New $1/2 Capri-Sun BIG Pouch Coupon (Facebook)
Capri-Sun is introducing a new 11.2oz BIG pouch and is offering up $1/2 coupons to celebrate! Just head on over to the Capri Sun Goes Big Facebook page and “like” them to print your $1/2 Capri-Sun BIG Pouch coupon! Anyone know the price of these new BIG pouches?
(Thanks, One Momma Saving Money!)
Where do you buy these at? Anyone seen them at stores yet?
I’ve seen them at Meijer, but I didn’t note how much they cost
I saw a consumer comment on the fb page that they were being sold for $0.79 each at Meijer. Hope that helps!
Careful! This prints at the bottom of the page. I lost a print from using the good old “half sheet” method.
thanks for the heads up on this. i did the half sheet method a lot too and have missed out on Qs. 🙁
you can find them at winco as well for $.79
I saw these at walmart for .88 cents.
On the bricks page you can request to have it mailed if you click “help” in the lower right corner.
My walmart in utah had them for .88 for one
88 cents at northern CA Walmart
Walmart for .88. Bought some yesterday.
Anyone see these in the ormond beach area?
my walmart had them for .75