Kohl’s.com: *HOT* 17 Piece Barbecue Tool Set Only $3.99 Shipped (Reg. $39.99!)
*HOT* Deal ALERT!! Just head back on over to Koh’s.com to score this highly rated National JLR Gear 17-pc. Barbecue Tool Set for only $4.99 (regularly $39.99)! PLUS – after the 20% off promo code CYBERSAVE and free shipping, you’ll pay just $3.99 (+ tax) to have this BBQ set shipped to your door.
(Thanks, Kelli!)
Got two! Thanks!
Sold out
WOW thanks for posting that! I am glad I decided to get in on that before it sold out!
Out Of Stock
sold out
Is this sold out? I really wanted this for my husband. I know it’s not about gifts and material stuff, but this would be a perfect inexpensive for him since we really only have money for Christmas gifts for our kids this year and not each other.
Dang, had 2 in my cart and now sold out. Thanks though!
Finally found something I could afford to get my husband for Christmas lol and it’s sold out in a second
It’s gone because people like to buy sooooo many that there isn’t any left for anyone else!
Seriously. Some of these people are outta hand.
I know. People don’t think that others would like this deal too
I guess I’m glad they got 13. I hope they use 13!
Think about it this way. If you were the one THAT person gave this gift to you would be very happy. I don’t think anyone would buy 13 of this product all to himself. He/she must have several people in mind to gift it to. It’s just that the recipient isn’t YOU. No need to whine. Early birds catch the most worms.
I tried to order was getting error codes by the time I finally got it corrected and thru it was sold out glad the others got it
Was in my cart and sold out already. Really frustrating.
Ugh sold ouuuuut already
Ughh, would have been an awesome present for my husband.
Thank you Collin for posting this I was able to get one and it will make a great gift under the tree for my husband. Thank you for everything you do for all of us!!!!
One of the only deals I got in time. Got 3 prior to selling out.
Got one for me and one for my step dad.
Wow! I got two! Amazing price!
Guys- this kind of stuff goes on sale or clearance ALL THE TIME! At every store I can think of.
just got an email stating my order was cancelled… Did this happened to anyone else? This is the second time (different companies) this season it has happened to me
Yes, I just got an email that my order was cancelled as well
Just got the same email.
Mine was cancelled. Just like my Pacific Coast duvet. So bummed
Yep, they just cancelled mine too.
I ordered one of these right when this was posted. For some reason it keeps telling me that my order is in fulfillment. The money has already been taken out of my account. I ordered this a week ago but it hasn’t shipped. Is anyone else having this problem??
Yes I ordered 2 and mine says the same thing also. Hopefully they send them out soon.
Came by to see if anyone else had gotten this yet. My order still says “in fulfillment,” too. Either Kohl’s really got slammed with all of the deals they were offering and is super slow in shipping, or we’re due for an email letting us know our orders have been canceled.
I got an email today saying they were slow in shipping because of bad weather, and I’m not sure where their warehouses are, but their HQ is about 70 miles away from me and the weather isn’t THAT bad.
Yes got the same email about weather effecting shipping, but today got email stating my order was canceled. Reason given was system cancellation
Mine arrived today! The only thing I can say is that I wish I had ordered a few more! These are really nice.
Mine came today! I had them shipped to my mom so I haven’t seen them yet, but she said they are super nice! So happy!