Extreme Couponing… What are Your Thoughts?

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As many of you have emailed, there is a new show airing tonight at 8pm EST on TLC called Extreme Couponing. The show profiles four coupon-obsessed savers (as TLC calls them) trying to get as much as they can for as little as they can. The show sounded pretty interesting, but as I started to read the description… well, I am not sure if interesting is the right word.  Why you ask? Well, here goes…

*Important Note: The statements I make below are just my opinions. You do not have to agree with them and I have no problem with you sharing your points, even if they differ. I do, however, have a problem with disrespectful comments, inappropriate language and just being downright cruel. Those type of comments will be deleted. Thank you for your understanding.

So now my thoughts on this new show… I personally do not like how couponers are portrayed on the show. Now before I go on, I know they are portrayed like this for ratings… I get that. They want people’s jaws to drop and eyes to be wide open.  But, it still stinks.

Meet the shoppers of TLC’s EXTREME COUPONING:

Nathan started clipping coupons four years ago when he and his wife took a closer look at their finances. Now, debt free with more than 10,000 items stockpiled in his garage, Nathan is preparing for the biggest haul of his life. On his latest visit to the supermarket, Nathan is leaving with over 2,000 items – his most massive checkout to date. With 1,100 boxes of cereal, 300 toothbrushes and 60 bottles of hand soap, Nathan is looking forward to topping himself and saving thousands of dollars in the process!
Retail value: $5,743.00 Nathan’s cost after utilizing his coupons: $241.00 – 95% savings!

Amanda is a full-time Storage Facility Manger in Cincinnati, OH who spends up to 70 hours a week researching in-store promotions, clipping coupons and surfing the internet for the latest and greatest deals. She already has a stockpile of products from previous couponing ventures worth up to $15,000. But this extreme saver is most proud of her collection of toilet paper – over 3,000 rolls – enough to last the average couple about 40 years! Now, with the help of her husband, Amanda is preparing for her largest checkout ever consisting of nine baskets of food, beauty and pet products including 218 boxes of pasta, 268 containers of noodles, 100 bottles of sport drink and 150 candy bars.
Retail value: $1,175.33. Amanda’s cost after utilizing her coupons: $51.67.

To me a great show on couponing would be a show that is teaching the average person how to coupon. A person that doesn’t have 70 hours a week to scour ads and clip coupons, a person that doesn’t have access to an entire garage to store all of their “goods”… and really, who needs that many “goods”?!

It’s called reality TV… but in my opinion, it’s definitely not realistic. As a coupon blogger, I hope Hip2Save motivates and inspires all of you. I try to make sure the videos I make ARE realistic and with that I mean, you will be able to go to the store and snatch up the same deals shown in the videos.

Again, I know this show is called Extreme Couponing, but I’m just not getting the point of the show and maybe that’s because I coupon in such a different way.

I don’t coupon so I have a receipt to frame… OK, so that may be a little bit of a fib. In the beginning, when I first started my couponing adventures back in 2007, I was very excited about the savings displayed on all my receipts and I did proudly show them to everyone I could… even people who didn’t want to see them! 😉 Yes, I was annoying like that. And I do think that’s normal, as I would assume most newbie couponers are very excited about their new-found talent! …But I quickly learned that couponing can become all too consuming. From clipping and organizing coupons to going through the weekly ads and then planning your trips… and on top of that, planning your days around when you need to go to the store. Too consuming!

I am still learning how to have balance in my life, but one thing I have learned along the way… well, it’s quite simple. When it comes to couponing, Nothing is a BIG deal!

Example: I let my high value $2/1 Pampers Wipes coupon expire and I would have been able to score FREE wipes at Walmart. Guess what? Not a BIG deal! Do you get what I’m saying? Start thinking like that and all the annoying stress you feel about rushing to the store so you don’t miss that oh so amazing deal will be gone!

I love my hubby. Random, right?! Well, not really because he is the one who taught me to really understand that most things are “Not a Big Deal”. And as you may know from reading my blog,  I am a neurotic, high energy and very spastic woman… so for me to be able to step back and say, “It’s Not a Big Deal”… well, it’s HUGE and if I can do it, so can you!

Now I know I’ve kind of veered off from the topic at hand, but what I really wanted you to get out of my post is to not let couponing and deal hunting consume you. The same deals always come back over and over again.

Before I finish this post, I have a challenge for you – miss a deal this week and remember, it’s NOT a Big Deal! When you’re missing that deal, do whatever you like… take a bath, read a book, play with your kiddos, laugh, love, smile. Life is wonderful, so take full advantage of it! 🙂

Thanks for listening to me ramble.

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Comments 1216

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I thought the first girl was waaay too obsessed with her stockpiling and shopping. Her poor husband lost his man room because her stockpile room was full. That is ridiculous. He looked really annoyed when he threw the boxes of pasta on the couch. The crazy coupon lady seemed ok..kinda of gutsy doing the dumpster diving. I loved the 3rd woman!! I loved how she was teaching the other shoppers in the store about couponing. I thought she was the best one. Nathan was kind of annoying with all of the deoderant he was buying, he already had a ton of it at home. I hope he was going to donate it along with the toothbrushes. I am glad he donated all of that cereal.

  2. Colleen

    I just watched the Extreme couponing. First of all, anyone could recognize the fact that it was glamorized and staged for tv. It did have a few redeeming qualities. The retired nurse was the most sensible person, and if she wants to ask friends and neighbors for their unused coupons, good for her. She didnt hoard items but bought a lot of what she could use needed.
    The one lady who stressed not checking out with a cashier who is “seniorly” had that right! I think TLC needs to air a program on how to cut down on expenses by sensibly using coupons and being on the look out for good deals! There is nothing wrong with stretching your budget in order to survive. I enjoy the Hip2save site and it has made an impact on my shopping. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to take advantage of great deals and freebies and then donate them!

  3. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    wow i don’t shop like that mad crazy at the grocery store but its was shocking to see how they all stockpile and use the coupons. they buy the same items and whatever that can’t fit into the cart they have to get another one and its shocking to see. usually when i’m in the store i only have one cart i can’t carry a whole bunch of groceries b/c i usually ride the bus; its too much. anyways most of the store looks like they double coupons but i wonder if there is a limit. i know most of them has a limit of 20, accept 10 like coupons. i really like the woman who brought her son to the recycling dumpster to search for coupons, its really weird but most people tend to buy multiple newspapers just for coupons while others tend to recycle their coupons since it does take alot of time to search for the deals. so its best to go through the recycle coupons and since most people don’t use it take them. i also like the part where she looks for her fave cashier, i do that too! so if you go shopping look for your fave one, trust me if you get a cashier who isn’t friendly they would always start darma.

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I watched the show. I have a stockpile but not near that big. I take pride in my bargain hunting and using coupons. I did not like how this show depicted couponers but it is only a reality show. I would like to see the show depict real life couponers like the readers post on HTS. Some of the stories are heart warming. Just my opinion. I probably won’t watch the show again.

  5. kidsallgone

    I’ve read about 20 comments on the show (didn’t get to watch it, but it’s coming back on at 1am, so I’m recording it to watch on Thursday). I think the purpose of the show was to show those watching that there are so many people in the world who have addictions that they take to an extreme level. These people are sick and they need professional help. The producers of the show are showing the public just how extreme these addictions can be. There are other addiction shows on TLC with even more extreme (eating toilet paper??!!??) addictions. There are “normal” (and maybe a little “over-the-top”) couponers such as most of us on Collins’ website, and then there are those that really need professional help. That’s what the show was really about. Sorry, didn’t mean to babble on and on 🙂
    ****Off topic, but can anyone tell me if CVS is allowed to adjust an ECB down? I wanted to buy a two liter coke this evening and wanted to pay for it with a $1 ECB, but they wouldn’t adjust it down, and I didn’t want to buy a 33cent caramel. I ended up not buying the coke; but am curious if anyone else’s CVS cashiers will adjust their ECBs down? Thanks for the replies 🙂

    • Emily

      Yeah, they can adjust it down! 🙂
      and if you go to thekrazycouponlady.com , she was the second lady on the show, she said t hat they depicted her badly. She said that she donates a lot of her stuff, and she provides for her family most of the time. She admits sometimes she goes a little overboard with how she likes her stockpile, but she said that they ASKED her to go extreme, that normally it’s not that bad. 🙂 HTH!

  6. Jackie

    Instead of hoarding all these products, put some care packages together and either send to military personnel or unemployed families in your area. I know the food banks can always use extra, but the first couple was ridiculous in the stockpiling. Give me a break! They didn’t need all those candy bars and the pasta could have been donated. Watch for benefits being put on for people with medical problems and no insurance. Alot of this food could be donated to these causes. I love to coupon and buy just enough for a couple months not years.

    • mary

      I think she donates a bunch of stuff too actually

    • Amy

      The last man donated all the cerial to the food bank! They were coming to pick it up! Yeay! That made me happy!

      • corynne

        me too! I thought… jeez what does he need with all that? But in the last minute of the show they finally tell you it all went to a food bank, so at least it’s going to those who need it instead of just sitting in somebody’s garage!

        • KATHY

          Didnt get to watch it only saw the last 2minutes but that is so inrealistic! for realistic savings check out my youtube channel,The Coupon Kid! Im a 13 yr old couponer who knws when to stop…well has to stop sometimes lol

        • Linda A.
    • Sarah

      Seriously! Donate all except 1 year of the toilet paper and empty out the rooms! Let’s be honest, how is that toilet paper gunna feel in 30 years? I’m not one to say I dont have a little stock pile of my own but no way would I keep hundreds of boxes of pasta and candy bars and salad dressing! Maybe my stock pile would be larger if I had all that room but would never take up several rooms. Donating would make them all feel just as good! Joanie donates a bunch of her stuff and is supporting her kids and family not just their spouses.

      • vaylene

        Can you imagine them eating all those candy bars! They didn’t look like they were in very good shape anyways. Buying all that junk food is pointless.

    • vaylene

      It annoys me that they cleared off almost off of the shelves. Certain people have large familes and can’t afford the time to make multiple trips to the stores. I hate seeing people stack a entire cart. The guy on the show said “if you can get it free why stop there?” umm maybe because you don’t need it any there are other people in need. Totally selfish is what it is. Everyone said that he “donates” but from the look of his stock pile he doesn’t. He’s a hoarder. He might have donated the boxes of cereal but I don’t see much of anything else being donated. Why would anyone need that much bodywash or toothbrush. Totally selfish. Think of the other familes that need the supplies too.

  7. Amy Hager

    Collin, Well said!!!! : ) Thanks for all you do for us. The reason I follow your blog is because it is practical. I don’t feel as though I need to grab every deal. Have gotten to the point where if I leave a few deals on the table it’s ok. Hope you and your family have a wonderful 2011!

    • JD

      I agree! We have to keep things in perspective, and our families are the most important aspect of our lives- it’s probably a lot of the reason most of us feel like we need to coupon, for the financial benefit of the family. Thanks for being POSITIVE Collin!

    • Catrina

      Couldn’t agree more. Colin, your blog is a huge reason why I’m able to stay home with my twin daughters. Couponing is important to our budget and your deals save us a ton throughout the year. But as much as I love getting a good deal, I love playing with my twins more, and that means not running out to score every deal available. I think your blog provides such a good balance of deals and family. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  8. Jennifer

    I thought the show was amazing. I have only been doing couponing for about a year now and the savings that I have been able to do are amazing! They are right it is kinda like a high being able to get so much basically for free. My husband say’s it’s like stealing! I have never saved as much as they have but I’ve saved a lot! Where do people get as many coupons as they had though!!?? It’s a blessing to have someone like Collin on here helping!! 🙂

  9. Laura

    imagine if the woman who eats toliet paper(from the show after the coupon show) met one of the people who had rooms full of tp.
    she would have thought she died n went to heaven

    • Leah

      LMAO That’s exactly what I thought! Forget the weirdness of Extreme Couponing, at least those people aren’t eating toilet paper lol.

    • Yesica

      LOL!!!! 😀

    • Lauren G.

      That’s so funny.

      • Dana

        I said the same thing to my mom!!! LOL

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      O my that is so funny! Maby she watched extreem couponing and now going to cut coupons so her TP will be free!

    • Elisabeth L.

      You guys are great. I didn’t even think of that. LOL. 🙂

    • Lydia R.

      That’s hilarious!

    • Angela

      That’s exactly what I said!! haha

    • Sarah

      SO funny!!!!

    • KATHY

      OMG I saw that it was WEIRD but Thats really true she would have died!

    • Julia

      HAHAHAHA! You just made my day! That was so funny!

    • Laura

      LOL! That was too funny. 🙂

    • Tanya

      That is hilarious! You made my night. Thanks. 🙂

    • Tami

      LOL!!!! SOO funny!! 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Funniest thing I’ve heard all day!

    • Susan

      Too funny… But I think the coupon lady would fight her to the death to keep her TP

    • beebs2010

      THAT is hysterical!!!! Thanks for the great laugh…and I only saw 5 seconds of the show about the toilet paper eating lady. LMBO!!!

    • shelley

      LOL…………that is hilarious!!!!

    • momtosix

      LOL Now that’s funny. The preview for the little pageant girls made me want to cry.

  10. rula

    This is obviously extreme, just as the hoarders, etc. I just hope it doesn’t ruin the coupon
    experience for most of the couponers that need to save a buck and ruin the coupon deals that
    are available……

  11. wkingtxmom

    Of course the shock factor but regardless…those people are HOARDERS!! I seriously think they have issues.

    • Aleshia

      they donate!

      • pamela

        not enough! i mean come on..in his garage they said was enough deodorant to last 150 YEARS!!!! that’s a mental problem 🙁 and no way all of that food is eaten before getting stale sitting in a garage….but the main reason this was another case of UNrealistic “Reality TV” was all of the friendly cashiers happily scanning three hundred coupons!..LOL maybe the television cameras helped?

        • Heather

          I totally agree that the cashiers wouldn’t be happy! I went to Target a couple weeks ago and had maybe 30 coupons. The cashier was getting so mad. When she was finished she exclaimed, “THANK GOD!”.

          • Aleshia

            Did ya’ll not pay attention? The cashiers were excited and clapping. Everyone is worried that this will be bad news for the rest of us couponers, but this was set up to make it look extreme (how many grocery stores have you been to where they carry 200 toothbrushes? not even a drug store holds that many). You think the store is going to see this episode and freak out? not likely, theyjust got major advertisment and it was all pre set up with the stores permission. You don’t think donating 1000 boxes of cereal and 200 toothbrushes is enough? How often do you donate? What % of products you shop for, do you donate?

            • Amber

              Ya, I wish the stores were so well stocked. I go to like five different Rite Aid stores to try to get the items I want that are on sale. Sometimes they’ve never even heard of the item in the flyer at any of the stores. The show sounded somewhat set up to me, though I didn’t get to watch it.

  12. Cheryl A

    Collin, this is why I love your blog. I only started reading it back in May and I have saved a ton! In the beginning I told everyone about every great deal and I made sure that I got to the stores each week. I had to realize that it wasn’t the end of the world if I didn’t get to Target or CVS and missed out on something great and to just enjoy the fantastic deals that I did receive. Thanks for all that you do!

  13. teresa longstreet

    your post inspired me, because at times i have spent hours every day clipping, putting list together and looking for deals and filing. it gets in the way of family time. and i almost quite. i don’t have great stockpiles of toilet paper, although i do have enough resolve stain remover to last awhile. and lets just say i don’t think i will ever run out of body wash or glade candles, but i enjoy saving my family money and giving to those people in my family that are less fortunate than i am. so i too, have had to sit back and gather my thoughts on what me goals were. and that was to do the best i have with what God has given me, you are right the deals come over and over, so i do what i can and when i can, and day be day i am learning that missing a deal is really not a BIG deal. thanks collin

  14. Janet

    Ok, I did like how some newbies could get ideas on how to coupon. That was great. The thing I didn’t like was the hoarding as other people have said. I would only buy what I needed and then added some for the food bank.

    I think the thing most forgot was that the bottom total on the ticket was not the $ spent. taxes, cost of mail order coupons, gas to and from the store (more expensive with a trailer). And by golly the amount of time spent trying to save $. I like to coupon and save when I can but I work full time as my husband does and we would rather pay a little more for items (sale + coupon if we can find) and spend that extra time with our kids. I look for deals but not at the price of my family and relationships.

  15. Katlyn

    I’ve been couponing on and off for about 5 years now. I didn’t really get serious until about a year ago, that’s when my husband had lost his job. Since then I’ve saved so much money couponing. It’s site like yours that helped me find great deals. When I first started I was one of those people who had to get every great deal, but as time went I didn’t care too much. I only use the coupons that is necessary for my needs. Sometimes I would leave my unused coupons on store shelves in hope it will come to good use for other shoppers. I personally don’t like shoppers who take advantage of deals that have no means for it and don’t save any for those who do. On a side note, I have not been on top of my couponing this whole month because I’ve been busy and it’s very time consuming. I have been doing some shopping w/o my coupons, which I have regret. And I have missed really amazings deals, but oh well. Life goes on…I love your site and refer all my family and friends to it. Have a happy holiday!!

  16. Beth

    Thank You Collin for all you do for us!! Your Blog is the most inspiring I’ve ever been to. You are a great motivator and have taught me well. You are a BLESSING to My family and friends! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! And thanks for being soooooo realistic unlike the EXTREME COUPON show.

  17. Lori

    I agree with you. These people sound extreme, which is the name of the show. When I first started I was pretty extreme too, until my husband said Do you really NEED that, when I was stressing and wanting to run to Walgreens at 11 pm because I didn’t want to miss out on a free item. I knew that I didn’t NEED it, and thats how I try to look at things now. If its something I Need yes I will stop at the store just to get that item, but I won’t go out of my way anymore just because an items free. I feel like I finally have balance, I sometimes miss getting all the great deals and free stuff, but my family is more important.

  18. Kris

    My biggest question after watching “Extreme Couponing” is how do they get to use so many of the same coupons in one order??? My local stores limit us to 2 or 3 like coupons in one order. I certainly couldn’t go to the extreme of 40 boxes of pasta but even 6 would be nice since I shop for my family and my parents home also.

  19. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


  20. desirae

    post from nathan himself:
    Okay first let me say a HUGE thank you to my Kroger. They are awesome. Also a huge thank you to Kroger Corp for working with us to help charities across Cincinnati. We rarely talk about our giving habits publicly because we feel it’s best to give quietly. But in understanding television, we try to show our donation because it is such an amazing aspect of couponing that so many non-couponers do not understand!! It’s an enormous part of how we can give back!!
    Okay so here is what I purchased, items in BLUE were pre-ordered (even if you see me grabbing them off displays, the producers asked the stores to set them up):
    Total Cereal – 1,100
    Reach Toothbrushes – 300
    Life Waters – (Rain-check) – 140 (Lacy drinks this religiously)
    Reach Floss – 110
    Pepsi Max (20oz) – 87 (One of my favorites)
    Right Guard Deodorants – 80
    Dial Hand Soap – 50
    Gillette Body Wash – (Rain-check) – 40
    Country Crock Butter – 10
    Dial Bar Soap – 10
    Fiber One Honey Cluster Cereal – (RC) – 10
    Nature Made – Magnesium – 10
    Nature Made – Vitamin A – 10
    Nature Made – Vitamin D – 10
    Oranges – 8
    Sunny D – 6
    Pepsi Max (2liter) – 4
    Nature Made – Folic Acid – 4
    Similac Liquid Formula – 4
    Yakisoba – 4
    Bags of Carrots – 3
    Canergy Drink – 3
    Reynolds Wrap Foil – 3
    Tampex (20ct) – 3
    Dannon Yogert (Greek) – 2
    French’s Mustard Dipping Sauce – 2
    Kraft BBQ Sauce – 2
    Nature Made – Vitamin B – 2
    Nature Made – Vitamin C – 2
    Nature Made – Zinc – 2
    Steamfresh Frozen Veggies – 2
    Yoplait Yogert (Greek) – 2
    7-Up (2liter) – 1
    Banana’s – 1
    Betty Crocker Cookie Mix – 1
    Cottage Cheese – 1
    Head of Lettuce – 1
    Mission Tortilla Shell – 1
    Morning Star Burgers – 1
    Morton Sea Salt – 1
    Mt Olive Product – 1
    Sky Line Cheese – 1
    I had a coupon for EVERYTHING, including most of the produce (Kroger sends out coupons in the mail).
    I called this my COMBO haul. Most of the items in Blue are donation items. Some are kept because we use them, but the majority are given to local food banks, school resource centers, and shelters. They are ordered ahead of time so that we do not effect stock!! Our church also does a monthly grocery giveaway which we give to also. The rest of the trip, is for my family and what we consume regularly.
    I heard them mention the deodorant on one of the previews, that was almost entirely donated to a local shelter or school resource center. Giving is an amazing aspect of couponing. I would have NEVER guessed that I could give so much.
    Thanks so much guys and I hope you enjoy the show tonight!!

    Stop being judgmental because the TV isnt going to give you the full 100%

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Nathan, thanks for clarifying. thats amazing what u do with your deals, donating to people who need it the most. My question just out of curiousity, how do u get so many coupons to use at once? Do u buy that many newspapers, and actually sit and clip them all, or you buy form a coupon dealer? I am sure others out there are thinking the same question I am. Thanks in advance.

      • Sean B.

        Yes! Thanks for clarifying. It’s a shame that people pass judgement so quickly and assume you and the other personalities are keeping all these items, hoarding, etc. What an awesome thing you’re doing. It’s AMAZING. I wish you the best!

        • Amber

          This is awesome! 🙂 I am also curious about how you get so many coupons.

    • Agnes

      replying to his shopping list Bananas – 1 but pepsi 87!. seriously……not quite health

      Whole Nathans pasty from the show got me seriously furious! That’s not couponing, that’s unhealthy hoarding!!!!
      and it makes me even more angry that I live in area where my stores wont double coupons so for his couponing jog he gets same items free where for the same items I have to pay because I happen to live in different state! I honestly think it’s not fair

  21. sarah

    After watching the show, I was curious to find out more about couponers. Joyce, one of the people feature on the tlc show actually puts her couponing to use and helps others. She has her own couponing club where she teaches others how to save money. She also stresses to donates items that you don’t use or need. It was also nice how she was teaching her friend how to shop during the segment.
    I found a clip on her

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      thanks for sharing the video. I really enjoyed her the most out of all of them from the show. She really seems like she wants to help people.

  22. Shelley

    Does anyone have a list of good prices to “stockpile” items? Like cereal for $1.00. What is a good price to buy things such as paper towels, laundry detergent, toilet paper, frozen vegetables, etc.? Sometimes I just need to know if it is a good deal or not.

    • Maureen

      Excellent question! I’ve been wondering the exact thing for a while myself. Anyone have or know of a list like this?

    • Lou

      I was wondering the same thing. Is there a list somewhere of recommeded stock pile prices?

      • Renee

        I use one price guideline until I have about 6 months supply of “said item” then I drop by “buy” price (usually to .50cents or lower) per item and that is how I keep my stockpile going. If I get too low in supply I start looking for deals that meet my origional price guideline. Well it looks a lot more confussing not that I wrote it down but it works for me. Example: I usually buy cereal for 1.00 per box once I have about 6 months worth and only buy cereal that is .50 or less per box untill I get too low then I start looking for deals at 1.00 per box again. hmmmm more confussed, or less???? Hope this helps.

        • Amy S.

          It might vary by region but I go to a pinching your pennies com to my state forum and someone has put a whole list together of different items and what constitutes a 5 star price or a 3 star price.

      • Sarah

        Try www(dot)southernsavers(dot)com. If you click on the “learn to coupon” tab at the top, there is a link under “sales cycles and stocking up” that says “download the buy price list” which gives you an idea of good prices for particular items. Obviously this may vary by region so there is a blank version too so you can make your own stock pile prices if you find that they are typically lower/higher than the pre-made list.

      • Maureen

        Thank you all so much for these great ideas, lists, etc! One of the many great things about about this site is how much we all help, support & encourage each other! you guys rock!!

  23. Travise

    We just did a full show discussion in live time on fbook and got mixed reactions..looks like some of these people are hoarders- I encourage shopping, saving, sharing…so I would never take it this far without sharing with someone else–

  24. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I think couponing is all encompassing sometimes. i was buying all of these coupons and was planning trips to the grocery store getting all crazy. Then dh accidentally threw away my coupon bag. I refocused and decided that all is well and that it isn’t a big deal. I have saved a lot by just coming to this sight and seeing what is on sale. amazon had a lot of great things and as a result, i didn’t go out to shop that much for christmas. for example, i had a 5 dollar off coupon for bed bath and beyond for the wii accessory bundle. it was on sale for 29.99. after learning different tips here, i checked out amazon.com and found the same thing for 21 dollars and i am a prime member so it was free shipping. i was excited. for me that is a great savings. not extreme but good for me. i am realizing that to try to combine purchases with sales at the store to buy things our family needs will save a lot more money than becoming a extreme couponer. If nothing else, I am inspired to save money.

  25. Theresa

    Where does one come up with that # of coupons? If you have to order them then that costs$$, and if you have to dig for them, ask for them etc… that is time consuming. That amount of coupons for the cereal alone is staggering to me. I am just curious as to how he went about getting them all.

    • desirae

      there is TONS of clipping services out there. Ebay is a big one. Just search coupon clipping services on google and you will see a lot!

    • Jenn

      They said the first lady ordered hers from a clipping site to the tune of $70

      • Geraldine

        and forgot to add that $70 to the total she spent for the products she bought, they just said that she spend $50something, so more acurately she spent about $120.

  26. LIsabella

    Just finished. I’m glad they showed the donation aspect of what’s so great about Couponing. I agree 100% that without that, this turns into a glorified episode of Hoarders. The 1st husband irritated me a bit calling all that food “Garbage”. I mean, that food that a family could live off of and he was calling it trash.

    Other than that, I admit, I saw a bit of myself in those people, mostly the woman who shopped on the smaller scale and called herself Coupon Diva. I recognized that Barilla deal and some of the other coupons from earlier this year. Only I bought 10 instead of 100 of each item.

  27. Sam

    I didn’t watch the show, but to me it sounds like these people who coupon are really good at it and it’s nice that they are consumed by saving, lol. Collin, I first visited your site in the Fall and after watching your videos I was obsessed with coupons and saving. Your site and videos have helped me become a better shopper and a smart couponer! You have taught me how to use coupons correctly and wisely! I never knew you could get so much free and cheap stuff with coupons! My couponing has died down a lot, I am not printing out coupons every night like I use to, I have a nice stockpile of health/beauty items and saving $ takes a lot of time!!!

  28. lovemycoupons

    nobody needs that much stuff in their house. I don’t have the time, nor would i spend my time collecting that many duplicates of coupons to end up using my whole garage to store stuff that I couldn’t use in my lifetime. everything in moderation…that’s my motto. I LOVE saving money and it feels good to get the bargains, but I also want to enjoy my life.

  29. Kim

    I’m wondering if P&G will question him since their coupon now states only 4 like coupons in same shopping trip. According to his list he purchased 50 Gillette body washes.

    • mary

      he tapped it quite a few months back before they did that

  30. Jenn

    I think the first lady, Amanda, seemed like she needed that much stuff to feel safe and secure. At one point she looked like she was wiping away tears when talking about canceling plans. I’m not so sure she donates. I think she keeps it all.

  31. Kelly K

    I think people that do this, and also this show set a very bad example, not only not allowing others to get a bargain or deal, but the manufacturers I have noticed locally with our coupons, the values are going down and down. When you say look in XX for X coupon, I go and its half and or sometimes non exsistant. I have seen more and more coupons getting lower and lower, and this I am sure is because so many people take advantage of it. I dont know about all areas, but couponing locally to me is pure heck! The stores will fight with you over everything, limit how many coupons, limit values of what they will take, wont take coupons for free items, some cases wont take internet coupons, and it just keeps getting worse. This show will probably be the topper and end to getting good deals anymore.

    Whats more, I have listened to cashiers in packed grocery stores complain about the woman a few check-outs down using coupons to get free items and resell them, and how she is forbid to shop after certain hours ect, all while I am standing there with my own pile of coupons, not trying to stockpile all the free stuff I can get my hands on, but trying to stretch our family budget.

  32. Sarah

    What an amazing response! I don’t suspect that you are actually reading all of these posts. I couldn’t help but to think of you during the show, that my hubby found on TV this evening! We are so grateful for your site; you saved us a small fortune this Christmas and made my sons really “believe” if you know what I mean.
    I’ve only been addicted to your blogs since the Hungry Hippo deal. That was an amazing HIGH for me. I’ve since received my Coobie bra, Starbucks coffee, Slim fast bar, 2 packages of cat food and (not to be forgotten) my $30 gift card from Office Depot! And, I’ve learned to love Walgreen’s again. I just had to go to the one furthest from my house to figure that out!
    When I read about the after Christmas razor deal I was too busy relaxing with my boys at home to “worry” about fighting the crowds for deals. When I made it to Wal-Mart 2 days later there were no more razors, no more Olay beauty baskets and I felt bummed. So I “comforted” myself in the candy deals! That is, right up until I had to wait in an EXPRESS line for more than 5 minutes on just 1 couple in front of me. I left everything behind – I felt EXHILARATED!!! It was not a big deal, and that is huge coming from a neurotic, high energy and very spastic woman like me.
    I wish someone living close to me could sit down and help me get organized in this new game of couponing. Until then, I’ll be paying attention to your site…THANK YOU COLLIN!!!!

    • Renee

      I recently posted a video on youtube re how I organize my week with using coupons maybe this would help. go to youtube and search a day in the life of a coupon addict.

      • Renee

        oops I meant to say a day in the WEEK of a coupon addict.

        • Sarah

          Thank you, I will have a look. I also noticed that Collin has several videos on the subject. I have used a “pocket” divider since my return to the States about 4 years ago. I usually throw it under my arm and pick a “quiet” spot in the store to DIG throw all the sections looking through all of the coupons trying to find my way. It is a stressful situation that I try to avoid at all costs, but I usually find myself in that situation every week. It is esp. frustrating when I have to shop with my 2 boys. I usually end up forgetting 4 or so coupons.
          I think the 3 ring divider is something I “need.” Only I dread the thought of carrying something that big, even if I buy another new purse to hide it in.
          I think I just need to figure a better system out on keeping up with all of the different exp dates on all the different coupons. I like how Collin shows her FREE cat. up front in her binder. That is a great tip!

        • Sarah

          I watched your video; thank you for your instruction. I wish we had a Frye here! I never get a chance to combine adds at one store, let alone use a competitor’s coupon, and heaven forbid that I should attempt to use them all together. HEB has to be the worst when it comes to using coupons!
          I’ve even tried the “cashier profiling” attempt…to no avail.

  33. Debbie

    I think that these couponers could teach our politicians, government & other persons who spend our hard earned tax dollars how to make a buck go further.

  34. Renee

    I want to comment of Collins ending statement re take a brake and miss a deal. Great advice Collin, thanks just want I needed to hear (or be reminded of). I skipped CVS last week (we have plenty of zhu zhu pets) and instead spend some extra time making cookies with my daugher. We had lots of fun and it was nice to remember that its ok to take a brake and not have to get EVERY deal. Thanks again Collin

  35. Tami

    I was thinking about the show “Hoarders” when I saw that first lady! Wow! I love getting a deal and a stockpile, but not if it takes up my whole house! The whole point of my couponing is so I can spend my money on the things I enjoy. Not on 40 years worth of toilet paper that takes up my whole house! 😉

    • Anne

      I first called this show Hoarders as I watched the first woman, I didn’t hear anything about donating. She seemed more concerned with collecting items, I was disturbed as I watched that part of the show. There are many people that are out of work and her excessive stockpile that is for her husband and her would really help out. This stuff has expiration dates on it, donate, there is no way that you could use that much and you can do so much good.

  36. Cynthia

    This show actually showed the value of couponing to my husband! He always rolls his eyes when I spend an hour a week cutting, sorting, organizing coupons and my shopping trips. This show made him see the value of taking the time to plan. Of course, I dont have more than 2 of the same coupon usually, so I could never get that extreme. But, i like getting things free or near free. i wouldnt mind free toilet paper, though!

    we both agreed that Joyce was the most sane of all those shown, and took time to share and educate.

    • Samantha Booker

      Plus she gets a good workout collecting all those coupons! =)

  37. RobinS

    I haven’t seen the TLC program but it sounds so CRAZY and all too consuming!
    I started couponing in Aug 2009 and really enjoy it. This past Nov. I decided to take a break from the weekly deals and Wags, CVS and Target and just concentrated on my Christmas Shopping thru Amazon. I was able to get some amazing deals thru Amazon and my kids had a wonderful Christmas and I have many items hidden in my closet for upcoming b-days.
    My new years resolution is to jump back into couponing weekly…but it was really nice having taken a break 🙂

  38. christen

    I hate that they all use the donating as an excuse. Yeah it’s great when people donate, but it just seems fake to me. I feel like they are donating some of what they get to make themselves feel and look better about how greedy they are the rest of the time. I mean seriously, it’s not like their main motivation for couponing is to be charitable. And why do they feel the need to keep talking about donating on their blogs and other blogs and posting videos to show themselves donating. We get the point already…. not that I’m buying it.
    Also when that lady said her stockpile is her legacy, I laughed out loud. That’s pathetic. Just my opinion.

  39. Jen W.

    Thanks Collin! My jaw literally dropped when I read this post. I have just been couponing for about 4-5 months now and was about to shoot you an e-mail asking about this very issue. I had gotten so excited about all my precious successes with couponing and deal scoring that it became an overwhelming pressure, completely put on by myself, to constantly keep it up! It got really bad a few weeks ago when I literally snapped and had a major nervous breakdown because I was stressed for time trying to get to a deal and then I couldn’t find your post about the deal, followed by my computer not wanting to print the coupons that I needed to make the deal work and I lost it. It was at that point that my AMAZING husband sat me down and very sweetly and calmly talked to me about it and pointed out how it was “NO BIG DEAL”. He showed me that there is no way that $20 worth of M&M’s (or whatever) was worth my sanity. He said he would rather eat hot dogs everynight then eat steak and have me stressed to that point. I understand completely where you are coming from and I too am still trying to constantly improve my juggling skills. Trying to make it all worth it, and not a stressful, overwhelming, time consuming headache all the time. I too want to get good deals and save money for my family, but I am now just trying to embrace the “It’s no bid deal concept”. It mean SO MUCH to me that you shared this with us and made me feel better knowing that it wasn’t just me! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO!!! I think you are a great person and I am honored to follow your blog! Thanks for being so REAL! God Bless u and your family in the New Year!

  40. Esther

    I like your balanced approach! You save me so much time and I appreciate it!

  41. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    My only thought is that I wouldn’t want to help them move out of that house! sheesh, that would take FOREVER to pack up and move!!

  42. Cindy Starcher

    OH…coupon woman COLLIN… TEACH ME to do what they are doing with such accuracy!
    My goodness! I am mad when I don’t play my coupons just right at CVS!! But to get 1000 dollars worth for 57 bucks! WOW…I don’t call that crazy, I call that talent and brain smarts!!!

  43. Sarah

    Loved this post Collin (c; Thanks for the reminder! There are much more important things in life then saving money. I just started couponing and have been a little insane. My husband recently compared me to the IKEA commercial of the lady driving the truckload of stuff she found on sale into the lawn. (c; I have been hard on myself for buying things at the regular price… or disappointed when coming across a better deal later. It is important to remember that it’s NOT A BIG DEAL. I do have fun following your blog! Thanks (c;

    • Agnes

      I burst out laughing when I saw that IKEA commercial….it was great! 🙂

  44. Chrissy

    The funny part is that I recognize a lot of the deals from the Kroger mega sale over the summer! I thought the show was more positive than I expected it to be.

  45. Morganne

    Well said, Collin:-) I totally agree with you. I would get up tight about not finding the “right” coupons, or not saving “as much as I might could have”…or even a coupon expiring…like you said. I’ve learned that it really ISN’T a big deal. Let it go. Another deal will come, it’s never a ONCE in a lifetime deal at walmart (or Target;-) Lol.

  46. Patti

    Missed the show, but read your post. AGREE wholeheartedly! Thank you for all your work and helping us keep it in perspective. Couponing is a tool, nothing more.

  47. Anonymous

    I checked out the Krazy Couponers blog (I’ve seen it a time or two but never been a regular reader.) I went back the last few days and realized there was NO mention of Christmas – or of slowing down – or of ANY of it. I LOVE coupons, I LOVE saving money, and I LOVE a deal, but I really appreciated that you were willing to take a break on Christmas day, and encouraged your readers to do the same.

    • christen

      notice how all the comments on that blog are ONLY positive from people? i guess they are censoring any negative feedback on their blog. that’s too bad, i would have loved to see the discussion on the subject. at least collin keeps it real! 🙂

  48. pamela

    knowing that you only see a ‘portion’ of reality on television..I realize many on the show do donate and help others…yet many need help with their hoarding addiction…and again it just showed a tiny portion of what really happens, but it didn’t set a good example when the retired nurse who asks her neighbors for their coupons and educates them (a very good thing!) was shown just taking newspapers off peoples steps saying “they don’t know these inserts are in here”, that moment televised “appeared” to show her just taking someone’s newspaper..and although most likely out of context, appears to suggest that it is okay to just take people’s newspapers…hopefully cashiers will see how happy those cashiers on the show were to ring up piles of coupons and maybe that will be a helpful benefit! 🙂

  49. Jenn Greenwaldt

    Seems like someone extreme enough to have 3,000 roles of toilet paper would be more of a candidate for “Hoarders” than a show like this…I don’t get the point.

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