McDonald’s: Halloween Treats Coupon Booklet Only $1 Or $2 (Includes 12 FREE Product Coupons!)
In addition to the Wendy’s Halloween Coupon Booklets, watch for Halloween Treats Coupon Booklets available at select McDonald’s restaurants priced at just $1 or $2 (note that these won’t be available in all McDonald’s locations). Inside you will find 12 coupons valid for FREE menu items…
*4 FREE Apple Slices
*4 FREE Small Cones
*4 FREE Milk Chugs or Juice Boxes
Let us know if you spot these!
(Thanks, One Momma Saving Momma!)
I bought these here in Central CA and they were $2 per booklet.
Where exactly in Central CA??? I’m in Modesto and I didn’t find them last year…
I’m in Modesto too!!! I’d love to find these.
Hi there!
I am in the Fresno/ Clovis area. They were $2 each and there were 3 of each coupon for free apple slices, small apple juice or milk jug, small vanilla cone and hamburger. hth
Thank you! I actually lived in Fresno for about 10 years and head back there about once a month. Definitely going to have to pick some up next time I go.
Which one in Fresno/ Clovis? I am from there. Thanks!
I’m going to Fresno today. If you could please tell me which location you went to so I can go to that location and not waste time driving around I would really appreciate it thanks
central IN = $2/sheet this year…..had been $1 in all the years past…
funny when your pre-teen makes a comment about the economy affecting everything when she saw the price increase….
Can I ask where in Central IN? I am in Kokomo.
Im in Indianapolis and they’re $1….they arent valid until November 1st, which I think is ridiculous!!
Can you tell me where in Indianapolis? I can’t locate any and I’ve called several restaurants.
Yes I agree and they also expire in December, and if your child’s not with you they won’t honor them! I tride picking up dinner for the kids while on the way home thru McDonalds drive thru and they wouldn’t let me use them, they said the children need to be with us!
Anybody in Oklahoma see these yet?
Saw them at my local McDonald’s in pottstwn PA. Going with wendys again though
I also bought a booklet in Southern California and they were $2. Included 3 bag so apple slices, 3 small apple juice or white milk jug, 3 small vanilla cone, and 4 hamburger coupons.
Northern Illinois has the same coupons only cost $1 each. Bought 2 while sneaking a cone on the way home from grocery shopping ; )
What part of N. IL please?
McHerny , McCullom Lake rd and 31 N. (Richmond rd) location
* McHenry ….Also valid dates are from 11/1/13-12/31/13 HTH
Where in SoCal…I’m in Orange County, thanks!
I’m in Rancho Cucamonga . I usually pick these up in ontario. I wanted to check the other location before grabing more. Hoping to find them for $1.
These are valid 11/01/13 – 12/31/13 and there are 3 of each item.
Where in Ontario ?
Can u let us know which location in Ontario plz thx
Thank you! I have asked multiple Mcdonalds in the IE and everybody looks at me like I am crazy. I will head to Ontario. Thanks! Now that I think about it, I have gotten coupon books at the one by Ontario Mills in the past. Will try that one. 🙂
McDonalds on foothill/milliken in Rancho has them. I think they were $2 but I wasn’t really paying attention.
When do the coupons expire?
In past years there has been no expiration date on them!
The ones I bought yesterday did not have an expiration date
for years in IN they always have expired Dec 31…
I’m in Los Angeles County and have never found them. Anyone know where to find them out here?
They have some in Downey. Just drove there to buy a few at $2ea. Coupons are for kids 12 and under.
I’m in northern California and have never seen these
I found them at the Wendy’s on Sunrise Ave./AutoMall Parkway in Roseville, CA
I’ve seen only in 1 McDonalds before in Chicagoland. Will check later if they have those now. Somehow these coupons are hidden, you have to ask. And then they put in brown bag, looks like they don’t want anybody to know about these…
HAHA! Wow–in Chicagoland, home of McDonalds?????
They have them at my McDonalds in Naperville.
Bought 1 few weeks ago in central fl, mine also included free hamburger coupons as well as the ones listed for $1, mine are only valid from Nov 1 thru Dec
Where in central FL? I live there too 🙂
Anyone seen any in the RDU NC area?
I buy these every year and give the coupons to mom’s I see with kids as a act of kindness I love doing it!!!
Oh wow that is such an awesome idea!!!
As a momma of small little ones, I just wanted to say thanks! Things like that are so encouraging!
I bought 2 of these here in Hillsborough NJ 2 weeks ago.
Are the coupons valid at all locations? I want to buy them here in C.A and mail to family in P.A
any in south florida? I called a few and doesnt seem any are participating
Do these coupons have an expiration date?
Any in western Michigan?
I called all over and found somw in southridge mall in Milwaukee, Wi. They included the cone, apples, milk or juice, and a burger, 3 of each for $1 a book. I grabbed 10 as party favors for my son’s birthday – these have no expiration here!
thanks for the heads up Kristi im in milw too! so no others had them in the area?
Kristi, when did you buy them? Just called McD today (the one inside the mall) and according to the lady I spoke with, it has expiration dates on them.
Does any one know if you have to use them at the same place you buy them?
Anyone in Northern VA or DC area find these yet?
You don’t have to use them where you buy them but to redeem them your other McDonald’s needs to be willing to accept the.
Hey, if anyone finds them in Illinois or southern wisconsin with no experation date, please post where you find them. I bought in McHenry and they are only valid for November and December.
Found them in central IL for $2.00 valid Nov.1st- Dec.31’13
I just bought some in Western Washington (Lakewood) area. They are $2 each this year.
Available at the State St. McDonalds in Ann Arbor, MI.
I emailed them asking for a location in my area that they are available as I don’t feel like driving around or calling a zillion locations 😉 I’ll let those in my FoxValley (Appleton/Oshkosh) Wisconsin area know if I get a response!
Anybody find any in southern Indiana?
Kind of amazed how many people are excited about McDonalds. I haven’t let my kids eat there for years….GMOs, pink slime, preservatives. Ewe!
Thread killer. Why is there always one of those every where? Now this should make your day to make other moms feel like a bad parent.
Everything in moderation, and yes… thanks for the slap on the hand. Appreciate that. Glad you are a better mom than all of us. Your children are SOOOOO lucky to have you. Have a nice day! 🙂
For the most part they sound like smart choices for a fast food restaurant—apples, milk, juice. I wouldn’t be too upset about those items.
Has anyone found them in the Atlanta area?
Called several near Alpharetta/Roswell GA and none had them.
Thanks James.
I live in So. California. I went to my local Wendys and 2 McDonalds and NO ONE knows what Im talking about. Even the managers have NO CLUE as to what these coupon books are…kinda frustrating. Oh well.
The MANAGER to these Micky D’s { are the one’s } thinking of money in pockets,.. not Giving Back to the loyal parents
How can I find out which locations in another state redeem them (both Wendy’s & McDonalds) since I mail these to children in family in another state?
None in Las Vegas have them
Can these be redeemed by adults or only children? My fiancé is a tractor trailer driver and recently has been driving past large numbers of people saying they’re homeless… He gave money the first day because he said he felt really bad (he gave his last dollar until pay day!) but not only is he uncomfortable… But we really don’t have extra and can’t help them all… He just mentioned the other day that he would love to have free food coupons… Micky d’s is right around the corner from where they stand! It might not be much but a few coupons to a real homeless person would be great.
Does anyone know if these are sold in Mississippi or Louisiana?
Looking fir the coupons in upstate New York. Have passed them out for hall for the last 15 years. Having trouble getting them thus year.
They have them at the MC Donalds in highland park CA, on York Blvd..
Does anyone know if these are available in Oklahoma?
Calling all over Ft Myers FL and no one has heard of them. Would like them for grand kids in Grand Rapids MI. Anyone found them in either area?
They have them in IL the St. Louis Metroeast area.
* I am following up on these,.. 12 coupons $1 Book.. McD’s Halloween treats ,… Down here in South Jersey,.. Cape May County,.. ( Wildwood )… as I’m telling the Store Manager,… There is No Expiration Date on these coupons. and to me !.. They’re should be good,.. as into January 2014,… The only Marking’s there is,.. The letter C,.. Enclosed inside a circle,.. { which mean Copy Right } 2013 McDonalds,… & then,.. VOX MCD HALLOWEEN TREATS. if there someone out there to respond back,.. with a comment about Expiration Date !
Wondering if these are located in Green Bay, WI at all or areas by it.
Anyone know where they have them Chicago
My Naperville/Warrenville McDs had them.
I got one for free