New $0.75/1 Any Ball Park Franks Coupon

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There is a new printable Ball Park coupon available! Just head on over here and refresh the page (if needed) until you spot a banner at the top of the site that looks exactly like the above pic. Click on it and you will be redirected to the Ball Park site where you’ll need to scroll down and click on a link (like the pic below) to print a $0.75 off any One Package of Ball Park Franks coupon! Hit your browser back button to print 2 coupons per computer.

With grilling season upon us, we should be seeing lots of awesome in-store sales on these franks, so this coupon should make for a sweet deal! Let us know if you come across any.

(Thanks, Printable Coupons and Deals!)

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Comments 108

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    The coupon actually prints as .75/2 packages.

    • Cathy

      Mine printed 75 cents off 1.

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    The banner showed up for me, when I clicked it, it then took me to the Ball Park website. The second banner pic never showed. There is a link for coupon savings, but it’s .75/2.

  3. Heather

    I refreshed, clicked on the banner, made it to the Ball Park site, and don’t see the pic for the $.75 coupon. Is it available for everyone? Anyone have any hints?

  4. Cathy

    Thanks, Collin! I picked up some Ball Park hot dogs at Walmart last week. They were on Rollback for $1.50 and I had the 75 cents off coupons that were previously available – so 75 cents/package. Not bad! My kids love hot dogs – and now we can get more! 🙂

    • Collin

      What an awesome price! I’ll have to check and see if these are the same price at my local Walmart! Thanks! 🙂

  5. Barbie

    can someone post the direct link? I keep getting the 3 muskateers banner. thanks

    • Collin

      Hi Barbie,

      There is not a direct link. You have to click through the banner ad in order to get the correct $0.75/1 coupon link.

  6. Katie

    When I went to the website, it only offered me a 75 cents off the purchase of 2 coupon, but that’s better than nothing! Not sure if this is by region or what. Thanks anyway!

  7. Collin

    HI all,

    There is a coupon available on their site for $0.75/2… but that’s not the one I’m referring to. You have to wait for the banner to show up and then click on it and immediately scroll down to click on the $0.75/1 link. You do not want to click on the “Coupon/Offers” tab on their site as that won’t take you to the correct coupon. It’s kind of confusing.

    • Charlene

      Did not work for me I went through the banner and it did not give me that coupon only the one on the site.

  8. lisa

    I opened the link in IE and never saw the banner. I tried in FF and it came up after the third time I refreshed it. However, the q is for .75 / 2. Is anyone having luck w/ .75 / 1?

  9. Megan

    You have to click on the “Go” on the first banner to get the second click-thru. If you just click anywhere on the banner you get the general Ball Park page with the 75-cents/2 coupon. It took me a couple of tries to figure this one out.

    • Laura

      Thank you!!

    • Amber P

      Thanks!! It took me a while, but I got it! 🙂

    • Megan Miller

      yes, thank you!

  10. shannon

    im trying but im not seeing any link like the one in the pic :/ oh well

  11. Kelly

    I have an adblock program installed on my browser and had to make sure that was off to see it. 🙂

  12. audrey

    GRR after hitting refresh 30 times still no popup of this add. and these are .24 at Harris Teeter this week with this q. I Want it lol.

  13. Carie

    I clicked on the “Go” and it still just redirected me to the Ball Park website.

    • Princessbooboo

      You are directed to the Ball Park website, and you need to quickly scroll down. You will see the part that says $0.75/1. You are pretty close 🙂 You got to be quick!

  14. drama77

    I waited for the right banner and I got it…thanks!

  15. Stacy

    The trick is…when you click Collin’s link, and see the Ballpark banner…WAIT and watch the advertisement (Ballpark banner)…after it goes for a few seconds, at the end of the advertisement it will have a coupon link. 🙂

  16. audrey

    Woot Woot switched to Safari and got it the first try! Will get 2 packs for below .50 if HT still has em lol.

  17. christy

    I got it (twice) but the one I got was $.75/2 and it’s only for the Deli Style…

    • K

      You have to watch the advertisement for the banner and after like 3 slides, click the GO button and that will take you the the $0.75/1 coupons – At first I could only get the $0.75/2 until I read someone else’s comment about clicking on the GO button and that worked perfectly. Good luck!

  18. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I can get the banner to come up, after that, nada.

  19. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I’ve clicked on the .75 banner and it took me to the ball park website. I was ready to click for the coupon, but I never saw it. Any advice? Thanks

  20. Britt

    Still can’t get it. I got the right banner this time, exact formatting of the pic. But still every time it redirects me to with no pic like you show.. grr.

  21. elizabeth

    I feel exceptionally challenged right now by this… I can’t find the 75/1 coupon anywhere! That picture doesn’t show up after I click the banner for me!

    • Laura

      Click on “Go”…not anywhere on the banner and it will take you to .75/1

  22. Kristin

    After refreshing a gazillion times using IE, I got it on the first try in Firefox! Thank you!

  23. Katie

    It worked right away when I switched browsers too!

  24. Katie

    Bummer! I think i’ve gotten every advertisement BUT Ballpark, lol. I’ll keep trying.

  25. Heather

    I click go on the banner and I still am not seeing the coupon anywhere….

    • elizabeth

      Im having the same problem…. I think the universe just doesn’t want me to take the easy way out and make hot dogs for dinner tonight!

  26. Elizabeth

    Me either and I scroll down immediately when the window opens 🙁

  27. melanie

    Add me to the people who screwed up and went to the wrong link. I came back and reread Collin’s directions and now have four coupons to use. Woot!

  28. amom84

    I had to try a few times and finally got it:) I think it actually makes a difference if you click directly on the “Go” button on the link, when I do that it goes to the coupon but if you just click in the picture somewhere it goes to the regular ball park website. Hope this helps some of you that are having trouble.

  29. Anonymous

    Yeh! It worked for me…$0.75/1! Thanks! 🙂

  30. Kristi

    I’m clicking on the ‘go’ and it redirects me to ballpark dot com not to the site w/ the .75/1 q…I’ll keep trying

    • Leah

      Me too! I’ll keep trying I guess.

  31. Erika

    Is there a link for the second page that you have to scroll down to that someone can post?? I am at work and want to print it here before it runs out of prints…but I think an ad blocker is preventing me from seeing the banner. 🙁

    • tammy Lady Savings

      I tried getting the second page link for you, but the ad doesn’t show up unless you directly click thru the first ad.
      This is going to sound a little crazy, but on the first link (collin’s upper picture) make sure you click where it says “GO”. I played around with it many times and every time I clicked on the left side of the ad it didn’t work, but clicking over by the word “go” brought up the page with the $.75/1 Coupon AD 🙂
      Also, in Safari, I kept getting a skittles ad, but in firefox I got Ball Park right away….so for those of you not seeing it, try switching and see if that helps!

      • Kristi

        How do you switch?

        • tammy Lady Savings

          Hi Kristi – My hubby has Firefox and Safari on our main computer so I just clicked on the other one to change. If you only have one browser, you’ll need to install other ones to switch….might be too much work for a coupon:) It seems some people are having luck with other web browsers, but for me I could only see the ad in firefox. I tried my 2 of my kid’s computers and IE wouldn’t work. I’m getting ready to try my son’s computer, he has Chrome installed and I’m thinking that web browser might work:)
          As to how to install web browsers, I have no clue – I leave that stuff up to my son and hubby:)

          • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

            I installed chrome and it worked. I also used the link above (in the comments) and got 2 for .75/2 also.

      • Erika

        Thanks Tammyladysavings! I can’t even get the banner to come up to click go when I go to her link. I guess I will just have to wait til I get home.

  32. Brooke

    I’ve tried 20 times, still no $0.75/1 coupon.

  33. kimeeb

    Silly question perhaps, but how do you change your browser???

    • Sue

      Are you on a Windows computer? If so, You will need to download other browsers, if you haven’t already. Then you can add them to your quick start menu (at the bottom of your screen if you have Vista). That way, you can just click on it when you want to change. But you have to download them from firefox(dot)com or google(dot)com/chrome.

      • kimeeb

        Thank you…i did that, but now the advertisement won’t show up.

        • Mom of M&M

          Same with me. Just downloaded Firefox and there’s NO BANNER. I’ve seen some people mention adblockers but, I don’t know how to choose to SHOW ads! lol

          • Sue

            I could not get it to show on Firefox either. I copied and pasted the link into google chrome after I opened it and the ad came right up. When I clicked on “go” in the ad, it took me right to the coupon.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Sue, thank you!! I was on IE and couldn’t get it but I downloaded chrome and it worked on first try!!!! Yeah!!!
        Thanks Collin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Bev

    I have been trying over and over for almost 15 minutes and I still get the $.75/2 coupon offer.

  35. Nicole D.

    When I switched to Mozilla, it worked first time. Thanks Collin, cheap hotdogs at HT!!

  36. Cristy M

    I clicked GO and it worked for me 🙂

  37. Jen

    WOO hooo! Thanks so much, Collin! I will admit, was a bit confused (as I hurried through your directions) – but after re-reading them (carefully) twice, I found it!

  38. Angie

    Is it possible to get w/ ie or do you have to use something else?

    • Anne

      I tried with ie and would not work. Switched to Chrome and it worked the first time. I don’t internet explorer works for this coupon.

  39. Sue

    Okay, here’s my story. I tried with Firefox and could not even get the ad to come up, no matter how many times I refreshed. No ad blocker, got a good variety of ads, just not this one. I switched to IE and the ad was there. I waited for a go button and clicked on it. It took me to the website with 75/2 coupon. Then I switched to Google Chrome and it worked perfectly. I was able to print 2 coupons, even after I printed two 75/2 a few minutes ago. HTH

    • Shelly

      how do i switch to google chrome? tia

      • Sue

        Go to google(dot)com/chrome and download it onto your computer, if you don’t already have it. Then open it and copy & paste the link into the address bar.

  40. Cathy

    Thanks Collin and others that explained it. You do have to hit the banner at just the right time, it will take you to another page with the .75 off 1. I printed the .75 off 2 first, then went back and printed 2 of the .75/1. I was just telling my husband I’m never paying over $1 for a pack of hot dogs (and these are his favorite!)

  41. fldukes

    I got the banner on Firefox after refreshing twice. I was able to print $0.75/1, but only ONE. When I tried to print a second one, it said I’d already printed my limit. 🙁 We eat these like they are going out of style, so one is better than nothing.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I tried Chrome and IE with no luck, but it worked immediately with Firefox.

  42. Leah

    It will…not…work for me in IE (and Mozilla won’t even load ads at all). Oh well. I’m not going to let the lack of a coupon ruin my day! Happy Thursday everyone!

  43. Angie

    Thanks all. I’ll keep trying. At work and want my print before they run out of prints. Haven’t been able to get the right banner though.

  44. hilary

    i have refreshed a million times and don’t see it — it’s the banner on top of the page right? am i crazy???

  45. Jodi

    I believe these will be 1.69 next week at Shoprite.

  46. Amanda C.

    After trying a bunch of different times on IE and Firefox…I downloaded Google Chrome and it worked on the first try. 🙂 Thanks!

  47. tambry

    I tried and tried. I am giving up after over 20 clicks to refresh and visit the site again. I would love the savings but my time is worth more than $.75 for 10 minutes of frustration.

  48. Becky

    When do these expire

  49. kimeeb

    Got it Thanks!!

  50. Jess

    Have to click directly on the GO button for the $.75/1 coupon.

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