FREE Popcorn at Regal Cinemas ALL Summer Long
If you are a movie and popcorn lover (that’s me!), you’ll definitely want to head on over to the Yahoo! Movies Facebook page, “like” them, click on the “Free Popcorn” tab, then enter your mobile number to score a text coupon valid for FREE Popcorn at any Regal Cinemas, United Artists Theatres or Edwards Theatres location. Even sweeter, you can get one coupon once per day. The coupon is valid until 8am EST seven days after being activated. Note that you will not need to print the coupon in order to receive your free popcorn. This is a mobile coupon promotion, which means the coupon can be scanned directly from the screen on your smartphone.
*Must be a browser enabled phone to get a coupon. Coupon will be sent as a link in an SMS message. Standard carrier message and data rates may apply. Coupon valid for 7 days from when sent. Check out all the details regarding this promo here.
*NOTE: I did post this free offer previously, but thought I’d do a reminder post for those of you that may have missed it. This is a great freebie! And don’t forget, you can keep scoring FREE popcorn all summer all! 🙂
(Thanks, Amanda!)
Did this when I went to Harry Potter at midnight 🙂 Worked perfectly with no problems.
what size popcorn?
It was a small. Sorry for the late reply. Between my friend and I, we didn’t even finish it! It was yum for free. Never usually get popcorn at the concession stand. Had NO problems using the coupon. One tip: Make sure you open the coupon at home on your phone and leave it up on your browser. You never know if you can open the internet at the movies and maybe you might not be able to load the coupon. Happened to me once with the Target Mobile coupons :/ Oh I learned.
Same here. Did this last night (my hubby did it too) for HP7. 🙂
I dont have a smart phone. 🙁 I guess I save $100 a month on a data plan, so I can afford to buy my own popcorn. LOL
Same here:)
My husband’s work pays for his iPhone plan, and my phone is a family plan on his… so I pay about $45/month for my iPhone with all the data I want. Saves me a TON by being able to check competition prices when I’m at a store, check for deals (like on hip2save 🙂 ), get deals through Foursquare and other check-in stuff, deals like this, etc… plus I have my family’s calendar on it, entertainment if we need it at the doctor’s office, etc… ABSOLUTELY worth it. 🙂
$100?? What data plan are you trying to get? Geeze!!
I’ve had Verizon for so long, I only pay about $15 a month for my cell phone. When I wanted to upgrade to a smart phone my bill was going to be over $100. That was a year or so ago, things could have changed since.
I only pay $25/month for my pre-paid data plan through Virgin Mobile. It’s worth it. Just a thought 🙂 Of course you still have to buy the smart phone!
It’s what I have! The $149 Android. I LOVE IT 🙂
Found this out yesterday when I took my daughter to see Winnie the Pooh. The cashier at let us ‘upsize’ it to a large (the free refill size). Add in a large soda, and it was only about $6 if i remember correctly.
how was the movie? i am thinking about taking mydaughter, thx!
Awsome thank you!! Going to take a few of my friends kids to the movies wed to the $1.00 movie and going to use this. They are going to think I rock lol
you can print the coupon out at home. just enter the web address sent to your phone by text in your browser. Also i was able to up-size mine to a medium for $1.
A little confused. It’s good all summer but only valid for 7 days after text is sent? So, if I’m going to a movie in 9 days, will I need to resend my cell everyday to keep it active?? Thanks.
Ginger, once you receive the coupon on your phone you only have 7 days to use that particular one….if you are going to the movie in 9 days then have one sent to your phone the day before and all should work out fine. Once you use that code and you decide you want to go the follow week, just repeat the process to get a new coupon. Hope this helps!
Love this coupon…have used it 4 times already and never had a problem! So grateful to Regal for doing this.
So can get a new coupon every day, can I take 4 coupons to the movies and score 4 free popcorns?
The coupon is for a small, but our local Regal Cinemas let us upgrade the coupon to a Large popcorn (unlimited refills) for ONLY $2. That is one amazing deal!! I had no idea that you could do that, but the cashier at our Cinemas offered it so I was very surprised 🙂
8 AM EST?! Looks like you made a mistake or the coupons are a hoax!
Collin I went to see Harry potter part 2with my mom today and we showed up a little early so I checked your site on my IPhone and saw this free popcorn!:) thanks so much
no regal cinemas in wi
anyone know of any deals at other theatres? thx!