Whole Foods: Sea Scallop Sale (6/10)
If you love seafood as much as I do, then you’ll be excited to learn about the One-Day Sea Scallop Sale available at Whole Foods tomorrow, June 10th. For one day only, Whole Foods Market will have wild-caught sea scallops from Marine Stewardship Council, a certified sustainable fisheries, on sale for only $9.99 per pound. Head over here for more information.
If you have to go out of your way to get to a WF for the sale or plan on going late in the day, you may want to call ahead and make sure they have some enough left. My gf works at a WF store outside of Philadelphia and they only got 2 cases instead of the 10 they ordered from the warehouse!
Does anyone know if these scallops are wet or dry packed?
My husband works there and he said they are dry packed. I dont know what the means beacuse i dont do sea food but hope that helps.
Ugh I wish whole foods was closer. I LOVE bacon wrapped scallops, closest one is an hour away in two directions 🙁
I went this morning and got two pounds – one thawed and ready to make for dinner this week. Since the store got them frozen, they cannot be refrozen. but they are good for five days from today in the fridge since the store thawed them today. They came from Eastern Canada and were diver caught. In case anyone wants to know.