Rite Aid: Pampers Jumbo Pack Diapers Only $4.99 Starting 2/23 (Print Your Coupons Now!)
Calling all you Rite Aid shoppers! Starting this Sunday, February 23rd, Pampers Jumbo Pack Diapers will be on sale for just $8.99 at Rite Aid. And, they will produce a $2 +Up Reward! Combine these offers with manufacturer’s coupons (print now before they’re gone!) and you’ll have a fantastic deal on diapers!
Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Jumbo Pack $8.99
Use the $2/1 Pampers Swaddlers coupon found here
Or use the $2/1 Pampers Baby Dry coupon found here
Pay $6.99
Get $2 +Up Reward (limit 2 offers)
Final Cost $4.99!
[h2s_box]If you can’t find these coupons, head here and click on the Sign-in link in the upper right corner to log into your account at Coupons.com. Next click on your name in the upper right hand corner to show the drop down menu and finally, click on “Your Profile”, set your zip code to 77477 (Texas) and click “Submit Changes”. Then click back on the links above and the coupons should show up already clipped.[/h2s_box]
(Thanks, Freebies for a Cause!)
Thanks …that zip code worked and I printed mine

Thanks Collin! I’m always trying to stock up on diapers
Its actually only $1.50 off
If you enter the TX zip code the value changes to $2 off.
I’m tempted to buy the diapers but I really hate that I have to wait 24 hrs to use the UPs. I like rolling my rewards. With 2 little kiddos its often hard for me to come back to the store before the UPs expires. Thanks for the heads up on the deal Collin.
I have baby girl and yes like you I dont like RA cuz of next day using up . I stock up when wags has their brand on sale. I was all about pampers and huggies but I tried their brand and they are great no leaks at all.
I love wag diapers. When I had my first baby I only used huggies but with my second baby I use wag diapers. They work great. I stock up when they are on sale. This week I used my rewards and got wag diapers for so cheap.
I love when they have them on B1G1F sale:) Last time I think that sale was around black friday, I had more than $100 in balance rewards (I was saving BR for that sale) and used all on that sale , so I got like 20+ packs for $0 OOP
Agreed, it’s so annoying they can’t be spent same-day.
This is off topic, but I’m not sure where to post it. I have been given a BUNCH of coupons for Enfamil Formula (specifically the AR brand). They are high value coupons and I no longer need them. Does anyone know how I can spread the word to the Hip2Save community as I would love to share them?
robin I would love them!
I would love to have some!
I would like to have some if you have anything for infant or enfagrow. I have an 10 month old and have another 1 on the way. Thanks
I would love some too! My email is melismng@aol.com. Thanks in advance!
if you are interested in some of the coupons, email me at mrsjennings (at) email (dot) com with “Enfamil coupons” in the subject line. I will send you my address and you can send me a self-addressed stamped envelope. hope these will help someone out. the coupons are ONLY for enfamil AR. i don’t have any others. sorry.
My Rite Aid has $1/1 Rite Aid coupons on all Pampers jumbo packs. I’ve gotten great deals using them lately
How does the UPs work at Rite Aide?!
You can use them on your next store purchase, but there is a 24 hrs delay before they are active. So if you buy the diapers on Sunday, you can’t use the up until Monday.
Tip: Pampers recently revamped their diapers and the newer packages contain fewer diapers. Wah. So if you prefer or don’t mind the “old” version, look for those older packages with more diapers per package. For the past several months, I have been finding both on the same shelf.
I noticed that a few weeks ago too.
My store doesn’t have any old ones left.
3 less diapers now:/
Can someone tell me specifically what zip to use?
I tried to use the zip but it said I needed to add in a address with it? Any help?
If you change your zip code in settings it just made me pick a state, which would be Texas. Did not ask me for an address.
Ok thanks I’ll try that