there making money, and re-validating why I travel the extra time to shop there. I know cashiers are just doing what they are taught but I think it can be frustrating for them to get a lecture from a “civilian” and also for us because we put so much preparation in to our shopping trips… at least I do, and when something doesn’t work it can be insanely frustrating. If worse comes to worse I ask for the cashier to kindly void my trasnaction and I leave. NO complaints called or anything of that nature

  26. Vanessa

    Always complain to a store manager (not just the cashier supervisor). When you have time at home later-call Target corporate. It may not change anything for you but, if they get LOTS of complaints, perhaps they will start training their employees better! I have been a serious couponer for 15 months. I have only had to call a corporate office 3 times- 2 for Target and 1 for Albertson’s.

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I emailed & called Target corporate last year, twice. After the second time calling, I have not had any problems. I later heard that calls like mine prompted the staff to be re-trained on coupon acceptance! This store is not a Super Target, and in a smaller town. I was very impressed and, needless to say, surprised!

  28. Meridith

    Yep, been there done that. “Some” cashiers and managers just won’t listen. Many years ago, the customer came first (well when I worked at Food Lion many years ago). I said this in another post somewhere, but I will say it again. There are too many people without a job right now that want a job. Cashiers and managers should be thankful for customers that are providing the job that they have right now.

  29. heidi

    I have the most problems using coupons at WalMart. There is one lady that works there who will work w/ me but the rest? Not so much. If the machine beeps or they don’t like the looks of it there are alot that do NOT try at all.
    I just ask them to take that product off and go on from there. Do I get angry? not really. Frustrated? Definitely. But I personally probably wouldn’t have taken it as far as that woman did unless they got really obnoxious w/ me 🙂

  30. Lisa

    I recently had somewhat of a similar experience in a Food Lion store in Frostburg, MD. The cashier rang up my 20-year-old sons order in line in front of me and he was using a $1.50 off Frigio Cheesehead Snacks that I had offered him. The cashier was rude and barked at him loudly that they don’t accept internet coupons. To which I replied, “Since when? I have been using them here for over a year.” My son, of course was embarassed by her yelling at him and said just never mind. She pointed to a xeroxed sign on the post above her register which showed a Dr. Pepper fraudulent internet coupon they were directed not to accept. I asked for the store manager by name whom I was familiar with (my daughter was formerly employeed at the same store) because this manager always accepted them. I told the cashier nicely and calmly that the majority of my purchases I was about to buy were using internet manufacturers coupons and if they weren’t going to accept them then I wasn’t going to be buying anything at the store or shopping there in the future. That without the coupons I wasn’t able to afford all that I had pickced up for full price. She said well it’s not my fault and besides of course you want me to take them because you would be getting all this stuff for nothing. Again I told her I wanted to speak to the manager. The cashier called the gentleman store manager on duty and asked him. While he was there looking them over I proceeded to point out to him that they were not fraudulent and showed him all the indicators on them that showed they were legit (like the border around the coupon that you cut around containing the date and time I printed each one, the value of the coupon, the expiration date, etc., as well as the ones that actually print with their own individual i.d. numbers, and fraud deterents like background images that appear if the coupons are photo copied versions). He then instructed her to take the coupons. She changed her attitude then and was apologizing saying they were told not to take them before. This time I stuck my ground and remained calm on the outside even though I was angry at her on the inside and was able to finish my grocery shopping. I like all of you who previouly commented don’t take kindly to being accused of committing fraud. There may be some out there who would attempt those types of things but I certainly am not one of them. So stand your ground and don’t let peoples bad attitudes, impatience, and ignorance intimidate you. If they continue to act in a rude manner and give you bad customer service then tell them you will be glad to go spend your hard earned money at the competitors stores! 🙂

  31. Karen L

    Oh my my…. CAN I EVER RELATE TO YOU! I have this problem often at my local Target store, I truly dislike shopping there. Im not a huge complainer, but this store brings out the witch in me. I have called customer service several times about this store. I figure, sooner or later they WILL get the message and do something about the way customers are treated by snotty cashiers and managers. Until then, keep your chin up girl and keep trying!:)

    • DP

      Thank you so much for the kind words 🙂

  32. Casey

    I had the same issue at Target last week. I had a coupon for $5 off any Enfamil powder 22oz or larger. The cashier would not accept my coupon because I was buying the bulk box. I didn’t argue with her. I just bought the box and then went back and got a tub so I could use my coupon, as it expired that day. She was pretty rude, but I never have a good experience at Target. That’s why I rarely shop there anymore.

  33. Kim S.

    Something similar to this always happens to me at the Dollar General Store of all places. I went to use the $5.00/25.00 coupon I had a coupon for almost every item I purchased. Some were from my Sunday paper and some were printed. They told me they didn’t take coupons printed from the internet. I said really you don’t then I laid down the $5.00 off 25.00 Dollar General Store coupon I had printed off line. I said well you’d better call corporate and tell them that. Then she pointed to the list of fraudulent coupons and I just smiled and said but I don’t have any of those coupons to present. It never fails every time I go to Dollar General they give me a hard time and act like I have a counterfeit coupon machine just plopping out fake coupons for toilet tissue and dishwashing liquid and such.

    • Amber

      I soooo had a HUGE issue with DG recently. I always shopped there prior to getting into couponing and I no longer shop there at all. I had a very rude manager who said to me “You are committing coupon fraud. I have been in this business 20 years, I think I know what I’m talking about.” blah blah. I called corporate and a regional manager called me back and apologized for his behavior but still refused to give me a clear answer on why they didn’t accept my coupon. I was told only “one” coupon per transaction, so if I bought 4 things, I would have to make 4 transactions and they didn’t allow that many transactions by one customer, etc. I did get VERY angry but I tried to brush it off. I did explain to the regional manager that he lost a LONG time customer.

  34. Treva

    I had a situation at Krogers, where I got into it with the cashier. Never again, as it has been said before, leave those female cashiers alone!!! Find a young man, he doesn’t care too much about coupons!

  35. Lauren

    my husband works for target’s ditribution center and we have conversations all the time about targets customers service and coupon issues. At the distribution center they are all about feedback and positive behavior but it seems to me that hasn’t transferred to the stores. I am sad to say that I have been treated horrible by managers at target on more than one occasion and they know my husband works there because they have his discount card in their hand. All I can say is keep trying and know that I and many other families appreciate you shopping there and supporting our families.

    • DP

      I want you to know I usually LOVE shopping at Target and this one bad experience won’t stop me. I have 4 kids and I think of the wonderful Christmas I am going to be able to give my children because of this website, and others, and stores like Target that have such awesome deals!

  36. Joy

    My Airwick $3 candle coupon didn’t go through the other day at Target. The cashier scanned it but it never took it off. I didn’t realize it until I got home. So what did I do? I marched myself back to the store the next day and returned the candle. Sure, I lost out on my coupon, but in the end Target lost because I got my money back. 🙂
    There has been only one time a Target cashier rejected one of my coupons. It was the C9 coupons from the spring. Cashier tried to tell me the clearanced hoodie I was buying wasn’t a C9 product. Um, whatever. So I just told her I didn’t want it. It was late at night and I didn’t feel like arguing. Some things in life just aren’t worth battling or making a scene over.
    Also, I never try to buy trial or travel size items with coupons. To me that’s just setting yourself up for disappointment or failure. I rather use the savings for larger products when they go on sale. 🙂

  37. Joy

    Also, just remember that this time of year a lot of the cashiers are just temporary help and they may not have received the full education in the coupon policy because they had a quick training (if any at all) just to get by for the season. Thus, patience is an utmost virtue when dealing with cashiers. I have no excuse for them the rest of the year though. LOL.

  38. pollyanna

    I would ask the manager ” Then WHAT is the coupon good on? What of my items does not qualify?” Throw it back on the manager to tell you what the coupon is for and see what she says. Take her/him physically to the dept and tell them to get those items. Then ring them up and when they beep, like that coupon has EVERYTIME i have used it, you can then tell them how idiotic they are for rejecting it in the first place and that sometimes not every item is inputted for a particular coupon. I make it a point that if I know its going to beep to warn them upfront and it tends to go ALOT better than not letting them know your “trying” to get away with something when your just being a CWI

  39. Lisa

    This really hits home for me. I recently had a similar experience with a Target store manager. When I referenced the store policy with coupons, he asked me for a copy! He told me they didn’t have a copy at the store. Such a blatant lie! He was surprised when I had my printed copy and accused me of fabricating. Sooooooo I pulled out the ole Ipad and pulled the coupon policy directly from the store website. He flat out refused to honor any of my coupons after that. I have not gone back to that Target.

  40. Rachel E

    Im getting so SICK and TIRED of Target! I think its time for us women to ban together and get as many local news stations as we can involved. We need to “air their dirty laundry” and maybe corprate will step up and address these issues!

  41. Bethanie

    I have had good and bad times with a number of cashiers. I have done the whole thing and made them hand the coupons back and not get the product(s). I have even gone to the same store across town and gotten what I wanted. I have even decided to not shop somewhere again because of the problems I have had. I had that happen this weekend and still got some of the items but not and made them take it off the bill and got my coupon back on the things they wouldn’t except the coupons for.

  42. Esther Wruck

    I agree with you! Kindness reaps kindness!

  43. Barbara Hughes

    I look at couponing as a job-one that I do before I shop to save money. After starting to read this blog and finding out how to reduce my bills was wonderful. One thing I did have trouble with was the idea that I could use a certain combination or even just one coupon and get an item for free and it is perfectly legal. I think many cashiers have trouble with this concept. I often explain to them the store doesn’t lose money it will actually make a few cents more in the long run. Sometimes no matter what you do though the store won’t honor a coupon. Now the Walmart where I live doesn’t want to match Rite Aid prices because of the Wellness card-the idea being you wouldn’t get the deals if you didn’t have the card and it isn’t the everyday price of the item. I live in a very small town with very limited stores. Before the Wellness card I never had this trouble. Price matching was a life saver because our Rite Aid is very small and you are lucky if they have 2 of the items on sale on the shelf.

  44. Amy

    for all of those that have issues with Walmart contact the store manager. Their theory is that losing a customer is not worth a few dollars. I work there and they made a huge deal about customer must win. so far I haven’t really had issues at one store more than another it really depends on the cashier. I don’t dwell on it but I am also the type of person who will walk away from a cart full of stuff if I get harassed and also politely let them know that they wouldn’t have a job of it wasn’t for customers. Its not worth it.

  45. Tara

    I have been in this situation too! I use the P&G $1 tide coupons to buy the travel ones, but one time the Target cashier said, “It has to be exactly what is in the picture!” I politely showed her where it said “ANY SIZE”, but she wouldn’t budge! I even explained that I buy them with the exact same coupons every other month or so. She insisted that was impossible because she was a supervisor and knows that they do not let people buy travel items with coupons! I wasn’t going to argue anymore. I just kindly asked that she remove them from my order……and went back the next day to use my coupons! The funniest part of this was her name badge said “trainer” under her name…..hmm maybe she wasn’t a supervisor afterall! lol

  46. Elizabeth

    Here is a one-time Enjoy the Ride code…

    • Megan

      thanks! there are 13 points!

  47. Kelly T

    I have only had a few negative experiences, but I also have certain restrictions that I put on MYSELF….I have been using coupons and been a follower of H2S for just over a year now. At first couponing was hard to keep up with and it seemed like I was always chasing one deal after another. I have since limited myself to 2 of ANY item, no matter how great the deal, I don’t care if it is free!! Online, in stores, coupons, etc, never more than two of ANYTHING. Because, guess what? The deal ALWAYS comes back around! I haven’t had to “run out” to the store for toothpaste, shampoo, cleaning supplies, etc ONCE since I started this. My Christmas shopping was done in August, and I already have birthday presents started for next year. Be careful about greed and the “gambling feeling” of chasing that great deal. Eventually you will realize that it takes up more time than it needs to, and your life is consumed with “stuff” instead of the things that are really important. It’s also OK to leave the deal on the shelf if it’s going to ruin your mood or employees are going to bring you down. It will come around again in the future, I PROMISE! You are more likely to get hassled for 20 coupons for travel sized Old Spice body wash, then only two, right? It’s ok to leave some on the shelf for other people, it’s ok to walk away from a deal, but it’s certainly OK to report someone who is rude to you as well, that should never slide. Remember ladies, most phones have recording capabilities…….just sayin!!!!

    • Gina S.

      Well said! I completely agree!

  48. Karen

    My sister went to WAGS over Black Friday, she was apologizing for their coupons when the cashier said “Don’t apologize, we love it when you use coupons, it’s money in the bank for us. The manufacturer pays for the RR and the Manufactures coupons” FINALLY someone who get’s it!
    I usually write a letter to corporate but I do so in a very professional way and leave out the emotional criticism. I don’t ask for anything but that they review their policies with their employees to keep consistency. I also explain that word of mouth is powerful and every customer should be considered valuable. They may not make a ton on that one transaction but good customer service will bring them repeat business. Sometimes I get a thank you, other times a sorry and sometimes a gift card. It just helps to get it off my chest. Good luck! But if it were me I wouldn’t let it go without at least a letter.

  49. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I ask for their full name and their position. I do go home and write corporate (which usually does nothing but I get it logged in anyway) and then I go back on a different time, different lane or different day and try again. Keep trying, they will eventually get tired of you and give in to you if you keep running into the same person. I had this happen with one manager at Target and I have told her every time I have a problem it is with her explicitly and she looked at me and said” I don’t ever remember seeing you” LOL well I remember her…. so you see they do not dwell on it nor should you. I just go to someone else if they are difficult or go another day. Targets in my area have high turnover rate so most are new enough they know nothing and take the coupons.

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