Happy Friday: Helping the Homeless

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Sent from reader, Abby:

For a few weeks now, I have been seeing a homeless woman sit outside of our post office every day with a sign that says she lost her job and is looking for work. Every time I drive by my heart goes out to her. I have talked to her and prayed for her in the past, but I decided I wanted to put together a bag of things for her. Because of all your Hip2Save tips, I was able to collect a good number of great items to give to her! I had lotions, nail files, nail clippers, body washes, makeup, toiletries, febreeze, a loofah, and even a cute bag to go with everything – all for almost free! Thanks to Hip2Save I am able to bless someone who is in great need. I hope others out there will use their “couponing abilities” to reach out to those who are in need. It’s such a simple way to let someone know you care!


Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at happyfriday@hip2save(dot)com. Every Friday, I will post one photo, submitted by you and/or another Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into your frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!

** Check out all of the previous Happy Friday pictures here.

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Comments 75

  1. Brittany

    What a wonderful thing you did! 🙂

  2. hon h

    ahhh thanks so sweet..

  3. Tarri

    Very nice of you to do this for someone in need. It feels good to do what you did. It brings you back to reality well for at least it does that to me.

  4. Leisa

    Awesome you are a wonderful person!

  5. Denise

    I would love to know her reaction when you gave her your gift. Can you let us know? I donate a lot of items to the local food pantry, and I would not be able to if it were not for this site. I’ve been out of work for four years and couponing really helps me to save money. It’s really been a wonderful gift.

  6. Khadiya

    God bless you!

  7. Maria A

    You are so nice to do this for her! I am sure she’s very grateful of your kind gesture! I wish many blessings to come your way.

  8. Kathy

    Very thoughtful Abby!

  9. anne

    awesome. first time i have commented,this one makes me happy.

  10. Sara

    Love this…. Pay it forward…..!!!!

  11. Rachel

    Such a sweet thing to do!

  12. Amy

    love this!

  13. snowman555

    Just wish more people would be willing to give to other in need. Thanks for helping out!

  14. Angela


  15. Nash

    It’s a really nice gesture and all but what the heck is a homeless woman going to do with a Febreeze plug in? Or lip gloss? Those aren’t exactly necessities. I am extremely moved by her generosity, attributes like that seem to be so very rare these days…but how about a pillow & blanket? Or with all the deals on pre-packaged food how about a few bagged lunches? Just a thought. Nonetheless, this reader makes my heart happy.

    • Jen

      My thoughts were the same at first, but then I realized yes, we all could use the basic necessities, but it’s those little comfort things that sometimes make all the difference in putting a smile on your face.

    • Sheila

      My first thought was what a good idea it is to include some makeup and things to help her feel pretty. And looking good can help her find a job, too.

    • Lindsey

      There were some necessities in there like body wash and lotion, a lufa to wash with. It was nice to ad a few things this lady definatly cant afford, so the lady would probably buy food instead of makeup with any money she had. Im sure the extra stuff put a huge smile on her face since she wouldnt buy it for herself. Love the extras in there.

    • Carol

      Ha, that is the first thing I thought too, where’s she gonna put all that stuff? I’ve been scammed by people on the street so I’m a little leery. Some really have a home and that is their “job” to beg on the streets and some make a really good tax free living doing it. I would rather donate to the Pantry or other organization, but you have a big heart and I think it’s wonderful what you did for her. I’m sure I’ll get blasted for saying what I said, but oh well, freedom of speech!

      • Jan

        I agree with Carol. I have grown pretty leery of some of our “homeless’ people. Our city actually did an investigation an saw that all the “homeless” people were actually pooling their money together and getting drunk at night. I think this idea is great because it’s not giving them money to get drunk with but helpful items!

        • Julie

          Well the thing is I give it because we are not suppose to question or judge. That is not up to us. My husband and I are only 24 years old and give over 5000 a year to homeless people including people asking for help on the side of the road. I, as a Christian, hope and pray that they take that money and use it for what they need. If they don’t, it’s not up to me to judge what they do. I love helping others and I always say you never know when you will be in the same situation. Things happen and you can lose your job, house, insurance, or have a situation where you lose all your money at any point. I have donated to pantries and organizations and if you really want to look at it, how do you know they are using your donations correctly? I always say that if I help this person out, hopefully, if I am ever in the same situation, someone will help me out.

          • are318

            Julie i shared and loved ur point of view…God bless u!!! Ms. Abby ur example make me realized that i can make a difference in someone’s life ..thks so much :)))

          • Bri

            Very Well Said! God bless you indeed! I’m inspired to go and do the same! 🙂

          • Laura

            Julie, I agree with you. God expects us to help the needy and He will judge them if they don’t use their resources responsibly.

    • Ang

      The woman was asking for work, not food or sleeping items. All of those items above will give her a great shot at getting a job. You aren’t going to get hired walking in looking a mess. A lot of times the homeless go to shelters at night to eat, shower, and sleep. If she can’t get somewhere to shower, she could actually use that febreze. And it might be nice to have something like that. It’s funny how things like that can be so calming and comforting. She could use all of the items above there to get herself presentable for an interview. That was a great thing, and the gesture alone might have been what that woman was needing.

    • Abby

      Nash, if you read below, where I explained more of the woman’s situation and reaction maybe that will help. She is very used to getting the usual bagged lunch, but not special items. She has a place to stay at a Church right now so she has access to a plug outlet and she has bedding to use. There is a difference between being “homeless” and “living of the street”.

  16. Seth

    I did the exact same thing but donated items to my local battered women’s shelter. I gave laundry detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste, women and men razors, Olay body wash, soap, lotions, feminine products, deordoant (men and women), Pantene shampoo and conditioner, Head and Shoulders shampoo, Olay face cleaning items, baby food and so much more. I priced everything out before I gave it to them and it was worth over $150 of name brand items. The lady behind the counter was so shocked to see all the items and it even made her cry. I had over 7 bags of items that I had saved up. The lady told me that they are always over looked when it come to donations and most of the time they are unable to help due to the lack of funds they have to work with and not to many people help out. It made me feel so great knowing that I was helping women and thier children who leave everything they have behind to get into better living situation. One of the ladies who was there seeking shelter even gave me a hug and thanked me as she teared up. Even though the 7 bags of items I dropped off was valued at over $150, I paid less then $15 for all those items. Most of the items were completely free by the use of coupons and free due to rebates. There is no way I could spend that much out of my own poker to help others in need and because of coupons I was able to do that. I even have an extra laundry basket that I use just for items to donate to them. It makes me feel really great to help others and I feel like I’m doing my part. These ladies and their children go through so much and if I can help in any way…you can bet that I will. It’s hard to describe the way you feel when you know your helping those in need. So because of this and coupons which are mostly female related, if I can get it for pennies or free, you bet I will!! Thanks so much for sharing this store and I hope other fellow couponers do the same. It’s a great feeling and its something that you can’t put into words!!

    • cindy

      Made me tear up too. Really great.

    • Diane

      Nineteen years ago I was living at a women’s shelter during my journey to escape from an abusive husband. I honestly have no idea what I would have done if the shelter hadn’t been there for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each one of you who gives to help women who are currently living at shelters. You are all angels!

      • Seth

        I donate to the women shelter for personal reasons. To be able to give these women items that they them selves could not afford is a great feeling. I’m very thankful for my job and being able to support myself. These women and their kids that are affected by abuse and neglect deserve more than I can afford. Many people only think of the women in general but forget their kids, both young boys and girls and their needs. I donated about 10 Pro Glide razors for these young men. I always wish I could do more for them but I think anything is better then nothing. I also give to the animal shelters too. Animal shelters along with women shelters rely on donations only. Everyone needs help at some point in their lives and I think we all who coupon can make a big difference. Donate you clothes or other items. There have also been times where I would sit in my car at Good Will and wait to see a mother with a young man and offer them bags of my clothes for free. I’m able to afford nice clothes so why not pass these on to someone that could use them without having to pay for them. It just makes me feel awesome when I’m able to do this and not ask for anything in return. It’s such a heartfelt feeling and I wouldn’t change it for anything. We all should help each other out. Like someone posted…you never know when you’re the one that’s going to need some help. So I just want to say thank you to everyone who has posted on this subject. I think you’re all amazing people with a very big heart and I really appreciate it. There are still great people out there willing to help others. Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart.

  17. Erin


  18. cindy

    That’s really nice.

  19. Brenda

    I love to use my coupons and deals to help my local shelter for abused women (and their kids). They so much appreciate anything you can take to them, toiletry items, diapers, baby food, laundry detergent, almost anything. When I get a box or two filled up, I take it to donate. Any of you thinking about starting to do this, it is a wonderful thing to do for someone else in need.

  20. Tracy Johnson

    I cannot believe someone posted a questioning comment. Seriously?

    You go Nash! This was very thoughtful and unselfish of you.

    • Nash

      I spoke kindly, and without malice. There is nothing wrong with that.

      • Kay

        With comments like “but what the heck is a homeless woman going to do with a Febreeze plug in? Or lip gloss? Those aren’t exactly necessities.” I don’t really know that you can say you spoke kindly, perhaps without malice, although it tends to come across that way nevertheless.

        Whether the woman that Abby donated to is truly homeless I don’t know, I don’t know her circumstances so I am not going to judge. Regardless, Abby performed a selfless act of kindness and we should be happy that there are still people in the world that do that sort of thing.

        I hope that if you were to ever find yourself in the same position as the woman sitting outside the post office that you would be thankful for any kindness someone shows to you in such a depressing and desperate situation.

  21. haley

    easy to forget in our daily lives that someone has needs greater than ours. With this site, I try to help and donate as many as I receive. Thank you to all of you for all the tips, it has helped many

  22. jj

    That’s fantastic!

  23. md

    My own family needs help! I have a niece that my brother is in jail and my sister in law is a foriegner lto the U.S she was left to raise three kids with language barriers. This year I decided to take on my niece and I couponed for her school items and then I used coupons to buy her clothes and shoes. I myself am pretty strapped we have a tight budget however, we decided to do is put the boys needs on hold and help others that are in more need. My boys gladly helped accepting cheaper shoes and waiting a whole month before we could get to them. However, my niece was surprised that I was able to cloth her, buy her school suppleis, makeup, shoes, underwear, everything I did with coupons. I spent less then $200.00.

    • sara

      Good job MD! God bless you and your family.

  24. Laura

    God bless you.

  25. Riya

    Would like to know the reaction of the lady after she received it…!!!

    • Abby

      I posted about her reaction down below – sorry it took me a few days! 🙂

  26. SK

    God bless you. I have been saving-up my stash too, will head down to a shelter soon to drop-off. Thank you coupons and websites like these!!!!!

  27. md

    I wanted to add somethng else! Honestly about two years ago. I sat down by my computer crying late one night and praying because finacially we were hurting bad andthat I did not know how to coupon at all!!! I wanted to save but every time I tried I ended spending more. I had no idea where you got coupons from or where they were located and yes I was that naive. All my life I had everything but when I lost my job; I thought I was going to drown in debt. My husband cut the grocery budget almost by 2/3 living to buy groceries for the four of us with 150 every two weeks. I freaked out naturally. Went from a 900.00 grocery bill a month to 150.00? I noticed this one old lady one day shopping at CVS had a cart full and she almost look like a bag lady. I followed her all the way to the counter because I wanted see how she would do it to buy all that stuff. I felt I was probably if not worse shape then her and or in the same predictment that she was in. She pulled out an envelope full of coupons and smiled at me. I silently waited for her to do all the transaction. When she was through I noticed she had only paid 40.00 for $200.00 items. I asked her how she did that. Like that is the way I learned by asking other people when I saw them pulling out coupons I would ask where did you get that from? However, that did not answer all my questions so one night I was googling and finally gave up after I could not find some how to teach myself how to put bargains togther. I sat there once again flustered and upset. However in watching my favorite rerun of Hoda and Kathie Lee I noticed at the top a sign about Jill’s Deals and Hip2Save.I begun reading and running through the deals; I spent a whole night researching and learning. Well I have to say coming up on this site was as sheer blessing. Since then when I see some one struggling I recommended two things
    Kathie Lee for Laughs and hip2save for money saving ideas. Two years have passed and money is not the same but I have ajob 🙂 I still shop for the same amount and I still manage to stock my bathroom sinks and overstock at points. Since then with the help of GOd and this sight I have sent bags to needy people at my church. Sent bags to my own family that is in crisis of items I couponed. I have taught my sisterin law how to coupon after she got hurt in the military and her pay was cut. I tell you his site is a blessing.

    • geg1804

      Wow just wow. Your story really touched me. I am 24 yrs. old. I learned couponning from my mother. I used to be so embarassed when she pulled out her coupons 🙂 lol now i am the worst. I am knowned as the coupon lady and i am proud of that title.

    • Shanna

      Wonderful story! I ran across Hip2Save via The Today’s Show’s site as well. I was moving out of my parents house and could only budget $100 bucks (now thanks to coupons I have been able to slash that to $50) a month. I knew with a 6 year old (now 7), I would never make it. I need to add that this amount is for food, personal hygiene stuff, cleaning products, etc. I was worried and about how I was going to manage and a month before moving out I found this site and watched the video’s about a million times. I copied the Target list for that week and was amazed at how much I saved and was hooked! I had a stockpile of can goods, cereal, soap, dish washing liquid before I left my parents home and I have so much stuff it’s hard to cram it in places. My bf calls my closet Shanna’s Club and I welcome anyone who needs stuff to come and get it!

  28. Mel

    I keep a large ziploc bag in my car at all times that contains a bottle of water, a can of fruit with a pull tab top, spoon, crackers, deoderant, toothbrush & toothpaste, soap, etc. If I see someone asking for money, I give them the bag. If they are truly in need, they will appreciate it and if they are just scamming, they should feel very guilty and I don’t have to worry about what they are spending my own hard earned money on.

    • Stephanie

      This is a great idea! I may have to do the same!

    • Sabrina

      Mel, I absolutely LOVE this idea – I’m going to start doing that myself!

  29. Janelle

    Last year I spent 200 dollars of my own money for about 600 dollars worth of toys and hygiene products for safe space and encouraged my clients who are mentally challenged to do the same making it a giving back to the community project. I was so excited to get them involved and thought I was doing good by teaching them to help others only to be disappointed… safe space came to pick all of the stuff up and never said thank you or anything. Each year I find it really hard to help different organizations such as adopting a child for Christmas when they ask for a game for the newest Xbox they have already. I am glad to hear that other people have good experiences helping other people who are in need, I just hope I can do the same one day!

  30. Alla

    We do almost the same thing every month, without fail for my husband’s employees. He is self employed and has 5 employees between the laundromat and a small cafe. They are 4 ladies and a guy. Every month we make them a goodie bag and surprise them with the stuff we get. We don’t have a big stockpile, only 1 shelf and it’s not stocked well, because we share it with all of them and that makes them and us really happy. It’s just the 2 of us and our 3 years old toddler so we don’t really need much. And if we stock 20 deodorants or 30 toothpastes what are we gonna do with that. I don’t have my family or my husband’s family in US. All we have is friends and his employees and they are also our friends and are our family, so we share it all with them. It really makes their day to get the goodie bag and find out what’s inside. This year we grew our own garden and it came out great. We had lots of cucumbers and tomatoes so all my neighbours and our friends had their share. I would like to thank Collin for all her hard work and the great finds that she posts for us. We save a lot with coupons and the dels you post. God bless you for all that you do.

  31. Karina Koji

    that is really awesome! i regularly donate to our local women’s shelter and it makes me so happy to be able to help them out. so far this year we have given them hundreds of dollars worth of product such as toiletries, feminine hygiene products, baby food and formula, cosmetics, etc. they usually get really low-quality factory seconds or overstocks of samples, so brand-name full-size stuff really raises morale.

  32. Dora

    I’m a single mom of one and I give to everyone. VA, shelters and the food pantry.. plus all my neighbors, friends, and family .. I didn’t have much and everyone helped me this is my way of giving back 🙂

  33. Sarah

    Thanks… I needed a story like this today…. My husband and I have decided to start paying cash for our groceries because our household plus college costs have started to become an almost-crushing burden and, by paying cash, I literally think about every dime I spend in the store. I carefully counted my money (twice — I was a bank teller and have always been careful about counting cash) and handed it to the clerk and then looked in my wallet to get the 10 cents in change that I needed. The clerk then said that I had given her $40 too little. I knew it wasn’t true because I knew exactly what I had in my wallet to start with. So, I handed her what I had left from my wallet and put a few items back. I was so miserable that I left the store in tears. I think of how long it takes me to make $40 from surveys and clipping coupons and this clerk just somehow pocketed/dropped my money. (I know… I didn’t see her take it, but I checked the floor carefully and it just wasn’t there). Thanks for letting me vent — I’m hoping there is someone else out there who understands….

    • laureen

      That’s horrible. Sometimes mistakes do happen. If you are ever in doubt you could probably ask a manger to count the register to make sure it’s not over. I know they do that at walgreens. I’m not sure where you were but the register should have an electronical tender to know what it is supposed to have.

    • Steph

      Oh, my gosh…I would DEFINITELY call the store manager and explain the situation. Stores count their tilsl every day (or every shift) and will know if one of them was over . Also, most stores have hidden cameras that record transactions. They would be able to see if the cashier pocketed the money somehow. Forty dollars is just too much to lose without at least checking first. (Personally, I’d do it for a lot less than forty! ;))

    • Steph


      • Sarah

        It was at our local chain grocery store. The money definitely didn’t end up in the till, because her drawer wasn’t open. I always first tend to blame myself or try to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t think I really can in this case… She counted the money in a way that no one who deals with cash would (I handed her the bills flat, when she counted them so I could see, she folded the stack in half and counted off the bills that way…. Who does that?). Unfortunately, I have tried to speak to a manager about other things in the past — just basic couponing, etc. — and she said that the clerk is usually right and that customers who coupon are trying to get something for nothing and are not above trying to rip them off (yes, actual words). Not a whole bunch of other options for basic groceries around here, or I would go elsewhere.

        • Erin

          Yes, but $40 cash is not coupons! Please speak to the manager. As a former bank teller, it’s not likely you’d make a mistake like that.

        • Steph

          Okay, that is DEFINITELY weird (how she counted the bills). I would still try talking to a (different?) manager about it, and if you get the same attitude, I would tell him or her that my next step will be to contact the police (and I would). I know that sounds a little confrontational, but I hate to see struggling people taken advantage of and bullied, especially by store managers who think we couponers are somehow “cheating” the system and are, therefore, amoral leeches.

    • Sarah

      Aww, I’m so sorry that happened. I wish you felt you had something you could do. 🙁

  34. Emily

    That story is great if everyone were a bit more like you Abby, this world would be a better place. 🙂 For everyone that’s worried about “scammers” do what my dad used to do, if someone asked him for spare change he took them into the corner store and bought them food. If you don’t want to do that a shelter is a great place to donate things, I was in a few homeless shelters as a child and usually they had food, but often we needed clothes or wanted toys. Just a thought, remember a lot of America’s homeless are just children. Happy Couponing!

  35. Ger

    Abby, what a beautiful and generous thing to do! God bless you!

  36. Moe

    So, so sweet, Abby! 🙂 I just know that really made her feel loved! 🙂
    May God continue to bless you! 🙂

  37. darlene

    Random acts of kindness always make for a happy heart.YOU GO GIRL!!!

  38. Susan

    Enjoyed this post! Just this week, the family of a student where I teach lost everything in a fire. I was able to just go to my extras to pick out some toiletries and other household items. Was nice to be able to help and especially easy since it was already right in my home.
    And, Abby, I especially admired that you have taken the time and effort to stop and speak to this woman!

  39. Jill F.

    What a sweet gesture! That’s a lot of good stuff. Thanks for the post and great idea!

  40. Ang

    i bought a “homeless” man outside of McDonalds food one time, just for him to walk away and throw it in the trash can….

    • Laura

      Ang, I’m sorry that happened to you, but please don’t let that discourage you from giving to the homeless in the future. MOST of them truly do appreciate your generosity. I give to the homeless often and I’ve never had anyone not be appreciative.

  41. Lisa K.

    What a great idea and I love it! 🙂

  42. Joy

    Great story Abby.. I enjoy the idea of giving things I get for FREE or close to free…I try to keep items in my car all the time in bags for these exact times. When someone asks for $ I offer them a small food bag or personal hygiene bag. I have had some tell me they need the $ and not the stuff. I tell them I can only offer them what I have and if they can’t use it then I am afraid I can’t help them. I have had some that are so ‘grateful’..and others that have actually cursed at me…if I hand it to them and say “God Bless you”. We don’t always know what others are doing with what we give them, but I do what my God puts in my heart at the time. One lady, a younger teenage daughter and a toddler boy, where outside a store I frequent. The mother was on a cell phone..(red flag) The teenager asked for money to get at motel room for the night..said they only needed a few $. I went with my heart and gave them the change I had left ..$4. I don’t carry much cash on me. I felt that was a good deed.. Lo and behold I went back again the next week.. the teenager and the toddler were at the same location…and gave the another story.. I told her..” I remember you from last week..I gave you money then “… “You gave me a different story..please don’t ask me again when I come here”. She must have told her mother(older lady)..next time..they were there…they were whispering about me and didn’t ask me.. fool me once shame on you..fool me twice shame on me..
    Abby glad you took the time to stop and talk with this lady and pray for her. Again, great story..

    • Abby

      Thanks! Yeah, its hard to know what to do in times like that. Great Idea with the hygiene bags, I do the same thing!

  43. MelanieM

    This is, by far, the best reason a person could coupon:)

  44. Abby

    Hi guys! This is Abby, the one who submitted the story. I am a little late responding, but I wanted to share how the woman responded to the bag of stuff. I was able to sit and talk with her for quite a while. I have interacted with many homeless people in the past and I know a lot of them are just wanting money for the wrong reasons, and because if that I like to try to “get to know” the person a little so I can determine whether they are honestly needing assistance or just want a hand out. This woman was not asking for money, just a job, and she is very mentally “there” and put together. She is obviously not on drugs or anything like that, and communicates very clearly. Since I had talked to her in the past, I knew she was staying at a local Church and had access to things like a plug outlet (therefor the febreeze plug in). Some of the items I gave her were little things that I, as a woman would like to have just for fun and thought she would appreciate it as she is used to getting the average “sandwich, water bottle, and apple”.

    Anyway, she was very thankful and gracious, mentioning that only me and another man had actually taken the time to try and help her in practical ways. She is a sweet woman who is remaining strong during this trial and says she knows the Lord has a plan and she is trusting Him through it all. Amen!

    I also have kept gallon zip lock bags in my car full of items for people in need so that there is something other than cash to hand out when you see someone on the street. I thought it was cool that a lot of you above shared that you do that as well! Keep it up!

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