Walmart: FREE Scrubbing Bubbles No Touch Toilet Bowl Cleaner Kit (Starting 10/2)

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(Photo Credit: I Heart the Mart)

WooHoo! Thanks to Paul over at I Heart the Mart for doing some research on this upcoming Walmart deal… I am now happy to report that you should be able to snag FREE Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic No Touch Toilet Bowl Cleaners at Walmart starting 10/2!

You see, advertised in the Walmart ad (as you can see from the pic above) is the Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic No Touch Toilet Bowl Cleaner kits on sale for only $3.97 starting 10/2! Even sweeter, you can use the manufacturer’s coupons available to snag this for FREE! Here’s how…

* Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic No Touch Toilet Bowl Cleaner Kit on sale for $3.97 (Starting 10/2)
Use the $4/1 coupon found in the 9/11 SS or new Facebook coupon found here (bottom left)
or (if you are having trouble with Facebook) try going here
Final cost FREE + overage!

There is also a $3/1 coupon found here – which would make the kits $0.97… still a great deal! πŸ™‚

(Thanks, I Heart the Mart, Pam & Wheel ‘N Deal Mama!)

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Comments 122

  1. Mary

    Was that a typo? Did you mean starting 10/2? Thanks for the info.

    • Collin

      Yep… that was a typo! πŸ˜‰ Starting 10/2!

  2. Michele

    In the first paragraph you have the sale starting Aug. 2. Just FYI. πŸ™‚ Thanks again for all you do!

    • Collin

      Just fixed… I guess I still want it to be August! πŸ™‚

  3. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Awesome! I have been holding onto that coupon waiting for a great sale!! Thank you SO much!

  4. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Sweet! I have 3 coupons hooray for clean toilets!!!

  5. Jen @ MyPotpourriWorld

    Yay! Thanks, Collin! πŸ™‚

  6. Tracy

    These kits are ringing up $2.99 at Meijers and they are $3 coupons inside the box (2 of them) so FREE. I scored 5 of these last night.

    • Pam


      • alefiya

        whta does inside the box means?wich box?

    • Lisa

      Be careful at Meijer. You need to pickup the package pictured above with the yellow band on the right side. This package has a different UPC than the new package. So this pkg with scan at $2.99 and the new package at full retail. If it doesn’t have the yellow band you may want to wait for the Walmart deal.

    • Tracy

      Inside the package means, if you open it up they are a sheet of coupons (3 total) that has (2) Save $3.00 on any Scrubbing Bubbles One Step Toilet Bowl Cleaner starter kit and (1) buy one scrubbing bubbles one step toilet bowl cleaner refills, get one FREE (up to 3.99). The packages I got does have the yellow band on the right side, I think it has “bonus package” written on it.

    • Anna m

      What town?? I got the last one at my store

  7. Laura

    I won a Right@home giveaway for this toilet bowl cleaning product. I am not a fan. I am using it because it was free but it is something I will not purchase in the future…

    • irene

      Just curious — why don’t you like it? It may not be worth a trip, even for a freebie, if it’s a dud! πŸ™‚

      • Michelle

        I also won this from Right @ Home and I am loving it. We are a one bathroom family and there are five of us, 3 boys.. so as you can imagine the toilet gets cruddy really fast. I use this two or three times a day and swipe around the outside and the seat with a clorox wipe once a day and my toilet stays fresh.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      yeah it looks really bad!

      • Laura

        It sprays out of the toilet bowl and gets on the floor or even you if you are too close. Even with the lid down, it comes through the tiny little crack. I have adjusted the knob several times and it continues to spray everywhere. I would not purchase this. I really like the little toilet gel that Scrubbing Bubbles puts out. Much better product!

        • Toni S.

          I’m with you, I live the SB Gel.

        • Ashley

          Mine is doing this too, not too bad though. I think it’s doing this bc the rim on the inside may be thicker and instead of it being able to shoot straight out it shoots at angle?

    • cw

      I’ve posted twice this week that I do not like it and will not buy it again. Sprays everywhere no matter how many times you adjust it…all over walls and you. Even had hubby try to adjust it multiple times. We bought two and the one that gets less use (guest bathroom) was used 6 times (stepped on pedal 6 times) and it broke – both the pedal and the sprayer. I personally feel the scent is so strong that even using one leaves the smell all over the entire house. I would not use this if you have small children or pets.

  8. TRACY

    thanks collin, for all the great updates . Love your site! Can’t wait to snag ths deal

  9. Kristan

    I can’t find the coupon on facebook??

    • Collin

      Hi Kristan,

      Click on the “One Step Dance-Off” tab (left side), then scroll down and you should see the coupon link offer on the left side. Hopefully that works for you! πŸ™‚

      • Kristan

        Got it. Thanks:)

  10. Jamie P.

    I don’t know about anyone else but I find every time Walmart has a deal where a coupon presents the opportunity for a free item plus and overage that my Walmart suddenly runs out of stock and doesn’t get another shipment until after the coupon expires. My store has been out of the Schick $1.97 razors ever since the $6/2 coupon came out and says they have no clue when they’ll be getting any more. :/

    • mj

      i think that this happens with my walmart too
      and walgreens…..there were free pads at walgreens this week and the shelf was empty of course…..
      i try to get rainchecks at walgreens …..just got 2 for eggs and haribo bears

      • MA

        I know this happens in our area @ Wal Mart. My daughter works w/someone who used to work @ Wal Mart and after her making a comment in reference to an item being on sale elsewhere, and suddenly WM has none on the shelf, but rather has their other stock strung out to fill that space-so no comparison shopping can be done.
        He suggested either going on the beginning of the sale or the very end of the week of the sale and sometimes they will put the item(s) back on the shelf! (or at the beginning they have not yet pulled it)
        I had suspected this for a long time. It was funny cause last week or so one of the major stores in town had medium eggs for $1 a dozen-yep, NO medium eggs in the whole….case at WM. LOL That’s OK, because this week they had Large Eggs for $1 a dozen, so I got 2 dozen there!!! Instead of getting aggravated anymore, I just try to find the humor in it! I get way too many deals to let it get to me, and I’m not going to go hungry or miss a shave if what I went to get is not there. Indeed, Frustrating at first, then I try to catch myself rather quickly and just smile or laugh at their games-knowing they are not fooling as many as they probably think. Laugh and go on-with a smile on my face. Have a wonderful fall day!

        • Jennifer

          so, you’re saying that Walmart sees what items are going to be hot price match items and pulls them from the shelf so they don’t have to honor it???

          • MA

            Have seen it more than once. Used to be really obvius, at least to me, then they got a lot better about not pulling an item and widening their other stock. Especially, I think because their is a new Aldi’s just down the road. Last couple of weeks I’ve just noticed what may, or may not, have been due to that. Just my .02.

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          Why on earth would you patronize such stores that pull such crap? I would not leave with a smile on my face except for the fact that I would know I would not shop there again! These types of deals are the ONLY reason I will step foot in a walmart.

          • Nicole G.


    • Laura

      My Walmart doesn’t even sell those razors.

    • Amanda

      Same here!

    • guest24

      Especially Walgreens.

    • Bridgette

      I agree because I went for the razors and none. I went for the febreeze warmers and none. I did go for the cascade and there was finally some. I went the other day for the toilet cleaner because someone mentioned it being on sale but it wasnt in my area. I wonder if they really are doing this. It is frustrating and I cant seem to think there are that many people here running to the stores and clearing shelves. Maybe there are…I just dont see it though. Oh well….wish me luck.

    • Jamie P.

      I was wondering if there was a couponer in my area that was cleaning the shelves as well but now that I’ve seen how many of you are also dealing with the same things it does seem more like the store doing it. I just can’t imagine people at every one of these stores wiping them bare the moment they are restocked.

    • jeanne

      Oh I have seen people clear the shelves, so it may not just be Walmart pulling items! I think it’s more that people are greedy and take all they can, I just saw this yesterday…

      • autum

        I’m not liking the shelf clearing either, but if I need a few and there’s only enough for the deal then I’d go for it. When Rite Aid had their scott bath products on sale I went to almost every RA and only found one leftover in each store, so I grabbed it because I wanted to get that UPS.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      This happens very often at my Walmart and Target too. It seems if there is a great coupon with a stack at Target, once the original stock is gone that was on the shelves, they never restock until the coupon expires. I noticed this last year and it keeps happening at both of these stores. I say it’s definitely intentional. I wonder why manufacturers want to push their product for us to try it, but the stores won’t stock it. Wonder if the manufacturers know this?!

    • DeeDee

      I have been a couponer for a very long time and have enjoyed the finds A’s well as the wonderful savings all these years but it seems like ever since the show extreme couponing my deal day have gotten slimmer and slimmer and slimmer. Went to walmart this morning to grab a few boxes of this kits to stand there and watch 2 ladies clear the ENTIRE stock right in front of me. I even asked if they could spare 2 and they said “no sorry.” I couldn’t believe it! So I looked around and saw they had the same exact kits on another display minus the yellow on the box. Same contents. But they rang up for 9.97! Walmart refused to give same deal even though everything was same! They said it had to have yellow marking on box! It was a waste of my time and gas to go there when they opened. I am so disappointed that greed is taking over in couponing. It’s terrible! My motto is only get what I need and what I will use. I do like to donate to charity but I don’t clear shelves to do it. I often go back toward end of week and if there us stock left (giving others a chance to purchase) than I may purschase to donate to charity! Nit first 5 min of a store sale!!! So frustrating- couponing isn’t supose to be that way. Your supose to enjoy getting deals saving money not outbeat and out buy the next person!

      • momof4spoiled1s

        I think they clean the shelves so they can take it home and put on shelves like trophies to brag about. I saw a post on facebook of somebody’s pics of their stock. There must have been 50 cans of pringles among other things. Its too bad those kinds of people can’t share so that we all get something. Anyway, its not just Walmart that hides the freebies. Kroger and CVS do it too. And don’t bother getting a raincheck because you won’t be able to use until the coupon to go with it expires.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      It is funny you say this because I went to Walmart today and they didn’t have any of these out because they said didn’t recieve the shipment of them. I grabbed one a “non bonus” one from the shelf and they price matched it anyway.

      • momof4spoiled1s

        I just grabbed the last one on the shelf at my Walmart and they wouldn’t do it. Guess my coupon will expire without use. πŸ™

    • Katie

      That happens with one of my Wal-marts, but thankfully, I have another one 3 miles way that hardly ever runs out of stock. When the $6/2 razor deal was going on, my main Wal-mart was rude as hell about it and refused to look and see if there were more in the back. This was late at night when I was one of the only customers.

      I called the other Wal-mart, who told me they had 10 of them left. I asked them to hold 8 for me. I hopped on the interstate and got there in 5 minutes and sure enough, they held onto them for me. I was so happy.

      And then yesterday, I had to fight my regular Wal-mart for the Toilet Cleaner kit, which they *ran out of* before they brought on the shelf …. then I headed over to my other Wal-mart, and had no issues getting what I needed…

      Maybe I should just go to the “second Wal-mart” from now on and stop wasting my gas.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      call the manager and put in a special order…. I did and got 60 ordered and made the overages

  11. Becky

    I got a free kit from Bzzagent. I didn’t think I’d like it, but I actually did.
    We have hard water and constantly get hard water stains in the toilet. So far, I think the scrubbing bubbles kit has been there for 2 weeks? No hard water stains (I started with a clean toilet of course).

    Thanks for the deal! Now I can get a freebie for my other bathroom!

  12. Pam

    I understand the overage amount BUT — there really isn’t any overage when you account for the tax– because if you didn’t buy this item you wouldn’t have to pay for the tax. Does that make sense? Anyway, thanks for this deal!

    • Jana

      yes, it makes sense in some areas. In certain areas you pay tax on the prediscounted price and in some areas you pay tax on the discounted price. In my area we pay tax on the actual price paid.

    • Laura

      Right Pam. I always take that into account when I’m doing these deals. Our sales tax is $9.25!

      • Laura

        Opps….that should be a percent πŸ˜‰

        • K

          haha $9.25 tax would suck worse then even 9.25%! πŸ˜‰ Ours is only 6.75% and I thought that was high

        • Caro

          Some in Oregon think a sales tax would be a good thing!

      • Katie

        Ours is 5% apparently… just looked it up. Is 5% ok? :/

  13. Tammi

    Can you price match this deal at Target? I haven’t ever price matched a deal before at Target so do you bring the ad when you checkout or would you go to customer service before you checkout?

    • Savings Viking

      My Target requires the actual ad. All you have to do is bring the item to the register, present the ad and pricematch. There shouldn’t be any problems with it, as long as your Target considers Wal Mart a competitor.

    • mj

      great idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Annette

        At my Target you have to take the current sale ad (the whole thing, not just the pic of the product) to the Customer Service and then they’ll match it…if they consider it a competitor.

    • melissa

      yes, you can PM, but you have to do it a CS (there are a few stores that do PM at the register, but a majority of the Target stores require you to do it at CS after you pay for the item)

  14. jeanne

    Jaime P… Same here, I went to get the razors yesterday along with some other items and there was a woman in the isle that was grabbing them all, she had her cart full of every last one of them along with 20 of other items… Why do people clear the shelves? This I can’t figure out! Hopefully she was going to donate them? I have decided it isn’t even worth printing out the coupons because they will definitely be no stock left as it happens every time! I really wish there was a better method because it’s really disgusting that people have to be that way~

    • Amy

      who cares if she is going to donate them. it still doesnt give her the right to clear shelves. i cant stand when i read people say they cleared the shelf and they think its ok because they are going to donate

      • jeanne

        Oh I definitely don’t think it’s right… Hoarding is an illness, I guess what I was saying is since I saw her do it and even talking to the front end manager about it, I was hoping that if she donates it at least there is something positive coming out of it! I don’t think it’s okay to clear the shelves for any reason and I take my two and am considerate of others but some people don’t understand that concept!

        • Sue M.

          Amen. Completely agree!

    • Katie

      Dang, cleared the shelf? I bought 8 of them myself, but I don’t use that brand of razor. I’m putting them in a stockpile for a Christmas donation to the local Women’s Shelter… I’m adding to it every week. I keep what my husband and I will use, and the rest is going in that pile. I’m sorry she didn’t let you have a chance at them πŸ™

  15. Dawn

    I don’t like mine.

    1.) No matter how I position it, it sprays both inside and OUTSIDE the toilet. Maybe it’s because I have an oblong bowl, or maybe it thinks my legs need to be cleansed.

    2.) Maybe it’s because I have ADD or that my sub-concious is working to protect my legs from baring the Scrubbing Bubbles parfume, but I don’t ever remember to press the foot pedal. Even “One-Step” a day is too much for this lady to remember.

    3.) I’m really partial to the Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel. Stick it under the rim and forget about it for a week or longer depending on how often you flush. My kids notice when it’s time for a new one and beg me to let them stick a new blob under the rim. That’s my kind of toilet cleaning – none at all!

    Also; if my One-Step hadn’t kept attacking us, I could totally see my kids stepping on it with each trip to the bathroom, against my demands to NOT TOUCH IT. Anyone with kids knows that this would lead to increased bathroom trips (especially at night) and daily refilling of the One-Step.

    Too costly for this penny pinching couponer. I’ll stick to the Toilet Gel!

    • melissa

      Same here… I have an oblong toilet and I get more outside the toilet than in! I’m using it for now b/c I’m out of the toilet gel, which I prefer over this contraption!

    • cw

      I totally agree with you on #1. I have an oblong toilet also. No matter how we tried, it sprays me and the walls. Not worth it. It not just the pretty perfume either, its a chemical going on your skin. Yes, we are exposed to a lot in daily life but this is one you can do without. πŸ™‚

      • mj

        i was thinking to refill it with green cleaner non toxic so it is safe in case your pet or a child digs in a toilet bowel for some reason,,,of course my walmart does not have it ….also no schick ,no cheap brita

        • Cw

          If you figure out how to do that please share it’s a great idea! But it’s a pressurized can with a special nozzle on the can so it may be difficult. πŸ™‚

  16. Danielle

    Help!!! I can’t find the link anywhere on the facebook page. I clicked on the dance off tab but still no coupon.

  17. Vivi

    Oh no I just went and bought one at Target a few days ago (with the gift card deal)….maybe I’ll print out more coupons and get 2 more for my other bathrooms.

  18. Kelly

    Does anyone know when the deal starts? Is it like midnight saturday night/sunday morning, my walmart always sells out of the sale stuff in one day, so I am going to try and get to walmart as soon as the sale starts this time, still havent been able to get the razors either, someone on another forum said they could special order them, maybe i’ll try and order the razors.

    • kaylynn32

      I was wondering the same thing. I was lucky enough to snag the razor deal before they were completely gone. Usually I go with a big list of good deals and end up leaving with very few items. It’s sometimes really frustrating. Im going to call my Walmart and ask when their deals technically start. I’m sure the people at the Service Desk will know as well, if you’re already going to be at Walmart before 10/2.

  19. MA

    How does Paul @ I heart the Mart get these flyers ahead of time? Wonder what the price on the Glade is???

  20. mONICA

    Don’t 4get there is also a rebate for it also, making it an even sweeter deal!!

    • Dawn

      Where is the rebate??

    • saira

      where can i find the rebate form monica

    • Tiffany

      I think the rebate is for a scrubber? Is that the one you are talking about? It was in the same ad as the coupon the 9/11 insert. It is a little scrubbing cleaner that you can get free wyb the starter kit.

  21. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Bzzagent is doing a program (and I’m a BzzAgent) now so I have a bunch $4 coupons…so I’m gonna hand them out. I also have the free item but haven’t tried it yet. Looks like a cool design.

  22. kaylynn32

    I just looked up our walmart flyer here in Wapak, Ohio, and this deal isn’t even listed. Does anyone know if Walmart’s deals are usually regional or are they pretty much all the same for each store?

    • melissa

      maybe b/c the deal doesn’t start til Sunday? I wasn’t aware WM even put their ads online?

      • kaylynn32

        If you go to, there’s a tab at the top that says “local ad.” I wasn’t aware of this until yesterday. But the thing says its the ad starting 10/2. I printed off the coupon anyway, just in case it’s something my store isn’t advertising. πŸ™‚

  23. Rebecca

    Us non-Facebookers can get the coupon, too! Sweet! πŸ˜€
    I printed the $4 coupon twice but can’t print the $3 & $2 ones even though it looks like the same site. I wouldn’t mind refills. :S

    • metta

      where did you print the $4 Q that is not on FB

      • metta

        Never mind

  24. K

    I have this. I don’t mind it at all. It did scare my daughter when using the restroom after I put it on, she really didn’t want to go but now that she sees its safe its fine. It just kinda looks weird if you aren’t use to it.

  25. Danielle

    Can someone please help? I’m looking all over the facebook page and can’t find this coupon anywhere.

    • metta

      click on the left tab ..One step dance off .

  26. Thelma0987

    Thank u for the post…will def get this one…luv free!!!!

  27. metta

    I seen this post last night on another blog,they refer you to,there was no Q there. Went to Right@home site to print the $4 Q,which is inactive. so I email the company concerning the up coming sale & Q. Thank Goodness somebody was on on it !!! got 2 from FB. I thought I had cut this Q out from S/S ? Thank you Collin, I gave upon this !

  28. hon

    thanks colin, I was looking for this one at coupons. com last night..

  29. trailmama

    thank you! can someone please share when the 3.97 price expires? not sure i can make it out soon. thanks!

  30. aesha

    are these curretly reg 9.99?

  31. jen

    WOW I have been trying to find this coupon since this morning!! Thanks so much, I can always count on you Collin!!! πŸ™‚

  32. Bee

    I am very glad that those who have this item posted their experience. Even if there is a way to adjust the product so that it doesn’t spray indiscriminately, it seems very overdone. Cleaning a toilet is not a hazmat experience. Use gloves and a cleaner and get it over with. We are exposed to these common household germs all the time.

    I don’t clean my toilets that often AND I have hard water. Only the toilet that is rarely flushed has any hard water stain.

    I do like the toilet gel. I thought that was a very good product–little effort, no “contraptions” or spray to circulate in the air.

    It seems like people hurt themselves more with these “cleaning” products than with the problem they think they have to begin with.

    With the coupon, I would pay close to .40 for this product. Even at free, I don’t think it’s something I want around my kids and pets.

  33. Anna m

    I just bought 6!! They had a ton at my Meijers for $2.99. So I got $2 overage (I had 2 Facebook coupons) and each one had 2 $3 coupons inside so I used them to get 4 more free. Meijer also deducted $2 if I spent $10 in p&g cleaning! All 4 of my bathrooms will have nice clean toilets and I don’t have to worry about price matching etc.

  34. Valerie

    I just purchased (5) of these at Walmart today. They are not the same package that they have on the shelf. It is a special buy and will only be available until they run out. I suggest trying to go today and see if it’s around somewhere. I asked my Department Manager this morning as I was walking in to work and he was already putting them out on the sales floor. Reminder, if it doesn’t ring up 3.97 then it’s not the special buy. I seen post of other customers demaning the cashier override the price and that’s just not right. Good Luck in finding them and HAPPY SHOPPING!!!

    • Katie

      I’m one of those people they had to override it for – simply because they didn’t have the item they were advertising – or that they said the pallet with them mysteriously got lost in the back. I was apparently a part of many shoppers with the $4/1 coupon and my Wal-mart doesn’t care too much for items that they’ll sell for free. I wasn’t rude about it, but the man had dealt with enough of us that day so he went ahead and over-“rode” the regular one that looks exactly like it ….

  35. Jana

    I went into walmart this morning and went to the register.Because it was only 12:15am they were not ringing up the sale price so the cashier asked a CSM and she told the cashier to over ride the price but when i handed the cashier my coupons she said because they matched the price of get this their own ad i couldn’t use the coupon. has anyone ever heard of this? i had her take them off. hope this makes sense. not very happy since i had to kill an hour to wait for midnight.(i know dumb on my part ) but i had went to CVS and didn’t want to have to go back to Wally World.

  36. Ronni Beth

    So, I managed to score 4 of these wonderful coupons. Was EXCITED. Found myself still up at midnite and thought I’d head over to the Walmart and pick mine up before they were gone. Well, they rang up at $9.47, I told the cashier the local ad online says these should be $3.97 starting 10/2 and I had the ad pulled up on my Bberry ready to show her. She called a CSM, and this lady IMMEDIATLY started yelling at me the moment she approached the register β€œWE DO NOT MATCH OUR ONLINE PRICES PERIOD!” I was floored at this woman’s behavior. I responded with β€œMay I speak with YOUR supervisor?”

    Blah blah blah much MUCH drama later the second manager finally let me have these at the price on the ad….

    Then the cashier didnt want to let me use the coupon. This woman actually told me β€œThis is a double coupon and I cant let you use it” I asked β€œHow is this a double coupon? Its ONE coupon…”

    Anyway I stood my ground (and I’m usually pretty passive) got my free kits and left, a little embarrassed and with a much higher blood pressure than I should ever have over some toilet cleaner. I’m so disgusted with the β€˜customer’ service I receive anymore at Walmart. Very disappointing.

    • Jana

      do you live in Jacksonville? thought maybe we went to the same store…lol

  37. Sarah

    My Walmart had a huge display of these. They were priced at $9.97 and rang up that price. I showed them the local ad from the Walmart website and the lady adjusted the price no problem. I also igot the cover girl blush. My store had it for $3.97. So 2 free with my $8 coupon. All my coupons went through fine. No beeps. Good luck all and happy shopping!!!

    • DeeDee

      Had complete opposite experience than you at Antioch, California Walmart. I did the same thing as you but they did not honor price to 3.97! We debated for 25 min in line and many associates came over but they said only boxes with yellow on it were 3.97! They had no more of those boxes because 2 ladies cleared the ENTIRE display right in front of me!!! I did however get the icy hot and cover girl makeup. I don’t usually have good couponing experiences at Walmart so I’m not surprised. Just very disapointed! I don’t like shelf clearers, GREED or inconsistent coupon policies.

  38. Shannon

    I also had my 2 kits ring up $9.47. Walmart also had no ads handy & the local News & Observer delivered to the Walmart does not include the Walmart ad. Wierd! I had left my ad at home. The very nice manager at the Walmart at Brier Creek in Raleigh, NC called around to the cashiers to see if anyone had an ad. No one did so he called into the back office. A very rude assistant manager told him it wasn’t the same item as the ad since the ad’s item was in a “special box” with the yellow part of it as shown in the pic above. Bottom line, it’s the same product in different packaging! We were willing to just walk away without it, but the manager, David, was incredibly nice & patient and gave it to us for the $3.97 X 2- $8 in coupons + tax on the $7.96= $.48 out of pocket. I am writing cooperate to let them know how patient this manager was & am trying to forget about the rude assistant manager.

  39. Kim

    Just went to our local Walmart in Centerville, OH and I tried to get the $9.97 kits. She said the “special packaged” ones that are $3.97 are coming in on the truck at 8 pm tonight and they cannot substitute, even though it is the same exact thing. I told her I would come back tomorrow and she warned me to get there early because they have had so many people asking for them. I am sending my husband back tonight at 8! πŸ™‚

  40. becky

    Hi, Just got back from Target with 3 of these. They have them without the yellow on the box,but priced matched anyways! The cs said I was the only one today to do it,had no problems. . . . so if you have a Target,go there.

  41. DDub

    I tried to get these at one Walmart and the manager kindly explained that becuase it is a “one time buy” that it has a different UPC and the package will have that yellow stripe but because they were a lower volume store they never got them in. Well luckily I was headed on the road anyways so I tried the Walmart he suggested, that was higher volume, and they had them on an end cap seperate from the normal ones. I got there at noon and there wasn’t even a dent in their stock yet. They rang up fine and the coupons went through, it simply asked whether it was a valid item and the cashier hit yes.

  42. De

    Our walmart is not having this sale, and the nearest one is 30 miles away. I sincerely wish they would all do the same darn ad, it is really annoying. I am not sure I can justify a 60 mile round trip just for toilet bowl cleaners to my husband.

    Our walmart did recognize the covergirl coupon just fine. Great deal on natureluxe foundation and a blush for my daughter. Going back later in the week to use the other two. I think I like the foundation, so might as well stock up at this price! This is one of those coupons I wish I had 12 of, lol!!

  43. Aimee

    I am so glad I read all of these comments before heading out to Walmart. I am the most laid back person on the planet, but at my Walmart I realized that ALL of the kits were the ones with out the yellow stripe. They had a huge display of them in the middle of the store priced at $9.49 I took the ad and the boxes to the cashier who called over an assistant who informed me it wasn’t the right box.
    I then sweetly said that they were the only boxes they had and how could they advertise a deal and not have it in stock. He then called a manager who told me to price adjust them! Yay! The cashier was already on my side because I had just given her one of my coupons, lol.

  44. Laura

    I just went to Walmart and they didn’t have any of the yellow ones. I didn’t even see where they would be located at. I don’t think my store got a shipment in.

    • Katie

      Mine didn’t either. The manager adjusted the price of the regular ones for me. They’re the same product, just different packaging.

  45. K

    Mine didn’t have the yellow box, and they only had 5 in stock. So I got 2, my sister in law got 2 and my other sister in law got one. We asked if they had any more and they said they had 6 in the warehouse that were coming… 6! how crazy is that?!

    They rang up at 9.47 but i was prepared with the ad and the cashier looked at it, apologized for them not scanning to the right price, and then adjusted the price no problem. then when i handed him the coupon he was excited that i was getting such a great deal. I told him how appreciative I was that he was SO nice and helpful and happy to help me get the great deal. I also told him that I will continue to shop in his line everytime he is there because he was so wonderful. I love when cashiers are kind and excited to help you save money, unlike the ones who think you are a criminal for using coupons!

    I hope everyone else has good luck like i did!

  46. Crystal

    I went to walmart in West Columbia,South Carolina on the 2nd and I was told that they weren’t approved for the price mark down or whatever and than today I talked to a supervisor than a manager and Finally they said that they would price match to the price of $3.97 does anyone have any idea why they weren’t marked down right geez that was soo annoying It’s Crazy

  47. nelly

    Ive gone to walmart 3 times since sunday 12am to find these kits, and i finally found them tonight. Bought two, but i also notice, one they are in the middle aisle bythe cleaning products, two they do have the “yellow strip” andthree they only put a small shelf that maybe hold 30? 40? Meaning not many were put up. Im not sure if they will put more through the week. But from what ive learned is to best go to walmart when they are in their restocking time(night time) to find deals like these.

  48. madea

    I went to a Walmart yesterday and they did not have a single one with the yellow strip on the box but they did have plenty in regular boxes ($9.49). I did not want to hold up the line at the register so I went straight to the customer service. Well, I wasted good 30 min because an associate first went to a manager, then to the aisle and then she checked out the end shelves…but no luck. After that, she comes back to the front of the store and explains everything to the manager and OF COURSE, they refuse to sell me the $9.49 box which is exactly the same thing and has the same exact thing in it. The girl told me to check back today because they were suppose to get a truck last night. No one gave me an attitude, they were trying to figure it out themselve.

    Well, I did not go back to the same Walmart because it’s at a distance from my house, I just stopped there yesterday because it was on my way back from the mall.

    Today I went to Walmart that is close to my house. When I was leavin the house I told my husband that I think I am going to be disappointed again today. BUT LUCKILY ….I GOT LUCKY πŸ˜›
    I go into the Cleaners aisle and before I even checked the shelf, I saw a supervisor stocking up detergent and I asked her if she had any of those in stock. She looked up and said VERY POLITELY, that yes they do. She said that it came in a truck last night and she has to bring it up front for me. She asked me how many I wanted and I said five. She was very nice and very sweet, she came back with five boxes after good 7-10 min and handed me all of them.
    I learned that it never hurts to try. I don’t waste my gas and time for these coupons just because I want something for free. I had couple of other things that needed to be done at Kohl’s and it was next to Walmart so I went and got it.
    Suppose if they didn’t have it, I would’ve been fine cuz I made up my mind that I am not meant to have it. You cannot get every deal and that’s what I have learned after getting frustrated and disappointed many times.
    BTW…EACH BOX has coupons in it for BOGO free refill which you can pair with $2 off coupon which was in a recent magazine..idk exactly which one. The retail price for the refill is $3.97 at Walmart so with the $2 off + BOGO coupon, you can snag two refills for $1.97. EAch refill lasts for 30 days.
    One of the reason why I wanted this is because I am almost in the last month of my pregnancy and I have a hard time cleaning the bathroom and using chemicals. So when I saw this, I had to give it a try.



  49. stephanie

    I love this cleaner and never would have tried it if it weren’t for seeing this deal on your site!

    I will add, the spray does “mist” out of the potty a bit, however I love this, because it lands on the rim of the potty. To clean the potty (with all the boys in this household, it gets all sorts of gross) I just step, flush and then wipe the rim with a paper towel and it is squeaky clean!!!!

  50. Julie

    I went to my wal-mart they were not marked down. I wonder though if they did not mark the price on the shelf down on purpose so that people would not know and not use the coupon πŸ™ I should have done a price check.

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