Walgreens: *HOT* Kellogg’s Cereal Only $0.67 & Pop-Tarts Only $0.97 (Starting 9/15)
In addition to the Kellogg’s deal you can snag at CVS this week, there is a *HOT* upcoming deal to be had at Walgreens starting September 15th! First, you’ll need to print and save these *HOT* Kellogg’s coupon (if you haven’t already) — $1/1 ANY Kellogg’s cereal (8.7 oz or larger) coupon AND a $0.70/1 Kellogg’s Pop-tarts Toaster Pantries (6 ct or larger) coupon.
If you can’t find these coupons, head here and click on the Sign-in link in the upper right corner to log into your account at Coupons.com. Next click on your name in the upper right hand corner to show the drop down menu and finally, click on “Your Profile”, set your zip code to 19446 and click “Submit Changes”. Then click back on the links above and the coupons should show up already clipped.
Now check out the upcoming Walgreens deals (starting 9/15)…
Buy Select Kellogg’s Cereals, 8.7 to 13.7 oz $1.67
Use the $1/1 Kellogg’s Cereal coupon found here
Final cost only $0.67! Awesome price!!
Buy Select Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts, 8-ct box $1.67
Use the $0.70/1 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts toaster pastries coupon found here
Final cost only $0.97!
*Don’t forget – these deals are not valid until September 15th!
(Thanks for the heads up, Wild for Wags!)
Meijer has Kellogg’s stuff 4 for $10. If you buy 8 you get a coupon for $8 on next purchase. So if you can add coupons to that deal…..it’s a sweet deal and they aren’t the small boxes either.
Thanks for the heads up…trying to decide which is better. Meijer deal with this or the Giant Eagle special k deal (final cost 5/$10 before coupons). Hmm, decisions, decisions =)
Meijer is stating that if you do the kelloggs stuff 4 for 10.00 you can only use 1 keloggs coupon on
the 4 boxes of cereal they are not allowing you to use more than 1 coupon so I be up bright and early and go to walgreens.
I got a box of Pop Tarts at Dollar Tree last week… use the coupon and get a box for 30 cents!
How would this work at a store other than Wal-Mart? I’m confused 🙁
because it is a manufacture coupon, means you can use it in any store, the wording “redeemable at walmart” means it is only a suggestion where you can get the product / use the coupon, unless the wording states “redeemable ONLY at walmart” then you can only use it strictly at walmart.
Check your Dollar tree.
I Found lo fat 8 count strawberry pop-tarts today.
So sad, my printer is not working. 🙁
There is an even better deal if you have a Giant store near you (food store in MD, VA). They double all coupons under $1. That is their coupon policy. And they have cookies and cream pop tarts discontinued and at a price of 1.79 for a box of 12. Minus the coupon that is doubled it ends up being .39 for a pack of 12.
If you are a near a Harris Teeter, it is triple coupon week. The 8 count boxes run at 2.25, $.70 triple to $2.10 means $.15 a box. I am about to run to the store and pick up two boxes now!
When I went to Harris Teeter, they ended up having the WildBerry Poptarts on sale for 2/$3. With the coupon and tripling, they were FREE! Awesome!
make sure u use ur evic coupons there is a 1/3 evic coupon u can load to ur card, even better then free!!!
My dumb Walgreen’s won’t accept these coupons because they say “redeemable at Walmart”! I’ve tried and tried to explain it to them. That’s why I don’t shop there anymore. By everything I’ve been reading about lawsuits, and their confusing coupon policy and the introduction of their confusing “reward card” a year ago or so, I don’t think they WANT couponers shopping there and that’s fine with me. It saves me a headache every week.
i agree! my walgreens terrible, in orange county- tustin!!!
Just price match it at Wal-Mart…
Thank you PaChee! WHY? didn’t I think of that? I appreciate it!
was dollar of fruit loop under a certain zip code? I didn’t see it.
if you were lookin for the kellogs cereal or pop tart coupons try going to your profile and enter TN for state and then 38134 for zipcode. it worked for me.
I keep trying to change the zip code on my profile, but when i submit, i get an error that zipcode much match state. I don’t know what state 19446 is for. When did they start this? I never had a problem changing before.
The state is PA.