Amazon: 720 Pampers Wipes ONLY $11.51 Shipped

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Currently, Amazon is offering up yet another awesome deal on baby wipes! Just head on over here to snatch up a 720 ct box of Pampers Soft Care Scented Wipes for just $11.51 shipped! This 720 ct box equals out to 10 packages of baby wipes, so basically you’re paying $1.15 to have each package shipped to your door!

Here’s what you need to do to get in on this deal….

* Head on over to Amazon Mom and register or login. By becoming an Amazon Mom member, you receive an additional 15% discount on top of the standard 15% discount when you sign up for Subscribe & Save delivery. You’ll also score FREE 2 day shipping with Amazon Prime.

* Then head on over here to order your wipes and choose Subscribe & Save (on the right side of the page) and you will save an additional 30% off your wipes order bringing your cost down to just $12.50 with FREE 2 day shipping!

*Finally, use coupon code MOMWIPES which will take an additional 10% off.

*Your final cost will be ONLY $11.51 shipped!

And, if you have it, use the $10 Amazon Baby coupon for a final cost of $1.51 for 720 wipes! WOW!

(Thanks, Cleverly Simple!)

*Remember, when you sign up for Subscribe and Save you are under NO obligation whatsoever and can cancel at anytime. To cancel or modify your Subscribe and Save items, just click on “my account” and then “subscriptions” and with the click of a button you can cancel and/or modify anything you want.

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Comments 170

  1. Liz

    Anyone know how long this coupon code is good for? I am waiting for a gift card from swagbucks to post, should post by friday. Also, I am assuming its good for any wipes. We use huggies wipes. Thanks Collin! I am running low on wipes from the CVS deal last year. Hope I get my gc in time 😉

    • Lynette @ Cleverly Simple

      The info I found said that it’s valid until March 6th. That being said, it’s Amazon. I would order as soon as you get your gift card. 🙂

      Here’s the info from Amazon : Exclusive Savings for Amazon Mom Members: Save an additional 10% (Mom members already save 30%) on wipes from Pampers and Luvs when you use code MOMWIPES at checkout. (Applies only to products sold by Does not apply to products sold by third-party merchants and other sellers through the site. Offer expires March 6, 2011

      • Liz

        Good to know, thanks!!

        • Christina

          If anyone is able to supply me with a code I would appreciate it! I have one it my car, but my husband took it to work. I can repay with that one later. Also, I have coupons for free 8th continent soy milk if anyone wants to trade. I’m really looking for the elusive $10 off coupon! Thanks! Osucmp at aol dot com

          • theresa

            Christina I bought the $10 coupon off Ebay for ~ $1.50 totally worth it!!

            • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

              Awesome idea! Yes, that is totally worth it!

            • Jamie

              How did you get it for only $1.50? They are all over $5 now.

  2. Carie

    This is a great deal, but Pampers wipes are almost too soft already. I find it hard to wipe up a poopy mess without making more of a mess with them! HAHA. I might try them again anyway because I need wipes! Thanks!

    • Lynette @ Cleverly Simple

      You can use the code for any Pampers or Luvs wipes. This was just the best per wipe deal with the code. 🙂

      • Carie


    • raydell

      I feel the same. Pampers wipes and I have been fighting since I took on this deal the last time. I find myself wishing I would run out already:)

      • Carie

        HAHA…that’s why I didn’t do the last one. I loved Pampers when my kids were infants because they are soft/gentle, but then quickly learned to love other brands once they were a few months old.

  3. Kelly H

    I have a 20% Amazon diaper code if anyone wants to trade with me a $10 off Amazon coupon! Here’s my email if anyone is interested. x15er@tampabay (dot) rr (dot) com

  4. Jamie

    Can you use a 20% off diaper code on this too?

  5. Lauren H

    If you have the $10 off coupon from parent magazine, you can use that too. I just bought the wipes for $1.51!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      not on wipes, i have only been able to use it on diapers and pull ups

      • Tara

        The $10 works on all baby items (e.g. just bought a Cloud B turtle nightlight with mine), but the 20% codes are only for diapers and pullups.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        ooops, I replied to the wrong comment :(, sorry! the $10 off can be used on any baby purchase, the 20% off only on diapers.

    • Amy

      Which issue was this in? I have a new subscription to Parents and got my first issue (the February one) the other day. Thank you!

    • Jennifer

      I have the February Parents magazine, could someone please tell me where I can find the $10 coupon? Thanks so much! I am going to be an aunt soon and this would be a great gift for the parents to be.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Didnt come in Feb

  6. Liz

    I find pampers wipes terrible. Are the luvs wipes the same?

    • Brooke Buice

      Luvs wipes are more like the Parent’s Choice brand. Unless they’ve changed them very recently, they don’t feel like Pamper’s wipes at all.

  7. becca

    If anyone has a coupon they aren’t going to use I would be grateful to use it. thanks!

  8. Ana


    Don’t use them they have PARABEN, a now known CANCERIGEN !!

    (that’s why they are trying hard to market them with such deals)

    • Tinker

      Many things you have in your household have things that are linked to cancer causing agents. Unless you have the patience of Job and all day to rid your house of everything that contains Parabens or other substances, you are likely to be exposed more times than you car to think of. I think the wipes will be fine and I’m certain that it is high doses that are the link.

      • CP

        Thank you!

    • CP

      There are thousands of products that contain Paraben! And Paraben has not actually been proven as a CARCINOGEN, it has been found in tumors from breast cancer patients. The current theory is that the Paraben got there from the use of AP/DO. There are six forms of Paraben, and the form in deodorant is not the same as what MIGHT be on these wipes (I have never seen Paraben as an ingredient on Pampers wipes). And no, this is not some type of crazy marketing scheme to unload a bunch of cancer-causing wipes to mothers who didn’t know any better.

      • Ana

        There is paraben in these wipes

        and the precautionay principle makes sense here to not use these wipes.

        Ecotoxicology is about “dose”, the more you are exposed to a cancerigen agent, the more likely you are to generate a cancer, so reduce your exposure WHERE YOU CAN

        Think about it, I don’t have an agenda, sure sharing a good tip

        • CP

          I don’t have to think about it, I have done years of research on the subject. Your ‘good tip’ is your opinion. I am not going to discuss this any further. Have a good day.

    • Courtney_Amanda

      Hee 😀

      • Ana

        Yes exactly, “CANCERIGEN” not “CARCINOGEN” as the moron who says “I have done years of research on the subject”, who are you kidding? You are a fraud, at one point you will regret it.

        • Lily

          Ana, sorry but I have to chime in. I work in a Molecular Biology lab and CARCINOGEN is the term we commonly use for things that cause cancer.

          • Ana

            I’m English and we use cancerigen,sorry for the confusion

            Oh well, use those wipes, but you have been warned.

            That’s OK to use this product, because “thousand of products” use paraben…

            YOUR CHOICE

          • pernille

            Thank you Lily. I guess that is what Ana deserves after calling someone a moron.

            • Ana

              Yeah defending PARABEN and I am the moron

              Shame on you

  9. A

    As good as the price is, id rather pass. They r too soft and its hard to wipe poop bec the wipe turns out and i end up getting dirty!

  10. Laura

    im still using the wipes that i got from the 3 for 7 deal when it was for 3 huge bags of huggies for 7. what a great deal that was. im glad i got it before they caught it at bru

  11. Sandra

    If anyone has a coupon that they are not going to use, it would be very appreciated.

  12. angela fabian

    i have an amazon 20% off diapers code for whomever wants it! First come, first served:

    yjyz-74yx8w-967a8b exp 2-28

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Just used it. Thank you soooo much! Wish I had a shutterfly coupon to pay you back with, but I don’t. 🙁

  13. angela fabian

    does anyone have a shutterfly coupon or gift cert they arent going to use?

  14. Colleen Bell

    Does anybody buy these regularly? I always buy Target Up&Up brand, but would buy these as a gift, if they are good wipes… Any good reviews on them?

    • debra

      I use these all the time. I have 4 boys and a baby girl. I have found Pampers wipes work best on little girls as they are a lot thinner and moister than Huggies wipes making it easier to clean if you know what I mean. It is all a matter of preference but I recommend them.

  15. Jo

    If anyone has a 20% coupon, I would be grateful. I have nothing to trade. I have given codes to other on this forum when I have not needed mine if that helps. 🙂 I have two in diapers and could really use it.

    jtl20@ yahoo dot com
    thank you so much if you do! 🙂

  16. Melissa

    I love Pampers wipes. I personally think the huggies wipes are too rough. I also like that they are a little thinner- I don’t like the new ‘thick’ kind they’re selling now. I think these wipes are awesome and what a great price too!

    • debra

      I totally agree with you! I love Pampers wipes!

  17. Kristi

    Got the deal – thanks! With two kids in diapers, seems like wipes are always running out…

  18. Angela

    I would love to order these wipes but they have alchohol in them….alchohol in baby wipes= horrible diaper rash!! ouch!

    • CP

      They contain Benzyl Alcohol, which will not cause nor irritate diaper rash. It’s actually an ingredient used in hundreds of personal care items.

    • debra

      Use these ALL the time and they have never caused a rash.

  19. amber

    I would trade a lean cuisine code (for the cute lunch bags) for a code please…

  20. Megan

    So glad I read this. We have to use the sensitive wipes for my little guy, and we were scheduled to have some shipped tomorrow. I was able to cancel that subscribe & save and start a new one using the coupon code just in time! THANKS!!

  21. jennifer

    Thanks so much for the heads up! I love Pampers wipes and have used all brands but keep coming back to Pampers! Will def. Order these!

  22. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I bought these last time they had a deal like this and they are great! I have always used Pampers wipes on my children and that is all we will use. Cancer, really? Come on people?

  23. Angie

    I got the deal as well. I do think that the wipes are thin, however with the price you pay… is hard to pass up!

  24. Kari

    If anyone has an extra coupon, that they are not going to use, could you please email it to me? Thanks so much


  25. Sandra

    I have a catalina for Kmart. With any new or transferred Rx get a $10.00 gift card email me if interested. Also I am in desperate need of the code I would be very humbled if some one would share with me, thanks

  26. Olivia Smith

    I have 1 more code at home- hope I can get this deal when I get off work! 🙂

  27. MamaAng

    Thanks again, Collin! When our new LO comes in April, I’ll have 2 in diapers so all these diaper & wipe deals are saving the day around here! I had a Swagbucks card for this one, too, so 720 wipes for $6.51!!!! Woot!

    • Lisa

      In order to extend my Amazon Mom membership, does my total need to be $25 before or AFTER discounts?

      • sara

        before…i got diapers that were 40 before discounts and after discounts i paid 2.xx and it extended mine a month…hth

      • froggyfroggy

        I believe it is before discounts since mine is extended when I buy a box of diapers but my oop after the discounts is always less than $25.

      • Heather

        Does anyone know how I can order wipes and diapers at the same time with the subscribe and save option? I have the free Amazon Mom trial and am trying to get my subtotal to $25 so I can keep my membership. After I subscribe to one or the other there is no “keep shopping” option. ??

        • sara

          I think you have to do them separate but your OOP does not need to be 25….just before discounts!

          • Heather

            Yeah, I think you’re right. I just ordered 2 boxes of these (38.XX before Subscribe and Save or 26.xx after S&S but before MOMWIPES) so either way I think I should get another month of membership for purchasing the $25. It isn’t showing on my account yet though….

  28. Sarah M.

    Hi Ladies,

    I would like to get a 20% or $10 off code if anyone has extra! Thank you in advance

  29. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Great deal!

  30. Heather

    If anyone has an extra 20% or $10 code they aren’t using, I would love it! Thanks!

    • Kerri Wallace

      I am e-mailing you one now!

  31. Lizzel

    Got the deal! Thanks for sharing. To sweeten it even more I purchased a LivingSocial daily deal a while back ($10 for $20 Amazon gift card), so in reality, even though I didn’t have a $10 off code from Parent Magazine I was still able to get them for $1.51 ~ Yippee! ~

  32. Anonymous

    I used this code on the 504 count Thick Care wipes and got them for $8.50. Nice! Not a great price, but we’ve really got to stock up – we have a 21 month old in diapers and in 9 weeks, we’ll have a newborn in diapers. GOTTA stock up!

  33. meganph

    so if you set a subscribe and save and you get a great deal like today. are your future shipments the same price?

    • sara

      no you get it at whatever the list price is so you should cancel subscribe and save after it has shipped

    • sara
  34. Stacey

    How soon can you cancel the subscribe and save after placing an order?

    • sara

      after you get an email saying it has shipped…if you do it before it may cancel your order

    • Laura

      as soon as it ships! 🙂

    • lilia

      right after they shipped
      by teh way if any one has an extra coupon please share lilodah(at)hotmail(dot)com

  35. Amy

    I had two $10 off amazon codes and had used one previously and tried to use my second and it won’t let me. Are you only able to use one per account, anyone know. They are different codes and from two different magazines.

    • sara

      I think it is you can only use one each month per account..but if you have a dif account it should work

    • Jennifer

      I have not had the luck of finding one yet, but I’ve heard that you can only use one per expiration date even if the codes are different.

    • Lisa

      I had one that wouldn’t work, so I contacted Amazon and they said to place the order, then email them my code and order number and they would issue a refund. It worked perfectly. HTH!

    • Bridgette

      I tried using a code in January and then in February and wasnt able to. I emailed Amazon about it but never heard back. I also called Amazon and asked them but I think they were more concerned why the code wouldnt work that they gave me a $10 credit but never answered my initial question. I am not sure what the issue is with the $10 codes only being able to use them once, even though it does say one per customer. If anyone has any better luck at getting a real answer, please let me know.

    • sara

      if cant use it I would be willing to trade coupons or rewards codes for it…my sis is in desperate need of diapers and wipes…!

  36. melissa

    Collin you equal such an amazing woman! I’m getting this as part of a shower gift! What a fun fun way to bless others and do so within a budget!

  37. Dawn

    Not a deal, as I hate the Pampers wipes! They are too thin and flimsy!

  38. stacy

    woot woot~ these are great for quick cleans in the bathroom and removing makeup!!!

  39. Destiny

    I’d love a coupon code please. We are expecting a baby girl in April and I’d love to stock up on these. Plus I still have another one in diapers now too. Please email me at

    • Melissa


      • sara

        If anyone has more my sister could use them she is a mother of 7 all under the age of 9 so she could really use help with diaper cost..willing to trade if we have something you want…maybe coupons or diaper rewards codes! thanks

      • Destiny

        Thank you so much! Because of you … I was able to get these for free using the code and a amazon gift card from Swagbucks!! 🙂 Pretty excited!!! Thank you soo much!

  40. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    For me this is not a great deal. A good one maybe, but not great. I like to stockpile wipes when they are .01 per wipe or less. So this box would need to be @ $7.20. I feel like we can do a lot better with store sales and coupons! I guess its great if you can not get out to buy from the store 😉

    Thanks for all the deals Collin, you are great!

  41. allison

    If anyone has a code or $10 coupon I would greatly appreciate it. TIA

  42. Ali

    If anyone has an extra 10 dollars off coupon, I would LOVE you for it! 🙂 thanks in advance.

    ali.holt@yahoo dot com

  43. Ashley Packer

    Is anyone having problems getting the MOMWIPES code to work? It won’t work for me.

    • Kelly G.

      If anyone has an extra $10 code please email me at I have many coupons including one for “free” products like coffeemate and more to trade for! thanks

  44. brazilchick32

    Nice! Just got the Pampers 720 count box of wipes! Total was $19.19 and I signed up for the subscribe and save, used the MOMWIPES code, had a $1.29 gift card balance remaining and used my $10 off coupon! My total was 22 cents =)

  45. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Does anyone have a $10 code or a YJ code they would like to trade for a YT code? I need to place an order but I need it to be as cheap as possible. Thank you in advance..

  46. Porsche.Kumming

    I am a member of amazon mom and the last time i ordered diapers the 15% did not comas e off…was supposed to type in a promo code at check out or anything? If anyone extra coupon has a coupon code I would be so grateful!

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