Happy Friday: Not So Hip Cereal Prices

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Sent from reader, Tiffany:

Hello. I thought this may be a great Happy Friday post. We were at CVS today and stumbled upon this box of cereal. This price is insane!!! Thank goodness we coupon, deal hunt and bargain shop as I’m pretty sure no Hip2Saver would ever pay this much for a box of cereal!


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** Check out all of the previous Happy Friday pictures here.

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Comments 61

  1. Ashley57

    LOL, wow. You would think there is gold sprinkled in that cereal 🙂

    • thelostpond

      They are marked up so much, because Froot Loops are in high demand. They are feeding them to our “food supply cows”, along with cookies and even gummy worms. I seen it on CNN a couple of weeks ago. They had pictures of cows eatting huge piles of Froot Loops and gummy worms. Soon that 59 cent bag of worms will be $18.
      So I say just skip the cereal, cookies, and worms and get them for free in our “sale priced” ground beef for $7.99lb at Kroger. LOL When I seen the $7.99lb sale sign, I almost died right there in the meat department.

  2. Andrea

    Aaaahhhh looking at that price makes me gasp. That it’s insane! Who on earth would party that much for cereal?!

    • Andrea


    • Rebecca

      And “pay” instead of “party”, right? lol. Sorry, it cracked me up. 😛

    • thelostpond

      “Party” that much? You would have to party that much to buy that for that price, even with a coupon!

      I thought the typo was cute!

  3. Michele

    My grocery store (small town, one store, always astronomical prices) had the USA fruit loops (red, white and blue) for 99 cents! The box was a bit smaller than a normal box of cereal, but I still thought that was an awesome price!

    • peg

      I bought a bunch of the USA fruit loops to find out they are vanilla flavor, not regular fruit loops. Kids didn’t like them!

  4. Sunny

    Did she scan it to verify? I found price mistakes before at CVS, but fortunately it was in my favor so they had to honor the shelf price over the scanner price.

  5. Tabatha

    I ran out of pumpkin pie spice the other day, went to our local grocery store down the road and the tiny size cost $8. I decided to just make the trip to Wal-mart and it was only $4.12. I don’t understand how stores get away with this.

    • jan

      I bought several McCormick Pumpkin Pie Spices at my Walmart for 10 cents last year ex. date July 2013, I gave some away, but I still have 5 extra that I don’t need. If you would like them, send me your address and I will send them to you…my email is janatberry@yahoo.com..I am in Alabama.

      • See Mom Save

        Jan, I read your commen and just wanted to say how very kind that was to offer. Between often reading the comments on here and on Southern Savers I see people going out if their way to be kind to others.
        Thanks for being a blessing!♥

      • camille

        How kind you are!!! Thanks!

    • AlexG

      Because they don’t think people will get back in the car and drive to another location like you did. Good for you! give your business to someone else. Next time, I’d suggest going to Walmart 1st. They will have to stop and compete with them if people don’t go there.

      • Devon

        Not sure anyone can compete with Walmart though… Small business tears… :'(

    • wendy

      I got a large bottle at trader joe for $1.99. only at holiday time though.

  6. Alyssa

    I ran into a Family Dollar to buy a box of Cheerios after my toddler finished the one we brought on our road trip with us & for a really small box they wanted $4.00! I ended up buying her a box of $1.00 cheese crackers to snack on instead.

  7. april

    Was this by chance in Hawaii? When we were there a couple years ago, we bought milk and cereal to have in our condo and the generic cereals were $6 and $7. That was 5 years ago. Milk was about the same price as the cereal.

    • janel

      When my husband and i went ro Hawaii we did grocery shopping for breakfast and snack but my goodness the prices gave me a heart attack there!!!

    • cara

      we did too on our honeymoon! in 2004 in Kauai, milk was $5-6 and that was shopping at the only Walmart on the island! I about died!

  8. Kristen

    $8.49?! Jeez I hope even non-couponers wouldn’t pay that much. I haven’t always couponed, but I did try to pay attention to prices and buy things that were at least on sale.

  9. elizabeth

    That CVS manager must be a mom and helping other moms keep their kids away from the sugary cereal. Lol.

  10. Shanna

    That is crazy! $8 bucks…..for the price it better pour itself and milk in a bowl and feed my son!

  11. swirlypop

    The picture is the jumbo boxes of cereal. Still pricey tho. I bought one today for $3 at IGA.

    • amanda

      hey i seen you have an iga be on the look out for the monster inc halloween bags there collin posted about them yesterday i printed out one rebate form last night and went in the iga today to see they were giving them away with the purchase of two kellogs cereals an inside the bag is a rebate for ten dollars of the new brave movie so we cn save our ink!!!

  12. Cw

    Just wait til Jan when they say milk may go to $6 a gallon. We all definitely won’t be eating cereal…

    • Rebecca

      There are alternatives to cow’s milk like rice, soy, coconut, almond, goat, etc. 😉

      • Mika

        That was exactly my thought when I heard this on the news the other day. This just give me more of a push to step away from dairy and resume drinking almond milk.

        • Cw

          yes! I love almond breeze almond milk. If milk goes to $6, the almond milk will be about $1 cheaper per gallon (with a coupon of course). As the person below commented about dairy, it may just ween us all off dairy!

    • Laura

      WHAT??!! $6.00 bucks a gallon? You know, they’ve been saying that for years and it has only gone up a little, no where near where inflation is…hopefully ‘they’ are wrong again.

      • Sarah

        I paid $1.76 today for a gallon! $6.00 is nuts!!

        • Jennifer

          $1.76 a gallon? Where on earth do you find it so cheap? Wal-Mart is the cheapest place around for milk here and when it’s on sale I can get it for $2.51….quarts tend to run what you pay for a gallon, Sarah!

          • Cw

            i agree Jennifer, with a sale the best I see is $3.79 with $1 ECB at CVS, lol! My parents live near a MacArthur Dairy where most of the milk is produced in FL and even their milk prices are $3.79. I think milk prices are regional. 🙁

          • MommySpendsLess

            My milk (Central Florida) is usually $3.29-$3.89/gallon. But my mom, who lives about 45 minutes away has a plaza nearby that has bothban Aldi’s and a Walmart. They’ve been having a milk price war so the price at those two stores has dipped below $2. She said people were buying 4-5 gallons at a time. Neither are my favorite stores but yay for healthy competition.

          • Cheapmilk

            Where I am at RiteAid milk is reg 2.99 with my 20% that is 2.39 all the time, happy Rite Aid is close by. Other day at local place had reduce milk 1.49 (and still good for a week).

        • Heather s

          Several months ago our milk was .98 at aldi. no joke! It’s back up to 1.59.

      • Cw

        Laura there is some type of Farm Bill that had to be reauthorized in Congress and it wasn’t done, which will result in milk going to $6 by Jan if something isn’t done about the bill. I don’t remember all the specifics, but google it. Terrible—

        • Lindsey

          Wish I could buy the “healthier” alternatives to regular milk. Tried soy milk and my 2 1/2 year old couldn’t stomach it. Lets just say it resulted in multiple diaper changes and a rash lol. Tried it twice and both times ended up that way. And my other son doesn’t like the taste of the almond milk. 🙁 But if milk goes to $6 a gallon we will be trying some other alternatives! Soon even couponers could have a hard time keeping grocery bills under control!

          • Rebecca

            Lindsay, I don’t like the nut/legume milks, but I really like rice milk. It shouldn’t result in the digestive/sensitivity issues, either.
            I don’t know what we’d do without Aldi. They offer the alternative milks, including lactose free, at an incredible savings and they even are starting to carry organic things! A local bistro even gets most of their groceries from Aldi. 😛

  13. Lisa K.

    Talk about inflation!!!! That’s CRAZY!

  14. jules

    Om I am so grateful for a stock pile of cereal…so much so I donate to my daughter’s preschool class…

  15. Liza

    That is insane! Who comes up with these prices? I really don’t understnd how CVS stays in business. They are so overly priced that I wouldn’t dare go in to shop if it weren’t for my couponing deals. I always wonder how people buy anything full price when you have Walmart, Walgreens and other stores who stay competitive in price. CVS should really get their pricing person and show them the door. The CVS around my house never has any cars around but across the street is the Walgreens and guess where the cars are? That’s just crazy for cereal. No way! Not even with coupons…jaja!

  16. Bridget

    Wow, now if it said lose 5 lbs overnight… I may just pay it! lol

  17. deb

    A gallon of apple cider at the orchard was going for $10! They were charging over $7 for a half gallon. I decided not to buy any at that price.

  18. Dino

    Ladies ladies gas prices are 4.85 a gallon in north CA there’s more important things to worried. About lol

    • Sunny

      Some places are topping $6…

    • Carol

      Everybody needs to make sure they are registered to vote!

      • just me

        My friends needs to go out to California to care for his sick mother (92!), but this has put a huge damper in his plans =( how sad.

      • Renee

        And registering to vote has what to do with the price of gas?? Let’s keep our political views to ourselves please….

        • heather

          your wrong – it does have something to do it, just like it has to do with taxes and health care….

    • janel

      I live in so. Cal and were expecting 6.00 a gallon by Monday it almost makes me want to cry :/

    • CR

      Your point is understood, but to put it in perspective, paying $8.49 for something that’s worth about $3 (as Swirlypop also says above) would be like paying $13.72 for a gallon of gas when you can get it for $4.85.

  19. Jennifer W

    This morning I was shopping with my two kids, buying only necessities, and with coupons at that. A guy in front of us was buying bottles of booze, beer, coke…etc. At Vons right now if you spend $75 you get a $10 for your next purchase through 10/14. The cashier handed him his…as he had just spent about $130 bucks on this stuff. He turned around as quickly as she gave it to him and he handed it to ME! He said, “I’ll just end up losing this.” I was able to use it right then and there…and my $22 bill turned into $12. I saw this guy again in the parking lot, and with tears in my eyes told him “You have no idea how much you helped me.” I have learned SO much following Hip2Save, and it’s helped us out in a really rough time. I’m so happy to see that there are such caring people in the world (whether unknowingly or not). Thanks to Hip2Save, and thanks to this wonderful stranger in front of me today at Vons.

    • Kate

      Happy story 🙂
      Yes, there are nice people in the world. Be sure to pay it forward at some point.
      Thanks for sharing!

      • S

        How nice of that man! I agree, always pay it forward in any way you can. Remember…acts of kindness don’t have to be monetary.

    • Amie

      That’s awesome!

    • Rebecca

      That’s also a good story to point out not to judge people by what’s in their cart or by their physical appearance. We don’t know people’s circumstances nor if they’re on their way to changing for the better. 🙂

  20. roxy

    Yummm, Fruit Loops. $8 and they contain tons of delicious ingredients, like yellow no.2, blue no.3, red no.4 and so on. They are great for kids!

  21. Krystal

    lol. thats to much for that, i do have to admit i have paid 4.50 for a box. this was at our very small town store i felt awful about it, but it was my only treat fo rthe entire week. i dont get coffee out, or anything like that and it was my fav! savored every last bite. went to target the next week with different coupons and happened upon a simalar box for 2.00 ive bought it there when ever i have the urge to ” Splurge with out having to”

  22. MD

    I have done that before just turned around and given people coupons for 15% or 20 so on and so forth before they hit the cash register if I know I won’t use it or come back to that store in particular. I printed coupons for PetSmart and my son was able to save on his purchase of his aquarium over 25.00 with coupon and the Pet card. Well I knew it was rare for me to go in again and the extra coupon I had would expire the next day so I looked around to give it to someone and I noticed a couple with a big purchase and sent my son to give it over to them. The guy thought he had to buy the coupon and thought my son so sweet for explaining he offered 5.00; I had to go over and explain what it was for and what he needed to do then after they were in the register they were thanking us over and over again. Sometimes I will tell people like oh wait I have coupon for that let me get it out and I will pull it out and give to them. I know it is wierd but as much as I dislike spending I feel others are the same just either don’t have the time or the wonderful inisght to this wonderful site.

    • Danielle R

      I am always doing that. If I have a coupon that I cannot use before it expires and I see someone who is buying that item, I give them the coupon for that product. I would rather pay it forward than to let the coupon expire and go unused. I am glad that other people are doing this too.

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