Extreme Couponing Affecting the Un-Extreme?
So, I received the following email from reader, Rashelle. She is feeling very discouraged about using coupons and even dreads going to the store. Here’s what she had to say:
Hi Collin, I know this may seem odd but I was wondering if you have heard from any readers that they have been feeling down about using coupons lately because I have. Ever since the “Extreme Couponing” show has been airing I feel myself getting looks from other customers. For example, I was at Toys ‘R’ Us the other day with my son and a lady in front of me had items that I had a store coupon for which I wasn’t going to use and I asked if she wanted it, she was very thankful and asked if I was sure I didn’t need it and my son said, don’t worry she has a whole binder of them at home, and her tone changed drastically as she said “Oh, you’re one of Those.”
I was in Publix last night doing my weekly coupon shopping and was flipping thru my binder when a couple of women walked past me, looked me up and down and then one said to the other “she’s loco” (crazy in Spanish) and at checkout a husband and wife came into line behind me at the end of my transaction while my coupons were being scanned and started talking very loudly about how the people on “that show” take advantage of shopping (and I didn’t even have a cart full of stuff).
There have been so many times lately when I feel glaring eyes upon me and I feel I need to justify myself to these people and say I am not a hoarder, I don’t have a small grocery store in my house, I am not clearing shelves, and so on, but of course I just smile and keep my mouth shut. I hate this feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed of my coupons because I use to be so proud and happy of all of my great savings and I don’t want this to ruin couponing for me, but it has left me very discouraged, and instead of being excited to do my weekly trip, I almost dread it. I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing this behavior. Thanks for your time and for everything you do!
Since I cannot give you a hug (I so love hugs!) or tackle the stores with you, I am hoping that all of you readers can make Rashelle feel inspired to continue being proud to use her coupons! What ways have you motivated yourself in times of discouragement? How have you made your couponing adventures positive and fun?
Keep in mind that maybe more people are starting to use coupons (maybe one person is not clearing the shelf). A lot of times I’ve noticed before sales there is not much stock on the shelf in general. I try not to get too invested in the trip otherwise I can really dissapoint myself. I try to be happy for the person who got the deal and hope that the next time will be my turn. I’m sure it will happen that you are the unfortunate person who buys the last item (and you wouldn’t want people to judge you!).
Also – I know that some people are just jealous (or just being plain mean) but when you get those glares make sure and do a double-check on yourself and re-think why you are buying your items. This might help keep you in check if you find yourself buying items you don’t need or that you are stocked up on.
Coupon with courage! Maybe you will inspire someone out there who needs a push to be brave!
I was very proud of using coupons and saving bunch when I went to Marsh supermarket during triple coupon days. In fact, I was very proud and felt happy when I heard somebody was pointing at my coupon binder and saying “See, she got a coupon binder. That’s smart. (or something.)” . Also, I felt a strong connection to people with coupon binders at Marsh.
You shouldn’t care about others’ comments about using coupons. You will be the one laughing at the end saving bunch of money! Not them!
I totally agree! I hate it when people ask “oh did you learn from thy show?” No! I was couponing BEFORE it was cool!
I know what you mean!! People always ask me that and I’m like “No, I’ve been doing this so long I’ve went through ten binders!” Not quite but the show didn’t happen til just now! So keep you head up dear!
I use to work at Target as a full time stocker and part time cashier. I use to not like people with coupons but it was just because we got timed on how fast we could get people through the register. If we went over a few minutes they would give us a red mark. If we got to many red mark it would bring our time down and the bosses would yell at us and tell us we needed to bring our time up and if we didn’t they could take away our shifts or write us up. My friend introduced me to couponing and I loved it. So when I started couponing I would try to explain to my bosses that coupons can take a while to scan but they did not care they just wanted us to get people out of the store quickly. I can only say this about Target but I think they do it on purpose so that the cashiers will be rude to couponers and then they won’t want to shop there. I know they get money back for the coupons used but I don’t think all the managers know that so they just see couponers as trouble. Don’t let people discourage you just because they don’t know what they are doing.
I think it is really interesting to hear the cashier’s side of the story. I never understood why some were rude…now that makes some sense!
Hi Amanda – I know exactly what you mean! I used to work at Target a few years ago and the transaction “timing” thing drove me nuts. I have to say that I was not pleased when I saw certain people come in, because I knew they weren’t going to have their coupons organized and take a long time which would get me into trouble.
The plus side to that is that I make sure to have everything as neat and organized as I can when I check out. I’ve noticed it also helps with the snyde comments from others in line, but I do it for the cashiers, not for them, since I don’t know which other stores may have this same system.
On a side note, if you’ve ever had a Target cashier give you a dirty look for writing a check, this is why. My manager would make us suspend the transaction, wait until the customer finished writing the check, and then reopen it…which really took longer than it would have if they would just wait. Stupid timers/managers.
I was feeling the same way. Not so much with drugstore items but with grocery shopping. I was tired of the looks, comments and so on. It was really wearing on me. I decided to go 1 week and not use a single coupon. I went and did my weekly shopping at Safeway and saved 45% and didn’t even use 1 coupon. I was pretty proud of myself and I feel better. I just needed a break I think.
Let me tell you one thing: while we certainly can’t control what other people say or think towards the use of coupons or couponers in general, we CAN control what we feel while shopping with coupons. I myself have experienced the annoyed look in the face of many cashiers as i pull out my coupons, not to mention the upset foot tapping of the costumer in line behind me, nor the murmur of people around me; however, i always try to go to my happy place (which in this case is thinking of how much i could have spent and how much i ACTUALLY did!). A very wise instructor of mine once said “whenever in fear, arm yourself with knowledge” or something like it, so i came to realize that while other people get annoyed at us couponers, WE the ones who take time to learn how to PROPERLY coupon, are the ones saving the bucks that others spend by paying full price. Who’s the sucker now?. All i’m saying is we don’t need to explain ourselves for what we do, especially if we do it right. After all, it does take some time and effort to track down the deals, make a list of the items we need, READ and clip the coupons, so i will continue to do it despite the mean looks because guess what? I AM SAVING THAT MUCH AND I LOVE IT.!!!!!!
My comeback for those, its either coupons or government welfare and I choose coupons. Think about all the abusers of the welfare system and remind those “ignorant folk” that our tax dollars are paying for it.
Brilliant! I”m going to remind ppl of that next time! Thanks!
You are doing good by your family! Don’t let the naysers get you down. Hang out with some couponing friends and go on and on for a while about the AWESOMENESS of coupons to pump yourself up. Don’t forget to share your good deals with somebody to feel encouraged, to. Also….try smiling irrationally at the people who are being SO RUDE. 🙂 Blessings…..
You need to just ignore them. (or come up with a polite snappy remark when they are so rude lol) I also care too much what other people think and when I’m in a situation I feel others are judging me I just repeat to myself in my head “Mind over matter. Those who mind don’t matter.” It helps me. :o)
Hold your chin up. There is nothing wrong with couponing. You have to do what you have to do to support your family! I think those people are “loco” to pay full price!
I am lucky and have never caught anyone glaring at me or had anyone say anything nasty to me. My problem is as the weeks go on (like others have said) there is less and less to buy because so many people clear the shelves and do things WRONG. I really only want my 2-3 of each sale item…thats it! I live 40 minutes from the Kroger that doubles coupons up to $1 (which they are now going down to .99 boooo) and we are on a tight budget so I only make ONE trip there every TWO weeks, and I go early Mon am when I can…and still…totally empty shelves. I rarely can get the great deals anymore and its so disheartening to spend the time/effort on getting the coupons/lists together and drive 40 mins…to come back with not much bc the shelves are bare. It really makes me crazy. I won’t stop coupons bc well we NEED to use them! I just try to grin and bear it and HOPE that its just a fad bc of the show, and that over time the craziness will die down. The hoarding thing really bothers me.
I hope you are getting rain checks!
i just starting couponing. im not good at it but i like doing it. but i dont like how people get stuff they dont need and people the just take everything off of counters. i hate the hording to.
I started a couponing group about a month ago. We met up for the first time the other evening at Panera, and we sat there swapping coupons, organizing our binders, and chatting about the deals we’ve been finding. We got a ton of odd stares, and at first it was kind of awkward. I heard the girls behind us whispering as though we were a table full of 2 headed freaks, and I was kind of self conscious. THEN, we had a woman come over to us and start asking questions as to if we really save a lot, do we buy a ton of the same product at once, etc. We were able to explain to her that no, we’re not like that. We are able to save money and feed our families on the cheap, and even make donations to help others as well. She was so thrilled to hear about our group that she wants to join us! After she walked away, a young guy came over asking the same questions, and again, we were able to explain what we do and he was really impressed. So while I started out feeling weird and uncomfortable, like couponing is shameful, by the end of the night I felt special because I got to teach others and encourage them to coupon too.
I agree that the show has given people a bad image of couponers, but in the end, I won’t stop doing it regardless of what people think. Without coupons, my family would have to do without things that not only we like, but need. Nor would I be able to afford to donate as much as I do to the local food bank and other charities. So all I can say is hold your head up high and be proud of what you do. You may be inspiring others to follow your lead!
I have been getting alot of dirty looks lately at the store when I have my binder with me. People stare and make comments and it makes me mad but I just ignore them and go on with my shopping. I also get the people behind me in line saying things like “is it really worth wasting our time to save a few bucks?” Also alot of the cashiers get an attitude with me when I hand them a stack of coupons. It is getting to be frustrating but I am a stay at home mom and I have to do what I have to do to save my family money.
Today I was at Walmart and I didn’t take my binder in with me I just pulled the coupons before I went and had them in an envelope. When I got to the checkout and handed the woman my coupons and she said “me and some of the other girls were just talking about the people like you and that Extreme Couponing show.” I said to her “I’m not trying to sound rude but I am nothing like those people, those people are hoarders and that show is not realistic at all.” I explained to her about how that show works (according to what I have read) and told her you can save alot of money couponing but don’t think that you can just walk into a store fill a bunch of carts and walk out paying nothing because it just doesn’t work that way in the “REAL WORLD”. I don’t like being compared to the people on that show but I try to not let it get me. Keep your head up and don’t let other people get to you we all have enough stress in our lives we don’t need to worry about what other people think about us and our couponing. We all know were not doing anything wrong.
I totally agree with her. I feel the same.Infact recently publix released an article saying they are changing their policy due to the extreme couponers. And now after they have changed the policy they scrutinized each and every coupon as if we are stealing from them.
But i believe that it is a phase that gonna go away. I am hoping this show will end soon. i dont watch it anymore and hoping that it will loose it viewership so that they wont shoot any more episodes.
but once it will go off i believe everything will come back to normal. i know that bcuz of extreme couponers stores are changing policy i hope it is not gonna discourage the manufacturers to put out great coupons.
Since that show came out, every time I use a coupon
I am asked if I’m an extreme couponer. The attitudes
Of cashiers has gotten so bad at our local walgreens
That myself and other family members have stopped
Our couponing altogether. Thanks TLC and the ridiculous
Extreme couponers for ruining it for me
I lost my job, and my husband–who I love SO MUCH and am so proud of–is working hard over 40 hrs a week to support us. We don’t have much, but since I have been unable to find a job, I find couponing helps stretch his wages a little further. If I can use coupons to save a little so I can afford to get my man his favorite snack at the store, I’ll take all the looks they’ll give! Maybe some people can afford to pay full price for everything, but full price doesn’t fit my family’s budget!
I get a lot of looks and comments. I am not an extreme couponer. I’ve only been couponing for a month now. People will ask me how I organize my coupons and how the sales works. After I tell them, they always end the conversation with a comment like, “well I wish I had time for that, but I don’t think I can do that. It’s too hard.” Honestly, I only spend a couple hours two nights a week sorting and organizing. And you know what? I wouldn’t go back to my old ways. Yes I hate the looks and the comments, but saving the money is so much more important. We have very little money and a lot of debt to pay off and this is the smart way for me to get those debts paid off so I can stay at home with my kids. Just ignore them and hopefully someday they will educate themselves.
I totally agree with her. I feel the same.Infact recently publix released an article saying they are changing their policy due to the extreme couponers. And now after they have changed the policy they scrutinized each and every coupon as if we are stealing from them.
But i believe that it is a phase that gonna go away. I am hoping this show will end soon. i dont watch it anymore and hoping that it will loose it viewership so that they wont shoot any more episodes.
but once it will go off i believe everything will come back to normal. i know that bcuz of extreme couponers stores are changing policy i hope it is not gonna discourage the manufacturers to put out great coupons.
I just smile politely and say those people are hoarders more than couponers. But then again I am not a fan of the show, at all.
I hear you. It is easy to get discouraged by other people negative reactions towards your couponing, especially since the show came out, but please do not let that stop you. You just need to brush off other people’s negative attitude towards what you do. If they get mad, because of your couponing or if they have to wait in line a little longer behind you…too bad. I’ve had this happen before, then people see how much got my bill down and then feel silly about getting mad and tell me “good job.” At the end of the day it is you who is going save a ton of money, not them.
You are providing for you and/or your family by doing this, and you know what…that is admirable. You wouldn’t stop working and making money if someone criticized your job. It is the same premise. If someone else doesn’t like it, that is their problem. They are in the wrong for being so closed-minded about how much money you can save. I do get people asking me about that show as soon as they see that I saved so much money, which can be annoying, especially since I’ve been couponing like this way before the show even existed. I just briefly explain that, and how unrealistic some of those episodes are.
For the most part, I get people asking me to show them how to save like I do, but there is always that “negative Nancy” in the bunch. I just ignore it, because in the end my family and I are winning. If someone want to mock my couponing, go right ahead! At least I walk away feeling accomplished having saved so much money for my family, and so will you!!
Chin up! Hugs!
dnt get discouraged i myself hate the show its awful but u shud know that couponing also really need skills which everyone doesnt have so cool u are smart and u have skill to pull the coupons off so dnt get bothered by people there is a saying the person who cant save money get jeolous or angry on the person who does so be cool yeah but we shud only buy stuff we need so everyone gets something cause everything come back on sale after some time so dont worry
I have the opposite reactions. Maybe its cause I live in Utah where there are larger families and ALOT of stay at home moms, but most people ask me how they can do it and write down the websites I tell them that I use…I have given this one out to many people 😉
hey, me too! Everyone is nice to me here in good old Utah!
Show confidence. Tell person behind you in line what you are doing and give them a chance to go ahead of you. If they don’t and then start “the look”, just look back and smile and remind them you “told them so” and keep smiling. You are the winner at the end!
I have had very similar experiences as of late. My worst was at Wal-Mart. I had people asking me all sorts of 101 questions, following me around the store watching my basket like a hawk (asking personal questions about the items I was purchasing) & generally making a spectacle. It was a nightmare! Since then I continue to get questioned about my shopping habits & I have learned to tell people that I’m on a tight schedule and don’t really have much time to talk. It gets the message across while letting them down easy.
Be proud of what you’re able to accomplish & keep a weather eye on the horizon. Soon the “newness” of the show will dissipate & you’ll be back to normal shopping habits. 🙂
I am not going to lie, I have been feeling like Rashelle as well. Since the show has aired a lot more people comment on my couponing and ask if I have thousands of toothpaste in my garage or something of the sort. There also has been a huge rush in our area. I try not to get too caught up in it because then I get dissapointed. I am hoping it will die down. We have a lot of shelf clearing within the first day deals occur and the only way to get papers here (without paying $14 for the whole weekend to get Sunday papers. And can’t get multiples at a time. 🙁 ) is to raid our many recycle bins around the area. Every time I drive by one these days there is always someone at one and it is normal for me to walk away without finding a single insert when before I found tons. I am not upset about that, I think it’s great people are finding out. But it has definitely increased DRAMATICALLY within just the last two months. Again, I’m hoping that either stores up their stock for the deals or it mellows out a bit and people are more accepting of couponing.
I feel the same way! Basically everything you said!
I also get wierd looks when I have my binder. I just don’t care!! I’m saving money on my groceries, and thats all I care about. I did run into a lady in the store and she had her binder too. We both looked at each other and laughed! Don’t let other people get you down 🙂
I think you live in a RUDE town! I was sad that the woman you shared a coupon with replied with a snide remark. I don’t bring my binder with me, I keep the inserts whole and clip before I go, but if I am “found out” by other shoppers, I get questions and “waytogos” If I had been talked to that way by the lady you gave the coupon to, I would’ve been tempted to (nicely) lecture her on the benefit you provide to your family, extended family and community, not to mention the lucky recepients ( people like her) that happened to cross your path.
Our experience has been just the opposite. Every where we go people are wanting to see how binders are set up and asking questions. We even give out some coupons while shopping like the shopping fairies. It is really alot of fun not to mention the savings. Sure there are those that may laugh or make a comment but we just think it is their loss for not being a couponer. We have only been couponing for a couple of months and the savings is enormous. I would tell anyone not to get upse but feel sorry for those who have no concept of how much can be saved. We are happy couponers! Thanks to Hip 2 save for being available to us all!
Oh my goodness!!!! I hate that show!!!!! How about they should make that show more challenging and take couponers to where I live which is in Hawaii and try and do what the do…they cant!!!!
That would be a better show to watch other than a bunch of people showing off their stock pile…..
And are those people dumb???
Because in desperate times if people know they have a stock pile who’s house do you think
they will raid????
People do crazy things to save their own families…
I believe in couponing and stockpiling but being smart about it….showing it off like that is not safe….
I hate that show!!!
Not to be discouraging but I can’t get to that point as there’s nothing left on the shelves in my town. I spend a couple of hours organizing my list and coupons and there’s no products to buy at Rite Aid and Walgreens. They say a couple of ladies come first thing Sunday morning and wipe everything out that’s on sale. I hope they’re planning on donating.
I have been couponing for 3yrs + since my daughter was born, and learned from my mother that’s been doing it forever! We haven’t been shopping except for food items in weeks. I don’t have a problem with ppl wanting to save money (personally been helping 4 of my friends). It is discouraging when shelves are bare and ppl are rude! Don’t give up on saving your family money! Hopefully this shall pass…
I so agree. I have been couponing for over 15 years and I have people tell me oh since the show started everyone has decided to start couponing. I don’t let these people bother me because I know I am the one winning by saving my family money. Just let those other people pay full price. We are the smart ones. That is how I manage to save money to go on several vacations a year, while they sit at home wondering how they can ever save up enough money to vacate or buy extravagant things.
I find it funny that those who don’t coupon judge those that do. I am new to couponing and when I was checking out the bagger had the nerve to say to me, “Are you one if those crazy couponers?” I just laughed and said,” No, I am one of those smart people who chooses to save money instead of throw it away because I am too lazy to use the resources that are given to me!” Another good one is when someone is looking at me and my binder I like to look at them and say, ” Do you want to take a closer look, there may be a coupon you could use on what your buying!” I wanted to leave on a good note, the other day I was getting detergent for .99 and a little old lady behind me said, “Good for you, at least some of you younger girls are smart enough to use coupons!” That made me feel good!!
People like others to know their views, whether we want to know them or not! 🙂 I think it’s because they are embarassed to not be doing the same thing. If they can get you to stop, then they’ve won. Don’t let them win. Hold your head high! I was talking about couponing with some friends the other night and one of them called it hoarding. I felt like I was doing something good for my little family of two on a limited budget. I let it get me down and then I decided fooey with them. I’ll be proud of myself and no matter what anybody says, I’ll just keep walking and saving all the way to the bank!
Be proud. I, as well as you, most likely work hard for the money that is brought into our homes, so we use coupons to keep as much of that money in our hands as we can. Companies offer coupons in hopes that you WILL use them. You do not need to explain yourself to anyone. Chances are you will never see those people again, so hold your head high and be proud of what you are doing for your family. I’m sure they appreciate it and they are the ones that count. So the next time you get the “looks” or “comments” respond with one of the 10 Commandments….It is a sin to bear false witness against your neighbor. Interpretation of that is…prohibition on any false statement that degrades our neighbor’s reputation or dignity. If anything it will make them stop and think.
Someone may have already mentioned this, but since there are over 300 comments to read through and I have a three-year-old who has been left alone with Play-Doh, I have to make this quick. I think the show will probably only make it one more season and then things will die down. The basic formula (show someone who gets a ton of stuff for little money) will get old soon. It’s basically the same show week after week. Viewers are fickle and will soon tire of of it and move on when TLC unveils some other “reality” show about people who don’t believe in bathing or a family who is letting their children be raised by their golden retriever.
To all of you who have had bad experiences, I’m sorry. I hate that the actions of a few have made things hard for the many.
Oh, that could have been me writing that post! In the last 6 months I have changed the way I coupon. I do more frequent, smaller shopping trips because I was leaving the store feeling angry at the way I was being treated with the larger trips and more coupons. I try to go off-peak shopping times. So I get totally inconvenienced so I don’t leave the store feeling like I’ve just been scolded or done something wrong. I went through a series of cashiers who made me empty out bags, who questioned my coupons and I feel purposefully let the lines behind me back-up as they examined each and every one to make a point to me. The last time I was at Target the cashier had another cashier come over and review all the coupons (she made me put each coupon with each item at the check-out stand). I felt like a criminal. BUT…. I refuse to stop and I am hoping after the Extreme Couponing show is done and forgotten, things will improve. The money we save allows us to take some very nice vacations (a recent Allure of the Seas cruise to Eastern Caribbean). I also write the store if I’m treated rudely and let them know that I am a customer who frequents their store weekly and I don’t appreciate being treated like I’m inconveniencing them and I get apologies from the manager and hopefully that person is talked to. I try to make my check-outs as easy and quick as possible. So don’t let them get you down. The bottom line you do it for yourself and your family… and thats what counts.
I have to completely agree. I’ve started feeling much more embarassed lugging my binder around than I used to….I’m constantly getting comments about the show & have also had the comment “Oh, you are one of THOSE people…” I hate it 🙁 Wish I could just shop when no one else is around..
I always wonder… if you come upon a shelf that only has 1 product left on it.. or even 2… are you NOT supposed to purchase it if you have a coupon for it.. because then technically you are a “shelf clearer”…. I just don’t get it. People have to do what they have to do to save money. I don’t condone buying 100 of something unless you pre-order… in which case you would not be clearing the shelf.
I started couponing in response to the show being aired in late Dec. My family was heading into finical trouble- and I was wondering just HOW I was going to purchase food for us all AND still pay the mortgage. After watching the show- my hubby and I decided we could do that… and so we have.
I have managed to save so much money clipping the coupons and shopping the sales- that my family eats better food for way less money then I ever spent before.
I am proud of my accomplishments, and when any one makes comments in the stores- I smile sweetly and tell them that my family sure is eating better these days, and it is a blessing that I figured out how to do this. That usually quiets people RIGHT down… what can they say to that????
Be proud, be frugal, do the best for YOUR family that you can… don’t worry about what other people think…. they don’t know your circumstances.. and they have no right to judge!
I say if there are 1 or 2 items left on the shelf and you are going to use them both go for it. That is not shelf clearing.
I understand what you’re talking about. It used to be more carefree and fun, with less hassle. Just like it used to be a lot more fun to fly on an airplane before a few bad apples spoiled it for the rest of us. The way I look at it is if I want to legitimately use coupons to save money on the items I buy, then that is my prerogative. I am given a hard time on a regular basis for using coupons, but you know, I still do it anyway. I haven’t had comments from other people about being “extreme”, but cashiers frequently tell me I can’t use more than one coupon per transaction, can’t stack (even when store policy says it’s okay), etc. I agree with many of the comments already posted. Cashiers need to be trained in store coupon policy. Quantity limits should be placed on high demand items. Coupon limits (for multiple purchases of the same item) should be placed on high demand items. The list goes on and on. Somebody already mentioned that sometimes you have to have thick skin to be a couponer. It’s true. Why quit doing what you need and/or want to do just because it makes somebody else a little uncomfortable? They’ll get over it.
I always thought coupons weren’t anything special until just recently. I’m a college student and having money to buy groceries is very hard at times when I’m in graduate school and trying to get by with one job. My parents help a bunch but it’s hard. I actually started couponing because of the show. I saw the commercials told my mom to DVR it, and before we started watching I told her to take notes because we needed to start doing this! (Not in the extreme of course I haven’t seen the ‘abusing’ coupons episodes) She’s a single mom who’s a high school teacher (and we all know how much they don’t get paid) so I saw this as a great idea for us to struggle less with the bills. I just very recently got a binder and I was beyond proud of it. I went to Wal-Mart the first time by myself only to get a few things and whipped out my binder. One of the employees walked by and saw and I knew I had a big smile on my face that said “Yep check out my coupon binder!” I haven’t gotten any rude comments or anything but I know I’m not afraid of people seeing me with my coupons. Like I always tell my sister “Don’t be jealous” 😉
Just the other day at Rite Aid, I had 6 things and 6 coupons. The cashier was having a hard time getting the bar code to read..it took forever..the guy behind me had 1 water. After the very long time of scanning and me paying $.60, I turned to the guy and said thank you so much for being patient with your 1 item while we had trouble. He smiled and said he didn’t mind. This time it went well….we shall see how it goes in the future.
It’s just a funny show – it will be on for a while and then go away like they all do. I shop with some coupons and enjoy a good deal or two. I actually think the show is kind of funny. Why would you stop using coupons because of a tv show about a few extreme people? Would you stop having birthday parties for your child because of the Extreme Kid Parties show (or whatever it’s called) or stop ordering hamburgers because some people eat those extreme 50 lb. burgers? Or course not. A show about a regular couponer wouldn’t be interesting. A person who gets $1000 worth of stuff for a penny? That’s interesting – at least to some people.
I use the shopping trip to get to know the people who work there and usually give out coupons (that I am not going to use) to people around me. I notice my attitude makes a huge difference. I am only getting four of each deal ( we are a family of four) and after doing this for only 5 months have made a lot of friends. Matter of fact I took my newly graduated daughter out with me on a run to CVS, Walgreens and Target. she was very supprised to see how happy everybody was who helped us. I am on a first name basis with all of those who work there. I have run into a couple of extreme couponers and they were both very rude to everybody, took everything they could and treated the employees like trash. Remember, if you help break the boredom of their day and you treat them nice they will bend over backwards to help you. Walmart and Kroger is a different story, but I go in there late 11pm and then I have no problem.
You just look at all the money you save!! I too, have had that experience. A woman at Target wrinkled her face, and said “oh, I don’t use coupons MY time is MONEY” I said “so is mine and that si why I choose to spend it saving 75% on my grocery bill!”
I just sent in an email (it was a complicated process) to TLC telling them how much I dislike the show. Maybe all of us that feel that way should too?
I just tell people its not reality, and I’ve never seen the show (which I havent). I use to coupon back when we were military, and only recently (last few months) got back around to it, mainly because when we first moved here it seemed we NEVER got coupons for what we use. I started buying the paper again for CVS deals, because they were putting things on sale that we actually used. I’m still working on my stockpile slowly, but only because my husband said to start stocking up on dry foods because he thinks we will have a food shortage. that does not mean i need 10000 candy bars.
Other than my local Food Lion where I have a manager that hates me, my local Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid and CVS are great! I have people stop me and ask “Is that a coupon binder” I even had one person tell me I should do a class at the local college 🙂 But, I have gotten the dirty looks and embarrassed my husband the first couple of times I took my binder in the store with me, but when I can go to Walmart or Target and have a bill that is over $100 and get it down to betwen $10 and $20; I don’t care what other people think! It’s nice though that the cashiers know me by name and I’m a polite couponer. If there is someone behind me, I’ll let them go so I don’t hold up the line. I think it’s just about not letting them get to you! Good luck!
Thank you for making me actually lol here at my monotonous desk at work picturing a 3 yr old left alone with play doh 🙂
When I first started couponing….I guess you could say I didn’t want people to judge me because I was using them. Since then, and its been a couple of years…I’ve gotten use to just not looking at people’s reactions, because they aren’t paying for your groceries, you are! I like my money, and if I can stretch my dollar farther by using coupons than I will. Don’t be embarrassed by using coupons and if someone says something to you at the check out line, just smile and and say, I’ll gladly let you by my groceries if your in a hurry! You will be amazed at how people will not say anything after that! 😉
And remember, for every person that has a bad attitude about coupons…there will be 5 other people using coupons that are glad you are using yours…because they might be the one embarrassed about using them and you put them at ease! 😉
Never be discuraged about saving money for your family!!! Forget other how some people may look at you and shop with your coupons proudly knowing your doing good for you and yours and possibly even charity. I have been using coupons since I was 14 helping my mom save money on our grocery bill because at the time we were on food stamps with my mom as the only income. The people who look at you weird or say stupid things are just jealous they dont have the patience for it or mad at anyone who coupons for clearing the shelves even if it wasnt that person.