Extreme Couponing… What are Your Thoughts?

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As many of you have emailed, there is a new show airing tonight at 8pm EST on TLC called Extreme Couponing. The show profiles four coupon-obsessed savers (as TLC calls them) trying to get as much as they can for as little as they can. The show sounded pretty interesting, but as I started to read the description… well, I am not sure if interesting is the right word.  Why you ask? Well, here goes…

*Important Note: The statements I make below are just my opinions. You do not have to agree with them and I have no problem with you sharing your points, even if they differ. I do, however, have a problem with disrespectful comments, inappropriate language and just being downright cruel. Those type of comments will be deleted. Thank you for your understanding.

So now my thoughts on this new show… I personally do not like how couponers are portrayed on the show. Now before I go on, I know they are portrayed like this for ratings… I get that. They want people’s jaws to drop and eyes to be wide open.  But, it still stinks.

Meet the shoppers of TLC’s EXTREME COUPONING:

Nathan started clipping coupons four years ago when he and his wife took a closer look at their finances. Now, debt free with more than 10,000 items stockpiled in his garage, Nathan is preparing for the biggest haul of his life. On his latest visit to the supermarket, Nathan is leaving with over 2,000 items – his most massive checkout to date. With 1,100 boxes of cereal, 300 toothbrushes and 60 bottles of hand soap, Nathan is looking forward to topping himself and saving thousands of dollars in the process!
Retail value: $5,743.00 Nathan’s cost after utilizing his coupons: $241.00 – 95% savings!

Amanda is a full-time Storage Facility Manger in Cincinnati, OH who spends up to 70 hours a week researching in-store promotions, clipping coupons and surfing the internet for the latest and greatest deals. She already has a stockpile of products from previous couponing ventures worth up to $15,000. But this extreme saver is most proud of her collection of toilet paper – over 3,000 rolls – enough to last the average couple about 40 years! Now, with the help of her husband, Amanda is preparing for her largest checkout ever consisting of nine baskets of food, beauty and pet products including 218 boxes of pasta, 268 containers of noodles, 100 bottles of sport drink and 150 candy bars.
Retail value: $1,175.33. Amanda’s cost after utilizing her coupons: $51.67.

To me a great show on couponing would be a show that is teaching the average person how to coupon. A person that doesn’t have 70 hours a week to scour ads and clip coupons, a person that doesn’t have access to an entire garage to store all of their “goods”… and really, who needs that many “goods”?!

It’s called reality TV… but in my opinion, it’s definitely not realistic. As a coupon blogger, I hope Hip2Save motivates and inspires all of you. I try to make sure the videos I make ARE realistic and with that I mean, you will be able to go to the store and snatch up the same deals shown in the videos.

Again, I know this show is called Extreme Couponing, but I’m just not getting the point of the show and maybe that’s because I coupon in such a different way.

I don’t coupon so I have a receipt to frame… OK, so that may be a little bit of a fib. In the beginning, when I first started my couponing adventures back in 2007, I was very excited about the savings displayed on all my receipts and I did proudly show them to everyone I could… even people who didn’t want to see them! 😉 Yes, I was annoying like that. And I do think that’s normal, as I would assume most newbie couponers are very excited about their new-found talent! …But I quickly learned that couponing can become all too consuming. From clipping and organizing coupons to going through the weekly ads and then planning your trips… and on top of that, planning your days around when you need to go to the store. Too consuming!

I am still learning how to have balance in my life, but one thing I have learned along the way… well, it’s quite simple. When it comes to couponing, Nothing is a BIG deal!

Example: I let my high value $2/1 Pampers Wipes coupon expire and I would have been able to score FREE wipes at Walmart. Guess what? Not a BIG deal! Do you get what I’m saying? Start thinking like that and all the annoying stress you feel about rushing to the store so you don’t miss that oh so amazing deal will be gone!

I love my hubby. Random, right?! Well, not really because he is the one who taught me to really understand that most things are “Not a Big Deal”. And as you may know from reading my blog,  I am a neurotic, high energy and very spastic woman… so for me to be able to step back and say, “It’s Not a Big Deal”… well, it’s HUGE and if I can do it, so can you!

Now I know I’ve kind of veered off from the topic at hand, but what I really wanted you to get out of my post is to not let couponing and deal hunting consume you. The same deals always come back over and over again.

Before I finish this post, I have a challenge for you – miss a deal this week and remember, it’s NOT a Big Deal! When you’re missing that deal, do whatever you like… take a bath, read a book, play with your kiddos, laugh, love, smile. Life is wonderful, so take full advantage of it! 🙂

Thanks for listening to me ramble.

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Comments 1216

  1. Lorna

    Having skimmed through most of the posts, I see that the overwhelming opinion of most of us hip couponers is that yes, we enjoy our deals, and even get a little savings”high” now and again. I see that most of us have a somewhat reasonable stockpile, or are working on building one. I see too, that we’re not obsessed, and can easily let it go if we don’t get every single deal. I’ve been a serious couponer for about five months now, (yes I have a well organized binder) and understood quite early on that there was a line that I didn’t want to cross.
    I’m in AZ so the will not air for another two and a half hours. If I’m still awake I’ll watch it, and am looking forward to reading tomorrow’s posts

  2. Tylena

    oops didn’t read the comments first 😉

  3. Tia Robertson

    I loved watching Joanie! The rest were a bit of a challenge to watch without my covering my mouth and praying that the people I was watching were healthy:( I thought that Koanie was the best organized, the best prepared in case of a financial crisis, and she was very responsible. I know I will never be like that, however, I hope that on some smaller scale, I can be just as aware as she is! Thank you Collin for everything you do! Between you and the Krazy Coupon Lady, I’ll never pay full price again for ANYTHING!!!

  4. Aimee

    i just watched the first 10 minutes or so and am recording the rest. That lady is NUTS! She’s breaking THE #1 rule of couponing (in my book)…..SHE’S PAYING MONEY FOR HER COUPONS!!!!!!! Even if she’s getting anything for free, I don’t think you should pay money for the coupons. And she needs to make some serious donations, I’m thinkin’!

    • cindi

      why didnt they add in the 70$ the woman paid for the coupons to her total??

      • Beth

        I was thinking the exact same thing.

        I buy coupons myself, but only for things that will make me money or things that I really need. I always make sure to add the cost of my coupon to anything that I buy. It is worth it to me because I don’t have to spend the time clipping and what not. But, to each his/her own 🙂

        • NightmareReader

          Where is a good and reputable place to buy coupons?

      • Sam

        Ha, I just commented the same thing!….. The commercials alone ive me a whole new aspect on TLC…. eating toilet paper and sleeping with your blow dryer…. I’m turning it off!!! (Did it really take me this long!?!?!?)

    • jean

      Yes, she should make donations!! To do what she does, she obviously has no job, no children and no life!!!!

      And….she does not need to be buying and eating all of those candy bars..

      • Sally

        I don’t think it’s in the spirit of what we do here, to judge others like that. Maybe you didn’t mean the candy comment to be a fat comment, but I find it rude.

  5. Donna

    My brother tells me all the time….it’s not what you save, it’s what you SPEND!

    • Aimee

      Amen to that! I’ve really learned to ONLY buy what I’m really going to use. That first couple didn’t even look like they had kids. What does she need with 125 boxes of pasta? Now, our family, we go through 2 boxes a week. It’s free this week at my grocery store, so I’m stocking up as much as I can, but certainly not 125. That’s nuts.

  6. Susan

    I think it’s amazing what these women do. I hope that they consider sharing 1/2 of the merchandise that they get to homeless shelters and food pantrys!! NO one needs 100 tubes of toothpaste. Besides……they can get more!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      And the toothpaste does have an expiration date!!!

    • Tara

      I agree. You can’t use all of that before it goes bad. I was disappointed that only the last man was donating to a food bank. Nothing wrong with getting some things for free, but that was certainly “extreme”! Leave some for other couponers. 125 of the same thing is insane.

  7. Nicole j 

    Clearly they did not “hip” cause they would know that if you don’t need it donate it !! Collin thanks for teaching us that it is okay to miss a deal or donate the extra . Thanks for all you do !!

    • Belinda

      Why do you assume they don’t know about donating? Because the producers didn’t show them making donations? This is a TV show and I’m sure a lot of this was staged and then heavily edited. We should not be making judgements about these people based on the 10 minutes or so that the program decided to air. I seriously doubt that they shop like this every week and that store cashiers and managers are stainding around congratulating them and applauding them as they leave. I also agree with a previous post that stated making comments about the first couple not “needing” any candy was offensive.

  8. Valerie

    Interesting show!

  9. Cindy

    Hoarding is not the reason to coupon. I do keep a stockpile in my home, but I give out as much as I take in. I do think I will watch this show, because it’s like so many of them, it does not show the true and honest picture and of course it is for TV audiences. Unfortunately, it will leave a bad taste in others who have no idea what it is like to really be a true couponer. Giving away is the best part of couponing. I have received so many blessing. Remember, if they actually aired a show on how to coupon “done right”, then the TV stations would not get the ratings they need….or would they??? We’ll, never know!

    • Mary

      I’m fine with donating as long as you aren’t clearing the shelves in order to get the deals. Yes, it’s great to donate, but some of us are trying to save money but definitely make too much money to be benefiting from food shelves and charities. I just wish some of these extreme people would leave some of the deals for the rest of us!

  10. tina

    Thank you for reminding me to laugh, love and smile and that life is wonderful.

  11. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I have been reading and learning from you in over a year…my family like many others came to u as a way out from the cards that were dealt….my family has struggle to make ends meat along with battling a life threatening illness that plague my son. I find that couponing and your site was fun, joyfull and a light at the end of tunnel. I have always shopped and coupon but, as your site has taught me I was never good enough, I learned from you and others to save a hundred dollars a week, carry scissors, drug stores are my friend, keep my mouth shut on my deals because many do not care, give to others, shop all year for the ones we love, cuddle while blogging, bring our families into saving, make others feel special on chocolate, olay and candles, and pets never should be forgotten!!!
    if Extreme Coupon wants to make or poke fun at people who abuse and clear the shelves of pasta and jello so, be it, I like many others who come to you you daily for advice and help on making our lives and the ones we love better and affordable.
    Like many on the Extreme Couponing I like to be in contol and prepared I feel there is nothing wrong with it…
    I coupon to be a better saver, mother, person, wife and when coupons make me buy hundreds of boxes of pasta and candy bars that is a problem…. I will never jump in a dumbster unless for fun…but, I will be out with my MIL and best friends on Black Friday scoring great deals….
    yes, i not only score and cut coupons for my family but, take pleasure in share in learning with dear friends and family
    I love that giving and helping others
    so, I will coupon, cut and shop away!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Are these people going to Walgreens or Walmart—NO WAY I don’t hear the beeping or “oh no you don’t” Seriously I agree with Jennifer I coupon for a better quality life.
      Thank you, Collin

    • beth

      I agree with you!! It’s not a big deal, there will always be another sale! And I also wish they showed you how to save with coupons realisticly. I love my coupons, but there is no dumpster diving for me!! And who needs 150 years of body wash/deodarant/etc.

      • Kayla

        Many people do NOT have the hours of time needed to “save” on that scale. I am SUPER excited if I can save $50 on a grocery bill, little on $500!!! I think that couponing on this scale is borderline OCD.

    • Alexis


  12. shannon143

    Too funny you say that. I am a new couponer (approx 5 months) and untill this CHristmas season I did not miss any deals. Ugh very very tiring. I have missed every deal this week and guess what…I DONT CARE. I have had enough for at least a little while…lol….the kids are complaining that there isnt anything in the house to eat….oh yeah….Im gonna teach them how to make something out of nothing like we all used to do as kids.LOL Thanks for your posts. they sure have helped out this family.

  13. Cindy

    I think the show should of paid attention to the fact that the crazy coupon lady did not even pay all of her tax!

  14. Melissa

    I hear ya on wondering what stores are letting people use this many coupons! The main grocery store in my area (same chain runs the 4 closest stores to my house) will only double the 1st like coupon in a transaction. They don’t take any internet bogo or frees so I’ve had to settle for not saving as much as others do. I’ve also learned that not all deals are for me. Unless I know we will be traveling, I don’t use coupons on trial size stuff, I’d rather wait for the right deal on the full size product. I also don’t do that many razor deals because I don’t feel comfortable using what is meant to be a refillable razor as a disposable and filling landfills with more waste. But that is my choice and what works for me.

  15. jami

    I am in awe watching this. I hope that all these people donate a lot of this to food cupboards or soup kitchens, but I don’t get the feeling they do…..
    I am soo all about getting tons for free, but I try to donate much of it to our local mission which homes homeless Vets and also the county food cupboard to help fellow residents…..even brought down a bunch of HE laundry soap to the animal shelter just before Xmas.
    Ok, so this guy is donating some of his stuff so I guess I have to take that comment back.

  16. Melissa

    I have not watched the show yet I am recording it, but let me first say I hate it when people wipe out the store when there is a sale. I only buy two of something and then return to the store later in the week to see if there is anything left from the sale. I also do not stock pile so many things that I won’t use within a few months. From the help of this site and a few others I have been able to provide more for my family and donate to the local food pantry. I hope other people remember to help others the way this site helps us. Don’t get discouraged from this show and Happy New Year.

  17. Monica

    Is there any way to watch this if you don’t have cable TV?

    • eliza

      It will probably be available on Hulu.com in a day or so.

  18. 3pkids

    part of this show was infuriating. first I can say, couponing can be addicting. there is nothing like saving that kind of money! However, what can one family do with 200 boxes of sauce or pasta before it expires. Then it is purely selfish and wasteful. I would have been content if she said they were donating 2/3 of it! That is just hourding!

  19. Dan

    I have omly been couponing for about a year and a half. I have already seen the effects of saving BIG It takes alot of time and effort to reap the rewards of saving When i see a good deal for free yes i stock up but i give the surplus to friends, family and food banks. Yes I sometimes miss a deal not often This has benefitted myself and family i tell my grown children there is money to be saved even if you only save a dollar a week its your dollar now not the stores people need to realize save where you can and you can enjoy the extra money on something else

  20. anonymous

    The first women on the show had certain issues in my opinion — it seemed to me much of it was the thrill ot the game to the nth degree.

    But from what I’ve seen so far… lots of it was TLC editing/sensationalizing things etc. I am surprised I didn’t hear a drumroll.

    And, from reading on the Krazy Coupon Lady’s blog, she does donate things. And, they didn’t mention that she does that in with some of her purchases. But oyyy, digging thru the dumpster — let’s just say some might make them go hmmm.

    That second women had a well-organized stash (sure she had some large qtys of some items) but far from freakish.

    Not surprising its about how tv shows spin things.

  21. constantly55

    That first lady on the show needs to donate( a LOT) and then get a life or she may end up single. The hubby looked awfully irrated. No two people need all that food or candy.

  22. Roland @ Coupon Pro blog

    Just a little crazy…

  23. rcl01

    Watching the show “Extreme Couponing” they should have called it “Extreme Couponing Hoarders”, These people need to buy whats needed and not over stock, if u buy that much stuff then help the less fortunate, get together “basic needs” baskets with health & beauty products and give them to the local food banks to give out. Come on people, you make couponing look crazy, Thank you Colin for your web site all the time you put into helping us save money and giving us helpful information. To all you out there I think alot of us know our limit. Good nite to all and happy couponing 🙂 .

    • Kathryn


  24. Sara

    To be honest, I am disgusted by the show and have turned it off. These people are taking it to the extreme. Besides, these are the same shelf-clearing people that prevent me from even getting food on my table the weeks that money is beyond tight and couponing is the only way to feed my family when there’s no cash left after paying the bills.

    • ashley

      i agree 110%. it disgusted me. I also hate how fake the cashiers were, if it was me checking out, they would be giving me an attitude! This show is NOT what i thought it would be. It makes me appreciate that i am not that extreme!

      • Bee

        At least two of them shopped at Kroger. And yes, that is the way I am treated at my Kroger, almost exactly. I have never been treated rudely and they are more than happy to take my piles of coupons-ALL coupons. Just this past week, Ingle’s acted like I was a criminal for trying to get 2 free avocados with free IP coupons, while I was still paying over $200 OOP at their store. I told them no problem, I would merely use the coupons at Kroger. I will go back to Ingle’s, but I will not be doing more than 10-25% of my shopping there from now on. They need to get in this decade.

        • Tara

          I shop at Kroger too, but they have a limit on the number of “like” coupons you can use in one transaction. The same goes for doubling coupons. They only double a certain amount. Once you reach that amount the rest of your coupons are at face value. This was obviously staged for tv ratings.

    • Ronni

      I totally agree with you Sara….take what you need, why clear the shelves, who the heck needs that much of one product!

  25. Sunshine

    I find it inspiring!! Yes, it’s to the extreme. But anything can become extreme. I’m new to couponing. Last month was my birthday (33) and asked my coupon queen friend to turn me on to coupons for my gift. She hooked me up with organization, rules and a few cool websites (this one included) Anyway I think these extreme cuoponer are inspiring. I hope to be this good oneday. But only what we need. And no I’m a hoarder!!

    • Chandra

      I thought it was inspriring too!!! It made me want to recommit and “step up” my savings. Will I buy 1,000 boxes of cereal…probably not but it would be great to grow my stockpile and enjoy more savings for my family and friends.

  26. Kiyomi

    Couponing has been such a huge blessing to our family and helps us accomplish other goals, like being able to home school. Like others, It has given us opportunities to share with others, including families we know that are unemployed and struggling, the homeless, a men’s recovery house to name a few. I haven’t seen the show yet, but it makes me feel a little sad. We humans have a tendency to take a good thing to an extreme–so I guess the show IS titled accurately!! These people hopefully are the exception, not the rule! I loved that you encourage “missing a deal”! Life is an amazing delicious feast, and if you have kids you know that it goes by waaaay too fast!!
    Blessings to my fellow couponers!

  27. leslie

    I was dissapointed that those who were somewhat “hoarding” stuff or at least buying more than they needed, didn’t mention helping others. Like if you had years worth of deodorant why not donate some to a womans shelter or something, you know? spread the wealth!

  28. Rita

    I hope that TLC reads this post. These people are sick and need help. I wish they would follow you or one of the other grounded and ethical “coupon divas”.

  29. karen

    I agree with you all. As I am watching this show- I am thinking “ok so I love Couponing, but I am NOT like this! I do buy things that I will not use if they are free,BUT I do not store them in a room. I GIVE to friends and family that will use it!!!

  30. Kristin

    Collin, Thanks for saying what you did about nothing being a BIG deal. I think it’s important especially for newer couponers to be reminded of this. If you don’t get the shampoo this week, you might have to pay full price if you’re out! Guess what, not the end of the world. You’ve saved so much on everything else, it’s okay to miss a deal and even pay (dare I say it) full price for something. I imagine many of us couponers learned this the hard way through sweat, tears, and time unreasonably spent on couponing. Sounds like our hubbies have some things in common 😉

  31. Kathryn

    My favorite person on the show is the third woman. I love that she actually buys only what she needs and doesn’t buy 500000+ of every item like some of the other women on the show.

    I really hope that the first woman donates some of her items to charities. I definitely think she is a hoarder…

  32. Sam

    I’m not usually one to pay a lot of attention to comments, but…..This show is silly (but I like Joyce)! 🙂

    I feel like cashiers and shoppers alike already look down on us for being frugal thanks to all the dishonest/disorganized couponers, and now this!!! Seriously, this is more than extreme- these people (well, the first lady anyway!) are ADDICTED to couponing in a horrible way….

    The way I coupon, it is like an extra income to my family- very carefully!

    It takes me NO MORE than 2 hours per week to shop– from buying/clipping my papers, researching/printing deals to coming home and putting it all away! And I have well more than we need- and we donate often! If I spend more time, I’m not only taking away from my family, but I may have well as worked that extra shift my boss offered me last week and paid full price for everything!

    I have to say that the first lady on the show about made me hate the whole show! But Krazy Koupon Lady was okay (crazy and a little over-the-top still, but at least she admits it! 🙂 ) and Joyce was very cool… she shared her coupons with fellow shoppers and only got what she went for! That’s cool.

  33. Carrie

    I have to say, I do have a stockpile of items we use regularly and items that will ship well to my husband and our friends who will be deployed shortly. However, I think these people are a little beyond extreme. I cannot imagine storing so much or feeling the need to have that much on hand, regardless of the price. I think it would be wonderful if they could share the “wealth” by donating to those who need it. There are many people out there who would greatly appreciate such items and could really use them. But that’s just my opinion.

  34. Kristin

    Haven’t seen the show, but maybe some of these people also need to be featured on HOARDERS! I can say this with some levity as I myself have had to overhaul my home of too much STUFF!

  35. MsMoneyStretcher

    “To me a great show on couponing would be a show that is teaching the average person how to coupon. A person that doesn’t have 70 hours a week to scour ads and clip coupons, a person that doesn’t have access to an entire garage to store all of their “goods”… and really, who needs that many “goods”?!”

    WELL SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • MommyHasDeals

      I agree! I think Joyce actually showed the average person how to coupon. The first lady needs rehab…lol!

  36. Heather C

    I often think “It’s not a big deal” or “it’s not worth it” when reading and reviewing deals. Because like everyone, I have priorities and better things to do than shop and coupon all day, and even worse, to fret about deals I missed. No thanks. I get what I can, and every deal/freebie has to be worth my time or I skip it. I like having the information but being able to assess what is important is the most important part. 😉

  37. Rita

    my Kroger will not take double more then three identical items..they are VERY strict on that point…interesting how here those rules dont apply

  38. Rita

    nathan just redeemed himself by dontating the cereal

  39. nicolesupermama

    I’m watching it now…good grief! the only “yah” moment is at the end here when someone actually donate a bunch of the stuff they scored for free to a food bank! good for them…however, who needs 4 years of body wash? really now. I love saving money as much as the next person…and I love this website, but I only buy what I need 🙂

  40. Meridith

    I think these people have some issues. They should have put a hoarding show right after. I really hope people like this don’t ruin couponing for the rest of us!! I’m afraid if people abuse the “system” it will be changed.

  41. Hana

    Thanks for this post! I miss deals that I want to do all the time and it actually really stresses me out. Thanks for reminding me it’s really not that big a deal!

  42. Bridgette

    I just finished watching the show with my husband and he thought I was crazy!!!! I understand that they like couponing but when you stock pile and you dont need to buy anything for 30 years, thats crazy! The last guy at least donated his cereal but he hired a coupon company to send him coupons! I bit drastic but everyone has a niche! I wish I had the time and the space to do it like they do but what a waste of alot of products when it all goes bad because you bought too much and didnt use it before it expired! Agreed….it is EXTREME COUPONING!

  43. Laura

    I can’t tell you what a blessing your post was. I can very easily get obsessed over couponing and build up on anxiety when I miss deals or when I try to rush to not miss certain deals that my family loses a quality mommy to a stressed, fearful nut. It really isn’t a big deal I have not found that balance with couponing yet and allow weeks to pass between amazing deals but I am trying ok with it. Sometimes its just not the right time to stretch yourself.
    Thanks again. My friend referred me to your website and I am so belssed by your overall attitude.

  44. Leslie

    I just watched the Extreme Couponing and it was fixed for TV. Store in NC will not let you purchased that high number of items at one time. But I still will continue to use coupons!

  45. Denise

    My grocery stores will only allow you to double or triple 1 like coupon in 1 transaction, is this not true for everyone ??

  46. kara

    I can’t believe how friendly the cashiers and store management are in this show! Especially for the amount of items they are buying, I was in shock!

    • ashley leveto

      it was all the cameras!!

  47. joyce

    I agree with the other posters. A good stockpile helps us immensely with groceries/toiletries/gifts, etc., but giving to Second Harvest and other community supply drives is very rewarding for me. Some of these folks create drama for a show, but miss the mark somewhat as to purpose and practicality. Can’t help but think what that cereal or those toothbrushes would mean to a homeless shelter or Mission of Hope-type program!

    Also think they need to calculate expenses for Q purchases into bottom lines to be fair and more realistic. $70 more still isn’t bad, and it truly reflects cash outlays.

  48. HelenL

    I am still trying to figure out how some of them could get away purchasing so much in one trip when the stores have coupon limits. I am almost sure the last guy, Nathan, was at a King Soopers, and they limit you to three like coupons per transaction. So how could he purchase so much cereal and toothbrushes and deodorants. I just don’t understand it.

    • Annie

      I think he was at Kroger and my local Kroger store has no limits on the number of coupons used or the number that double. My local store doubles coupons up to 99c. I feel very lucky but this may change if too many people try extreme couponing and cause havoc at the store.

      I know these mega shops were planned for the show, but who wants to spend 6 hours in a store not to mention the hours of planning and hours putting the stuff away. That first woman has serious issues and needs to work on them if she is going to get emotionally and physically healthy.

      I occasionally buy coupons and those amounts should have been included in the totals spent.

      • Tara

        I shop at Kroger too, but mine limits the amount of like coupons you can use and the amount of those coupons that will be doubled.

  49. ashley leveto

    The extreme of these people got them on TV!! The first lady was a DISGRACE to the couponing community. She needs serious help!! Loved Joyce!! Krazy lady was cool but should have has some gloves on her kid in the dumpster! And the guy well good for you. I love couponing but i could NEVER be that extreme!! Great show though will bring attention to this community!! Maybe cashiers will be nicer!!! Thanks HIP2SAVE Love your site!!

    • Janice

      I have to agree..the first lady really made me feel like we couponers were really going to get a bad rap. LOVED the Philly woman..she was to cute telling everyone as she’s walking through “I hope you have a coupon for that”!

  50. Amanda Ellis

    I personally thought the show was great. No it didn’t teach me or give me more tips on how to improve my couponing capabilities. I thought it was completely ridiculous for that man to go in there and buy 300 tooth brushes 60 bottles of soap all those boxes of cereal, it’s people like that i the reason why i can never get a deal. My opinion is it’s great to get deals but seriously dont be greedy, leave a deal for other people because you are not the only one in the world who uses coupons and wants to get a good deal. However, I think it’s interesting to watch how some people take it to the extreme and get amazing deals like that. I honestly wish I could be that great but with Colin’s help as well she realli saved my life for Christmas, I basically paid only 150 dollars total for 12 people. It’s all about everyone’s own opinion, if they wanna take coupons to the extreme and do what way works then power to them and we can all do our coupons our way. As long as we are happy and it works to our budget advantage then that is all that matters.

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