People Magazine: Win a FREE Swag Bag ($400 Value!) – 100 Winners Daily through March 11th

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Wow! Here’s an awesome opportunity to earn a high-value goodie bag ($400 value!) from People Magazine. Through March 11th, just head on over here, fill your virtual “Swag Bag” with all of the available products and click “Get Bag”….if you are one of the first 100 to complete this task, you’ll snag a FREE Swag Bag filled with $400 worth of items from L’Oreal Paris, Giorgio Armani, Sprint, and got2b.

*Please note that I’ve personally found the official rules of this contest to be very confusing as there does not appear to be a start time each day; as a result, I decided to post this close to midnight tonight in the hopes that some of you will have the opportunity to snag a free bag. Be sure to come back and let us know if you get lucky! 🙂

(Thanks to reader Gina for emailing me about this offer…she was lucky enough to win a Swag Bag of her very own earlier today!)

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Comments 67

  1. Nicole

    Yeah i already got one too. They post at different times per day, or sometimes it’s the same time for a couple of days. 12pm est time is a good time to check too. Thats when i got mine. I dont think it ever went live at midnight though, but i could be wrong. Some ppl have said early morning too like 7am est time Or 9am est time. but i would try noon for sure.

    • Dollie

      Who do we have to “like” in order to be notified when it goes live?

    • Renee

      Congrats Nicole! I can never seem to get all my items in the bag real quick! Is there an easier way or am I missing something on how to enter? I know if I hit “Skip” that’s just for the “Sweepstakes.” I would love to win a Swag Bag. Any info/tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you and enjoy your prize :)!

      • Nicole

        once the page loads, click “play now”, then the game will start loading each item, instead of waiting for every item to load (cuz it goes slow), click the “skip intro” button, that will not skip the game at all, it will just skip the intro of the loading of each item. Then start clicking on each of the items & add them to you bag. you will know when the game is live cuz you wont get the message that the bags are gone & once u hit add to your bag the item will show up in one of the boxes at the bottom of the screen. and all you do is add each item to your bag, once the boxes at the bottom of the page are filled with all items from the room, click get bag, a screen will pop up and from their you either will have to login or if you dont have an account you’d type in your name/address & such. after you do that it will let you know if you got a bag. then you should get an email right away saying your a potential winner. If you add all the items to your bag, click get bag, login or register, and you dont get a message saying you won, then you have to do it all over again by going back (reloading) and clicking on each item and adding it to your bag. it can be frustrating but well worth it.

        • dawn

          i dont see the “add to bag” button??????

        • Jen

          Once the first item loaded there were left and right arrows on the what do they call it – dialogue box? – then you just click the arrow to the right and the next item description loads automatically so you don’t have to keep going into the hard to navigate “room”. That’s how I was able to load everything fast and get the “you’ll get an email” notice. Good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed I get the winner email. I really want that phone! Hope you are lucky too! P.S. Went live at 12pm EST (9am PST).

          • Alea

            You don’t win the phone – it’s for a movie ticket. Just like the Burlesque movie, isn’t the movie but hairspray inspired by the movie instead.

            • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

              It says in the official rules you win products valued at 400$… So, I think it’s more than a movie ticket. Oops nevermind I see..:)

    • Daniela

      I also won mine at noon EST. I just kept trying to bag the items until all of them could be bagged. It goes live at different times, sometimes at 7am EST, or noon EST or even at 4pm EST.

    • courtney

      what all comes in the bags?

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Received this in an email –
      You’re a potential winner of one of our Swag Bags. You will be contacted
      shortly by a member of our Swag Suite team to confirm all details.
      Did they send you an email confirming you were a winner?

  2. Heather


  3. Maria D.

    Already gone. Tried at 12:04AM EST

  4. Leticha S.

    Its SO slow!!!……

  5. melissa

    how do you know when its live? It told me all the bags were given away for today when I clicked on one of the items.

    • Mrs.Hall

      me too..i have no clue when..guess its just go check and see kind of thing? if thats the case i have no chance 🙁

    • Nicole

      They dont have a set time. They do by random times each day. But usually it would be early in the morning or right at 12pm est time, which noon is your best bet. But you really have to be quick. And creating an account now would help so if you do get a bag when it goes live all you have to do is login with your password instead of creating one while your trying to win and by the time you submit it u just wasted time, so make an account now. So if you go over their and play now you can make an account even if the bags are not available yet. And just keep trying at random times, it most likely doesn’t go live between 12am-5am est times. Like i mentioned above try at 6am, 7am, 9am, 10am, & 12pm (all eastern times) Thats when i heard it went live for a few ppl. that got theirs, but for most it was 12pm est time. So goodluck. And hope i helped someone.

  6. Mrs.Hall

    I just don’t get it lol

  7. Renee J.

    Thank you very much Nicole! I actually have gotten to that point (a few days ago) where I did get all the items in the bag and it said if I were a potential winner and one of the first 100 people, I would be notified by email; but never got that email. My problem is clicking on each item and putting them in the bags. I have a very fast computer but when it comes to that site, ugghhh my computer is like me – when I’m on the treadmill! Always pushing it, but not fast enough! I will keep trying though! Thanks again for your reply!

  8. Dawn

    Does not pull up??????

  9. mimi

    Hello everyone,

    I know this is off topic..but if you had saved the $5 pdf mineral coupon….would you be so kind as to take a few minutes to email it to me at partyymagic AT
    I would appreciate this so much!
    Thank you,

    • ellekd

      I would love to have that also, when I saw the site they were gone. Please send a copy of pdf to I love their cosmetics and often pay far too much.Tlhanks in advance.

      • TXWife

        Hi guys!

        I just sent you the coupon. 🙂 Hope you’re able to open it and use it with no problems. 😉


    I got mine yesterday at 12:01PM EST. What is kind of frustrating is that they say you are a potential winner and then leave you hanging. LOL I saw on a different site people saying they won March 4th and still have not been contacted.

    • Nicole

      on @peoplegiveaways twitter page they said youd be contacted within 4-6 weeks


        I know, I just think its funny that the e-mail says you’ll be contacted shortly and then you have to wait 4-6 weeks…in my vocabulary that’s not shortly 😉

        • Alea

          It sounds like most people are getting confirmation emails about being a potential winner pretty quickly. I would guess more than 100 actually get through on the form before they are able to close it for the day, but only the first 100 they receive will get the confirmation emails and the rest who got through didn’t make it in the first 100 so they won’t be getting a confirmation email.

  11. Bridgette

    all gone

  12. Alea
  13. Alea

    Sprint only gives A SINGLE movie ticket? Seems like they should at least be able to give a pair of tickets out!! LOL.

  14. Kelli

    I have tried three times. I am able to bag the first item, but then after that, the bag it button disappears and I can’t bag anything. Anybody have that happen?

    • Jessey

      Same thing happens to me.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      It means they have all been won for the day.

  15. Loretta Sword

    Did anyone read the rules? Something is not adding up. This is what it says “One (1) Runner-up Prize: A Celeb Swag Bag (ARV: $400). Selection and quantity of products in Celeb Swag Bag are at the sole discretion of the Sponsor. Maximum value of all prizes: $5,200. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received, estimated at 1:120,000 for either prize.” Further down it says they are awarding (1) $400 prize odds are 1:120,000. Doesn’t make sense.

    • Alea

      That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense at all. The rules aren’t very clear at all. It also says what they send is up to the sponsor’s discretion so it might not even be the stuff pictured (ie, the perfume, hairspray, movie ticket from sprint). I hope those who win all receive nice stuff! I couldn’t remember my password and just missed it and had everything in my bag and ready to go! 🙁

  16. Andrea

    Can you try as many times as you want in the day being that you don’t know when exactly it is working?

    • Nicole


  17. Britt

    It’s live right now… I made it in and am waiting for the email.

    • Loretta Sword

      Did you get any kind of confirmation? It let me add all the items. I went to log in and hit enter. Then I next got the message that said all bags were gone.

      • Cassandra

        The same thing happened to me, but I checked my e-mail right away and they sent one saying I’m a potential winner and will be contacted soon. Guess we’ll see what happens! 🙂

    • Jen

      I bagged it today too. I really hope I get the “winning#” email. The phone would be a super awesome gift for my hubby’s birthday. He needs one of these for work.

      • Alea

        It’s not a phone when you bag it – it says a movie ticket courtesy of Sprint.

  18. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Just tried let me bag everything, and said an email will be sent if I’m a winner “fingers crossed”!!! =) Good Luck All!

  19. Mrs.Hall

    my items wouldn’t even go to was too overwhelmed. 🙁 I don’t think I will get this one time one said all gone.

  20. Claire

    Yay! I got an email saying congratulations and that I was a potential winner! Fingers crossed!

  21. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Is there a way to register in advance? I was able to add all the items to my bag, but after I completed the registration it said sorry all bags are gone.

  22. Mrs.Hall

    is it only once a day?

  23. fran

    It’s over. I get one in my cart and that’s it…yikes!

  24. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I’m so confused about the rules at the top it says “No Purchase Necessary to register and or participate in this program. Program begins at 12:01 p.m. ET on 2/28/2011 and ends at 11:59 p.m. E.T. on 3/11/11. All entrants must be legal U.S. residents age 19 or older at the time of entry and present in the U.S. HOW TO ENTER: The first 100 people to fill their virtual “Swag Bag” with all of the available products and click to “Get Bag” will win. PRIZE: Each winner will receive a Swag Bag containing products from advertisers with an approximate retail value of $400. On each day, as soon as the number of items to be awarded has been reached, the promotion will close for that campaign. Limited to one entry per email account per day. Where PEOPLE magazine is not the sponsor, it cannot guarantee the availability of any of the items described. Sponsor(s) not responsible for any damage to computer equipment related to participating in this program. Winner(s) may be required to complete an affidavit of eligibility or waiver of liability before any items can be awarded or claimed. Void where prohibited by law.” But then it acts like only 1 will win the swag bag! OdD!

    • deanna

      there are 2 sets of rules. one is for the daily swag bag and one is for the red carpet sweepstakes. and there is a runner up for the red carpet sweeps you win a swag bag.
      i won mine last weekend.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        did you get the “potential winner” email or a different one?

  25. kitty

    i only see 7 things whats the 8th item?

  26. kitty

    never mind i got it i was counting 1 item less

  27. Sandra Roberts

    I tried today at 7 CST and was told they are all gone. Guess I’ll try again at 11 CST lol

  28. TXWife

    I tried at 12 a.m. EST and 12 p.m. EST (on the dot) but it kept giving me the message that all swag bags have been claimed already.

  29. Candy

    Did anyone get through for today yet? I keep trying at different hours, but don’t want to waste my time if it is done for the day!


    • Alea

      I tried every hour since 8 – they might have gone earlier than that though.

  30. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Has anyone recieved further emails about their win???

    • Claire

      Nope. Not yet. But then again it hasn’t been 4-6 weeks since I received the email from them about being a possible winner.

      • Jess

        Okay thanks! Keep me posted if you receive anything! Thanks Again!

        • Claire

          Still nothing on my end. Have you heard anything?

          • Jess

            Haven’t heard a word, I guess they have about 1 more week before the 6th week since the contest ended hopefully we hear something this week! =)) *fingers crossed*

            • laura nealy

              Got my bags today! Live on the east coast. Everyone else is getting theirs today too, but some have been able to check with FedEx somehow..and saw that theirs are coming tomorrow and the next day. They were able to put Swag Bag in some sort of search on FedEx with their zip code. I don’t know how. : )

          • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

            got mine today!

  31. James McC

    got mine too, but don’t feel it’s a $400 value. I do like the bottle of cologne though. It’s the only kind I wear (for years). 🙂 Anyone not wanting their cologne, that wants the hairspray/mascara/lip stick, let me know….

    • Jess

      Yes, I feel it was no where near th $400 value. I added up everything and it was all worth only $125 very dissapointed with their missleading info. I’m still happy I won one though, it’s all cause Collin posted it. =)

      • James McC

        If you don’t get the cologne on sale, it’s about a $55 value for just that, at least. Luckily I wear this cologne…and always ask for more for Christmas or B’Days. I almost felt like I maybe didn’t get everything I was supposed to, since the value wasn’t what was expected. But, I guess I did.

        It was still a great Freebie, and the other users on here that mentioned when to try to get in helped tremendously. I would’ve never gotten in otherwise.

        Gotta love full sized freebies! 🙂

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