7” Tablet with Android OS Only $77.40 Shipped

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Wowie! This seems like an awesome deal if you are in the market for tablet and aren’t keen on spending a couple hundred dollars. Through tonight only, you can head on over to Plum District where you can snag this 7” Tablet with Android OS for only $129 ($399 value?). Even sweeter, use coupon code mobile40 or cyber40 (only valid through tonight!) to score an additional 40% off  – making your final cost only $77.40 with FREE shipping! Wow!

Now obviously this isn’t going to be the best tablet out there… I mean look at the price! But if you are looking for an inexpensive tablet for your kiddos to play with or just a fun little gadget for yourself – this is a great option!

After purchasing, I was able to head on over here to order my tablet and redeem my voucher code immediately!

Tablet specs include: A/C adapter/charger, stylus, manual, and external RJ-45 USB hub for adding additional devices. Slim and Lightweight Black Mini Laptop Android 2.2 FLASH 10.1, WiFi and external 3G 7.2″ digital touch screen, 800X480 pixels 3.0 megapixel camera / webcam.

The Fine Print
Voucher must be used in 1 transaction
May not be combined with other offers
All shipments to ship by 12/15/2011, for a guaranteed Christmas delivery
Limit 1 voucher per transaction
Voucher is transferable
Expires 02/25/12

(Thanks, The Frugal Find!)

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Comments 104

  1. Courtney

    what are the reviews on this?

    • gina

      I am wondering the same thing. What brand is it?

  2. Crystal

    1saleaday.com has some good deals too. I actually got a tablet/e-reader off their store on ebay for $79.99. I am looking at their store again now and they have others at great prices.

  3. Wendy

    So my husband pointed out that the kindle fire has an 8gb, this only has 3gb. So it wont be able to hold as much ; movies, games, apps.

    • Thalia

      But for the difference in price ( and since I know my kids are going to get hold of this) we can work with the 3gb for now.

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      Correct different price and expandable to 32G

  4. Lisa

    Great Gift for our office Holiday Party!!!!


    • Amie

      can i be in your office?

      • Megan♥


  5. Connie

    what looks to be the same tablet is selling for $110.95 on Amazon. Only 4 reviews and they are pretty mixed.

  6. Karen

    I have never used Plum district, how does it work??

    • Ketsy

      They have different deals a day kind of like groupon. There are ways of getting plum dollars to use on deals by referrals. Sometimes also if you buy the item and you get three buddies to buy it, you get yours free. 😀

      • Karen


  7. Tracie

    There was a very similar android tablet at Big Lots this week for only $65

  8. Mama Bear

    I was wondering about reviews too. I have decided to buy a tablet over a LeapPad for my DD and load it with mostly free apps.

    • mlreynolds

      What is the price difference of the LeapPad and the tablet?

      • ketsy

        The Leappad is 99 plus tax at most retailers. The problem will be finding it. In Florida its already sold out and backordered at Walmart, toys r us etc… and amazon.com and ebay have them for over $150 🙁

  9. rach

    Did anyone see the one on bensoutlet for $69? Its a pandigital, similiar specs free ship.

    • Jodie

      My daughter & my mom both have a Pandigital phone and they have both had to replace them multiple times because they are constantly not working right (screens go black, they don’t ring, can’t call out on them, and just today I texted my daughter at school once and she got the same message 14 times!) If their tablets are anything like the phones they sell, I’d stay away from Pandigital. Just my opinion!

    • Michelle

      I own the Pandigital tablet. I love it. I have not had any issues with it at all. Just be aware that in order to download some things you might have to upgrade the operating system on it. Overall it is great. my 4yr old loves to use it for educational games. So for xmas we bought all 3 of our kids one.

  10. cherish

    Seems like a great deal, but I am not so sure….can snag the same thing else ware for 69.99 as their regular price.

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      This brand is Huawei – best in their price point – the others do not compare!

  11. Danielle

    You can use your Plumdollars on this too. I have $20 so it would make this $57.40 for me. I am debating it as I have no idea the reviews or the brand…

    • Kristina McAuliffe

      I used my plum dollars np.

  12. rach

    Just fyi, for those of us who have (due to leappads unfortunate stocking and shortage issues) had time to consider the wisdom of buying a regular tablet over the leappad, you might be interested in the nabi tablet from toys r us. I have preordered for dec . At 199 its a little more than the cheapo tablets, but i think if you ck it.out youll see probably worth it.in durability and the setuo they have. Just.sayin..not a spokesperson or anything, just have done a lot of homework in this issue.

    • misty

      oh goodness, i feel so lucky to have been able to nab the leap pad

      • Amie

        me too, but im looking for a tablet for my oldest son, I got the leappad for my middle one.

  13. Erica

    AWESOME DEAL!!!! Just scored it for $72.40, I guess since I’m a new member they gave me and extra $5.00 off! Thank you, Thank you for all you do!!!! We love our Android phones, so hopefully we will love this also! You really do rock~

  14. Amy D.

    Anyone know how big the hard drive is? I, too, thought it said 3GB at first, but then I realized that it actually says 3G (as in the wireless data plan).

  15. Jane

    I made a mistake because I didn’t want to buy this one but I did. I think it’s non refundable and the live chat is dead so I guess I’m stuck with this. Is there any way to return this voucher? I haven’t used it yet.

    • Amie

      I’d be interested in buying your voucher if you arent able to return it. By the time I got to it, It was closed again and before that sold out.

      • Andrea Futrell Young

        I have a voucher you can buy if that one doesn’t work out. I realized I don’t need it. My email is timandreayoung@aol.com.

      • Jane

        Yes email me at ajplus03@yahoo.com if you r interested to buy. I tried contacting them twice already and it seems like nobody is on the other side. No live chat, no phone numbers, nothing. Did anybody have success returning the voucher or should I dispute the charge like some did? Suggestions?

  16. kori

    This is 3G not 3GB… the GB is the memory capacity and if I’m reading correctly in the fine print, it is only 256mb, which is really small when comparing tablets. The $399 is really inflated. Be careful on this one and research

  17. Drew

    I’d be wary of no-name Android tablets. I work in IT and have been researching tablets vs iPads pretty in depth lately and my conclusion is that Android tablets (especially no-name brands) aren’t really ready for prime time. My opinion is to give Android tablets a year to mature, but if you want one sooner, you’d be better off buying one from a major manufacturer like Samsung, Asus, Amazon (Kindle Fire), HTC, etc.

    • shirley

      Hi Drew,
      I bought a Coby Kyros 7012 MID 4 GB Tablet for my 6 years old. What is your opinion on the tablet? Do you think it is sufficient for reading kids’ books, and playing games?

      • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

        It is expandable to 32G – it is Android 2.2 as well – capable of lots!

      • Drew

        Hi Shirley,

        I hadn’t looked at this model before, but after quickly glancing at the specifications, the only thing that I don’t like is the resistive screen and that it doesn’t use Google Marketplace. I don’t know if either will be an issue for a six year olds use, but the resistive screen may not support multi touch very well as is an older technology more typically used with a device that needs a stylus to function well.

        Check out androidtablets.net forums for other discussion specific tho that model.

    • Tat

      How do you wi-fi on a tablet? Do you have to be in a wi-fi spot? Do you sign up for service like a mobile phone? Thanks for your help as I admit I don’t know anything “i-techy”

  18. rach

    The problem with the cheapos is a. No place for expanded memory b. No camera c. No flash so games dont play very smoothly c. No google apps (angry birds, zoodles, etc) d. No rubber or durable casing and not much out there available to buy for less than $50,, even if you can get one that fits. E. No parental control for internet usage . Just giving people something to think about for the cheap tablets . If you have a 9-10 year old i think it could work,but mine is 5 so will outgrow a leappad next year, not quite ready for ipad.

    • Drew

      Well said – the no-name ones won’t have the features that you’ll want in the long run!

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      It is expandable to 32G – it has a camera and flash 10.1!!!

  19. Tyler Watthanaphand

    DO NOT BUY THIS, the link to buy this is a scam. They do not use any security certificates. THEY WILL STEAL YOUR IDENTITY. Also the tablet sucks, no joke. And I’m an Android Developer

    • Sarah Vincent

      How are they going to steal our identity when plum district is the one with all our info. The only thing this company has is our address. And who doesnt have that?

  20. Wendy V.

    I got mine for $72.40. I think I received an extra $5 off for being a new customer. For $72.40, it will be a good trial to see if we really want to invest in a more expensive tablet. We’ve been on the fence for a while. This will be a good family gift at Christmas.

    • Erica

      That’s what we are doing!

  21. rach

    This doesnt tell you a brand, the memory , whether it has an sd slot or anything.

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      Huawei – 3G – expandable to 32G – there are loads of details on their website – xsv360.com

  22. Malissa

    just bought one for my husband since I had quite a few plum dollars…..hopefully it works somewhat decent!

  23. joanna

    I really think too the price 399 is inflated. motorola xoom was on sale last week for 399 and xoom is pretty good.

  24. andrea

    did some research – this is not a name brand, it’s misleading people with listing android OS but it’s not compatible with the US /android marketplace, only the chinese one. unless you can read chinese, the apps for this won’t be useful.

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      It is compatable with Android 2.2 – it is Huawei brand

  25. Kelly

    I just bought a Polaroid Android tablet on Black Friday at Kohl’s. Originally, it was $179.99, on sale for $119.99, $20 rebate making it $99.99. I got 15% off plus I had a store credit to use and then I ended up getting back $30 in Kohl’s cash making this very cheap. However, I can’t get it to connect to Wi-Fi. Very frustrated to say the least!! The only reason I bought it was because of the deal I was getting. I haven’t given up yet, but I’m getting close…….

  26. Ann

    I bought this one and REALLY REGRET for spending my money!

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      The Huawei brand???

  27. Gina

    I bought an Itouch for my 2 year old and decided to go with this instead since its like a quarter of the price and I don’t have to worry about what he ends up doing with it! He is mostly into youtube so should work fine for what he wants it for!

    • michelle

      And Target has a much better return policy if there is a problem with it. All this site says is to: “Please contact customer service for more information on returning an item. Thank you. ” What does that mean exactly?

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      This brand is NOT good at all on Target’s site – the Huawei on the Plum District is top notch for the price point!!!

  28. amy

    I bought this deal before reading all the comments… I now have buyers remorse! Now what?

    • andrea

      call you credit card company now and stop the transaction – indicate that you bought something with misleading and inaccurate info – good luck!!!

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      Really Amy – you shouldn’t – I am going to post a link here – this brand has great reviews – people are getting this mixed up with others. Please google Huawei IDEOS 7 – you’ll see!

      • amy

        Thanks for the reply, Andrea. Unfortunately, I used my checking account Visa card, so I’m not sure I can do anything until my bank opens.

        Thanks Jackie, that makes me feel a little better 🙂 I read the specs again this morning, and saw a video after googling the brand name, and it looks like it will work out fine for my kids. I was really worried about the small 256M memory, but it says it’s expandable.

  29. Becca

    I bought a similar tablet too…it’s TERRIBLE! Seriously, not worth 20. The touch screen is super hard to use compared to the ipad or other tablets..no way my three year old would be able to use it.

  30. Kristina McAuliffe

    I bought two of these before reading the comments. UGGG I’m going to just take my chances. It did there security cert. was valid. I’m praying my not getting had.

    • Jackie - MyVegasMommy

      No offense to others, but they don;t have their facts straight – this company is the BEST on the market for this price point – watch the youtube videos – I was impressed! It has a camera, flash 10.1 and Android 2.2 contrary to what some say above!!! The brand is Huawei

  31. Kristina McAuliffe

    I’m not being had not my not getting had. Geeeze to much shopping my brain hurts.

  32. Mila

    I think the $399 price is heavely inflated. Reviews on Amazon were not very good and we found several similar tablets for $79 or cheaper on reputable sites. I’d be careful not to jump on this one personally.

    • Mila

      oops heavily, not heavely 🙂

  33. Aimee

    No longer available…it says deal is closed! But, it looks like you can get the same thing at Target for 79.99 as someone else said above.

  34. Ashley

    I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little offended. People are talking about about 3 and 2 year olds using these tablets and I can’t even figure them out!!!!! lol 🙂

    • Leslie

      I smiled with your comment. My 7 year old and 3 year old can navigate these touch screen computers much better than I can. They play with their dad’s all of the time and I get lost when I go on.

  35. Sarah Vincent

    Why are people buying their 2-6 year olds tablets? Thats a little extreme.

    • Diane

      I bought a tablet for my 5 year-old. She can play games on it, listen to music on it, and watch movies on it. It’s like getting a portable DVD player – but with extras!

      • Tera

        What did you buy. I am buying one for my 14 year old but for the basic reason except he wants to be able to go the internet

  36. Brandy

    My sister purchased this for her daughter as a stepping point. Yes it is an off brand product but for her 13 year old to get used to a tablet and to see if she will actually use it for everything that it is intended for then she is buying this one and will more than likely upgrade her to an ipad next year if she shows that this one is something that she will actually use and take care of. Same thing with my two kiddos… a 15 year and a 12 year old. Their school actually uses netbooks and tablets. I didn’t want to spend a fortune getting them one that could be stolen at school. This was cheap enough for me to take a chance and see how they are with them.

  37. Adepeju Adefi

    I have a Huawai phone and it SUCKS! The battery power is horrible and the phone sometimes has a mind of its own, going to apps I didn’t touch or not responding at all. I wanted a tablet for my daughter because with supporting features and games it’s cheaper than a Leapfrog or Nintendo DS. Kids are a lot more tech-savvy than even I was 5 years ago (and I’m only 24!) I thought it was a great deal until I went to the website and it looked a little sketchy. Not only that but knowing the brand makes me say “no” even more. Plus, if she doesn’t get one until after Christmas, she’ll never know the difference.

  38. rach

    Because I have one and there are so many great learning things for kids.on it, that unlike pen and paper, they are excited to do because it.on the computer. Not to mention the games and ability to listen to their kusic, etc. At 5 or 6 is when they start asking for computers, radios, etc. And since they cant type or.lug around a laptop,
    a tablet makes sense. nowadays these things (radio, vidoe player, game system, learning device) are all contained, so theres no sense in me a. Buying a camera, radio, video player, and etc seprate or b. buying a leappad for $100, a charger with batteries for $20, a plug for $10, and two measly cartridges for $20 each to just have $200 in a toy that has no capabilities whatsoever. My kindegartener uses computers at schol and the .library, so if im going to invest in some computer/learning device at her age, might as well be a tablet. May seem extreme, but its logical.

  39. Jill

    Just went to the website, and it’s closed

    • Adepeju Adefi

      Try a different city. I live in Atlanta and it was still available.

  40. rach

    Besides, my kids have everything else. Their room is piled high with plastic. I dont need $150 more in barbies that get thrown in a big headless naked pile.

  41. Diane

    My husband bought this exact same tablet from a seller on ebay, but the OS was slightly modified (improved). He got it in pink (it’s for my 5 year-old) and it was $80 shipped. Since it will be her Christmas gift, we haven’t done much other than get it set up for her – so I can’t say if it’s good or not. But he did do a lot of research prior to purchasing, and he seemed to think this one had a lot to offer for the price. So for anyone who wasn’t able to snag this deal here, you could check out ebay.

  42. Kristin

    I agree. This is for my 7 year old and my 3 year old to use. I am worried about the reviews, but I will just have to get it and see if I like it. My children have smart boards in their classrooms which can be used as touch screens. They work our Ipad great and this is just the way technology is going. My 3 year old doesn’t know life without a touchpad of some sort. These things have great learning apps and I agree with the comment above. It is cheaper to buy this item than leap pads that require expensive games and can’t even do everything the tablets can do. We will see how this one is.

  43. Nedra

    Do not buy this tablet. It is a fake. It works once you install a new ROM, but not all people know how to do that and if you do it wrong you can turn your new tablet into a “brick”, meaning ruin it. My children have these and they had to have new ROM’s installed and they still do not work great. They are slow and do not do what the real tablets can. Please, please, please save your money.

  44. Lisa

    Deal is no longer available.

  45. Diana

    I am so confused mixed reviews. : /

  46. Andrea Futrell Young

    I bought one but just realized I don’t need it. I am willing to sell it, if anyone is interested. The voucher does say it is transferable. You can email me if you are interested. timandreayoung@aol.com. Thanks

  47. Lisa

    Wow does anyone actually have this tablet?? Very confused.

  48. Lisa

    My Mother-in-Law bought on to this deal as a Christmas gift for my kids. She emailed me the voucher info, so that I could go to the website and place the actual order. I’m trying to do so, and it’s telling me that my code is invalid. I thought maybe there was a waiting period, but Collin said that she was able to redeem her code immediately. Anyone else having any issues? Any thoughts?? Please let me know. I’m worried now that she’s spent her money and I’m not going to be able to get this voucher code to work.

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